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Vol 2 Chapter 1811: true story

"Are you ... Biktini? You were following us before? Why grab our Dark Stone?" Guan Liyuan asked Biktini who was held in his hands by Xiao Ai.

[I ... just drop in. 】 Biktini retorted weakly.

Biktini does not have the ability to make real sounds, but communicates through "electrocardiograms", but can understand human language.

"Stealing things is also a good idea?" Guan Liyuan asked.

[Not stealing things! I, I just worry that the power of the Dark Stone will hurt you ... and it will also affect the stabilized dragon vein. Biktini retorted.

"Dragon vein? That is to say ... Are you really the same king as Victor when driving the 'Sword Castle of the Earth'?" Guan Liyuan asked.

At this time Guan Liyuan was convinced that this Bictini should not be the first ancestor Biktini, and his strength was only similar to that of Czech Roma.

[It's me, so I can't count it as stealing. Biktini said.

After discovering the witnesses of the "Dragon Pulse Runaway" incident, Guan Liyuan naturally asked the opportunity ...

According to Biktini, he was born in the "Dragon Veins". Shortly after his birth, about seven thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Kingdom of the Earth came here, with the help of Biktini Here, the ancestors of the Kingdom of the Earth began to "settle down and take root."

Because of the existence of dragon veins, it is very rich here, which nourishes everything on the earth.

After hundreds of years, the Kingdom of the Earth has already had a certain scale and has its own city. At this time, Reichlam and Czech Roma, in order to study the power of the dragon vein, came to the Kingdom of the Earth temporarily ...

For hundreds of years, Reichlam and Czech Roma left. In order to thank the people of the earth for their hospitality, they left the light stone and the dark stone, through which they can be contacted, and some research results on the dragon veins were left. .

The Kingdom of the Earth regards light and dark stones as holy relics, and only those heroes who have been recognized can hold them.

And based on the data left by the two dragons, the "Sword of Earth Sword Castle" was built so that the power of the dragon veins could be used by themselves.

And then ... a pair of princes, respectively, obtained the approval of the light stone and the dark stone, and by their own will, awakened the Resilam clone and the Czech Roma clone!

And because the princes of the two princes contradicted each other, the Kingdom of the Earth was caught in the flames of war. In the battle of the two dragon gods, the dragon veins were affected, and the environment of the Kingdom of the Kingdom was destroyed once ...

In the end, the king at the time, using the power of Biktini, harnessed the most powerful black technology "Sword of the Earth", which was studied by the Kingdom of the Earth for hundreds of years, sealed the dragon veins, so that the damage caused by them was no longer expanded, and People have time to flee.

Reichlam and Czech Roma also sensed the separation, and the real person came to stop the two out of control princes, withdrawing the "light stone" and "dark stone" ...

This is exactly the record of some survivors, the twin dragon gods were born from "bright stone" and "dark stone", while others are recorded, the reason why the twin dragon gods were called-both are correct records, It's just that the order of occurrence is different, and the angle of "observation and understanding" is different.

"So ... this thing should be the product of Reichlam and Czech Roma's failure to study the creation of avatars?" Guan Liyuan muttered, looking at the bright and dark stones in his hand.

[It should be like this, but even if it is a failure, it still has some effects in other aspects, so they are regarded as a "gift". Biktini said.

As for the specific principles of "bright stone" and "dark stone", it is estimated that Biktini did not know, so Guan Liyuan asked him what he should know.

"What's going on with Dragon Veins? You were born from Dragon Veins?" Guan Liyuan asked.

[Not "birth", but "birth" ... We, Bhectini, need a lot of raw energy when breeding and hatching. The reason why they are called "Dragon Veins" is the saying of the Kingdom of the Earth, and they are because of Rechlam and Ciro That's why he gave the original energy this name! 】 Biktini said uncomfortably.

[As for the original energy ... in fact, it was the energy that had not completely evolved the ecology at the beginning of the creation, and remained in a condensed state ...]

Under Biktiny's explanation, Guan Liyuan generally understood a bit.

The "new world" of the Pokémon world generally belongs to the "master star universe" plane. Many of the main stars of Pokémon and human life belong to the core of the world. Other stars serve to form the main star ...

And if the "new world" is a piece of bread, when Necrozma came here, it was still flour and water. When the beasts arrived, the dough had just been made here. Alzeus fermented the dough and all the beasts were together Roll out the dough!

The so-called "primitive energy" are some raw noodles that have not been rolled out, fermented, or even noodles and water have not been completely combined ...

If this "Noodle" was expanded enough to form several jungle-sized ecological environments, but missed the time of creation, this "Noodle" can only be left here, but still has a strong original energy Reasonable use can make the surroundings more fertile. Obviously, the remnants of the unexplored world are used as nourishment.

At the time of the creation of the gods, the rule of the ancestor Biktini was exactly the "primitive energy evolution" rule.

Therefore, Biktini has the title of "infinite energy" and is simply more endurance. Alzeus is not the opponent of the ancestor Biktini-the ancestor Biktini is the symbol of "the beginning of energy" in the new world.

But Biktini is not good at head-to-head combat, and usually distributes energy to other Pokémon ...

Therefore, Biktini in front of Guan Liyuan also hatched from the original energy, and can drive the sword of the earth to control the dragon vein ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As for Rechlam and Czech Roma, the rule of fit is "yang "And" yin "are equivalent to" flour "and" water "...

So they can control the sword of the earth when they join hands, and when they collide with each other, it affects the "Dragon Vein"!

The three are not high or low, but it is because of a layer of connection that the power of Resilam and Czech Roma can also control the original energy, so they come to use the power of "primitive energy", plus the devouring Some materials that Long left for them developed the "avatar".

However, the "avatar" failed. Not only was it not as strong as the creation avatar of Alzeus, but it was not self-conscious and could not be manipulated from a distance. Therefore, it was abandoned by Reichlam and Czech Roma.

Unexpectedly, they were accidentally activated by two princes of the Kingdom of the Earth, and a human will-control avatar appeared. At the same time, the human will would be "overloaded" under this circumstance, and then became a tragedy ...

Reichlam and Czech Roma did not know that there was such an operation afterwards. When they manipulated the clone by themselves, there were no side effects, but the ontology had to be distracted to operate a clone that was inferior to itself, and it could only be operated at close range. , Looks very tasteless.

"After all these years of calm, can the dragon veins be restored?" Guan Liyuan's ears moved slightly and he asked Biktini.

【calm? Impossible, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to rest by nature. Now inspiring the dragon veins will only make it chaotic. Bectini shook his head fiercely.

Just then, Dredo, who was previously stunned, sat up: "How is that possible!"

Because Biktini's current telepathy is diffusive rather than one-to-one, everyone around can hear it.

Dredo actually woke up just now, just waiting for the time, and he wanted to see what Victorian would say ...

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