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Chapter 285: About Deepening the Construction of Spiritual Civilization

"Fortunately, Tsunade's body can only withstand six gates ... if it is eight gates, it is really troublesome!" Guan Liyuan felt the shock of being attacked by Kanemon who opened Tsunade's palm with one palm. Slightly numb arms, could not help muttering.

At this time, Guan Liyuan has also exerted his best efforts.

The lines on the imperial robes are already very complicated. If you look carefully, it seems to be the result of the superposition of the five styles ...

And on the back, a pair of worm wings also shining with gold light, the body under the Royal God's robe, still wearing the "inner armor" that looks very strong.

Except for the glittering color, the texture of this inner nail is somewhat like Ji Fu's carapace ...

Even if the door was opened without injury, it was completely compatible with Tsunabe who opened the door, and at this time Guan Liyuan was suppressed by the downwind.

After all, this is a combination of five-headed beasts, and also about the power of Li Yuan's fairy body. Even now Tsunade has burst out beyond the ordinary five shadows, it is still suppressed!

However, losing the rational Tsunade, he did not mean to give up at all. Instead, he struggled with Guan Liyuan by "creation and regeneration".

Under "Creation Regeneration", Tsunade ignores injuries, and the door opening time is completely unrestricted by the body before life expires ...

"Please! Please stop the teacher as soon as possible ... If this continues, the teacher, the teacher will ..." Silently crying and praying to Guan Liyuan.

"Although you say so ... but I can't do anything for the time being!" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

Now Guan Liyuan wants to win is very simple, but he wants to stop the runaway of Tsunade ... totally clueless!

After previous observations during the battle, Guan Liyuan has also discovered that the zero-tailed "Dark Chakra" and Shennong's "Super Active Body" are two different things.

The latter is almost a semi-finished technique that can only exist in the theory and has many technical difficulties that are not realized at all. It is only forcibly implemented with the assistance of "Dark Chakra", so the weakness is also obvious.

And now, in the body of Tsunade, "Dark Chakra" has also burst, which greatly enhances the already mature Tsunade.

You can use "strange power" and "creation and regeneration" freely while opening the scene door. It is stronger than the previous Shennong and I don't know how many times!

Guan Liyuan is also curious about this power that can enhance the physical activity. Although Shennong calls it "Dark Chakra", it looks like he got his name without authorization.

This special energy gives Guan Liyuan a feeling that is somewhat different from the ordinary Chakra. Although it is called "darkness", it has nothing to do with the "yin attribute" Chakra ...

The "yin" in Chakra's basic attributes does not mean shady, but corresponds to spiritual power, and this special energy has the opposite effect on the body.

A similar situation has also appeared in the theater version. When Shen Nong died by fraud, Yuluo became the main supplier of "Dark Chakra", and was completely controlled by "Zero Tail". After the word "Zero" appeared on the forehead , "Dark Chakra" condensed into a meat-like insect tail and wrapped it ...

The current Tsunade is obviously more capable than Yuliu, who is only a vortex family of suspected "potentials". There is no need to condense a zero-tailed body like a worm, and fight directly with the body!

In the theater version, it is Naruto's constant call to Yu Liu, pulling it out of the dark side, and there is no parasitic "soil" in the tail, which is successful.

However, now that Tsunade is in a state of "phobia" that cannot be communicated before being possessed, Mute, Sakura has tried to talk to her, but has no response at all ...

[Do you really not know the "zero tail"? A "zero" is really written on her head! ] Guan Liyuan communicated with the tail beasts in his spirit.

[I do n’t know, its power is fundamentally different from ours ...] Zhongming confirmed.

[But I seem to feel a little familiar with this power. 】 Nine Lamas said suddenly.

【what? Is it the demon **** Hui Yeji or the seal of six immortals? 】

[No, it doesn't seem that long ... and it seems long ...] The Nine Lamas are like Alzheimer's.

【what about you? Do you have an impression? Guan Liyuan asked the other tail beast.

But except for the Nine Lamas, other tail beasts have no similar memories at all ...

The Nine Lamas seem to have this kind of memory disorder because of "half less". Other tail beasts are good at remembering things after the "birth", but the Nine Lamas often cannot remember long before Guan Liyuan is not surprised by this.

However, since other tail beasts said they were not impressed, it is unlikely that they belong to the ancient demon god.

[I may have a solution. 】 Chong Ming said suddenly.

【Humph. Nine Lamas were scornful in their narrow-minded expression.

Guan Liyuan ignored it and asked Chongming directly: "What is the solution? 】

[The other party seems to be eroded by abnormal energy when the psychological defense line is extremely fragile. It is most likely that she was further guided after her previous mental illness, preventing her from waking up from the world we knitted, so she was completely unable to Communicate with it ...] said Chong Ming.

[Do you mean Tsunade's consciousness is now fully alive in the dream, and only the body is fighting? 】

[Well, I'm 90% sure. 】

Guan Mingyuan believes in his achievements in illusion.

[How should she wake her up? Guan Liyuan asked.

[I concentrated all the power of Phosphorus, which may make her thinking in the state of self-discipline break ...]

[Is it a gap in her dream? Then? 】

[Afterward, consciousness sneaked into her "dream" and tried to wake her up ... But in other people's "dreams", no matter how strong your own consciousness may be, it may be annihilated. You must be careful not to stimulate her too much! 】

[Then ... who goes in? Guan Liyuan asked.

Immediately responded, this is nothing to ask!

In addition to yourself, which other tail beast can look like a big sister?

[Well ... Nine Lamas take control of my body for a while. If I fail, you must get out of my body before I "dead", and I will be back immediately. ] Guan Liyuan said.

Indeed, Guan Liyuan is also the safest to enter. In the world of Naruto, Guan Liyuan will not really die, but the tail beasts must be careful, otherwise Guan Liyuan may be buried with him ...

However, because there is no seal relationship between Guan Liyuan and them, they can be separated from Guan Liyuan's body at any time, and there should be no problems.

[My consciousness may also be squeezed in, but it may not be enough to form a body to appear in her dreams, and I will guide you then. 】 Chong Ming said.

【Ok! Ready ... get started! 】

"The Phosphorus Reincarnation ..."

From the perspective of Mute and Sakura, Guan Liyuan used an unknown technique, and the fighting continued after that. However, Guan Liyuan's fighting method seemed to have some subtle changes!

In Guan Liyuan's perspective, at this time, he has entered the "bird's eye view mode", surrounded by chaos, and below are more than twenty highlights ...

【What is this? The original human dream is in the shape of a star? Or was Tsunade dreaming about the stars? 】

Guan Liyuan didn't know how much people would be bored before they could dream about watching the stars!

[No, here is the surface of the dream ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~. The dream has not yet entered. The light spot below is the "dream world". It seems that the other person's dream is composed of these twenty dream nodes. 】

【what? Dream node? 】

[According to the human mindset, when dreaming, experiences are often not continuous events, they are small events, or pictures, so sometimes it feels like a long time in the dream, but it may not actually take long ... now You see that her dream nodes are completely connected into a ring, which means that she is completely caught in the reincarnation dream, and constantly loops through these events. What we have to do now is to unlock this cycle. ] Zhongming explained.

[Ennen, I see. 】

[Every time you say so much "en", you just don't understand it, right? Simply put, you only need to play in these twenty scenes, and she will make up for the rest! And after playing, find out the reason for her addiction and let her wake up from her dream! 】 Chong Ming said.

[Well, I really understand this time ... I hope there are no children ’s inappropriate dreams, but I am a minor ... Can you take a look first and mark the 18x nodes for me later? 】


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