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Vol 2 Chapter 1810: Little Love's Crushing Bureau

I saw Dredo standing behind a Czech Roma at this time—except for his size and momentum, which were "shrinked", exactly like the Czech Roma that Guan Liyuan had seen!

"Ideal ... Kingdom ... Rebuilding ... Dragon Vein ..." Dredo's consciousness seemed unclear, muttering with meaning in his mouth.

And the same sound came out of Czech Roma's body in a similar way-like a large speaker.

"Dredo! What's wrong with you? Can you hear my voice?" Ada asked immediately, seeing that he was in the wrong state.

"This is not Czech Roma ... nor Pokémon!" Nana said, staring at the black "Dragon God" and frowning.

Probably Nathan found that the other party could not communicate, and did not feel when facing Pokemon.

"Infinite energy ... Activation ... Dragon vein ..." Dredo's voice came from his throat and the "Czech Roma" behind him.

Even the latter's voice completely suppressed Dredo himself who just murmured!

"It seems that it is Dredo's will that controls the Czech Roma's clone, but ... Although the clone itself has no will, it confuses Dredo's consciousness." Guan Liyuan understood the meaning of Daidai.

This is not a negative emotional impact, but because Dreydo's will is controlling the Czech Roma avatar. In this process, only the most sublimated part of Dreydo's will-the pursuit of "ideal" is in effect, other emotions All were suppressed, so there is now the "abnormal".

"The bright stone ... hand it over ..." Dredo said, waving to Guan Liyuan, and the Czech Roma behind him flew high, then dived down to Guan Liyuan.

"Pure" is sometimes more terrible than "evil", because there is no birth, and there should be constraints, such as now ... Dredo's morality, kindness, sympathy, desire, etc. For this time, there is no distinction between good and evil, only his own goal!

Therefore, for this reason, the Czech Roma clone was directly controlled, and the attack went to Guan Liyuan!

At this time, Xi'er also changed back to the posture of the beast. Although the volume and momentum are a bit worse than the other side, it is like an egg. It is about to face the slab falling from the sky ... but it is still fierce and fierce. With Czech Roma.

Then, the "slab" was kicked back by the "strong man" next to the egg ...

I saw that after the Czech Roma flew high, starting from the tail, the whole body was wrapped in purple and blue currents, forming a huge "electric ball". At this moment, the air seemed to have some taste under the current ...

Then the purple and blue electric ball fell straight to Guan Liyuan, and before touching, he could already feel the pressure!

However, at this moment, a real sense of oppression emerged from Guan Liyuan.

I saw Xiao Ai, who has always been very low-key, stepped out at this time, and gradually transformed into the form of "Super Dream", and it was Super Dream X!

Under Xiao Ai's "sense of tension" and "oppression", the invisible momentum formed by staggering, more than ten meters in diameter, just like Taishan top of the electric ball, then paused.

Although she continued to fall afterwards, she felt that the momentum was no longer, and just before she reached the top of her head, Xiaoai jumped up and punched the electric ball ...

Guan Liyuan and others looked up, just to see the current surge, the blue-violet current was leaked and walked in the air, as the electro-optical gradually stripped off, the true body of the Czech Roma also appeared.

The Czech Roma is not only upright, but also different from the Pokémon of Tyrannosaurus. His body and limbs are close to the shape of a human, and the drive is completely upright. A small pair of wings spread out on his shoulders, and he has an electric drill behind him Huge conical tail!

At this time, Xiao Ai was struck in the chest and abdomen of Czech-like Roma, who almost shaped like a human, almost hitting him into the air for a while ...

"Ah!" Dredo also exclaimed.

It seems that in perception, the two have completely resonated.

Guan Liyuan looked at the "Bright Stone" in his hand-if he was not worried that the scale of the battle would be too large, he might provoke this place's "Dragon Vein" again. Guan Liyuan really wanted to summon Reichlam to try.

After all, compared to the "roll-over", the "even-fighting battle" caused much more damage.

So Guan Liyuan didn't step in and let Xiao Ai "roll over" Czech Roma, and at the same time he also stepped forward and lived with Dredo ...

"Don't ... stop ... Ah! Oh! Hmm ..." Dredo saw Guan Liyuan approaching, and was still very fierce at first, but when he really did, he immediately became a brother, only screaming.

Although they are all "human physique", Guan Liyuan believes that in the Pokémon world, there should be no more than five humans who can beat themselves-this is probably the world with the highest ranking of Guan Liyuan's force value, provided that only humans are counted.

As for the one who can be ranked in front of Guan Liyuan ... Nazzi is definitely one of them. Some other masters of superpowers and fighting systems who train Pokémon in a "quaint" way may also have this combat power.

Jiekeluomu avatar, although Fan Shen want to rescue, but was chasing up a little love, get beat did not fight back, but can not get out.

Fortunately, Dredo was knocked out by Guan Liyuan within a few moments, otherwise it might be "exploded".

At the same time, the Czech Roma avatar gradually disappeared, leaving only the dark stone falling from the air.

Poor Dredo, it took only a few minutes for Boss to be incarcerated ...

When everyone was relieved, a fiery red shadow suddenly swept past the falling dark stone from the side with a thunderbolt. This figure was small, but extremely fast, catching the dark stone. After that, without waiting for everyone to see clearly, we must withdraw ...

Seeing when no one can stop-duang!

The fire-red figure was an "emergency stop", although it was actually just a muffled sound, but ... Seeing its rapid brake speed, it made people involuntarily make up a "duang" sound in their minds, which seemed to hurt. Look!

I saw a Pokémon resembling a squirrel. His head slammed into an invisible wall. Tears had burst into his eyes, but he still firmly held the dark stone and wanted to detour, but ... Afterwards, it found that it was not just the front, back, left, right, up, down ... that had been blocked by invisible walls.

At this time Guan Liyuan had already seen clearly that it was a Victorini!

After Bectini discovered that he was trapped ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ looked up secretly, and saw that the "Superman" floating in the air and just violently slammed the Czech Roma, then transformed into another state, and at the same time, Direction, Yaoyao stretched out his hand, doing a "pinching" action ...

Amazingly far away, I used an invisible "reflection wall" to circle it in place!

Thinking of the cruel look of Xiao Ai just now, and the "ultra dream-like murderous look" now appearing, this Bictinian quickly showed a panic expression, and put down the dark stone, bowed to Xiao Ai crazyly, as if apologizing. .

At this time, Xiao Ai also fell like a feather, gently falling down, picking up Biktini who didn't dare to resist, pinching her right hand, moving her left finger slightly, and the dark stone on the ground drifted into her hands.

Then gradually changed back to a human appearance-if you don't consider that she just violently blasted a "god beast" and she is still holding a **** beast, it is just an ordinary human cute girl.

However, with the "pavement" just now, obviously no one thinks this way, especially Xi'er ... After confirming Xiao Ai's strength for the first time, Xi'er also changed to a human appearance at this time. Little Love took the Dark Stone ...

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