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Vol 2 Chapter 1917: Unrest in Shushan (2 in 1)

Guan Liyuan's two space-times in the Dragon Ball World have also entered the cultivation phase-although the mere accumulation of energy is boring, but ... the main space-time robot has not yet appeared, and Aotian space-time robot is stronger than Guan Liyuan.

So Guan Liyuan began to practice diligently every day. A great man once said that eight hours a day is the most reasonable.

On the other side of the world of fairy swords, a big change has taken place these days!

Within a few days after the You Niu was beheaded, Nangong Huang was keenly agitated by a pulse of fire in Yuzhou near Shushan. Combining with some of the conditions previously found in Lishu Mountain, Nangonghuang suspected that it was in Lishu Mountain. .

So he and Li Sansi and Wen Hui quickly rushed to Shushan to return to life, and also warned ...

As for Lei Yuange, Guan Liyuan had been "hired" by this time to go to the Fire Ghost Realm as a "civil servant".

The relationship between Yan Luodian and Heavenly Ghost Realm has always been good. Guan Liyuan directly entrusted the Heavenly Ghost Emperor to find an excuse to dismiss Lei Yuange's "crime."

Although Yan Luodian is the undisputed "orthodox" of the ghost world, even with the ghost difference of Yan Luodian, he also has a superior sense, but ... Lei Yuange also looks forward to the fire and ghost realm.

After all, in Yan Luodian, he was just an unknown soldier, and in the Fire and Ghost Realm, Lei Yuange directly assumed the position of director of the ghost difference—the twenty or thirty ghosts collected by the fire and ghost realm are now the leader of Lei Yuange!

However, when I returned to Nangonghuang in Shushan, I felt that the atmosphere was not right-it was not a matter of fire veins, but the "atmosphere" formed by everyone's emotions was dull and depressed!

"What? The head has left Shushan?" Nangong Huang looked at the drunk Situ Zhong in surprise.

"It is the former head, and now the head is Chang Hao. Brother Dugu replaces the former uncle Chang Shu and became elder Zhenwu ... hey." Situ Zhong was obviously not satisfied with this.

The Five Spirits' veins have now been opened up, and Shushan has restored its apparent tranquility, but a storm from the inside is gaining momentum.

Xu Changqing unloaded the position of his head half a month ago and was replaced by Chang Hao. The atmosphere of Shushan has changed ...

Originally, when Xu Changqing was there, the disciples in the gate would not blame him even if he was incited to hate Nangong Huang, but now ... Chang Hao not only contributed to the situation, but also claimed that he had contacted the ancestors of the upper world and would completely solve the problem of the earth veins!

On the way back from Nangong Huang, he gained a lot of eyes.

And racial opposition thinking gradually invaded in Shushan like a tiger opening the gate. Xu Changqing's seven evil precepts have not been abolished, but their effectiveness has been greatly weakened.

Elders such as law enforcement elders and elders in law were removed immediately ...

"Oops ... Actually, I suspect that there are hidden dangers in the earth veins. There are human traces in the veins of fire, and I want to report to Xu Zhangmen, and change to a new one ..." Nangong Huang apparently was very indifferent to Chang Hao. cold.

"Nangong Huang! What's your opinion on the head of this?" Chang Hao suddenly appeared.

"Ah! Chang Hao is in charge, Keke ... I naturally have no opinion on you, it's just a matter of the ground ..." Nangong Huang was a little awkward.

"Stop! It's all because of you guys who are so happy and don't know who is bewitched by anyone. Three of Shushan's disciples have died of the transformation of the heavens and the earth! The head has contacted the ancestor of the upper world, and the earth veins have no more of your business ... Disciples of Green Luoshan, leave Shushan immediately! "Chang Hao said directly.

"You!" Wen Hui on the side was about to start, but was stopped by Nangong Huang.

"Head, it's just the ground vein ..." Nangong Huang forbeared fire.

With the Five Spirits Wheel, he is most sensitive to the Qi of the Earth Veins, and he has noticed that ... the Qi of the Wuling Earth Veins, which is balanced, seems to be faint and agitated!

"Bold! You're just at Lvluo Mountain, just listening to the man saying a few words ... Do you think that your master is more brilliant than Shushan's ancestors? In this case, you should go back to your Lvluo Mountain!" Chang Hao Road.

"Well? Head, brother Nangong, they are the heroes who clear the ground, so it is too overbearing to rush down the mountain in a hurry?" Situ Zhong retorted indifferently.

"Bold, you junior disciple is so against the teacher? Situ Zhong, in the past you have been wild, I wait for you to be rejuvenated, and then I will be broad to you. Who would expect you not only did not correct, but more and more Furious ... Do you still have door rules in your eyes? "Chang Hao angered.

"Doormanship? The headman talks about the doorman who expelled the heroes. The matter in the world can't carry a word, the headman is afraid that it is not beautiful, is he really not afraid of the people in the world laughing?" Situ Zhong was also The arch caught fire.

"Brother Situ, don't say ... we are not nowhere to go ..." Nangong Huang advised.

"Stuart Bell! You usually drink alcohol like life, have no respect for your head, make demon friends, and have no sense of repentance. You are still here today! Go to Elder Teled and solve your sword and go down the mountain!" .

"Making friends with monsters? Why do you say Master Nangong so?" Wen Hui couldn't help saying.

Nangong Huang: ...

For the maintenance of Wen Hui, Nangong Huang "moved" and wanted to cry.

"It turns out that you are a demon ... What disciples you want to receive in Luluo Mountain is your business, but in the holy land of the Shushan people ... you can't tolerate demon defilement! I haven't captured you today. Chang Hao said dismissively.

Yes, in addition to the matter of the earth's veins, Nangong Huang's identity as a half-demon has recently spread widely in Shushan. The source of the information ... is unknown and need not be known.

"Oh, it seems that this boss came too easy, and I was inevitably uneasy ... Can all the peace of mind be settled if the troublesome people are gone? I'm afraid there will be a calamity in the future!" Situ Zhong satirically said.

Chang Hao only felt harsh after listening. At this time, because of the previous disputes, he has attracted the attention of many Shushan disciples ...

"You ... Do n’t talk nonsense! The ancestor of the Divine Realm has a perfect strategy for the five spirits and veins. As for Nangong Huang ... Hehe, a demon bloodline man, has been raised by Shu Shan for more than ten years, and now he worships Lulu Shan, why is it wrong for Ben to let him go? "Chang Hao said deliberately.

Sure enough, many disciples around him talked about Nangong Huang's life experience. Before, it was only rumors. Now it seems ...

And Chang Hao's words, although there is suspicion of ingratitude, but there is a market in Shushan-helped by Green Luoshan, in the view of some Shushan disciples, this is a shame. Now Chang Hao has lifted the patriarch of the **** world and told everyone that the ancestors solved it. In the wake of the crisis in Shushan, this is a very good word, and everyone is willing to believe it.

When Xu Changqing was still here, Chang Hao's "Go to Jing and Save Wu", although he didn't dare to "Go to Jing," but dared to use his black heart to "Save Wu", so this narrow Shushan disciple is not only not without, but not Minority!

"Brother in charge!" I saw Chang Ji stand out from the crowd.

Seeing this good-natured but unreliable student, Chang Hao said ignorantly, "What's the student? If you want to plead for your righteous son or be spared, the head doesn't want to hold you to teach you nothing ... "

"I have a question to ask! Huang Er's childhood expenses were all purchased by me in Yuzhou. The brother said that Shu Shan's nurture of Huang Er's nurturing came from nowhere? It's my brother I took a piece of Shu Shan Rice, or a foot of Shushan cloth on Huang'er? "Chang Ji said directly.

"You!" Chang Hao obviously didn't expect that Chang Ji, who has always been a good old man, would not even care about the face of his new head.

"Daddy ..." Nangong Huang has never been so angry that the old man's father is so angry, and even he left the house when he was a child and fooled around for three months.

"Chang Ji! You also have to rebel against the rules, because this evil will shame Shu Shan?" Chang Hao angered.

"Darkness? Hahaha, my family Huanger worked hard for Shu Shanyu for more than a year, and was born and died several times ... You Chang Hao forgot it, and someone has never forgotten it! If you want to walk away from Huang Er, then I do n’t recognize your boss! What about Chang Jian? My sword is also given back to you! "Chang Ji broke the sound of clamoring, and released the sword, calling the names of Elder Law and Elder Law Enforcer.

"Okay ... Okay! The head of the team has to look at it. Who else believes in a demon evil, and what kind of green Luoshan, can't believe in the ancestor of the upper world! Who else wants to go?" Chang Hao angered.

"Huh! I can trust the ancestor of the upper world and trust Xu's head, but I can't trust the uncle you! My sword came from the training, but I can also give it to you?" .

Immediately, there were also some young disciples, and even a few brand-name elders with regular characters, and they came out one after another ...

"Rebels, when the cultivation is abolished ..." Chang Jian was about to threaten.

"Slow! It's Chang Hao, the 'generation' leader, who chases us out of the mountains. Which commandment do I have to commit? Want to abolish us?"

"I have a clear view of the wind, but when Shushan Daomeng alliance with the Taiqing ancestors, merged into Shushan ... can't we go today?"

"Yes, Xu Zhangmen said, no matter how big the door rule is, it is not used to bully 'reason'!"

"Master Chang Jian, I advise you not to make mistakes for your brother!"

Although there are only a few people to stand up, Chang Hao, who is really orthodox, definitely has an overwhelming advantage. But looking at the chaos, where does Chang Jian really dare to start? Could not help asking Chang Hao's eyes ...

However, in addition to his anger, Chang Hao now had a hint of "success" ...

Situ Zhong's words did speak of his painful feet. Although he convinced himself, he is now purifying Shushan's atmosphere and eliminating unqualified Shushan disciples, so that Shushan truly twists into a rope to take on the burden of removing monsters.

But ... Situ Zhong's words still made him feel stinging!

As for the strength of Shushan, will it decrease?

Chang Hao is not worried about this. He had already predicted that after the completion of the "De-Wu Cunjing (self)", the essence preserved by Shu Shan is still enough to sit firmly in the position of the first group, and it is more than enough to bear the responsibility of removing the demon guardian. !!

The foundation left by Xu Changqing is too thick ...

In the end, Chang Hao did not commit the forced abolition of Xiu because of… because it is not only the miscellaneous elders of the Changzi generation, there are some non-sword immortal factions, and they are directly out of Shushan under dissatisfaction!

The predecessor of the Shushan School is the Shushan Daomeng. In addition to the mainstream Jianxian Yi, there are some other inheritances in the Shushan School. Although inconspicuous, the basic big cats are three or two. It is not as mainstream as the Jianxian Yimai. Nor does it not exist.

At that time, the ancestors of various factions established the Shushan faction together.

What's more ... Shushan ancestors have soared in the past, and one of them is the ancestor beside Shushan.

Chang Hao has really contacted the ancestors of the gods with the method of listening to heaven and earth-Xu Changqing was too anxious because of Qingwei and Canggu's death, and had no time to inherit the "sky watching and listening". Not long after the robbery, Chang Hao discovered the method of practice in Houshan by coincidence in the two years he was facing ... but he didn't say it.

I didn't contact the ancestor of the upper world until he really inherited the position of head, so there is a reason why he is so angry now.

So in the end, Chang Hao only made the people who swear the sword swear that they must not divulge the core skills of Shushan-other factions want to withdraw, and even directly moved their own classics out of Shushan's library ...

The Shushan faction split for the first time, but it has not ended yet. In the next few years, Chang Hao will continue to seduce and continue to disciple, and even ... Finally, Chang Hao will dismiss all female disciples as a few years later. The end of the first division.

Nangong Huang was lonely and apologetic, saying goodbye to Situ Zhong and others under Shushan.

Nangong Huang and Wen Hui are going to return to Lvluo Mountain, Li San thoughtfully returned directly to Yuzhou, and Situ Zhong was preparing to travel the world ...

"Hahaha, Brother Situ ..." Hahaha ... I still listen to you calling the rotten drunkard. "Situ Zhong doesn't look lost.

"Bad drinker ... take care!"

Chang Ji returned to live in a small village where he adopted Nangonghuang. He was originally blood-stained by a pirate, and worshiped in Shushan. There is no "hometown" to return to.

"Dad, then wait for me, wait for me to be enough ... Keke, wait for me to thoroughly understand the pulse, and go to live with you in seclusion," said Nangong Huang.

"Well! Good boys are in the Quartet ... at least ... you'll find me a daughter-in-law and come back!" Chang Ji cursed with a smile.

After leaving Shushan, Chang Ji's personality seemed to be a lot more cheerful.

After returning to Luluo Mountain, Wen Hui and Nangong Huang went to see their own masters respectively. In order not to let the coldness be too tempting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I haven't said Chang Hao's attitude, but simply talked about the changes in Xiashu Mountain .

Wen Hui went to Yichenju to pour the bitter water, cheering on Chang Hao ’s villain and cheering, describing the sounds and expressions, so angry that she almost went to Shushan to seek justice ...

"Forget it, after that, it will not be that, after all, Brother Xu has just left, and it is not good for us to just bully the door." Guan Liyuan advised.

If Chang Hao dares to bully Wen Hui, Guan Liyuan will definitely go to him to "chat", but just to drive away ... Although he is annoying, it will not make Guan Liyuan go shouting and killing--just ignore him!

However, the next day, Guan Liyuan suddenly awakened from the breath adjustment, as if he had felt something, and walked out of a dusty house, looking towards the direction of Shushan ...

It happened that Nangong Huang also came out of the room at this time, and looked a little nervously at Shushan.

"Uncle? Did you feel it too?" Nangong Huang wondered, after all, she didn't even feel cold.

Guan Liyuan nodded solemnly ...

"Fire veins really have problems again! The terrestrial veins robbery has not been completely resolved, and I don't know the ancestors of Shushan's masters will not work ... Master, I'll go to Master first, and I have to go to Shushan again!" Nangong Huang said.

Although Chang Hao is not pleasing to the eye, but ... Nangong Huang can't see the excitement at this time, not to mention Shushan's geographical relationship with the entire human kingdom, once the collapse, the consequences are unimaginable!

As for what happened?

Guan Liyuan didn't know, it was strange to feel so far!

It was just that Jingtian had just heard the news, saying that Yuzhou suddenly became as hot as a stove again, and in all likelihood, it was Shushan's veins that had an accident ...

However, Guan Liyuan was able to guess some of the reasons for the "change of events".

[Begins ... should it be possible? No problem in theory ...]

. Wonderful book house

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