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Chapter 245: Here, give you a BUFF

"So many real star ninjas? It seems that almost all the ninjas who have passed the trial of star Yincun are already here!"

"It would be so strong ..."

"In just one year, Red Star actually ... we should have known before ..."

"Not great! I'm afraid there is no chance in the Northern Alliance ... It seems that what we will pay attention to in the future is not the Northern Alliance, but Xingyin Village! The Red Star is not as good as the previous generation of Star Shadow."

"Northern Alliance? It is estimated that after this battle, scattered groups are possible! Instead, Xingyin Village has some trouble ..."

Xingyin Village suddenly showed its strength, even Guan Liyuan was taken aback, not to mention the reactions of other parties, not to mention that many even regretted that they did not restrict Xing Ren before ... the threat of Xing Ren was already greater in their hearts Northern Alliance is up!

Come to pay attention to this war, all are perceptual ninjas, and you can naturally see the strength of the star ninjas!

Can form special Chakra wings to fly in the air. Obviously, these are the stars that have completed the "trial of the star".

And these star ninjas who have completed the "trial of the star" have only three levels of differentiation ...

All of the more than sixty players have reached the elite level, even in some villages that are too small.

Of all the dozens of Chinese tolerants, Chakras are all similar to the elites. The five chakras, including the star shadow red star, have made the perception ninjas in the northern ninja villages frightened their leaders. I am afraid there is no such level of Chakra!

Originally, most of the forbearing villages in northern countries hoped that Xing Ren could give a lesson to the Northern Alliance, but at this moment almost everyone began to expect that the Northern Alliance should not lose too badly ...

Even Yan Ren and Lei Ren have a bit of a heart for the Kingdom of Stars ... Especially Yan Ren, because the location of the Bear Kingdom is closer to the west of the north!

"Northern Alliance, what do you want to do when you come to the border of the Bear Country? Are you here to give gifts? Are you ready to leave a few arms ... or a few lives?" Red Star's voice came from the air.

"Who is talking, don't you know the name first?" Guan Liyuan responded slowly.

In fact, who is speaking, everyone can see at a glance ... wearing a white robe, with a cloak with the word "star" on his head.

In addition to the Five Shadows, only the leader of Xingyin Village will wear this kind of shadow robe.

"Huh, my four generations of star shadow, Red Star. Boy, who are you from the Northern Alliance." Red Star said angrily.

"Red Star? It turned out to be the messy thief who was suspected of killing the leader of the previous generation of Star Ninja ... What is Star Shadow? Have you heard of it?" Guan Liyuan pretended to be curious, and asked the magical pills and Chongwu around him.

"Absolutely not."

"do not know."

"Oh, that's just a roaring chaotic thief. I don't have the right to know who I am ... all the orders! Tonight we will kill the chaotic thief Red Star and his subordinate thieves for AIA! Tomorrow morning in Xingyin Village, let The real Star Ninja leader welcomes breakfast! "Guan Liyuan preached.

Not to mention that Red Star and others were angry that the Chakra wings were shaking, and the perception of the state of war in various countries was also very shocked by Guan Liyuan ’s arrogance. Even within the coalition, there were more than half of the ninjas, some of whom could not feel their heads and were obviously nervous Got up ...

But there are still half of the coalition ninjas who seem very excited and seem to be impatient?

Guan Liyuan is of course arrogant!

One is because there is a arrogant foundation, and the other is ... After experiencing the "world's nickname of the King of Heaven", "I was almost arrested to make up lessons", "I was called Bingqing Yujie hundreds of times in a month" , "Because of abandoning the test, the academic director and the heads of the departments took turns to greet ..." After all this kind of injustice, Guan Liyuan urgently needed to vent!

In the main world, Guan Liyuan dared to be so arrogant and was absolutely taught to be a human, but in the world of Naruto, Guan Liyuan, who has double perfect human pillar power and the power of the immortal body, even if the spot is now a corpse, the most is to suppress Guan Liyuan. Not to be taught to be human, as to the so-called "powerful star tolerance" ...

I saw that in the coalition forces, after Guan Liyuan gave an order, most of the ninjas accepted the command of Zhongni as a grassroots commander and were ready to assist in the construction of the siege bridge.

At the same time, there are more than thirty coalition ninjas who are really going to take off!

Flying is not easy for the ninja. When confronting the final bosses in the comic, Naruto was also surprised that he would float after having six powers ...

Of the ninjas flying in the coalition, eight of them were wearing Chakra armor, and more than twenty of them had corresponding physical powers. The most is the batch of wings that will extend out of the body after being completely cursed. people!

And now all the ninjas in the air, except Chonggo, are wrapped in dark red chakras that are heavier in color than "Star Chakra". Most importantly, a dozen fully cursed ninjas, At this time, they still barely maintained the human shape, but they had more wings and grew less **** eyes ...

The degree of drastic changes in the body has been greatly reduced. Even if there are now ninjas in the woods nearby, I am afraid that these people are not related to Dashe Wan, at best they can only be suspected!

As a big disciple of Guan Liyuan, Chongwu is the most prominent among all the people. From the exposed head and significantly fatter body, we can see that some physical changes have occurred, but at this time the whole body is covered The glittering golden imperial robe ...

Except for Guan Liyuan, everyone is obviously the first time to see the "Nine Tail Mode".

According to the Nine Lamas, even if Guan Liyuan incarnates in a nine-tailed mode and goes around the leaves of wood, no second person can recognize that this is related to the nine-tailed!

After all, no one has a column strength, applying the chakra of the tail beast to this level ...

As for why there was an imperial robe similar to the nine-tail pattern on Zhongwu, Guan Liyuan was also curious.

Guan Liyuan also experimented before. The power of the perfect human column that truly exerts all its powers. After the full integration of the nine tails, a golden royal robe will appear. In addition to adding flash special effects, it is still a human shape, only the angle on the head. Longer, and the degree of immortality has further improved.

However, when the seven-tails are fully integrated, this is not the case, but they maintain a human-like body size and size. Three pairs of insect wings, a slender tail, and scaled armor appear on the body. They look like mutant mutants. The degree of alienation of the full spell imprint is still high, and there is no glow special effect in the nine-tail mode ...

However, if both forces are stimulated at the same time, it is as if the "holy tiger change" of the main world will be constrained by the nine-tailed mode, and it can still maintain the human form, but compared to the nine-tailed mode, there are more seven-tailed robes on the imperial robe Grain!

Therefore, the Nine Lamas once again exploded with superiority. They insisted that this was its power and higher evidence than other scum-tailed beasts ...

Although Guan Liyuan didn't say anything in order not to let its nine tails go to the sky, in fact, he agreed with the conclusion of the nine Lamas in the heart!

Guan Liyuan, who personally fully inspired the final model of human column power, also clearly felt that the power of the Nine Lamas was indeed different from that of Zhongming.

Just like Guan Liyuan's ability to add buffs to the Allies now, only the Nine Lamas can do it ... or only he and the Nine Lamas can do it together. If only with the help of heavy power, it can't be done at all.

Guan Liyuan speculates that Nine-tailed Chakra is closest in nature to the ten tails that are the "source of Chakra", so after entering the full-scale Nine-tailed mode, Guan Liyuan can share the nine-tailed Chakra to others without Any contradiction ...

This is already the most important evidence of the Nine Lamas' Chakra, close to the source of Chakra!

In addition, the royal robe formed by the nine-tailed pattern is the closest to the effect of the ten-tailed person's column strength. The full-fledged seven-tailed pattern makes Guan Liyuan a "worm-man ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ zhongwuhui" The slightly fuzzy golden imperial robe that formed was previously surprised when Guan Liyuan saw it for the first time in the experiment on the road. It seems that it is the fairy-like ability possessed by Chongwu. After being corrected by Guan Liyuan, it formed with Nine-tailed Chakra. Some special resonance reactions ...

Obviously just sharing to him some nine-tailed chakras, he actually condensed the vague royal robe directly, and in effect, it is obviously that Chongwu has been strengthened the most. At this time, eight rows of nozzles are formed under the royal robe. Constantly vomiting the immortal Chakra makes him empty!

Among them, it should be related to the reasons for Li Yuan's guidance as well as to Chongwu's own constitution.

You must know that the coalition forces, including the second generation and four people, a group of relatively strong mantra ninjas, Guan Liyuan used their own methods to strengthen and guide their mantras ...

After all, the spell imprint is actually a simple version of the immortal model. Guan Liyuan can completely guide them, and can use his own power to strengthen the spell imprint.

But none of these people will condense the royal robe like Chongwu.

If it was not for Guan Liyuan's intervention, it was not so easy for Dashemaru to "make" the second generation of four people. Now these batch of ninja ninjas are very close to Guan Liyuan. Even if they are not disciples, they are also called Guan Liyuan in private. "teacher".

Guan Liyuan has discovered before that sharing the nine-tailed chakras will not only greatly improve their long-lasting warfare ability, but also suppress the alienation of their bodies caused by the curse, and keep their minds longer.

Otherwise, Guan Liyuan would not be under the strong onlookers of the ninja villages to perceive the ninjas, and hurriedly put these curse-printed ninjas who may expose their relationship with Osumaru directly into the battlefield ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ friends, you can search for Blue Book ", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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