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Chapter 205: Daxia and teammate 1

"If there is no place to open the cultivation house, how about renting it in my house? Anyway, it is so large and empty, and it still wastes a lot of prime space!" Xiaoxia said suddenly.

Guan Liyuan heard the words for a while, and paused for a while before saying, "There is no need to open the cultivating house ... in the city center? It takes a lot of space ..."

"It doesn't matter, my home already has a large simulation environment of Pokémon activities, but it is a fire-based Pokémon. If you want to cultivate other Pokémon, you probably need to renovate it." Xiaoxia said casually.

Well, the city center, a large area, a simulated environment to cultivate the fire department Pokémon ...

If you can't guess where Xiaoxia's home is anymore, even before Guan Liyuan, Bai Xiangqingzi asked about Hualan Road Museum!

"Ah? You are ... Hualandaokan ..." Haruko exclaimed, but also a little embarrassed, after all, she also talked to Xiaoxia's friends about the embarrassment of Hualandaoguan.

"What Hualan Road Museum ... It is estimated that in another two months, after the old man is 50 years old, he will be delisted!" Xiao Xia said with a pout.

Although the parties were unexpectedly open, Guan Liyuan still had Haruko, and for a moment he didn't know how to speak.

As for Xiaoyue, don't count on it ... unless Xiaoxia has a haunted house, probably she will be interested!

At this time, Tomoko has pulled a chair from one side and consciously sat on the side of Xiaoxia, and began to ask questions about the location, area, ideal rent, average land price of the location ...

Although seeing the assistant he was looking for was excellent, he should be happy as a boss, but Guan Liyuan didn't feel so at all now, instead he always winked at the timeless Tomoko.

[Hey! Do you really want to buy Hualandao Pavilion? 】

"Xiaxia, in fact, even if you lose the qualification of an official Daoist, you can continue to open a private Daoist! I believe that with the efforts of the new owner, you will regain the official status!" Guan Liyuan comforted.

"Hah? How can there be a new museum owner? The old man only has one daughter and no formal disciples who have entered the room. The students of the Taoist Church have already left for seven or seven weeks ... It was strange to open the fire departmental school in Hualan City. Is n’t it? Now that I do n’t have official qualifications, it ’s estimated that the Dao Pavilion will be closed soon! ”Xiaoxia said as if it was not the sale of her own home.

Guan Liyuan heard Xiaoxia's meaning, it seems that she did not inherit the meaning of Daoguan at all?

"How about? Go to see the old man with me tomorrow and talk to him about renting a venue to open a breeding house, let him be completely disheartened ... give you a discount!" Xiao Xia asked with a bright face.

"No ... I wouldn't do such a life-and-death thing in order to save money ..." Guan Liyuan refused decisively.

Owner of the official Taoist Pavilion!

You have at least 45,000 quasi-permanent Pokémon in your hand, right? Even if there is one or two Uranus above 60,000 ...

Guan Liyuan obviously doesn't think that if he has three elite Pokémon, he can be arrogant in front of the official Daoguan Pavilion owner ... and he doesn't think that in front of the old museum owner, he said, "Your official qualifications will be cancelled anyway. Let me rent a nurturing house. ”After this kind of words, the other party will put forward facts and reason with yourself!

Xiaoxia on one side is still "science" with Guan Liyuan. How well the land of her house is suitable for a cultivation house, but Tomiko on the other side cares a little about taking the initiative to speak with Satsuki ...

"Actually, I just wanted to say ... Satsuki, right? I don't think it's better for you to be a Pokémon trainer of the" Ghost system ", I think ... you might be training in the" evil system "Pokémon It will be more talented, "Tomoko said.

Tomoko's real body "Soloak" is a bad Pokémon, and she should have some sense in this regard.

"I know, but since I was young ... I wanted to be ... a trainer of the ghost department." Xiaoyue didn't seem to accept it at all.

"Well? Is the evil ability? That is not a pity ..." Guan Liyuan jumped decisively to the topic to avoid Xiaoxia.

"It's just ... a little ... it feels like ... it shouldn't be a powerful talent like 'Evil Power'." When Xiaoyue talked, she would also make the tone of the door long, and didn't know if it was true. Has an exercise effect on "the power to drive away ghosts".

"But it should be a little bit simpler than your practice of 'Exorcism'." Tomoko confirmed Satsuki's statement.

Guan Liyuan also said casually: "Yeah yeah ... the most important thing is a girl, obviously Xiaoyue is also very cute, practice‘ the power of exorcism ’or whatever.”

Well, this sentence is absolutely a lie. Until now Guan Liyuan had not seen what all the faces covered by Xiaoyue's long hair looked like.

But at this moment, Xiaoyue suddenly put down the spoon in her hand and said, "I'm full, Haruko, I'll go back first."

The tone remains unchanged, but the reaction seems to be angry?

"Huh?" Guan Liyuan made a sound of doubt, and it seemed that he hadn't noticed where he was rude.

After Haruko and everyone apologized, she sent Xiaoyue out first, and then returned back. It seems that she will not leave the guest just like that.

"Sorry! Is there something I shouldn't say?" Guan Liyuan could not help but apologize.

"If ... there are old scars or something, I know a super effective scar remover, absolutely effective!"

Obviously Guan Liyuan can only think of it. It may be the part of Xiaoyue's face covered by long hair. What is lacking ...

As for the "scarring medicine" ... although Guan Liyuan does not have it now, it is definitely available on the forum!

"You are really slow." Xiaoxia looked at Guan Liyuan with contempt.


"It is her dream to want to be a master of training in the ghost department, but you are mentioning something 'very cute' there. Do you think that others will be happy to say that? Impose your will on others, ' What's more suitable for you to do? ”,“ What should you do? ”It's easy to say?” Xiao Xia made a series of enthusiasm for Guan Liyuan.

While realizing where Xiaoyue was angry, listening to Xiaoxia's tone, Guan Liyuan was also able to guess why she had a nagging with her father!

Probably ... the heirs of the Fire Department domicil are all dedicated to becoming masters of the water system Pokémon. The old museum owner is also a little troubled because of this?

If the character of the old patron is as strong as Xiaoxia, it wouldn't be surprising if he would fall out!

At this moment, three uncles with a somewhat fierce appearance walked into the restaurant and went straight to the four of Guan Liyuan ... To be exact, they surrounded Guan Liyuan sitting outside.

"Sure enough, you bald ... When you were at the Pokémon Center before, you felt like you were peeping at me." Guan Liyuan said coldly without fear.

After all, he is a professional and has been mixing for so long with a ninja. Even without strong personal force, Guan Liyuan's alertness is beyond ordinary people.

At this moment, Xiaoxia on the side looked at Guan Liyuan, and then smiled after turning her eyes ... "Ah! Uncle Guang, you already know that he wants to rent our pavilion and turn it into a cultivation house. Now? Tell the old man, this is my friend, remember to discount it! "

"..." Guan Liyuan's cold face without fear, piled up instantly.

Originally thought it was a bully who bullied others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But listening to Xiaoxia's meaning, this person should be the person of Hualandaoguan?

I started following myself because I found myself traveling with Xiaoxia, right?

"Wait, there is some misunderstanding here!" Guan Liyuan was trying to explain, but found that the three uncles were about to ignite at this time.

Well, when the Taoist Museum was about to lose its official qualifications, it suddenly said that it would be rented as a cultivation house. It is estimated that everyone has this expression ... Just say that the trainer who is good at training Pokémon in the fire department is generally hot. !!

"Boy! You ... Good! Tomorrow at twelve noon, our host wants to see you, wants to rent, rent ... Come on!" Uncle Guang, whose name matches his hair style, spoke ruthlessly with the other two. Uncle Ming left.

Probably they originally wanted to give Guan Liyuan, who had "bubbled the young lady," a disappointment, but they encountered Guan Liyuan's "limit provocation", and then they were so angry that they left directly after leaving harsh words ...

"I still have time to go back to Xinzhen?" Guan Liyuan said with a smile on Xiaoxia.

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