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Chapter 287: If you have enough resurrection coins, you can brush your waywardly!

[First, third, and sixth, these three nodes are fine, but the second, fourth, and fifth nodes should still be improved. Otherwise, it is a bit difficult to meet ... By the way, the outside situation is okay? Guan Liyuan asked Chong Ming.

At this point Guan Liyuan had died eight times and spent more than eighty chances, and finally passed the first six nodes. Sure enough, Tsunade's dream was completely infernal!

When Guan Liyuan "dead" for the first time, the tail beasts detached from Guan Liyuan's body first, and then Ji Fu protected Guan Liyuan's "corpse", and Chong Ming was responsible for Guan Liyuan's "console". The other nine lamas were responsible for continued suppression. Tsunade, and even teamed up to seal, to reduce her activities, so as not to consume too much.

At this time, the real time is like a minute or two ...

From the perspective of Mute and Sakura, Guan Liyuan completely fainted after summoning several tail beasts!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan has no retreat now, not only needs to wake up Tsunade, but also must let her stand on her side, at least not to reveal her secrets, so as not to destroy the original plan.

Guan Liyuan has also figured out some rules at this time. The first six nodes are "Gambling last win", "Grandpa funeral", "Ninja school entrance", "Second grandpa funeral", "Ninja school graduation", and "Teacher ape" Flying Sun "...

Guan Liyuan must all participate in these six nodes to ensure that subsequent nodes have their own participation!

If no node appears in the middle, Tsunade will gradually forget his impression, that is, he will never appear in the future.

At the same time, the first six nodes also played an important role in establishing a "basic impression" for Guan Liyuan.

As long as the former makes Tsunade think that he is important and strong, even if some nodes in the back do not appear, they can skip the appearance in the appropriate nodes in the back, instead of directly "game · over".

Every time Guan Liyuan appeared on a node, he would be infused into Tsunami Brain Supplement. He should have memory, so he also knew that the time interval of the first six nodes was different, but not long.

For example, there is only a half-day interval between the first node and the second node. After Tsunade's last bet wins, she receives the message that the post is no longer available and tells her to go home quickly ...

The fifth and sixth nodes were only two or three days apart. Tsunade graduated at the age of six when he was a ninja, and was immediately cut off by Saruto Fei as a disciple.

After Guan Liyuan's efforts, he can now appear on the sixth node, and in Tsuna's dream, she is harvested as a disciple by Saru Fei with her and Oshimaru.

It seems that by comparison, Tsunate is still more impressed with Osumaru! It may also be because Guan Liyuan and Zili also have white hair, so some images substitute ...

Guan Liyuan, while also mourning for himself, also understood that he should be relatively stable in terms of "strength"!

Now that Guan Liyuan has replaced the seat of Tachi, that is to say that Tsunade will not make Guan Liyuan's strength too low.

However, in the funeral of the first and second generations, and the declaration of Shinto when he graduated from a ninja school, Guan Liyuan felt that he could play more ...

In both funerals, Tsunade was in the first row, and Guan Liyuan was among the onlookers who didn't know how many rows.

According to the rules, Guan Liyuan cannot appear outside of Tsunate's impression area when he intervenes in the node. For example, Guan Liyuan running outwards will cause a "game · over" caused by a bug.

But at the same time, what Guan Liyuan did in any place that could appear, even if Tsunade could not see it in theory at this time, it would also become a part of "setting" and affect her brain supplement ...

At the funeral of two Naruto, Guan Liyuan cried as if he had been paid for it, so Tsunade was a little impressed by him and passed the security.

But after looking at the contents of the six stages, that is, "the first execution of the task", "the first contact with medical ninjutsu", "the first killing", "promotion in the middle of tolerance", "the birth of rope tree" and "Parents killed" six events.

Guan Liyuan thinks he should improve!

At present, Tsunade's impression score of his "strength" is enough, but his impression score of his "thought" is still very monotonous, presumably completely treating himself as a simple loyal Muye.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan passed the first six levels again, and tried to "make up" for himself. After paying the price of three lives and trying more than 20 times, he finally succeeded in making up the play, and the whole "people" was full. ...

At this time, in the impression of Tsunade, Guan Liyuan was not only the talent who possessed his own "Bone Vein" blood succession limit owner, but also her grandfather, the heir to the will of the first generation Naruto Qianshouzhu.

Even in the Ninja Declaration at the time of the Ninja School graduation, Guan Liyuan said that his own Ninja was "to make the Ninja world break through the clan of the family and usher in true peace"!

Even Tsunade has already made up the plot of "Hui Ye Li Yuan" being expelled from the Hui Ye family for this purpose, and then Guan Li Yuan instilled her the name of "Guan Li Yuan".

This is also the foreshadowing that Guan Liyuan laid in order to persuade her to help herself after Tsunade woke up ...

The only way Guan Liyuan can think of now is to convince Tsunade that her own concept is similar to her grandpa and is really for the forbearance.

What happened in the dream will not be confused with the facts after she wakes up, but she will have a memory of the last time Guan Liyuan unlocked the reincarnation dream ...

Tsunade would not know how many times Guan Liyuan had died before, but only thought that Guan Liyuan had risked nine lives, Abu, and was in danger of ten deaths, completing a miracle that was almost impossible to complete!

In this case, Tsunade's doubts about whether Guan Liyuan is lying will also be minimized ...

Of course, Guan Liyuan didn't think he was lying, at least not on the core issues. He is now really for the forbearance. If the first generation was alive, would he agree to do so? It's at least some strategic concealment!

Guan Liyuan then spent seventeen lives as a price and tried more than 130 seventh to twelve nodes.

At this time Guan Liyuan also mastered some rules. In short, the focus of this "perverted cat version of Tsunade.exe" is to leave Tsunade her "impression" that she hopes to have.

Because most of the events occur outside the nodes, what they will become completely depends on Tsunade's brain supplement ...

For example, among the six nodes in the second group, Guan Liyuan performed too much blood several times. As a result, Tsunade supplemented the plot of Guan Liyuan's grave sweep!

The performance is a little more ordinary, and Tsunade will make up the brain to make up Guan Liyuan and start a family. Instead of being a ninja, he will open a mystery like a ramen restaurant ...

The most important thing is that favorability cannot be low!

Although Tsunade's favorability is not very high for Dashemaru's popularity, because Dashoumaru and other people hated by Tsunade are actually in memory, so their experience will not be altered too seriously.

However, Guan Liyuan is different, because his experience in the dream is completely added. As long as he is hated a little, Tsunade will make up for the plot of Guan Liyuan's death in a variety of postures, and even mysterious defection!

There was even a time when Tsunade had supplemented his brain. Guan Liyuan was the illegitimate child of Shanzhao Yu Hanzang, and he did not know what was in her mind ...

After trying more than 130 times and dying 17 times, Guan Liyuan finally felt that at the seventh to twelfth nodes, he also got the "Samsung evaluation".

By forcibly blocking the knife and deepening the human design with the help of the first generation, Guan Liyuan successfully enriched his personal design and raised Tsunade's expectations for himself, while also increasing his favorability to a very high level ...

Even the last node of "Rope Tree Born" ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan will play!

In the first 100 attempts, this node has been skipped ... After all, this is Tsunade's own thing, and Guan Liyuan's appearance for no reason would be contrary.

However, with the unremitting efforts of Guan Liyuan, Guan Liyuan was finally able to wait outside the delivery room with Gangshou's father and daughter ...

Because Gang Shou's brain replacement was set up, Guan Liyuan, who had been expelled from the family, moved to the opposite side of her house. When Rope Tree was about to be born, Tsunade was nervous, and she pulled Guan Liyuan to accompany her bravery ...

[It seems the first twelve nodes are already perfect! But the next twelve are really tricky ...] Guan Liyuan decided to enter the next two nodes.

Tsunade did not have any special memories of the recent 20 years of travel. Of the next 12 nodes, the first six nodes are related to the first half of the Second Ninja War, with the rope tree sacrifice as the core, and the last six nodes It is related to the second half of the Second Ninja War, centered on the sacrifice of Kato.

This is also the key to whether Tsunade will wake up!

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