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Chapter 303: Back to the main world!

(); "Li Yuan, you can submit a challenge application tomorrow, who do you choose to challenge?" After the close combat class, Zhong Liqiu asked Guan Liyuan.

This is already the most lesson on Friday. There is no “simulation experience” this week. Saturday is the final preparation time for qualified students. The “Seed Student List” challenge will start on Sunday!

"But don't oversleep anymore," Jiang Ruonan reminded.

That's right, this lesson was reported by Guan Liyuan, Zhong Liqiu, and Jiang Ruonan. There are really many "warriors" in the team.

Although Jiang Ruonan has already joined the "Seed Student Training Program", so he is not used for class, but has special counseling, but Jiang Ruonan's personality completely ignores the high-level elites assigned to her, and he still behaves every day!

"It's already selected, just three of them: gluttony, fantasy walker and Huang Zhao" Guan Liyuan said.

"Who hasn't been identified yet?" Jiang Ruonan wondered.

"Confirmed, these are the three"

"So you haven't confirmed yet, etc.! Wouldn't you want to challenge three?" Jiang Ruonan looked at Guan Liyuan in surprise.

"You're the least qualified to be surprised? Don't tell me you won't challenge this time." Guan Liyuan looked at Jiang Ruonan, who was always "one person vs one team".

Although Jiang Ruonan has joined the "seed cultivation plan", he can still challenge

"I do want to challenge two people, but you better know that these people have already been trained for a month. Although they have not yet enjoyed the benefits of" equal speed increase ", they are still junior professionals. However, I am afraid that there are strengths that can sustain for a period of time under the attack of ordinary commanders, and they can even single out some abyss commanders whose abilities are restrained by themselves! "Jiang Ruonan said.

Yes, this time Jiang Ruonan is also going to challenge two people. After success, she will occupy one seat of the other, and her original seat will be contested by the two who failed.

The "seed students" who also occupy multiple seats will receive a coordinated challenge from the corresponding number of students when challenged. After success, all challengers will occupy one place each, and the losers will lose all places!

"Well? Do you absolutely challenge two or three people? Then it seems I need to change my plan." Zhong Liqiu's eyes flashed Venus.

"No, Qiu you don't need to risk your profession is a pure system. It is enough to occupy a place in the early stage." Guan Liyuan said.

"Hey, hey, aren't you the same? Bone veins and Holy Tiger fighters are enough to occupy two places? Although the bone veins are compatible with the element system and this system, but have little connection with the element system, the element system is not needed at the beginning. Right? "Jiang Ruonan said to Guan Liyuan instead.

Indeed, Jiang Ruonan wants two places because her "overlord soul hunting gun" is a single profession, but it has the dual nature of this system and the spiritual department. It requires two departments of "enhancement stones", so she hopes to get two places. Places.

As for the benefits of "equal-level speed-up" of another quota, it was completely wasted.

Not to mention Guan Liyuan, the "Summoner of the Other World" in the rules department does not need foreign objects and various auxiliary benefits, but the "Bone Veiner" and "Sacred Tiger Fighter" each need at least one quota

At the same time, Guan Liyuan felt that his “bone veiner” had touched the threshold of “intermediate level”. After obtaining the quota this month, he could immediately apply for “equal-level speed-up” and enter the “intermediate level”. At the same time, the fourth profession will Awakening, and it is related to the "rebirth eye", it is more likely that it belongs to the psychic department, so a total of three places are needed!

"My understanding of the" Bone Veiner "should be enough to advance to the intermediate level, and then wake up to the fourth profession. Isn't it necessary to have three places?"

"How do you know that you will definitely have a fourth career!" Jiang Ruonan stared at Guan Liyuan, who was confident and silent.

In fact, according to the situation in previous years, many seed students who can apply for "equal-level speed-up" will also delay the advanced level because they found that they cannot wake up the second career in "Professional Prophecy" and choose to continue to accumulate until they ensure that Sixty to seventy percent grasped the second profession and then advanced.

Although most professionals will have a second career at an advanced level, since they are selected as "seed students", of course, they cannot use the standard of ordinary people to ask themselves!

Guan Liyuan is also not good to say directly now, he is sure to awaken the new profession when he is advanced, so he has to lower his voice and said to Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan, "Tell you a secret! Autumn, you cover your mouth first. Actually yesterday I had a dream late in bed "

"Isn't it a dirty dream? Is it related to Qiu?" Jiang Ruonan looked at Guan Liyuan with contempt.

"It's dirty your mind! Do you still listen?"

"You say, you say"

"I had a dream. Although I couldn't remember what I was dreaming about, but after waking up, I found that the 'Bone Veiner' mutated into an advanced career. After the mutation, I still had the ability of the mind system, so even if there is no new career Awakening, I also need three places! "

Guan Liyuan finished speaking, and found that Jiang Ruonan looked at him with a questioning face, while Zhong Liqiu was struggling to "open his mouth" while struggling to cover his mouth, and seemed to have forgotten that she was covering herself. !!

"Ha? Aren't you dreaming?" Jiang Ruonan said in a "you're awake" tone.

Indeed, such things as professional advancement usually occur when breaking through the advanced or advanced level, even if the talent is higher and the luck is better, it is better to happen when breaking through the intermediate level?

Occupational advancement occurs outside the rank promotion, which is a very special case

And although there are also such extreme examples, it usually occurs at the moment of life and death, the extreme fluctuation of professional mood, or the killing of the abyss strong!

Have a dream to advance your career? No wonder Jiang Ruonan thinks that Guan Liyuan's dream may not be finished yet.

In particular, what else is said to have the ability of "mind system", isn't this the ox that Guan Liyuan and her have played before?

Jiang Ruonan suspected that he was bragging too much and blew himself out of hallucinations!

Of course she didn't know. Guan Liyuan himself was actually a bit surprised, because at that time he was talking about merging the "Sacred Tiger Fighter" into a "Ghost Tiger Fighter", and then there was a mental ability. He did not even think of "Bone Veiner" After advancing to "kill gray bones together", you will first possess the characteristics of the psychic system.

Guan Liyuan didn't say anything, but he mysteriously pulled the second daughter to a secluded place, ignoring this behavior seems to be very cumbersome to others.

After that, they should press their heads to signal their heads down.

Zhong Liqiu was accustomed to Guan Liyuan's "rudeness", but he was slightly taller than Guan Liyuan, and Jiang Ruonan would pat his hand at that time, but at this moment, I saw Guan Liyuan put his hand in the perspective behind their heads In the meanwhile, a small gray bone spur protruded from the fingertips of five fingers at the same time!

Although their appearance is not good, and even the color is not as good as when they were white and jade, but when they saw this "gray bone", the two women felt a shocking power at the same time, caressing their souls.

That ’s right, Guan Liyuan ’s "joint killing gray bones" has the attributes of the spiritual system. Although not directly launching the spirit, enemies stabbed by the collective killing gray bones will also suffer mental erosion, which is based on the success of material attacks. Next, a mental attack will take effect.

And in the world of Naruto, whether it is ordinary human beings, or the body formed by the "regeneration of dirty soil", mental power, or soul, is spread throughout the body and coincides with the physical body.

Under the "common killing of gray bones" attack, the physical body and spiritual soul will be destroyed at the same time, so the target being attacked cannot be cured by medical jutsu, even the "regenerate soil" body will lose its ability to heal itself!

Expressed in the profession of the main world, it has formed the special ability of "additional mental damage will be attached after damage to the enemy".


"It hurts, hurts, hurts! Give me a good cover of your mouth! Why did you suddenly bite it?"

Although Zhong Liqiu didn't know what was going on, but his instinct was just to bite him!

And this time without Wei Yingying performing the "Silly Autumn Stripping" side, Guan Liyuan only got out after biting a long time.

"Bone is cracking! Tell me if your occlusal force has increased again? You don't need to exercise your occlusal force! Let me do some other exercises!" Guan Liyuan's tears vomited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Jiang Ruonan then He said on the side: "Do you want to challenge these three people, including the gluttony and illusionist two guys, but you have just awakened the mind system, and the mental power and will are sure to resist the illusionist's illusion?"

Indeed, of the three selected by Guan Liyuan, only Huang Zhao was his real name, and the other two were "nicknames". It can be seen from this that the person he chose was not low in strength.

Gluttony is the captain of the tenth team that replaced Jiang Ruonan before, and the illusionist is the captain of the illusion team that once won the question.

Both of these should be candidates who are not easily challenged!

Of course, Guan Liyuan does not have to be in the limelight, but he feels that the three people's fighting style is easy to be restrained by himself, so he decided on the candidate

Among them, Gluttony and Huang Zhao were decided before, while the illusionist advanced after the "common killing of the gray bones", and after the awakening of the "rebirth eye" profession, Guan Liyuan decided.

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