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Vol 2 Chapter 1853: Different here

[Analyzed! The level of the rules of the Dark Sea is higher than the previously detected standards, which is the same as the fairy sword world. It cannot be ruled out that it can limit the power of the "avatar"! ] Penguin knows.

Guan Liyuan listened to the sound that only he could hear, and could not help but frown—the sea of ​​darkness is essentially different from the digital plane?

This situation is very rare. Generally speaking, even in some layers of soaring immortal worlds, the power levels of the mortal world, the fairy world, and the **** world are the same-penguins analyze the power level from the rule level. Instead of observing directly!

So even just collecting the rule information around the members is enough to get a comprehensive answer ...

However, the sea of ​​darkness seems to be a little different. It is actually different from the digital plane and the human plane?

The same is true of the wall of fire. The reason for the incarnation of the new wall in the space of the wall of fire was previously analyzed. Penguin has also analyzed it. The wall of fire is absolutely "empty" in the digital world. It is easy to give birth to a new individual in "you", but it is difficult to give birth to a new "you" from "empty"!

Fortunately, from the "live broadcast" over Awu's side, Guan Liyuan already knew that the children who had been called through the crisis ...

The Joker Emperor fought a self-destructing dark belt and sent everyone to the wall of the fire, but he was "absorbed" by the apocalypse beast that had woke up, and then the children who were called to fight the apocalypse ...

The battle situation was full of twists and turns. When one approached the "corporal destruction", the angel beast evolved into a "sacred angel beast", but the second "corporal destruction" had not been stopped, and even the badges were destroyed one by one!

However, the children who were called at this time thoroughly understood the characteristics represented by their badges, and "resurrected with blood" in situ, and killed the apocalypse ...

This also proves that Sure enough, Yaya said that the constancy still has some influence in the gap between the walls of fire, so the children who have been called have lost their "protagonist halo".

Of course, this is also because the apocalyptic beast did not actually cross the wall of fire and enter the world of Iguodelaar, and merged with all the "evolutionary resentment data." It just had the will of the apocalyptic beast and the numbers infected. Beast data is not the cause of the strongest form.

Otherwise, the true full form of the apocalyptic beast comes, and the constant production can only be the end of the unloaded system!

In short, the apocalypse crisis has been lifted, and the children who were called at this moment just after a tearful farewell, took the "train" of the return journey, separated from their partner Digimon, and returned to the human plane ...

At this moment, A Wu suddenly “snapped”.

"Awu, what's wrong? Are you still thinking about Bada? Everyone will be fine and continue their lives ..." Yamato comforted.

"No! Liyuan, Liyuan just contacted me!" Awu said.

"What? What happened to Li Yuan? Are you still alive?"

"Wait, why can he contact you?"

Guan Liyuan had long ordered Wu ’s reason, and only said that it was a certain ability of "hope" traits, so that he could communicate with Guan Liyuan, but do n’t say that in front of Xuan Nai, as for other people ... anyway, they also No falsification!

"Brother Li Yuan and Ziyaye entered the sea of ​​darkness and said they would come back. And ... Li Yuan said that Ziyaye told him a prophecy, saying ... three years later, we still Being able to enter the digital world again allows me to be a better myself during this time. "A Wu repeated Guan Liyuan's words.

"The prophecy of Ziyaye ... that is ..." Tai Yi revealed his longing look.

"Three years?" Xiao Kong looked relieved.

"The Baru beast just cried so badly. Be sure to talk about her three years later. Girls can't cry at will!" The beautiful eyes were still sobbing with red eyes.

The reason why Wu was only contacted now is because Guan Liyuan was worried that “constancy” or Xuanchi would find his “prophecy”.

However, Xie Yeju said that under normal circumstances, digital terminals have a small impact on the present world, so after returning to the human world, Guan Liyuan worried about contacting Wu a lot.

"The sea of ​​darkness ... what is it? Is it dangerous?" Xiaoguang asked.

"It's a bit dangerous, but Li Yuan said he can handle it, and maybe he can come back three years later." Awu said.

The children who have been called do not know what they will face after three or six years. Now they have heard the news of Guan Liyuan and the news, they are relieved.

But Guan Liyuan couldn't relax!

In the dark sea, even the world rules are very different from the digital world and the present world. If it is not "too easy" and there are inextricable links between them, Guan Liyuan even thinks that this is not the same Great world!

And the level of the rules of the Dark Sea, if it reaches the level of the fairy sword world, it means that the top gangster among them may have the ability to restrain the incarnation of Guan Liyuan ...

The only good news is that Guan Liyuan is not far away from the egg now, in the words of the lynx beast, because there is some kind of relationship between Guan Liyuan and the egg, so when they fall into the sea of ​​darkness, they are also Appeared nearby.

It ’s just that the scope of this “nearby” is a bit large. Two days later, Guan Liyuan and Dandan pointed through the contract to make sure the other party was not far away!

During this period, Guan Liyuan also encountered and beheaded a few unfriendly people. As soon as he came up, he actively attacked Guan Liyuan and the lynx beast, and thought the wild Aborigines of the Dark Sea, a kind of Aborigines like turtles.

Guan Liyuan saw it with his own eyes. In the legend, "there is an existence between" digital "and" present life "...

Indeed, it is different from "Guan Liyuan" or "Guan Liyuan Beast", in contrast, Guan Liyuan can only switch between digital and present life.

At the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan can feel that whether it is "digital" or "worldly" power is weakened here, as if the innate rules and acquired rules here are all broken ... , But it seems my rules are very first glance!

When confronted by a tortoise with a spear, Guan Liyuan found that the yin and yang gods, which were originally five or six meters high when they attacked, have shrunk to two meters, and they can penetrate an island on the digital plane and the human plane. Attack, you can only break a one-man rock here ...

The scope of "opening up the world" has also been reduced a lot. At the same time, the strength of Guan Liyuan's ability to add rules has also decreased sharply.

It ’s not just that the power on the digital side is weakened. Guan Liyuan also asked Ah Wu to help him transfer some human kitchen knives, firecrackers and other experiments, and found that human alloys are softer, more brittle, and more easily corroded here. The power of gunpowder is also weakened ...

Fortunately, it is only "somewhat weakened", but the fighting power of the Ziyaye and Guan Liyuan (beast) is still far stronger than that of ordinary aboriginal creatures-such as the pike tortoise that they met at first. It's bigger, it can make oscillating sound waves.

An opponent of this strength, Guan Liyuan can completely group seconds in the digital plane ...

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