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Chapter 353: I seem to be awakened by a fake job

"Of course, this time in our unified caliber, you are in order to complete the tasks in the 'Ten Challenges', so you will be in the third leg ... so your challenge has been completed and you can directly receive rewards afterwards.' Six of the 'Ten Challenges' will be completed in the next two months.

You only need to complete the remaining four items, and you must have a recorded challenge in front of you to receive the highest reward. The college will reward ten high-end secrets, and then the city's main government will first add a highest treasure to a secret treasure ... "

In short, they are Jiang Yuanjing. They will arrange a variety of "radish rewards", which will definitely complete some of the challenges, tasks or rewards that Guan Liyuan has completed, or even decided to complete, and all rewards will be raised. A set of rewards!

After getting all the hands, it is estimated that Guan Liyuan was promoted to the advanced level. Although it cannot be fully repaired, it is enough to support two or three secret treasures to reach the advanced level.

However, the highlight of the reward, that is, the killing of a fallen veteran to avoid the formation of the Great Jedi, must be waited for Guan Liyuan to advance to the super level, or reach the light environment at the high level, and already has the strength to protect himself before it will be awarded.

6 million alliance contribution points!

A kind of "equivalent unit" used to reward professionals within the professional alliance. After all, the needs of professionals are different. Simply using fixed items as rewards is bound to be difficult to adjust. In the end, everyone needs to exchange each other and let middlemen Make cheap.

And the direct reward of Lotto coins, because the amount will be too large, resulting in treasure items can not be measured with Lotto coins, and the large amount of rewards Lotto coins flow into the people, but will cause price confusion.

Therefore, the alliance has launched so-called "contribution points" as non-physical currency. The value of 1 contribution point is equivalent to 1 ordinary mid-level soul energy, and 1 mid-level professional power soul corresponds to 3 contribution points.

That is 100 points of contribution, you can exchange 1 ordinary intermediate secret.

In addition to redeeming reward items, professionals can also directly exchange their loot for "contribution points" at a discount of 80%.

The 6 million contribution is used to exchange ordinary high-end secrets. At least 600 can be exchanged. When it is cheap, it can be exchanged for thousands. Even if Guan Liyuan awakens the two occupations, they are almost high-level full repairs ...

Various other materials, as well as the opportunity to hire alliance prophets, or production scholars, etc., are clearly marked ... Even the most sought-after secrets of professionals are occasionally hung on the exchange table, and some are not The optimistic secret treasure is usually worth 200,000-300,000 points of contribution. Some applications have a wide range of value, which is about one million!

According to the alliance's reward, Simarang's reward is 5 million ...

The killing of Simarang this time is not the credit of Guan Liyuan alone, but there is an additional "stop the formation of the Jedi" that is not indicated in the reward, but there must be a reward for the reward. In the end, 6 million contributions were exchanged. Point is fair.

[Unfortunately, I can't exchange it until I get promoted to the higher level ...] Guan Liyuan sighed in his heart.

It seems that it has been assumed that at the intermediate level, he will completely analyze his career, and then when he is promoted to the advanced level, he will set foot in the light environment directly.

"It sounds tempting? But when you are still laying the foundation, don't pay too much attention to these foreign objects ... If you don't understand anything about cultivation, you can come to us directly." Jiang Yuanjing said.

His phrase "we" counted Hao Yougan, Cang Zhizhi, and Bai Mei who were not present, and it was most legitimate to ask Bai Mei to count, after all, he was still the dean of the Eagle College!

Cang Xingzhi, however, faced hard, secretly in his heart: ask? What can you tell me? I also want to ask him for advice!

"I do have one thing to ask ..." Guan Liyuan said immediately.

"Oh? If it is the transformation system or the element system of destruction, just ask me directly; if it is the spiritual system or the modeling element system, Chairman Hao is very good; if it is the weapon system, ask Just your dean; the call department ... Brother Cang is still very basic! "

Cang Xingzhi innocently looked at Jiang Yuanjing and secretly said: What is "foundation"? If you talk like this again, believe me or cry?

Lao Cang has an old opera bone that has been an artist for decades, but he is praised for the subtle feeling that "the acting skills have risen rapidly recently"!

"It's not a special profession, but ... there are some problems with my new profession ..." Guan Liyuan said with a little depression.

"New profession? Oh, is it the kind of spiritual profession that manifests in the eyes?" Jiang Yuanjing said to Hao Yougan.

Guan Liyuan looked at Jiang Yuanjing in surprise, it seems that he did not expect Jiang Yuanjing to understand his "rebirth eye" ...

At this time Guan Liyuan didn't know. When he was in the mid-level and awakened to a new career, Jiang Yuanjing and Bai Mei were invisible!

However, Guan Liyuan shook his head: "It's not" Rebirth Eye ". It was before the killing of Simarang that" Rebirth Eye "was advanced. After that, it seemed that he had awakened the fifth profession ...

"Chuke cough ... wait! What are you talking about?" Hao Yougan was drinking tea and choked himself.

"When killing Simarang, one of my career advanced to intermediate ..."

"Next sentence."

"It seems to be awakening to a new career ..."

"How many?"

"The fifth ... what happened?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

Hao Yougan continued to stare at him.

And Jiang Yuanjing interrupted at this moment: "Li Yuan, your" rebirth eye "... is your fourth advanced to intermediate career, right?"



Ordinary professionals advance to the intermediate level, and the probability of awakening the second occupation is very low. Most professionals only have a second occupation when they are advanced!

At the advanced level, new occupations will inevitably be awakened. Generally, the advanced occupations have three to four occupations, but there may also be a fusion phenomenon ... For example, Jiang Yuanjing has new occupations awakened at each level, but the "black feather of this system" "Eagle King" is a combination of two existing occupations, so there are only three occupations in total.

"Ahem ... Li Yuan had two professions when he first started, probably belong to that very sensitive physique!" Jiang Yuanjing opened his mouth and broke the weird atmosphere after being silent.

"No wonder it's called 'Bingqingyujie', and it really has something special!" Cang Xingzhi now knows that Guan Liyuan has "a bunch of" occupations. His previous focus was on Guan Liyuan's ability to summon extraordinary existence, so he learned that Guan Liyuan Nickname.

"..." Guan Liyuan could not help but feel awkward, secretly speaking in his heart: Will these two people boast? One is "physical sensitive" and the other is "ice-clear and jade-clean". Is this a hero? I always feel weird!

"But there seems to be something wrong with the new profession. There is only one professional rune and no other skills. I want to judge that this type of occupation is probably impossible ..." Guan Liyuan said.

Indeed, after the normal occupation awakening, even if you can't recognize the professional runes and can't determine the exact specific occupation, you can at least find out what kind of type it is by experimenting with the effects of skills.

But Guan Liyuan's new profession has only a solitary professional rune in it!

Guan Liyuan even thought for a time that he was awakened by a bad job when he was awakened in a new career, so he only awakened a defective job, not only without skills, but also adding little to his ability, like a rule The profession is the same ...

In order to avoid worrying others, Guan Liyuan had not mentioned it with Zhong Liqiu before.

[It's just a profession, if it's gone, it's gone. 】

Of all the professionals, I am afraid that few of Liyuan's mentalities are so good ...

The healthy state of mind makes people want to hold him to a sub-healthy state to relieve his anger!

"No skills? Is it because of mental exhaustion before ..." Jiang Yuanjing's speculation is the same as Guan Liyuan's.

And hesitated when he said it. After all, for ordinary professionals, the loss of a career is definitely an unacceptable thing.

"Sure enough, right?" Guan Liyuan was helpless ... shrugged helplessly.

The other three could not help but be speechless for a while!

Indeed, Guan Li is far from the category of "ordinary professional". For a new profession, even if it is not "trivial", at most, it is "medium". Without it, it will be gone ...

But at this moment, Hao Yougan seemed to think that this new profession could be rescued and asked: "Wait a minute, Li Yuan, look at that new professional rune, is there a basic structure of this style? "

Hao Yougan said and stretched out his hand, holding a golden rune symbol on his palm, which he used his professional power to form a three-dimensional image in simulation!

For super-professionals in the realm of the field ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hao Yougan's power to his own career has long been as good as a finger.

"It does look a bit like ..." Guan Liyuan said after careful comparison.

There are also certain rules for professional runes. For example, there are many types of occupations that are also based on the elements of the fire attribute. But if you summarize them, you will find that the professional runes of these occupations have the same and similarities in the basic rune structure. !!

Now that the rune structure simulated by Hao Yougan is similar to the basic rune structure in Guan Liyuan's new career, it also means that Hao Yougan has guessed something and guessed it ...

"It's an oath ... a native oath!" Hao Yougan said.

"The oath-like profession of the rules department?" Jiang Yuanjing showed some surprise.

Hao Yougan is one of the two occupations majored in, is the oath occupation!

"But ... I haven't heard that there will be no skills in the oath profession? Isn't that the equivalent of not having an oath?" Cangxing wondered.

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