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Vol 2 Chapter 1828: Fog

"Did you notice that it seems to be fogging," Agumon said suddenly.

Guan Liyuan heard a jump in his heart, and seemed to think of something. He turned to look at the night sky, but saw the stars and moon disappear, the sky was already foggy, and even the lights in the distance were already a little hazy.

"Not good! It's the blood haze of Vampire Warcraft data!" Di Lu beast exclaimed.

"He should have planned to release the blood haze of data after more preparation ... what did you do before?" The wizard and the beast asked Guan Liyuan.

The sane Vampire Warcraft, who has always been sensible, is so angry that he will advance the prepared plan. How much stimulation was this?

"Does this fog have any side effects on human beings?" Guan Liyuan did not answer, but asked directly.

"I don't know. The vampire Warcraft just said that releasing the blood mist of data will be the prelude to his crowning as the king ..." Di Lushou's tone was full of worry.

"There should be no side effects. This is a means to digitize the physical world. Within the envelope of mist, the boundary between the physical and digital sides of the world will gradually disappear." The Wizard Beast said.

The academic atmosphere of the Wichelny world is stronger, and ... The digital world of Wichelny and the human world are more closely interacting, so the wizard and beast see some clues.

"No, the phone is completely unreachable!" Tai Yi dropped the microphone a little impatiently.

"Is there any signal interference ..." Guan Liyuan muttered quietly.

From the previous situation, when the digital beast appeared, all kinds of signals around it, regardless of wired and wireless, would be interfered. It seems that even for wired signals, the interference would go deep into the "line".

After all, this is not a disturbance at the material level, but an overlap at the level of the world rules. Any fluctuation will be abnormal ...

The fog of Vampire Warcraft is likely to spread this interference in a more "efficient" way!

"Wait ... there seem to be exceptions ... Was your phone easy to use before?" Guan Liyuan asked Tai Yi.

"Of course it is easy to use." Taiyi said.

Agumon turned on the TV at this time, and it turned out that all screens were garbled, and no station had a signal.

"It's true that Meimei's phone can also be used, that is to say ... the chosen child's partner Digimon will not affect the signal? Why?" Guan Liyuan said to himself.

"Is there any connection with the data when I was 'dead'?" Guan Liyuan shook his head. Now is not the time to think about these, and then said to Tai Yi and Xiao Guang. All signals should have been interrupted. There may be other means for Vampire Warcraft ... Before the chaos begins, you must find a way to converge! "

"What should I do? To find Yamato?" Tai Yi was a little confused.

Guan Liyuan looked at him secretly and said: Isn't air also very close to your house? Why was your first reaction to find Yamato?

"Cough, do n’t need it. If that guy finds something wrong, he must go to his brother for the first time. I've seen Ah Wu before and told him to come to your house tomorrow morning. By then, their brothers should default here as the meeting place. , Come here in advance ... you go to Guangzilang and A Zhang, Xiaoguang stays at home, I go to Meimei and Kong. "

The reason for this arrangement is because Meimei and the empty home are very close. Guan Liyuan also sent empty home before, so he is familiar with the road ...

As for Awu and Yamato, Guan Liyuan can use the forum to contact Awu directly.

"Bunny!" Guan Liyuan said, and released the Andean beast again, letting her directly grasp herself-Andelo was much taller than humans, and the palm proportion was also great, just holding Guan Liyuan.

Although it is more comfortable to carry, it is more efficient to pursue speed!

"Also ... once the Vampire Warcraft Legion launches an attack on humans, you will immediately guide the others and gather to the side of 'Hamburger'!" Guan Liyuan said before leaving.

"Hamburg" refers to a large stadium in the center of Odaiba.

In the original work, shortly after the fog began to diffuse, a large number of fierce ghosts, the "main force" of the vampire Warcraft Legion, began to attack humans. Fortunately, the initial goal was to catch and drive away, so no major casualties were caused.

"What? Would the vampire Warcraft drive a large number of Digimons to attack humans? Oops ... what about moms and dads?" Taiji anxiously.

After all, it was only a ten-year-old child. The first thing that came to mind at this time was his own family.

Guan Liyuan didn't answer-if Vampire Warcraft really drives a large number of digital beasts to attack humans, it will inevitably cause huge casualties in a short time, after all, only eight children will be selected!

In this regard, Guan Liyuan can only hope that before the operation of "Beheading" is successful, don't let the vampire Warcraft release itself ...

Also, we must first figure out how big the fog is now. In the original work, the fog just shrouded Odaiba, but ... the Odaiba of the digital world is basically one-eighth as large as Tokyo.

However, here in Tokyo, Guan Liyuan has also learned that there are only about 3 million people. It belongs to an "island country"-the name is "island country". It is a country combined by more than a dozen small islands.

When Guangzilang was in the digital world and used the map of the digital world to create a map similar to the human world, he also mentioned that the map is completely different from the earth that Guan Liyuan is familiar with.

The entire East Island, where Tokyo is located, is about the same size as Faylou Island, and even Guan Liyuan suspects that East Island is Faylu Island, which corresponds to the digital world, so they only appeared there in the first place.

Counting the surrounding satellite cities, the East Island has more than 4 million people. As for the strength of the island's army, it is not something Guan Liyuan can inquire about.

Only knowing the overall world level, it has entered the branch of the scientific and technological tree of information warfare—strongly restrained by the forces of the digital world. All guidance, communication, and investigative methods will go backwards for several times in the fog.

The Andean Beast held Guan Liyuan, and in the steel jungle formed by the high-rise buildings, rushed to the home of Wuzhi ...

Lilac and Lily have also been released by Guan Liyuan at this time, patrolling the city-to find out if there is any further action by Vampire Warcraft!

Because it was too late to knock on the corridor, Guan Liyuan broke into the window directly from the balcony.


With the exception of glass and the sound of screaming, not only the family inside Wuwu, I am afraid that several households around have been awakened!

Of course, Guan Liyuan wasn't afraid of them calling the police—it was impossible to make a phone call.

Now the situation is critical, everyone is still awake ...

"Good, big rabbit!"

"Still standing?"

"Be careful! Husband, Big Rabbit is still holding people ..."

Takenouchi Haruhiko and Takenouchi Shuzi ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ First came out of the bedroom in pajamas and saw the super-violent Andeiro beast, "grasping" Guan Liyuan in his hand-indeed, Guan Liyuan was seen Hijacked look.

"Brother Liyuan? Why are you here? What's the matter?" After empty came out of the bedroom, he was a little surprised, but not scared.

"Well? Or the child who sent Xiaokong home before ... Don't be afraid, let's call the police ..." Shuzi said.

Guan Liyuan first let the Andro Beast release himself, while praising the reason of the couple.

Obviously the effect of "SAN rise" is still there!

Even if it has been logically "retired", you can only admit that you have entered a monster in your home, but ... while a little flustered, you can still think of "alarm" instead of falling into a state of loss of mind and collapse of the three perspectives.

Counting ... The performance of the previous Vampire Warcraft when the badge was taken was too frustrating-after Guan Liyuan slandered the Vampire Warcraft again in his heart, the two words whispered to Wuwu to explain the situation ...

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