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Chapter 336: Playable thief

Perceived that there is a problem with the nature of the boss's thief, it seems that it is a variant of the dark element, which makes the dark element originally inclined to the "destruction system" possess the ability of "modeling system" and the erosion ability unique to the dark element. After performing even more vividly, Guan Liyuan chose to directly summon Picosi in order to avoid acting as the hero of the web and interpret the heroine's plot!

"Phi-" After Picosie appeared, he was very excited.

Because Guan Liyuan's "Summoner of the Other Worlds" has more professional power, it is still okay for Picoxi's lord-level incarnation to persist for four or five minutes! After full repair, it can be doubled again.

"Oh! Boss, is this new py?" Picosi asked deliberately in a handsome manner.

"If you have so much nonsense, I'll switch to Geng Gui!"

"Keekeke ... Boss, to deal with this kind of thing, it's up to me! The big ghost, you can only use poison to attack the poison. Look at me, magic shines!"

I saw Pikexi firing a gorgeous light towards Guan Liyuan ...

Magic shines in the Pokémon world, which is an attack skill of the fairy or fairy, and in the main world, the power attribute is shown as a variant of the light element!

Under the influence of magical sparkle, the black antennae that entangled Guan Liyuan gradually melted away. After being infected, the part of the tactile sensation was lost. When exposed at first, it looked dark, but under the "magic sparkle", it gradually recovered. normal.

Pokémon's attack will be suppressed to a very low level for humans who have been acknowledged by Pokémon, so Zhiye will never be electrocuted. It is also for this reason that Guan Li is far from being "magic shining" Hurt, but get away with it!

"What? The light-level lord-level summons the beast? And is still the incarnation ... isn't that true body ... the lucky one who is favored by the existence of the monarchy? But your luck is over! Let me personally You drag into the darkness-the invasion of darkness! "

I saw countless black tentacles, wrapped around the pirate boss himself.

"Well? Boss, is this guy perverted?" Piccocy said as he watched the thief boss trying to adjust himself.

"Interrupt him! Continue to use 'Magic Shine' on him!" Guan Liyuan said.

Although he didn't know what the other party was going to do, Guan Liyuan obviously didn't want to keep watching when the other party obviously made a big move!

"Flying Finger Gun!"

"Since the boss said, then ... magic shines!"

Guan Liyuan's bone bullets did not work at all. After shooting the tentacles, they were trapped and did not reappear, but the "magic sparkle" had a significant effect. The black tentacles wrapped around the thief, as if snow and ice met the sun, gradually melting Go on ...

At the same time, in the tightly wrapped tentacles, a low-pitched throbbing sound of gangsters gradually came, but slowly turned into laughter.

"Boss, is this guy really abnormal?" Pikexi confirmed.

"Well, it's a pity ... just a little bit, you can interrupt me ... now, ready to meet the real darkness?" The thief's voice became weird.

I saw that the tentacles on the outside had not melted, and they gradually melted away ... it seemed to be absorbed by the things inside.

Guan Liyuan and Pikexi could not help but be nervous, I don't know what they will see in a while!

Until all the dark matter is absorbed ...

"Hahahaha ..."

"Oh ... heh ... hahaha, sorry for the boss, I can't help it ..."

I saw that in front of Guan Liyuan and Picosi, it was-Xiaohei!

It's not the little black monster from the soul, but the kind of black from Conan ... The only difference is that the thief in front of it is more thorough, and there is no whiteness!

"You can only laugh now ..." The thief's voice also became sharp.

But Guan Liyuan smiled and laughed, but he launched the attack as soon as possible!

"Flying Finger Guns!"

Guan Liyuan not only sent multiple rounds of bone bullets this time, but also hidden several gray bone bullets insidiously. The other half were just ordinary bone bullets. The opponent seemed to have a strong resistance to the penetration of this substance, but If you bear these bone bombs in the front, you will definitely enjoy "surprise" ...

"Moon Explosion!" Pikexi also drew the power of the stars and attacked the black thief.

But at this moment, the figure of the thief, like a real shadow, dived directly into the dark ground ...

Guan Liyuan and Picoxi stunned for a moment, after which the former stabbed underneath with a sharp edge of the bone ... I saw the figure of the thief. At this moment, he was about to emerge from a position a little bit below Guan Liyuan's feet, but then Guan Guanyuan Bone blade forced back.

Although the other party's means are strange, Guan Liyuan's perception makes him less expensive ...

"Da Pippi, be careful behind you!" Guan Liyuan reminded.

However, it was still one step behind. After the gangster in the "Little Black State" emerged from the ground, the right-handed wave and the shadow that formed the body became the shape of a sickle, and it was cut directly to Pikexi's back.

Well, Pikexi, who has not entered the evolutionary state of fetters, looks like he can't see his back at all ... and behind him is indeed its perceived dead end!

"I beep, your uncle!" Da Pippi exclaimed, and rolled out.

When I got up, it looked like I was stained with ink ...

However, it sounded swear words when it was sore, apparently this is not as simple as ordinary "ink".

Guan Liyuan seems to be able to detect the timing of the "invaders" ahead of time, but it is too late to remind Picossi. It is now three and a half minutes away from Picossi being summoned. If he is attacked several times, it is estimated that the avatar will disappear early It's up!

At this moment, Guan Liyuan's expression suddenly moved, and he seemed to communicate with Picoxi in secret.

The thief also realized at this time that although Guan Liyuan was only a mid-level professional, his strength was too strong. If he did not meet the adult, he was just an ordinary high-level professional who has just advanced, I am afraid that he is already kneeling now ...

But although Guan Liyuan can't be attacked by the sneak attack, the thief can sneak on Pikexi!

As long as this obstructing lord-level summoning beast disappears, there is only one Guan Liyuan left, and he is not helpless.

Poor he doesn't know the incarnation of Picosi. It won't last more than a minute without attacking, otherwise the situation will probably be different ...

As soon as he appeared again, Picosi reacted for the first time, completely unlike the clumsy look before!

"You ..." The thief suddenly noticed that Picosi's face had changed, as if his figure was closer to a human than before.

That's right, Guan Liyuan just put all the remaining occupational powers of the "Summoner of the Other World", and inspired the model of "fetter evolution".

At this time, Picosi had only one blow ...

"Wish for healing!"

I saw Pikexi actually used the last chance to launch the healing skills?

And is it the desire to heal that can be launched directly at the expense of the incarnation?

Instantly pinkish Picoxi, the whole body turned into a streamer, rushed to the thief in front of!

All the power in Picosi's avatar is transformed into healing energy ... the target is actually a thief?

However, after encountering the "wish for healing", the thief actually used the "little black" face to make a panic look. In the light, he could not reintegrate into the shadow ...

This is also the result of the previous transmission of Picosi and Guan Liyuan.

After Picosi "tested by body", judging the strength of the opponent's power should be a force that is completely opposite to the "wish for healing" ...

Guan Liyuan tends to believe in Pikexi's judgment. The opponent's occupation is based on the dark element variation, and the power he possesses should also be a variation of the dark element.

The power of Picosi comes from "Moonlight" ... or the light of the stars! Belongs to a special kind of light element.

At the same time, the dark elements of the burglar are erosive, and they are completely opposite to the energy of peace and healing ...

Picosi proposes that he can use his last chance to use his strongest healing skills.

At this time, in the "little black" state, the body of the burglar is completely different from that of humans and any flesh and blood. Don't worry about the treatment effect, and only have 80% grasp, which will cause interference with the "little black" state. .

So when Guan Liyuan once again noticed the emergence of the thief, he directly spurred "fetter evolution", which not only strengthened Picoxi's "wish for healing", but also the two hearts communicated in real time. West can feel it too!

When Picosi "sacrifices" his incarnation ... and uses the "wish for healing", the thief completely "dissolves" and the shadow on the ground gradually melts away.

But at this moment, in the position behind Guan Liyuan, a shadow squirmed against it, but in the next second ...

"Ah!" A scream came from the yin and yang under Guan Liyuan's feet.

I saw Guan Liyuan suddenly turned without warning, holding the gray bone blade, and pierced into this dark shadow ...

The shadow gradually dissipated, and at the same time, Guan Liyuan also launched the "Early Fern Dance" again. There were only three or five bone towers, and the length was only two or three meters, the thickness of a long gun. It can be seen that Guan Liyuan's control of the "Early Fern Dance" , The degree of improvement, and a breakthrough, it seems that it is not far from Xiaocheng.

And these bone towers ... To be more accurate, they are "bone guns". They picked out a figure from the ground. At this time, the limbs and body of the man were penetrated by bone guns, and the bone guns were still gray. , The pain from the soul makes him look extraordinarily ...

At the same time, the bone blade in Guan Liyuan's hand was still in his chest. If Guan Liyuan hadn't stabbed him with a bone blade with a mental attack just now, the speed of "Early Fern Dance" might not be able to make a person who is good at limping underground. High-level professionals are singled out!

That's right, Guan Liyuan has seen through his "trick".

"You are really a genius ... The occupation that awakened at the higher level is a soil occupation? Skills are biased towards lameness ... Firstly, the ground is completely covered with a special dark power, which shields the energy fluctuations during lameness. What do you mean by 'invading the dark body'?

In fact, he then hid under the cover of his tentacles and created an incarnation with a dark element of a variant? Because your dark elements are indeed very strange, I really believed in the beginning! "

"Cuckoo ... Damn ... it's been seen through by you ... but it's too late! Elder Kong will not let you go!" The gangster has already spoken very hard ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also knows that he is trying to escape, Instead, Guan Liyuan stared viciously.

And at this moment, the oldest four-air robber who couldn't get involved before, saw that the immensely powerful boss in his impression had been strung by an adult, and immediately wanted to escape ...

However, at this moment, when the space fluctuated, the robber disappeared, and then he fell back and sat down directly on the ground!

The thief exhausted his last strength and glared at the fourth child, seeming to scream in his heart: I finally help you attract attention, expecting you to report, and you actually failed to cast?

Guan Liyuan also looked at the air thief somehow ... and also a career in the space department! This is too frustrating, right?

Originally, Guan Liyuan also noticed that the air thief was launching his skills for the first time, but he didn't wait for him to stop. The opponent actually failed to cast himself?

But at this moment, a weak voice came from the direction of the tower tent: "That ... I am also from the space department. Although I am not skilled, it is still possible to interrupt the skills of others ..."

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