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Vol 2 Chapter 1935: Unexpected shadow


Kirin exhaled and made an overdrawn punch ...

Suddenly I saw the tall city wall in front of me, as if being bombarded by an electromagnetic cannon, shattered a huge circular hole without resistance.

Even the giant palace next to it shattered two-thirds ...

An angry Cyclops staggered out of the ruins.

The reason why it is "shaky" is not that he was really injured, but because his abdomen is too large, as if he is pregnant with Rokko ...

However, it is uncomfortable that an obvious crack can be seen at the front end of the abdomen, and the tentacle group drenched with mucus is faintly exposed inside!

The one-eyed giant with a height of more than ten meters has only two or three meters of legs. It is this belly that occupies the largest proportion of the body ...

Indifferent one-eyed, glanced around, after these "little bugs" who provoked him, the tentacle giant roared angrily, and then the front end of the abdomen opened like a flower, exposing nostrils like red worms, Rolled over.

At this time, "Liu Xingxing" sent out a therapeutic beam from the antennae on his head and shone on the unicorn lying on the ground.

I saw that his original arm had been twisted into a root carving after his punch, and he recovered quickly, and his original pale complexion turned rosy, and he "revived" in a short while!

Guan Liyuan was also paying attention to the tentacle giant. After seeing that he didn't recognize himself at all, he couldn't help but tickle his lips slightly.

Xiao Ming and his two female teammates began to play with flute, lyre, and lute, respectively. An unusual fluctuation occurred instantly, and it was irresistibly shrouded in the tentacle giant and the abyss creatures coming from the gap at the same time. The movements were a bit chaotic-in the first movement, Xiao Ming chose the negative effect of weakening the opponent's fighting consciousness and even making him mentally stingy!

A female warrior in heavy armor riding a Warcraft, a magician who hurried a hurricane, a muscular man holding two door shields, and instantly summoned numerous clay puppet warlocks ...

The other members of the wailing wind also greeted the abyssal creatures emerging from the gap at this time.

At the same time, an originally small professional suddenly swelled to a level no smaller than the tentacle giant. At the same time, he had grown thick golden hair in vitro, his hands had sharp claws, and his teeth were sticking out ...

It is the "Golden Beamon" Hui Kei, which has a second-class system and a career in transformation, can almost completely become the gold Beamon-the king of the Beamon family!

Although the physical strength is not as good as the real gold bemon, but in conjunction with the other two third- and fourth-grade auxiliary occupations, during the transformation period, the strength is not weaker than the gold of the same level, and there are more fighting means ...

More importantly, he is also ready to accept the magic at the cost of overdraft life!

At this point, it was Hui Kei's frontal resistance to the one-eyed demon. Because Huiji is only a realm and has no power in the world, Melee is still not an opponent of the one-eyed demon. Even while suppressing Huiji, the one-eyed devil still has the power to attack with tentacles. other people.

Before the first movement was played halfway, Huiji's left shoulder was penetrated by the light beam emitted from the one eye, covering the surface of the golden retriever, and was also corroded by the mucus on the tentacles.

However, the "healing beam" emitted from the "lucky star" tentacles shot right away, and Huiji's injury suddenly turned around at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The tactics of the "Wailing Wind" battle group should have been dragging the opponent, waiting for Xiao Ming to get ready for "ultimate wailing", then kill the Cyclops.

Just then, Luca suddenly noticed something, eyes with long eyepieces, staring deep into the ruins ...

However, it was also his action that shocked the shadow of the dark demon hidden inside, and suddenly a shadow-like existence was twisted out of the shadow of the ruins, not only extremely fast, but also when the sight fell on it, always It will be inadvertently opened, there is an illusion that is difficult to lock!

It was exactly when the Emperor Bafang met before that Guan Liyuan had seen the shadow of the dark demon "spoof" ...

That's right, just when Luka was brought here by shuttle, Guan Liyuan already found that there are two abyss emperors in the giant city, and they are also the peak emperors!

However, Guan Liyuan was not as obvious as Luca's. He just laughed in his heart and observed in secret ...

"Luca, be careful!" Shouted Lucky Star.

At the same time, his luck seemed to be given to his teammates again. When Luca saw his own shadow and wanted to coincide with Luca's shadow, a piece of crushed stone in the battlefield just opened and fell to the shadow of the paradox. Up, made his figure pause for a while ...

Luca avoided the treacherous attacks in time, but the people of the Sorrowful Wind Battle Group were a little bit heavy at heart-they did not want to expand to challenge the two emperors!

The only thing that reassured them was that after seeing the shadow of the Dark Demon, the tentacle giant thundered in the same way, snarling at it ...

Obviously, the tentacle giant didn't know it before, and it was in its own palace. So, the purpose before it is very interesting-this one is recognized by the land and is best at assassination of the assassin emperor!

Just after appearing at the border of Letu, there are records of killing a world professional and ... two abyss emperors.

The former was killed in order to sacrifice to the world's will, and after the latter two were killed, a dagger was made with its eyebrows, and the other one was peeled into a cloak--a typical abyssal creature Behavior ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time hiding in the one-eyed palace, and the other party doesn't know it at all, it is likely that ... it is staring at it?

As for the abyss creatures under Cyclops, not only do they start to control their shadows and carry out raid attacks, causing them to be consumed like cannon fodder, but the Abyss Cyclops is already an extremely violent race. It has lost its wisdom under anger and opened In violent mode, your own men will also kill!

So other abyss creatures besides the two emperors began to flee ...

However, even if the tentacle giant and the shadow of the dark demon are not a group, and also make other abyssal creatures escape, but after becoming a three-party melee, the sorrowful wind battle group is still a little bit embarrassed-if it is not one-eyed and paradoxical each other In a state of hostility, the two peak emperors are not what they can compete with.

If there is no lucky star, what they want to think about now is how to retreat safely!

However, there are lucky stars, and it is easy to "drag time" ...

"Big man, be careful!"

The muscular man covering everyone, the shield was smashed, and Lucky Star immediately offered a "healing beam". After the injury was restored and the magic was repaired, the muscular man quickly condensed a new shield ...

"Qinqin, be careful!"

The Fu Qin girl was attacked, and she almost interrupted the rhythm of the movement. Fortunately, Xiao Ming had superb continuity and saved the scene in time. The lucky star passed by and touched the injured place with her hand-touch treatment, the Fu Qin girl recovered.

"Old man, be careful!"

The old warlock is injured, heals the beam ...

Be careful-be careful-be careful-

Horsewoman was injured, touched to treat ...

Luca is injured, heals the beam ...

The female wizard was injured, touched to treat ...

Kirin is overdrawn, healing beams ...

Pipa woman injured, touch treatment ...

. Wonderful book house

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