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Vol 2 Chapter 1848: King Whale

On the sea, one of the dragons was exposed from the sea, and the dragon-shaped digital beast with metallic scale armor and cold fins shining like sharp blades faced the "Guan Liyuan Beast" in the air.

Yes, the dark shadow that Guan Liyuan discovered before is the steel sea dragon beast!

"Well? You're the one who wasn't called?" Iron Sea Dragon Beast also guessed Guan Liyuan's identity at this time.

He also heard about some of the children who were called this time when he and the other three heavenly kings were sealed. He knew that not only the number of children called was more, but also one of them was mixed. Children of "Called Children" ...

"You are the four kings of darkness that were 'polluted' by the apocalypse beast?" Guan Liyuan said, looking down at the steel sea dragon beast.

"Pollution? Huh, the little bugs that are being used by the digital plane actually scorned me and other apocalypse." Iron Dragon said disdainfully.

"Apocalypse? Oh, what good would you do if Igudra Hill's world was destroyed?" Guan Liyuan asked.

In fact, Guan Liyuan has always been curious. Does the Four Lords of Darkness assist the Apocalypse beast to restart the digital plane? Is it all about "suicide"?

Even if the four of them were brainwashed by the apocalyptic beast, it would never be that the tens of thousands of digital beasts under their control were all enthusiastic enough to "suicide"?

"Stupid, the apocalyptic beast will bring to the digital plane, it will be a new life! It will no longer distribute data to the new world of those useless digital beasts!" Said the steel sea dragon beast.

Guan Liyuan was absolutely certain at this time, and they did get some kind of promise, thinking that they could benefit from it.

However, before waiting for Guan Liyuan to speak again, the steel sea dragon beast has set off a high wall-like wave and attacked Guan Liyuan ...

It's just the waves, even if the impact is not small, but for Guan Liyuan, it's nothing, it's difficult to get close to his body, and he is thrown away by a yin and yang ball.

More importantly, the Steel Sea Dragon Beast was still hiding in the huge waves at this time. From time to time, it attacked Guan Liyuan with a nasal cannon, spraying energy shocks and energy blasts.

However, even the "ultimate wave gun" and "ultimate storm" of the iron sea dragon beast's nirvana were all blocked by Guan Liyuan's control of the yin and yang gods.

Although the steel sea dragon beast is "polluted" by the apocalypse beast, it has some catastrophic properties and is stronger than the general upper body template, but it is not enough in front of Guan Liyuan (beast).

After Liye Beast's counseling, Guan Liyuan mastered the power of digitalization more and more.

The original Yaya beast even surpassed the Royal Knights and the Twelve Ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty, using it as a template, and there are also Guan Liyuan Beasts with the double pseudo-Yuanzu ancestors, naturally not inferior too!

The steel sea dragon beast seems to be unacceptable. The fact that his attack was completely ineffective against Guan Liyuan, and even wanted to follow the cover of the giant waves and entangle Guan Liyuan ...

However, even if Guan Liyuan was deliberately entangled by him, the yin and yang ball with a diameter of nearly ten meters formed around his body was like an iron golem to the steel sea dragon beast ... no! The iron urn can't stand the "squeezing of the underworld" of the steel sea dragon beast, it should be said that it is a piece of digital alloy-solid!

At the same time, in the direction of the strange frog island, the island was finally completely crushed by the giant whale into data and scattered, and scattered on the giant whale, which also symbolized the "island essence" needed for the evolution of the giant whale, and it was completely assembled. Qi.

The "automated life machinery components" needed by Guan Liyuan have long caused the giant whale to integrate into the body.

It is just because the Orca whale has not yet fully evolved to the new template, so the incorporated material has no effect on the surface—the digital plane is not conserved of material, and no effect can be equivalent to non-existence.

After Guan Liyuan discovered it, he also rubbed two spirit ore at this time, and transmitted the data to the giant whale through the "contract"-this will be turned into a mini statue of the king giant whale.

Where the original giant whale was located, it suddenly shone as if the sun fell into the sea.

It's not that the giant whale evolved into the extreme body, which is brighter than other high-level templates, but ... the light source is larger!

At the moment of the evolution of the Orca whale, the previously absorbed data of "Island Essence" and "Automated Life Machinery Components" were all reflected-there are one-fifth of the island as large as Fairou Island, and there are three There are so many mechanical components in the arsenal where Dulumon is located!

How big is Faylou Island?

In the human world, the island corresponding to Failou Island is Higashishima, a fifth of which is more than half the size of Tokyo!

Therefore, this evolutionary light also appears extremely conspicuous.

The steel sea dragon beast could not help but be distracted when he noticed the movement here.

Originally, he didn't notice anything about the giant whale beast. He knew before that there was a giant whale beast, which disturbed him everywhere, but a complete digital beast, the steel sea dragon beast, didn't take it at all ...

Seeing this, Guan Liyuan also took the opportunity to get away from the "underworld squeeze" of the steel sea dragon beast, and at the same time waved his hands, the yin and yang style came out, and the steel sea dragon beast flew in the direction of the giant whale.

The original giant whale was still far away from the steel sea dragon beast. I am afraid that it is ... as far as half of Tokyo?

However, now the giant whale did not come over specifically, but after evolution, the volume directly expanded to the "front" of the steel sea dragon beast!

Guan Liyuan just struck it and crashed into the direction of the giant whale, and saw the behemoth that the light had not completely dissipated, facing the steel dragon beast in front, and suddenly opened his mouth ...

When the cracked mouth completely wrapped the steel sea dragon beast and closed it fiercely, the light completely dissipated, revealing the look of the king giant whale beast!

The huge island completely covers the back of the giant whale. The lower half of the island is connected with the lower jaw. The whole is divided into two parts. One is the big island on the back, and there is a smaller island on the tail fin.

The island is also very "three-dimensional". It has column-shaped steep peaks and most of the terrain is mountainous. There are even forests and freshwater rivers surrounding the mountains ...

This is only the part that can be seen, the interior that cannot be seen, it has become a steel castle, and the consumables are equivalent to five arsenals!

At this time, the steel sea dragon beast fell into it.

At the mature and complete body, there are only two ways to deal with enemies in the body. One is to rely on the gastric juice exuding from the stomach pocket, and the other is to strengthen the air pressure to pressure the opponent.

The stomach pouch ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is just an empty hemispherical space, which is easy to be broken.

Now, after the steel sea dragon beast is swallowed up, he finds himself in a maze ...

The steel sea dragon beast, which is not normally small, can also move in it, and it seems to be a martyrdom for the grave robbers, and it is densely packed with various organs.

In fact, the size of the king whale beast, the steel sea dragon beast came in, just like a larger loach, entered the body of the blue whale!

The steel sea dragon beast was in the body of the giant whale, and it was not long before drilling, and suddenly heard a sound of water, and the sound of rumbling organs rang around ...

Then the seawater melted into the steel sea dragon beast, and there were countless related components in the king whale beast. At the same time, the vortex motor was turned on. The area where the steel sea dragon beast suddenly became the most violent washing machine. In order to control the flow of water, it was shaken with the flow of water.

In the end, with a rumble, from the highest mountain on the king whale, the water was sprayed out ...

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