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Chapter 277: Mori no 0

The empty city met Guan Liyuan of Gangshou and his team, and he lay in bed a little uncomfortably that night and said to himself: "It's too bad ... other protagonists are either like brothers or ex-boyfriends, although I don't really have any ideas , But is it really good for me to suddenly change the style of painting? "

[Big Nine Lama, the boss seems to be in a bad mood. What is this saying? How can I not understand? 】 Iso asks.

【Humph. Nine Lamas just snorted.

[Iso, now your 9th Lama is also in a bad mood, so you better be careful. ] The rhino reminded.

[No wonder Brother Lama 9 has the best relationship with the boss ...]

【To shut up! 】

"To shut up!"

Guan Liyuan was only slightly depressed, after all, his main purpose of approaching Tsunade was to test whether the other party had discovered the plot of Kongyin Village.

However, from the previous reactions of Sakura and Silent ... Tsunabe happened to be throwing coins!

[Yes, Nine Lamas, the first generation of Naruto and Mito, were they sons or daughters? Why doesn't Tsutete have a last name? And ... where did the thousand hands go? ] Guan Liyuan asked questions that he had long wanted to know.

[A son is born. As for why Gangshou did not have a surname, the disappearance of the Qianshou tribe is a problem ... the extermination of the tribe! ] The Nine Lamas gave an answer that shocked Guan Liyuan.

The Chishou tribe and the Uchiha tribe were both ninja clans in the Warring States Period. The two clans joined forces to create the Konoha, ending the Warring States period.

Although the Uchiha clan was suppressed by Kobe, it was still prosperous until the extermination of the clan. At least when the Uchiha clan was there, Hyuga didn't dare to hang "My Hyuga clan is the strongest clan of Kobe" every day Side.

However, the powerful Uchiha family lost to their innocence after all, and they almost died in the years of change ...

But what puzzles Guan Liyuan is that the Chishou tribe seems to have evaporated, and there is no explanation in the original work. The Chishou tribe never seemed to exist!

Except for the two Naruto members, Qianshouzhujian and Qianshoujianjian, even Tsunate and Rope have never had a surname, so whether the two are grandchildren or grandchildren of Qianshoujian, There is no fixed number.

Now that the nine lamas actually said that the Qianshou tribe was extinct?

"Who did it?" Guan Liyuan was surprised.

If Qianshouzhuma was born with a son, then Tsunade and Ropetree ... are they deliberately not named Qianshou because they are afraid of something?

"Between Qianshouzhu." Jiu Lama said shyly.

Obviously, Jiu Lama has no feelings for Qianshouzhujian and Uchiha Itachi. When speaking of them, it is always this tone.

"Ha?" Guan Liyuan secretly murmured: Did Mo Fei Yu Zhibo Itachi inherit the original will?

However, the character between Qianshouzhu should not be able to do Uchiha Itachi ...

"What did the guy say at the time, 'Only by breaking through the clan of the family can we have real peace'. After defeating Uchiha Itachi in the Valley of the End and sealing me in his wife's body, he ordered all the members of the Chishou family. Cancel the surname, no longer live together, but scattered among the ordinary people of wood leaves ...

The three apprentices of the three generations of old men are, in theory, also descendants of the Qianshou tribe, but the other two people are very close to the bloodline of the Qianshou line. "Nine Lamas said.

"Canceled the last name of Qianshou? No wonder ..." Guan Liyuan then responded, why there are many ninjas in the leaves who do not have a last name, but have good talents.

As the representative of the "three forbearance", in addition to Tsunade, the talent of the big snake ball praised by the three generations is not to mention, even if the so-called "worst talent" in the three forbearance is 11 years old Tolerance, the evil spirit of 14-year-old Shangren ...

And this shame is even more shameless, including when the Naruto is an apprentice, it is necessary to put on a posture of "I have very scum and I work on my own!"

Others, such as the new generation of Tiantian, and the civilians, such as the owner of a ramen shop, have no surname, which is very rare among ninjas.

Also, although Mute is Kato's niece, she does not have any surname herself. It is estimated that either the father's lineage came from Qianshou, or the Kato family responded to the call of the original Naruto ...

Otherwise, sixty years ago, the ninja community was still fighting with families as a group. How could there be no surname?

"That's it ... It's really amazing between Qianshouzhu!" Guan Liyuan couldn't help but sigh.

For Guan Liyuan, this decision can actually be made, but in what age did Qianshouzhu survive?

It was very rare to be indoctrinated from a young age to fight for the family, but to have the courage to abolish the family ...

At the same time, I finally understood why the Qianshou tribe disappeared ... If the second generation of Naruto was passed on to Ape Fei Sun, but the three generations of old men were watching the Qianshou tribe destroying the tribe, it would be too sinister.

But according to the Lama Nine, that is, after the Saru Feizhi inherited the position of the three generations of Naruto, he accepted the tribe of his teacher's descendants as a disciple ... This moved a lot.

A family is not like a family. Those large families have thousands of people, all scattered and lived apart, and after the abolition of the unified representative symbol "surname", the interest groups are no longer the same, or they will be completely separated in a few generations.

It's like three forbearances ... If they all have a family name of Qianshou and live in the family resident every day, it will definitely not be like the current relationship.

But after hearing Guan Liyuan's appreciation for Zhu Jian, the nine lamas laughed out: [Hahaha ... Amazing? Uncle Ben felt that he had been completely tricked! 】

【Yep? What do you mean? 】

[The reason why he disbanded the Chishou clan was actually that he wanted other races, especially the Uchiha clan who had lost their spots, to follow his example and dissolve the clan together? At the time, he was still seriously injured, giving various speeches in the village, but in the end only a few trivial families accompanied him. ] Lama Nine laughed.


Well, it really looks like a natural style ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But it's still amazing. At least he made the Chishou clan ... It can only be said that other families don't have the mind between the pillars. ] Guan Liyuan still said something good for the first generation.

Moreover, the Qianshou tribe cannot be regarded as "disbanded in vain." After the Qianshou who did not have a surname merged into the leaves, they also made the leaves more eclectic ...

After the Warring States period, some civilians joined the hidden village for various reasons, and then a group of civilian ninjas was gradually born, and many of them did not have surnames.

In other hidden villages, ninjas without a surname generally feel low-handed, but this is definitely not the case in Muye ...

And the most important thing is that although the Chishou tribe was disbanded, it was equivalent to being saved in another form forever, so that it would never deteriorate or perish in the power's rolling like the Uchiha tribe. It is no longer just a unified interest group.

Of course, Guan Liyuan also believes that Qianshouzhuma shouldn't really think about it so much. Often, like Lama Nine said, he probably has the illusion of "everyone will do this after I take the lead." The result was a severe slap.

On the contrary, the second generation of Naruto did not revoke his brother's order. It may be because of this consideration ...

"Well? Who?" Guan Liyuan suddenly felt someone approaching.

This is the city in the city and the capital of the empty country. Chakras at various levels around it are responding normally, but just now, Guan Liyuan noticed that someone was moving on the roof of the hotel ... Is this abnormal?

"Where is the moving position ... Surveillance Tsunade? Yes, if it is known that San Ren is here, the other party will be careful to send someone to monitor it and it makes sense. Or maybe ..."

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