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Chapter 338: Prefer to Hushan

(); "Wait! You mean the 'elders' of the Fallen Alliance, which is equivalent to the members of the professional union, and the 'elder' is equivalent to 'the speaker'?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help interrupting.

You must know that in the professional leagues, the parliaments in small cities do not have a "speaker". Just like in Tulane, Mr. Choi, who is the master, is only a member, not a speaker!

"There are only seven veterans in the Fallen Alliance, and there are only seven speakers in major cities in the eastern part of the land. And the number of speakers in this headquarters should be counted more. If this is true-a veteran of the Fallen Alliance plots a plot in Dongshun Mountain, the whole eastern part of the paradise will be tense. "

"So it is unlikely that the elders are only high-ranking, right?" Guan Liyuan's face turned black.

"Yes, they should have used some means to suppress their own breath! If it is only a high-level professional, how can it be so big and directly give a promising treasure to the promising ones?" Xiaohua said.

Indeed, now Guan Liyuan has confirmed that the thief has a "secret", otherwise his dark elements make no matter how mutated, at most it is the fourth-grade occupation, there will not be such a strange nature of power.

It is because a refined treasure has been refined that matches his strength very well, which has greatly enhanced his strength.

However, this kind of energy treasure is not like the equipment that can be directly recovered, but after his death, the professional power dissipates from the body, and finally a black crystal the size of a human head is formed!

Guan Liyuan also identified it, this is the remains of the secret treasure.

After the death of the professional, the power of the profession is dissipated, and the secrets and the like are completely dissipated. However, the secret treasures of different equipment types will be directly remodeled in their original form. Most of the secret treasures will be destroyed after the owner dies Condensate a mixture of professional power, secret treasures and secret treasures entrusted by secret treasures!

This mixture cannot be used directly. It needs to be sent to a professional scholar for separation of impurities and materials. If you are lucky, you can get many materials for making Mibao. Although the value is far less than Mibao, not only is it expensive, but Separation may also fail, but it is also considered part of recycling.

According to the alliance's purchase price, a piece of Mystery Wreck can be exchanged for as few as three, as many as a dozen high-level secrets, or other equivalent treasures.

However, the acquisition of "Mysterious Wreckage" requires qualification review. It must be able to prove the origin of the Mystery Wreckage and prohibit the private trading of the Mystery Wreckage. Even independent scholars and trade professionals with the Mystery Wreckage must be notarized by the Alliance.

Professionals are not opposed to such harsh regulations, because each wreckage means the death of a treasure owner!

The reason why the origin must be verified is also to prevent someone from killing people for the sake of profit.

Even so, although the alliance is severely banned, and even many buyers and sellers have been punished for this, the black market transactions are repeatedly banned, and even the Fallen Alliance has scholars who master the separation technology!

Of course, Guan Liyuan's mysterious wreckage can be directly acquired by the Alliance, killing the well-documented degenerates. Not only is the loot right, but even the Alliance will provide additional rewards.

But now Guan Liyuan thinks about it and finds it wrong!

Ordinary high-level professionals do not have "hidden treasures", but the gangsters obviously advanced to the advanced level soon, but they have the secret treasures and ten high-end secrets that support them to exert their high-level power? The elder Kong behind him is obviously not just high-level!

No wonder Xiaohua doesn't think Guan Liyuan will have a chance at all

Originally, Guan Liyuan also felt that as long as he could chase the Fang instructor before the other party launched a conspiracy, at that time, with his own reminder, 20 high-level professionals would besiege two high-level fallen people, and the other side could not hold it back.

However, if one of the opponents has a super-hidden hidden breath, even if there is only one super-superior, it is not good to deal with the 20 high-tiers. It will cost some money to defeat the other party, even as the elders of the fallen league. More likely.

And before seeing "Yan Tiexin" 's attitude towards Elder Kong, although it may also be acting, it is also likely that "Yan Tiexin" is also a super-order, or even another elder!

If there is one elder behind this incident, there will be more elders to help.

Even in the luckiest possible scenario, only Elder Kong was a super-ranker, and he was still a shame among the elders of the Fallen Alliance, only a super-ranking one.

But now he has entered the Jedi with twenty seniors!

That earth devil bear is probably not injured at all, "Yan Tiexin" and "Zhang Kong" are guided a little, there is no need to expose their strength, and other high-level professionals will also enter the tiger's mouth.

Not to mention that they are useless to kill the earth devil bears. There are super-level "chapter holes" in the Jedi. When the earth devil bears die, the abyss can send another lord over.

No matter what you think, the best result of Guan Liyuan's catching up is not catching up and returning with the death news of others, and the most likely result is to put himself in!

Seeing Guan Liyuan finally understood that Dong Shunshan's plot was not something they could solve, Xiaohua was relieved.

"Brother, it's almost dawn, let's go to the stronghold as soon as possible! If all the way is smooth, maybe we can arrive in two days," Xiaohua said.

From here to the nearest base, it takes two days even if "all the way is smooth". After that, the base will contact the Eagle City again, and the Eagle City will come back to support

Even if he has the teleportation skills similar to Mr CHOY, it is estimated that it will be three days later.

If the Fallen Alliance really wants to kill, Fang heroes and their bodies are already cool!

Not to mention starting from the overall situation, in three days, maybe the other party's plot can no longer be stopped

"You and Dingchun come back to the base and bring the air stealing witness to Dingchun. If this guy wants to break the rope, kill him directly!" Guan Liyuan said.

"What? Brother, you"

"I can tell the difference! From here to the third branch of Dongshun Mountain, in a matter of hours, I'll go check the situation first, and I'm looking forward to asking for too many variables." Guan Liyuan said.


Xiaohua still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Guan Liyuan: "Well, if I don't act lightly, the danger may not be much higher than you and Dingchun going all the way from here to the stronghold midway. You also try to ask for a signal flare, it is best to have The other team takes you back. "

In addition, Guan Liyuan has also let other tail beasts talk to Xiao Hei and let it go straight back to the Eagle City. Although the journey is long, Xiao Hei's speed in the wild alone is very fast and he can run at full strength. He should be able to do so in three or four days. arrival.

If Xiao Hei returns successfully, he can pass on the meaning of asking for help to Zhong Liqiu.

In the event of something unexpected, Xiaohua will not completely interrupt the call for help!

As for why he didn't let Xiaohe go to the base?

Would believe a Warcraft call for help, it should be only Zhong Liqiu them

Although Guan Liyuan and Xiaohua returned to the base together, it is safer for Xiaohua, but in Guan Liyuan's heart, it is more important to be Fang Hero and Mu Mu's mentors.

Public and private, and Xiaohua's safety do not constitute a reason to stop Guan Liyuan from going!

As for Guan Liyuan's own security?

Indeed, the enemy's strength is very strong, once the opponent against Guan Liyuan, his strength is not enough to protect himself.

But what really makes Guan Liyuan confident is that the Pokémon world can now enter

In a dangerous situation, Guan Liyuan will hide directly into it. No matter how strong the Fallen Alliance can be, it can still chase the Pokémon world?

Although there are only three hours, Guan Liyuan can let Penguin take advantage of these three hours before contacting other members

Moreover, Guan Liyuan did not hold on to the purpose of death. If Fang hero and Mu Mu had not been killed, Guan Liyuan would try to rescue as much as possible, but if nothing can be done, Guan Liyuan also understands the principle of avoiding sharp edges.

After persuading Xiaohua or Xiaohua to try to persuade Guan Liyuan to no avail, he had to go back to the stronghold as soon as possible for help.

Guan Liyuan also rushed to the third branch of Dongshun Mountain all the way. Maybe it was good luck or maybe because more than 20 high-level professionals passed by just seven or eight hours ago. All the abyss creatures along the way have been cleared. Almost, Guan Liyuan had no trouble.

Otherwise, if Dayi suddenly goes to Dongshun Mountain to investigate the situation, but encounters the big commander in the middle and is forced into the Pokemon world, it is too embarrassing!

After all, more than 20 high-level professionals passed by before, and the larger the number of professional teams, the easier it is to attract attacks from abyssal creatures. Therefore, Guan Liyuan, who was behind them, was relatively quiet along the way.

But unfortunately, Guan Liyuan fired several flare midway, but did not respond.

It seems that "Yan Tiexin" and "Zhang Kong" have taken them far away, otherwise they found that there was a flare on the way, and it was the kind they gave to Guan Liyuan. Fang Yingxiong and others should return to check.

And there are no other teams nearby. After all, the professional branch in the wild is not dense, especially in the wild mountain area. The only three teams in the neighborhood are taken away by those two people, and the fourth team cannot be found. The squad is also normal.

"It hasn't been seen this time that they seem to have entered the Jedi!" Guan Liyuan released a flare an hour ago, and after leaving clues in place, he continued to rush in the direction of "the third branch of Dongshun Mountain".

If Fang Yingxiong saw the signal from Guan Liyuan and returned, it should have been merged at this time. If anyone else saw Guan Liyuan leaving a clue ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, he would also know the reason for asking for help from the clue left in place. , Will go to the stronghold for help, if extremely good luck passing by super-professionals may also come directly to the nearby Jedi to explore.

Guan Liyuan's judgment was correct. Until 3:30 in the afternoon, when he had reached outside the Jedi, he had not seen anyone return.

Looking at the dense forest **** in front of him, Guan Liyuan hesitated a bit, and then he shrank into it.

The third branch vein is gentle and the range is not small

The entire Dongshun Mountain traverses the eastern happy land, even as far away as the southern part of the happy land, there are branches, most of which are wild-level areas, and belong to the more dangerous wild ridges, and there are dozens of Jedi all over the large branches. The third branch vein belongs to the Jedi branch vein. In addition, the second branch vein that the air thief said before and the adjacent fourth branch vein are all Jedi branch veins!

In places where the Jedi is so dense, the wild ridges between the Jedi will naturally be more dangerous than other places. The previous routes planned by Mumu are to avoid these Jedi branches, especially the terrestrial devil in the third branch. The key point to avoid

But now Guan Liyuan, he can only dig in with his teeth.

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