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Chapter 200: Guan Liyuan in shame play

"Get off, get off! Bippi's boss is here!"

"Ghosts, be careful and go home at night and cry and have nightmares!"

On the avenue of Hualan City, a Pikexi with sunglasses and a Geng ghost with sunglasses are in a sturdy posture, doing the work of cleaning the legs of a street dog.

The passers-by around were obviously frightened by these two pokemon who can only talk. After all, pokemon that can directly communicate with humans are usually phantoms, superpowers and the like ...

The "Boss" walking behind them, at this time could not wait to bury their heads in their chests.

Sure enough, Guan Liyuan brought these two "problem Pokémon" when he left Yuejian Mountain in the end!

Watching passers-by rush around aside, and looked at himself with a strange look, Guan Liyuan said unbearably: "Hey! You two don't give me too much! Otherwise go back to the wizard ball!"

"Well? Are we doing our part as little brothers? Boss, don't you like it?"

"How come ... Ben Guigui always likes other Pokemon like this!"

Picosi and Geng Gui have not realized the dilemma they brought to Guan Liyuan.

Just then, the alarm bell rang, and a female police officer approached on a police motorcycle ...

"This gentleman ... Although the size of Picosi and Geng Gui is not within the limits of being prohibited from being released on the street, you should pay attention to your behavior?" The policewoman said, taking off her safety helmet.

Usually in the city, in different locations, there are also restrictions on the type of Pokémon that are prohibited to be released, such as gas bombs, double bomb gas, broken bags, dust mountains, etc., which can cause pollution of Pokemon. Banning in restaurants and hospitals Lots appear, and "size" is also an important indicator of whether Pokémon can appear on the street.

Large Pokémon such as the Carby Beast, the Tundra Bear, and the Blizzard King may cause traffic jams and ground damage on urban streets, and are also prohibited from being released in urban streets ...

"Hmm? Are you ... Tibo? Abu, it should be Tibo's sister or sister? You look like ..." Guan Liyuan exclaimed.

"Guan Liyuan? It turned out to be you ... are you telling a joke? I was recently promoted to the official police department because of the Rocket incident you helped last time, so I transferred to Hualan City!"

The policewoman who came here was Guan Shayuan, an acquaintance of Guan Liyuan ...

In the Pokémon world, members of the Junsha family have not yet looked like they all have the same face.

"Well? Didn't you just say you were a police officer before?" Guan Liyuan said without a word.

"Oh, you can also call the police department!" Do not care about these details! "

It seems that Tepo was a bragging ingredient before, but it is true that he has been promoted ...

"Is it necessary to change a city from the promotion of the 'Police Department' to the 'Police Department'?" Guan Liyuan was still puzzled.

"This ... Listen to my aunt to stay in a few more cities, so that promotion will be faster!"


Tibo's openness made Guan Liyuan ashamed.

After accidentally telling the truth, Tepo, at this time also realized that it was inappropriate, and left the topic: "This is your new Pokémon? The fairy prix, the ghost gh ... Very rare Pokémon! No wonder you have been to Hualan City so long! "

"In fact, the reason why it took two months to get to Hualan City is mainly because ... uh! I mean ... yes, it's because the two troublesome guys have lost time!"

Guan Liyuan wanted to say "because Xiaxia walked for a month on the road from Yuejian Mountain to Hualan City", but after feeling Xiaoxia's eyes behind him, she chose to give up her conscience.

"Boss, is this girl your horse? It seems to be very delicious ..." Geng Guiyuan was forced to return the elven ball before he finished speaking.

On the other side, Picosi, who has just spoken, has been treated the same ...

"Okay, so special Pokémon!" Tibo admired awkwardly.

Guan Liyuan is now very fortunate. After Yue Jianshan decided to "accept" them, he set the conditions with them!

The main thing is that in the face of Pikexi and Geng Gui's "unwillingness to enter the elven ball", Guan Liyuan insisted that he must have "the power to force them into the elven ball at any time" ...

Of course, in most cases, the two of them are reluctant to be in the elf ball, and Guan Liyuan is not reluctant.

And the reason why Pippi and Dagui, who have always been intractable, would agree to such a condition is because of Guan Liyuan's "temptation"!

On the one hand, the effect of "potential stimulation" can increase their racial value ... This not only means an increase in strength, but more importantly, it will open them up from the "those idiots", which is essentially higher than them. !!

The latter is also the one that Da Pippi and Da Gui Gui care most ...

On the other hand, it ’s because Guan Liyuan said to them simply “calling incarnations in another world”. Although Guan Liyuan has not been able to make the current lord level move freely in the main world, it can be seen that Da Pippi and Big ghosts are still looking forward to the "new world".

Therefore, there is a scene where they both worshiped Guan Liyuan as the "boss". Of course ... Guan Liyuan did not feel that this was a good thing!

Although they will take the initiative to make a flatter ... But the way of flattering makes Guan Liyuan feel no pleasure at all!

Guan Liyuan would rather choose a normal trainer's relationship with Pokémon if he could choose ...

Of course, the incarnation is equivalent to the addition of Picosi and Geng Gui of the main world lord level, and it does bring some "good things".

The most intuitive thing is that the "Summoner of the Other World", which was close to the middle of the first stage, was directly, and after contracting the two incarnations equivalent to the Pokémon of the lord level, it jumped directly to the "first stage of the high stage"!

After all, in the following one and a half months of the journey (i), because of conquering other wild Pokémon and training the "experience improvement" of the existing Pokémon, it has officially reached the "primary high stage".

More exciting than the original "Fossil Pterosaur" ...

After all, at the time of the contract "Fossil Pterosaur", Guan Liyuan was still in the stage of transformation of entry skills, which was equivalent to the "bottleneck". It was not simply a matter of accumulating energy.

For example, after killing monsters in the game and gaining experience, you can't fill the experience bar, and it can only play a role in promoting!

After entering the first stage, the experience value can be directly poured in. Both incarnations are equivalent to the Pokémon of the lord level. Guan Liyuan, a "junior" professional, took two steps forward ...

The "Summoner of the Other World" has also become the highest profession in Guan Liyuan's realm.

Of course, the professional strength of the "Summoner of the Other World" has more to do with the strength of the "Summoning Beast", but not to the rank of the Summoner himself!

"How long are you going to stay in Hualan City? I can report my name if I have something here!" Tipo asked casually.

"It shouldn't take long ... It's not necessarily, I will go to challenge the Dao Pavilion in two days, and I haven't figured out the schedule yet."

Guan Liyuan remembered Xiaoxia's life experience ... The ghost knew if he would encounter any special circumstances when he challenged the Dao Pavilion?

Moreover, after challenging the Dao Pavilion, Guan Liyuan may also conduct some skill training for a few Pokémon that are mainly trained.

On the way from Yuejian Mountain to Hualan City, Guan Liyuan mainly cultivated and trained five fire dinosaurs, mountain squirrels, bibby birds, up to ducks, and big butterfly Pokémon. Among them, the more obedient Pakistani Big Butterfly and Bibi Bird, Guan Liyuan destroyed their original Poke Ball, and then let them board in the new Poke Ball by themselves, so as not to occupy the Pokemon quota that Guan Li Yuan carries.

The fossil pterosaur, Picosi, and Geng Gui were originally very high. The latter two were also 65 and 64, and the individual correction rates were close to 120. The combat effectiveness was only slightly lower than that of the 70 fossil pterosaurs, respectively. Level of 38,99,000.

With Guan Liyuan's current trainer abilities, they can't be effectively improved, and they can only be used to "potential excitement" with the ability of "Summoner of the Other World".

The other five Pokémon have also been increasing more and more slowly after the level has been increased. From the departure of Nibi, the two-month travel training, and Guan Liyuan's focused fire dinosaurs, have only reached. 30 levels, there is still a distance of 6 levels.

And now that each level they upgrade, even if they focus on training, it takes more than a week. If level 6 is based on travel training, Guan Liyuan estimates that it will take two months.

And the other four Pokémon, which are slightly lower than the fire dinosaurs, are only 27 or 8. Among them, only the mountain rat completed the evolution and became the "king of the mountains". The race value soared to 474 ...

The normal pangolin king's race value is only 450, and the other is higher than the "potential stimulation" effect.

Guan Liyuan also discovered at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the potential stimulation effect will continue to weaken the use of a Pokémon, the fire dinosaurs' race value increased by only 5-6 points in the last two months, and finally even half Only 1 point in a month ...

That ’s why Guan Liyuan increased the number of Pokémon he received. After reaching the initial high stage, Guan Liyuan ’s daily use of “potential excitement” has also increased to 70-80 times. The most important thing now is that in addition to the main Pokemon In addition, Guan Liyuan will not continue to "potentially stimulate" every day for all Pokémon.

After raising about 10 points, Guan Liyuan will reduce the frequency of "potential excitement" ...

But in this way, Guan Liyuan also felt that these Pokémon stayed in Dr. Oki's house and did nothing. I look forward to Terahara Tomoko coming back soon, so he can open the cultivation room!

For Guan Liyuan, these race-level Pokémon increased by 10 points, even without the opportunity to travel with himself, but to other trainers, it is enough to be called a "treasure."

According to the results of Guan Liyuan and their spiritual communication, most of them hope to find a suitable trainer, and then traveling together will be much happier than holding Dr. Ogi ...

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