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Chapter 291: Ninja Sect


[Ninja? Wait ... If the leader of the second generation of Ninja Sect, is not ...

Are you talking about Ninjong and I think ninjong is really the same thing? Guan Liyuan said in shock.

Ninja, the "strength" created by the Six Immortals, is also an "organization".

The modern ninja generally believes that it was the Six Immortals who created Ninjutsu and Chakra. However, in fact, the Six Immortals themselves did not recognize "Ninjutsu" because his "Ninja Sect" can make people understand each other. power……

Although this power is also Chakra in nature, its role is completely different from that of "ninjutsu" used as a weapon.

As for how the Six Dao Immortals used Chakra, as a bridge of understanding between people, Guan Liyuan was not clear.

Only from the fact that the six Taoist immortals later gave the position of "Ninjong leader" to their second son, Ashura, it can be seen that "ninjong" is not only a force but also an organization!

This later became the fuse of Asura and Indra ...

If Nizong was an organization pioneered by Liudaoxian and the first-generation leader was Liudaoxian, then the second-generation leader is not ... Asura?

Are there three generations of leaders after that?

[Yes, it's the "Ninja Sect" created by the Six Taoxian! 】 Zero tail ... No, Ninzong said proudly.

[Have you heard of the Heart of Ninja Sect?] Guan Liyuan asked the other tail beast.

[I do n’t know, just after the split, except for the Nine Lamas who followed Ashura for a while, we were all in the growth stage at that time and did n’t show up in the world]

[After our strength matures, Ninja is destroyed. ] The Beasts said.

Only the Nine Lamas took a closer look at the "Heart of Ninja Sect" ... Guan Liyuan suddenly remembered that the Nine Lamas also said the power of "Dark Chakra" before, giving it some familiar feeling.

But "Dark Chakra" ... How can this kind of power that uses human "despair" as a source be related to Ninja?

[Are you guy lying? Asura opens your wisdom? He doesn't look like a person who uses similar negative emotions to enhance his strength! ] Ji Fu questioned Guan Liyuan.

【of course not! The fundamental purpose I was created was for Lord Ashura to accumulate the "Ninja Sect" into a new era, and also to prevent the occurrence of "unexpected", and to accumulate power ... but then something changed ... I did not want to Take advantage of negative emotions! It made me look ugly! ] Ninzong said excitedly.

[Don't worry, if you want, you can slowly say ...] Guan Liyuan saw this big meat bug, which claims to be "Heart of Ninja Sect," and began to sprinkle and roll a bit disgustingly, and could not help but persuade him.

At the same time, he was a little curious about what the "Zongzong Heart" said.

After the heart of Ninzong cleared his mood, he said, "A long time ago ... I didn't know how long ... I woke up to my consciousness and saw Lord Ashura ..."

The Six Immortals saw the new direction of the "Ninja Sect" from Asura's way of living, so they separated the ten tails from their bodies, split them into nine tailed beasts, and passed them on to Asura, who was killed by the tailed beasts. Passed away in weakness after withdrawal.

However, Asura's brother Indra was dissatisfied with his brother's succession to Ninja. Eventually, a conflict broke out. As a result, Asura struggled to win and killed Indra, but he died too soon because of his injuries.

However, from the "heart of Ninzong", Guan Liyuan learned some more specific things ... such as the power of Asura!

As the two brothers, Asura and Indra, the main reason for their completely different outlook on life is that their talents are completely different.

My brother Indra was born with a strong pupil, known as a genius. In his life, he realized step by step that he is different from others and is extremely confident in his strength ...

But his brother Ashura did not have the talent of his elder brother, so he realized that in order to catch up with his brother's footsteps, besides his own efforts, he also needed the help of others, and his companions around him were increasing.

In the end, Asura made Chakra in his body blossom and bear fruit, no less than Indra ...

This is also an explanation in the original animation, but Guan Liyuan felt a sense of contradiction when he saw this explanation at the beginning!

The younger brother Asura realized that he needed help from other people, so he had the power of Indra.

Is there any connection between the two? If there is a causal relationship, shouldn't Ashura take the crowd to beat Indra in the end?

Recognizing his own deficiencies, he began to have more and more companions ... but then instead of collaborating with his companions, but because with his companions, his deficiencies disappeared, and the physical Chakra blossomed and bear fruit?

What is the connection between the increase in peers and the awakening of physical strength?

Is Asura practicing "tonic"? Then the increase is not a companion, but a runner? What "new possibilities" did the Six Immortals see? There are too many slots!

But now the words of "Zong Zong's Heart" have given Guan Liyuan a new perspective ...

Asura realized how to use the spirit of trust, fetters, and interdependence among his companions to stimulate physical strength. As more and more companions, Asura also possessed the immortal body.

The nature of "Zong Zong's Heart" is similar to the transformation method that Asura learned from it. It can be seen as the engine that transforms "human emotions into power"!

Asura hoped that even other people who did not have the gene of the immortal body could use this power, so he had the "heart of Ninja" ...

Simply put, ordinary people do n’t have the inheritance of the six immortals, and they ca n’t resemble Asura. The effect of refining is obvious, and even the body of the immortal is finally awakened. Can be used.

In fact, it is similar in concept to Chakra Armor and the "Chakra Production Tool" being developed by the Northern Alliance.

However, Asura's plan has not yet been realized. Indra has already turned against him. After the two men fought a war, Asura has no time to complete the plan, only to complete the "kernel".

After the death of the second-generation Ninja leader Asura, more and more people in the world began to think about who was right in Asura and Indra? Or is it all wrong?

The three generations who inherited the position of the leader of Ninja Sect, prestige is no longer enough to convince the world, and human beings have entered an era of endless warfare. Ninjutsu gradually appeared ...

With the intensification of war, the personal strength that can directly protect themselves and those around them will become more important, and the result of superstition of personal strength will lead to the intensification of war.

Seeing the vicious circle and constant war of ninja circles, the three generations of leaders restarted the "Ninja Sect" plan, hoping to start in a city and gradually restore order to the ninja circles.

However, because the leaders of the three generations did not know this kind of power very well, the final "Ninja Soul" can not only transform the bond and trust between companions into energy, but also absorb and transform human despair and hatred ...

And no matter what era, it is obviously easier to get "despair" and "hate" than to get "fetters" and "trust"!

Especially in those days, despair and hatred were everywhere ...

The three generations of leaders eager to gain strength did not realize that there was anything wrong with this, while absorbing the power transformed from despair and hatred ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ while trying to end despair and hatred.

However, the power brought by this dark side of mankind has also unknowingly affected the spirit of the three generations of leaders, and has finally become completely contrary to his own original ideal, despair. Hatred not only devoured the three generations of leaders and his companions, but also almost destroyed the Ninja.

The only thing that the three generations of leaders can do is to sink the heart of Ninja Sect and Sky City, which have also been affected a lot, under the last sense, so as not to continue to absorb negative emotions.

But he himself has become a monster feeding with negative emotions ...

In the end, the humans in the war united and sealed off the three generations of leaders who had run away.

Objectively, the three generations of leaders have indeed postponed the chaos in the ninja world, because they joined forces to stop the three generations of leaders from violently leaving, and the excessive casualties in this battle have stabilized the ninja world for a while, and people are no longer alone, or Fighting in groups of three or five, a "family" with blood relations as the ties gradually began to emerge.

As you cultivate this life, you are entering the countdown to the beginning of the Warring States Period ...

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