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Chapter 301: The first year of the Commonwealth (on)

61 years of wood leaves, January 1, the beginning of the new year.

In the last year, especially in the second half of last year, the Ninja Realm was turbulent. Three of the "Shadows" in the Five Hidden Villages died. Among them, Fengying was in the position because of the return of Yecang to Sandy Village and the generation of Fengying Luosha. The scandal, therefore, is still hanging up until now.

Relying on the status of "Hidden Village Hero" and many middle-level ninjas who worshiped themselves, Ye Cang has quickly established, or restored his prestige, while Ai Luo fell to the bottom due to his father's scandal. At present, It is likely that Yecang will become the fifth generation of Fengying!

In addition, the five generations of Naruto finally fell on the heads of the orphans of the Uchiha family, and also revealed some of the truth of the genocide incident that year, and they really blinded the eyes of many people ...

Wuyin Village, which has always been "autistic", ended the blood mist policy, and the "fifth generation of water shadow" who came to power was also shocking.

The same level of events as the "new shadow succession" of the two hidden villages will require the establishment of the Northern Alliance.

When the focus of Muye turned to the country of rain again, and the country of soil was also forced to sink into a part of the energy in the quagmire of the country of rain hidden, the northern alliance based on the country of the country and connecting many northern powers was established!

Moreover, the fierce battle for the unification of the north began as soon as it came up. In the circumstances behind Yanyin Village and Leiyin Village, the North was quickly calmed down, and it became a territory with a population of no less than five big nations. The number of ninjas was slightly less than Super powers of the five hidden villages.

The most important thing is that the tough national policy of ninja integration was thoroughly implemented in the Northern Alliance, and immediately after the reunification, the policies of "ninja registration" and "entry certificate" ...

Many forces existing in the north as a family, either moved out in advance, accepted new rules, or were ... crushed under the concentrated sweep of the Alliance Ninja!

Although this move included the Ninja families in the five hidden villages, they began to oppose the Northern Alliance, but it finally cleared the obstacles for the regional implementation of the "chakra civilianization" ...

In the year 61 of the wooden leaves, on January 1st, the Northern Alliance, which has basically eliminated internal problems, officially announced that the northern countries have comprehensively communicated with each other's borders, reorganized the "renewal of the federation" and adopted the meaning of "renewal of Vientiane".

In the same year, the "Federal Calendar" was implemented in the north, the first year of the Federation.

There is no state or forbearance organization within the federation, and the county and county are unified as local administrative areas. The "Federal Army" composed of ninjas is under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council and is stationed in the fortresses near the main cities of the counties.

The former nobles and officials of the various countries were partially abolished, and some **** factions continued to serve as administrative affairs. The former royal family had at least one county and three counties sealed off the land. Only the right to food and non-interference in administration, the original kings were all County representatives, for the time being.

Just when the five powers officially did not wait to express their dissatisfaction with the large-scale abandonment of the royal families by such ninja organizations, the Northern Alliance ... No, the renewal of the federation has continued to make great efforts, leaving almost no time for the five powers to blame!

On January 15, the renewal federation officially announced that after the cancellation of Ninja Village, the official federation of the renewal will no longer undertake entrusted tasks. At the same time, bandits, chasing after perpetrators, and ensuring the safety of the caravan in the federation will be directly written into the federal army. responsibility range.

In the previous half month, the Federation has indeed been taking action to prove that this is not a joke!

In the EFF, the ninjas and ordinary militia are no longer separated. The grass-roots security militias are also equipped with ninja and middle-tolerance. The general regional banditry has completely lost its depth under the cooperation of various localities and multiple siege ...

What made countless bandits in the north tremble is that one of the three big cottages in the north, relying on geographical advantages, even the small volcano village did not look at the wind volcanoes, and was directly led by several elite ninja-level ninjas to hang themselves. , Geographical advantage has no effect in front of the absolute strong, and has not left any liveliness!

For a time, bandits from all over the country either dispersed or fled to other countries ...

Not only within the Federation, "mission entrustment" is no longer accepted, and other ninja villagers who enter the federal territory are required to apply for a permit first, then enter the door, and offenders are all wanted for the crime of illegal entry.

At the beginning, many caravans were worried that this would affect safety. However, they gradually found that there were no major bandits in the north, and there were official "trains" passing in the north. Although the freight is not cheap, and the tax rate is higher than other big countries. Higher, but in general it is easier to do business ...

However, for the renewal of the federation, the abolition of the nations and the abolition of the Ninja villages are now abolished. Now even the mission system has been rooted out. The entire Ninja community does not know how many people sneered after mentioning the "Federal New Deal".

On February 1st, the real "blockbuster" just struck!

The "Renewal Alliance" officially announced that the cultivation of Chakra is the power given to all by the Six Immortals, the free refining of Chakra is the natural right of all people, and it is sacred and inalienable. At the same time, the Chakra refinement method is promoted throughout the territory.

Even in the backcountry, where few people are literate, they are sent under special guidance to ensure that at least one person in every three neighboring households has basic knowledge of Chakra refinement and is willing to answer for the neighborhood.

Also released are various improved crop seeds with short maturity and high yield. In addition, under the guidance of various places, they will also be assisted by special chakra-driven special agricultural tools ...

At the same time as increasing yield, the convenience of Chakras was also promoted to increase the interest of ordinary people in refining Chakras. At the same time, the increase in crop yields is also the basis for the appearance of Chakra owners!

As for Zhong Ni and Shang Ni, while the war has not yet started, a large amount of wasteland has been opened up with soil jujube and water martial arts, and leased to civilians for cultivation ...

Although the tax and production tax are higher, because of the soaring total output, if Chakra is not refined, every household can ensure a large amount of surplus food a year.

At the same time, a large part of the use of high taxes is used to reward the successful chakra refiners!

On March 1st, when the mature monthly crop of the high-yielding crops matured, the federal government issued a bill to encourage the refinement of Chakra.

Successfully refining Chakra to a level equivalent to graduated from a tolerant school and generally tolerated tolerant must be reported to the federation, at the same time there are generous rewards, and special farm tools can be leased at low prices.

After completing the Chakra level assessment, you can enjoy federal benefits every month.

In addition, there are four or six or eight levels of assessment that tend to be physical and mental, and there are additional benefits after passing.

All that is paid is the registered Chakra owner, who must attend classes every month and receive ideological education ...

Of course, at this time, few people know that the so-called "level four, six and eight assessment" refers to "after the body is modified and equipped with special chakra armor, it can withstand nine tails in four tails, six tails, or eight tails. Chakra outbreak in the state "horizontal survey ...

In other words, those who passed the eight-level assessment are all ideologically strong, capable of accepting the lofty goal of "changing the ninja world", and through human body transformation and external assistance, they can quickly exert the strongest reserve force of the humanoid column!

Even ordinary Chakra owners who have passed Levels 4 and 6 can be armed for superior tolerance and elite elite tolerance after the war begins.

Of course, at present, no civilians can pass, but some of the original ninja village ninjas have passed the level 4 or 6 exams ...

Countries had been caught off guard when the Federation had just announced "refining Chakras for the whole people" and had produced a large number of high-yield crops!

The reason why they did not react immediately was that the seeds of high-yield crops quickly flowed to the surrounding countries and spread to the whole Ninja ...

The "seed" thing cannot be kept secret for a long time, it can be easily obtained, and anyone can contact it, so the renewal federation did not want to hide it from the beginning.

Therefore, the major powers do not think that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ renewed the federal can rely on the inexplicable "refining Chakra for all people" decree, and what great advantages.

There is also the "Chakra Refining Method" that flows into the folks of various countries with the seeds!

Most of the high-level villages in the hidden villages think that just "refining" is not enough to train ninjas ...

Even if those mud legs have Chakra, they will not even have basic trisomy, can they be regarded as ninjas?

At most, it's more labor-intensive and can use Chakra farm tools!

As for Chakra Farm Tools to increase production?

Those farm tools can be bought in the renewal alliance. Although not cheap, it is not unacceptable ...

Therefore, they do not think that updating the Alliance's "refining Chakra for the whole people" will bring much benefit to it.

However, the reaction of the five hidden villages to the “Chakra Refining Method” has flowed into this country!

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