Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1843: Light

On the island of Fayilu, Guan Liyuan Zheng and Jiye Beasts learn some skills to use their abilities ...

Although Guan Liyuan created the template for Guan Liyuan himself, in fact Guan Liyuan was not a digital beast at all. Mostly, he relied on the existing lynx template and the penguin's credit.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan, who is now the "yuan ancestor", needs to be mentored by the lynx beast that has lost its power.

The children who were called were trained for the second time by fairies.

Although Ziyaye does not trust "permanence", the most important thing now is to travel to the sea of ​​darkness, so the response to "distrust" is not to be rigid with constancy, but to strive not to affect constancy. .

After all, this is the absolute home field of constancy, even when it ’s the Xiaye Beast or the “Yuanzu”, I dare not say that I can compete with its digital terminal in the digital plane ...

As digital terminals, or host computers, they also have a lot of restrictions. For example, under normal circumstances, no real body will appear, and self-awareness is weak. The universe will often have no self-awareness, and digital terminals on various planes in the digital world. , Is equivalent to the sub-universe will, and self-consciousness is naturally very limited.

And the purpose of constancy is also to stop the destruction of the world of Iguodelaar, and it is consistent with the purpose of the Yayadra and Guan Liyuan ...

It would be great if the chosen children could solve the Four Kings of Darkness on their own!

However, Guan Liyuan was not optimistic about this—because of Jieye Beast, the four kings of darkness were not as wavy as in the original.

If the beetle beasts and gorge beasts can also evolve to the extreme, it would be enough to hit hard, but ...

Although in Tri, the children selected by Taiyi have developed the ability of extreme evolution, but ... in Guan Liyuan's view, including Agumon and Gabe, the current length is far from reaching Ultimate evolution ... even if it's only temporary!

Even the temporarily complete evolutionary body has already been "super-classified", completely relying on the special effect of the "badge" to achieve this evolution beyond the limits.

Otherwise, it looks like Guan Liyuan's Digimon ... The temporary evolution also requires a length. Although it is lower than the formal evolution, it can never evolve if you want to evolve!

To a certain extent, they have reached the ultimate body in tri, a large part of their contribution to the growth of digital beasts in the next six years, and ... Guan Liyuan suspected that after six years, they would normally It is still just a growth period, and can only "evolve temporarily" to a higher level, which may also be related to the current "overdraft".

"What's wrong? It feels like they have potential?" Guan Liyuan saw the Jiye Beast standing on the attic of the temple, looking at the direction of the called children.

"With the help of human characteristics, is it possible to realize two-dimensionalization indirectly ... Sure enough, as a terminal, the performance of constancy is strange now." Ziyaye said.

Before waiting for Guan Liyuan to ask what was strange, Ziyaye turned and said, "What are the characteristics of the youngest girl?"

"Light, and she is the one who inspires her characteristics as soon as possible. The moment she gets the badge, she has already been recognized by the badge." Guan Liyuan said.

"Light ..." Ziyaye repeated softly.

"Did you find anything?" Guan Liyuan was curious ... Sure enough, Xiaoguang was the most special, and was immediately noticed by Jiye Beast.

"I don't know, I just feel a little familiar." Ziyaye said.

"Familiar?" Guan Liyuan didn't understand even more, only knowing this kind of familiarity, certainly not because Xieye Beast had met Iorigo.

Perhaps ... familiar with this power?

"Can you see what is the so-called 'light'?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"I have forgotten too many things, especially those related to the sea of ​​darkness. I can only guess a little ... if we consider the spatial dimension, we are all three-dimensional, and our shadows are two-dimensional. What is it? "Asked Yaya Beast.

"Shadow ... light?" Guan Liyuan understood the meaning of Jiye Beast.

Light can make a three-dimensional existence and produce a two-dimensional projection. So ... does the characteristic "light" of the Eight Lights have the meaning of forming a reduced-dimensional projection?

No, maybe not only this function itself, but "light" happens to have this function, as if natural light can form a shadow, but the meaning of natural light itself is not "something that can form a shadow."

Natural light can form shadows and is also the main signal of human cognition ... Will the "light" of Iori light actually mean another level of light that can downgrade the two-dimensional creatures of "worldly + data" into one dimension? Projection can also make you easily accept multi-dimensional cognition?

In this way, the dark sea frog beast in the original work and Xiaoguang's attitude towards the digital beast all have "seemingly" reasonable explanations.

"Are you ready to go to the Dark Tornado?" The Yaya Beast asked instead.

"Have you been so anxious? I don't have any problem, but they ..." Guan Liyuan looked at the children who were called, a little uneasy.

"This crisis from outside the wall of fire is more serious and uncontrollable than the crisis in the digital world itself. Although the design of the dark tornado is completed by the molecular beast, the principle must be the clown beast. The broken will from outside the wall of fire, if it is delayed too long, any change may happen! "Said Ziyaye.

The "digital world" in Guan Liyuan's understanding refers to the sum of all the digital worlds, and like the "digital side of the Iguodela hill world", Guan Liyuan generally refers to it as the "digital plane."

Others, because they have no access to the concept of the super universe, treat each digital plane and the corresponding human plane as a "world" ...

Ziyaye has experienced and witnessed the so-called "digital calamity" more than once, so it can clearly distinguish the threat of calamity.

The lightest type is derived from data mutation in a digital plane, and the birth of a digital beast with "destruction" as the setting. If left unchecked, it may threaten the security of a digital plane.

The upper limit of the calamity induced by factors outside the "Wall of Fire" is much higher than this. For example, if the Dark Four Kings succeed now, not only the entire digital plane is destroyed after the "restart", but even the terminal may be damaged. Reset, and it is easy to cause a chain reaction of other digital planes ...

Therefore, although the yaye beware of constancy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, on the issue of dark tornado mountain, they are not worried about constancy "jumping back".

As for this, it is more difficult to avoid, which is caused by the terminal ’s calamity—because the terminal directly initiates the restart, it is difficult to stop it, and there will be no “savior” guided by the terminal.

However, the scope of this calamity is bound to be limited to the plane, which is a controllable "restart" for the terminal, but only for other creatures in the plane, which means destruction ...

After Guan Liyuan checked it, it was speculated that the three calamities of the "Iguodela Hill World" in the original work, that is, the "first part", "second part", and "tri" of the original work should correspond to "outside the wall of fire", respectively. , "In-Plane Variation" and "Terminal Will" are only three cases, but the "In-Plane Variation" in the second part also involves the sea of ​​darkness, so the difficulty has been increased.

"What is outside the wall of fire? Is the sea of ​​darkness outside the wall of fire?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"There is nothing outside the wall of fire ... and the sea of ​​darkness is neither outside the wall nor inside the wall." The answer from Ziyaye made Guan Liyuan "show a small amount of praise and nodded."

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