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Chapter 329: Danger in paradise

"Wood, do you know? Although both of us reached Xiaocheng in the analysis of the eight skills, I majored in the element system, and the analysis was also the element system, and you are the system ... Normally in this regard, the The system is much simpler than the element system ... "

"and so?"

"So this shows that my perception is still a little better!"


Mu Mu looked at Fang Hero with a look of intellectual disability.

I came here to talk to myself early in the morning just to prove that he has a better understanding of skills than himself?

However, Mu Mu can understand some, after all, Guan Liyuan's performance last night really shocked Fang hero!

Lin Lin finally calculated that, in two and a half days, he successfully analyzed the first skill completely ...

And Guan Liyuan is only a middle-level professional now. There is no high-level skills or super-level skills to refer to. If a high-level professional has a “shabby and missing pages of textbooks”, the middle-level professional is at best “a few pages of teaching materials ".

Originally as elite high-level, they also thought that they could begin to analyze skills without reaching the super-level ...

However, these days, I was first stimulated by Mo Tianfan, who reached the "peak of the light environment" at the high level, and then by Guan Liyuan, who was able to analyze a skill for two and a half days at the intermediate level!

Fortunately, Mu Mu began to awaken, and his talent was not very good, so he could sink his heart to study combat skills. Although his advanced speed lags behind Tongji, but because of the solid combat skills, he analyzed the skills of this system. Has produced a great promotion effect, which is why today's elite high-end wood.

Therefore Mu Mu has long been used to it, and the people around him have stronger talents than themselves, so they don't break down like Fang Hero, even come here to find a sense of excellence!

"Wood, you say if it is half a year ... ah no, it is five months. If within five months, we have nothing to teach him what to do?" Fang Yingxiong asked worriedly.

"Well? He has made rapid progress in elemental learning?" Mu Mu asked.

"That's not true. He doesn't have the talent for skill analysis in this regard." Hero Fang shook his head.

"So what are you worried about? Are you not only responsible for guiding him to build on the elements? What if he surpasses you in the analysis of skills?" Mu Mu said for granted.

After being broken by Mu Mu, the hero Fang showed a stunned look.

The division of labor among the three mentors is actually very clear. It is mainly decided by Mo Tianfan, and Mo Tianfan is also responsible for instructing Guan Liyuan on how to analyze skills and how to understand and use the rules behind the skills ... Only among the three are Mo Tianfan qualified to teach This one.

The skills of Fang Yingxiong's elementary system and the techniques of Mumu's teaching system ... These skills are also helpful for analyzing skills, otherwise, how to analyze?

Hero Fang nodded immediately and said, "Well! At least my talent is better than you!"

"..." Mu Mu ignored him completely.

At this moment, Mo Tianfan, who was in the process of imparting skills analysis experience to Guan Liyuan, called Fang Yingxiong and Mu Mu ...

"I have something to deal with later, waiting for you in Eagle City at the end of the month. Before the end of the month, you take him to experience the wild terrain." Mo Tianfan said.

"What? Wild Ridge? Is it too early?" Fang Yingxiong exclaimed.

Fang Yingxiong had no dissatisfaction when Mo Tianfan was very irresponsible for leaving midway. On the contrary, it would be strange if Mo Tianfan didn't do anything for half a year, but mentioned that he and Mumu were asked, Take Guan Liyuan to the wild ridge zone, Fang hero jumped up immediately.

According to the division of dangerous areas in the Happy Land, it is divided into five levels from the "suburban" areas around the least dangerous cities, followed by "wild suburbs", "wild ridges", "jedi", and "great jedi". ...

In these days, Guan Liyuan's location is the "wild suburbs", and the vast areas farther from the city are uniformly divided into "wild ridges" regardless of the topography.

In the Wild Ridge area, not only the abyss dominance will be more common, but the abyss settlements will be larger. From time to time, you can see some abyss majors close to the lord level. Existing, although it does not break through the racial boundaries, high-level professionals also have a headache when they encounter it.

Even if your luck is "good" enough, you can still meet the wild abyss lord!

That is, there are very few creatures that dominate racial abyss, breaking through the racial boundaries ...

Although it is weaker than the leader of the natural lord race, and there is no "Jedi" bonus, it will be suppressed to a certain extent by the rules of the land, and it is much weaker than the abyss lord who directly descends on the Jedi, but it is a high-level class If you encounter this, you ca n’t say whether it is good luck or bad luck.

"It's not for you to go to the Jedi, no mother-in-law! I haven't given you ten challenging tasks yet!" Mo Tianfan said arrogantly.

The ten challenges are “special tasks” assigned to “seed students” by the college. They are not mandatory to be completed, but there are rewards for completing them.

They all write about tasks that are impossible for ordinary students and even ordinary middle-level professionals, including even "joining and contributing to the Jedi crusade" ...

Usually even geniuses will only try the "ten challenges" in the last one or two months before graduation.

As for the "Jedi", it is a so-called node. The lords in it are all big lords descending directly from the abyss. Most of them are born lords. They are also more powerful. After occupying the node, the "Jedi" power On the contrary, it will strengthen the lord of the abyss.

And the most dangerous "Jedi" means that there are only three places in the entire land, in the east, south, and northwest, respectively ... the main enemy of the alliance in the land!

The "Great Jedi" that has been continually traversed for more than ten years has further expanded the nodes. Among them, there are not only abyssal kings that can not be defeated by ordinary super-orders, and although the "Great Jedi" has a limited number of advents, it can contain an unlimited number of abyssal lords. ...

Therefore, many wild abyss lords choose to inhabit the "Great Jedi" in order not to be restrained by the rules of the happy land. The alliance will not easily attack the Great Jedi, but they will set up a defensive circle around them to prevent the lords from rushing out. Siege!

After all, the "Great Jedi" has been formed. Unless human beings appear in the super ranks, they cannot be repaired. Even if they are sent to those super ranks, they are extremely strong. Clearing the kings in the "Great Jedi" ... is not only dangerous in itself. , And after that it was only a month of peace.

And usually those super strong people have to sit in the border town of Eight Cities, or have other tasks. If they suddenly adjust too much, they will easily be attacked by the East.

Unless the number of wild lords gathered in the "Great Jedi" is too large, the Alliance will clear its teeth once.

However, the three “Jedi” kings are not stupid. Every time the number of the abyss lords is almost the same, they will launch a real abyss siege ...

The real "Abyss Siege" is not the same level as the "Dubber and Trouble" of the previous Tulane City, because the number of lords is large, and when gathered together, the resistance to the rules of the land will be greatly increased.

Although the lord will still be suppressed, but with a sufficient number of lords, the abyss creatures at the level of large commander can exert their full strength. If the abyss king is carefully arranged, the lord will not be suppressed too seriously!

Each time "Abyss Siege" occurs, not only will the Alliance send additional staff to the target city after discovery, but for the target city, adding a heroic monument is almost inevitable ...

Three years ago, the Great Jedi of the East, with the assistance of the Dreadlord, planned a siege plan carefully. Many great Jedi lords in the East participated in it, and the goal is the "Eagle City" in the eastern city. ".

If you change to other cities, I am afraid that they may not be able to hold on, even the Eagle City has paid a huge price ...

If it wasn't for the miscalculation of Jiang Yuanjing's strength and the time he got for the rescue of the Alliance, it is likely that the Eagle City will break!

"Miss Mo, is the wild area in this area too close to the Jedi? We can delay for a few days and go to the wild mountains in Dalingcheng." Mu Mu also expressed his views.

It is also a "Wild Ridge" area, and the wild mountains near "Eagle City" will be worse, because it is closer to the "Jedi", and some wild lords born in other eastern wild areas will also Jedi gathered.

Not only are wild lords unwilling to meet human professionals before entering the "Great Jedi" to perch, most professional teams are also unwilling to meet wild lords!

However, if they do meet, the two sides cannot pretend to not see each other, and a war is inevitable.

Therefore, "Wild Ridge" is not 100% safe for advanced professional teams ...

"From the moment of becoming a professional, no one is destined to be 100% safe ... and even in the wild areas around the Eagle City, isn't there no intermediate professional experience?" Mo Tianfan said.

Indeed, in some so-called "high-level teams", many will have mid-level members.

"But ... with Li Yuan's talent, there is no need to fight like this, right?" Fang Yingxiong said entangled.

The strong need to experience, even some poorly talented professionals will choose highly dangerous training to oppress their own progress, but let Guan Liyuan choose such a dangerous training method ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Yingxiong and Mu Mu have some different opinions.

"No, of course I also evaluated the danger! His summoned beast that can dig underground camps can make the night a lot better. It has reduced the difficulty of the training by one level, and the two of you are not higher than the others. The team is more dangerous ... or leave it to Guan Liyuan to decide for himself. "Mo Tianfan said looking at Guan Liyuan.

"If the degree of danger of Ms. Fang and Ms. Mu in the Yeling area is not higher than other teams ... I think I can choose to go there to practice."

Although Guan Liyuan did not die, he also faintly understood Mo Tianfan's intention ...

She was worried that Fang Yingxiong and Mu Mu didn't understand Guan Liyuan's talents. The teaching method chosen was too conservative, so they simply let them go to the wild mountains!

Where the heroes and Mu Mu go all out, they can only make their risk factor similar to that of a normal squad. Don't worry about Guan Liyuan's lack of experience.

"But it's okay to wait for me a day or two ... My growth-type summoning beast has just died, I will wait for Xiao Hei to come to me, and then summon them again." Guan Liyuan said.

"Dingchun" they are not with Guan Liyuan, but they are also in "stocking" ... Xiao Hei is also with them!

Although Xiaohei's strength is not better than "Dingchun", his life-saving ability is first-rate. Even if he walks through the settlements where the abyss has command, he can not expose his tracks.

However, since Dingchun was extinct, Xiaohei could only come to meet with Guan Liyuan first, and then wait for the contract to be restored, and then be called again by Guan Liyuan ...

Xiao Hei left Guan Liyuan a handful of black hairs, not worried that he would not find him.

"Well, first go to the stronghold in the east and rest for a day, then you go to Yeling ~ friends from www.wuxiaspot.com ~, you can search for" Blue Book ", you can find this site the first time Oh.

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