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Chapter 365: Why do n’t you accept being held up for strength?


"So why do we come to live in the outer city specially? Is there a big price difference between the inner city and the outer city?" Guan Liyuan asked in doubt on the street.

"Inner city? What inner city?"

"Isn't it just ..."

"No, that's the headquarters of the Professional League."

The Alliance headquarters is in the center of Yunji City, but it is not a building, or a building, but it is like an "inner city", occupying almost half the area of ​​the largest city in this land!

However, it is not that anyone can enter, live, and live. As the top of the list, Mo Tianfan naturally has his own residence in the inner city of the alliance, and it is quite luxurious ... not luxury, but the alliance uses this method, To inspire other "geniuses."

However, "Cheng Gong" has not yet officially joined the "Earth Shakespeare", so there is no place to live in the headquarters, but to live out.

"No wonder you want to take me out to open the room." Guan Liyuan silently took advantage of his mouth to express his dissatisfaction.

Mo Tianfan smiled brightly again, every time she wanted to say something that would hurt people, it was this expression!

"And it's okay to find lower prices. After all, someone still needs to be raised by a teammate. Don't be too extravagant!"

"..." Why do humans hurt each other.

Guan Liyuan was not really angry, remembering that in the video of Penguin before, Mo Tianfan was worried that his soul injury would delay treatment, struggling with great vitality, and transported him all the way from the fourth branch of Dongshun Mountain to the Eagle. City, look at his face, then Mo Tianfan may have been mentally back bitten.

Although no one specifically mentioned it to him afterwards, Guan Liyuan saw it in the video! No matter in which world, other people are not npc, others must be good to themselves ...

Of course, Guan Liyuan also did not forget to write down the words "September 3, Mo Moumou threatened to send me to the northern ice field" on the small book that showed his character's temperament, thinking about it later and saying " Sooner or later, grab your top of the day, hum. "

Afterwards, I seemed to realize that I was awakening from her prideful attributes, and quickly crossed out "hum" ...

Living in the outer city was only one night. Guan Liyuan was because Mo Tianfan was next to him. After thinking about it, he didn't rush to "Hunter World" or "Pokémon World".

If it wasn't for the time lag between the "one win per month" agreement, Guan Liyuan even wanted to wait until the timeline reverse compression was completed, and then stayed in the "Hunter World" for four months at a stretch.

Early the next morning, someone from the headquarters came to the hotel to find Guan Liyuan ...

Alliance headquarters want to find someone in Yunji City, not too simple!

"Mr. Cheng Gong, congratulations on your joining the" Di Shabang ". These are your ID and ID card for your residence. In addition, you need to pay attention to ..."

When the other party wanted to say something for attention, Mo Tianfan was kicked out directly, anyway, she had already said the same thing yesterday.

After that, Mo Tianfan took Guan Liyuan on a light road, and came to the Disha area in the headquarters, which is the area where the members of the Disha list live.

Although it is "free for the idlers," Mo Tianfan, as the top of the list, naturally didn't dare say anything when he entered Disha District.

"Disha Seventy ... Hey, that's it."

Mo Tianfan used the "Gong Gong" ID card to open the identification array at the entrance and took Guan Liyuan in.

After seeing his room, Guan Liyuan couldn't help but be shocked ... It was simply shocking!

The small yard's area is not small, and from the outside, there is a special soundproofing matrix and identification matrix, which is even taller than the villa dormitory of the Eagle College.

However, after coming in, the shabby hut was exposed, "don't have any holes".

It was all intentional! Considering this area, as well as the outer matrix ... with the cost of one-tenth of that identity matrix, you can make the inside look like a little more!

"The 70th is this kind of treatment. The higher the ranking, the better the monthly rewards and the enjoyment of equipment. This is also an incentive." Mo Tianfan said.

"I'm the 70th now? What does the ranking mean? There are two people behind me?" Guan Liyuan would like to know, how salty are those two people?

"No, there were three vacancies before, and you are now the last."

After Mo Tianfan said it, he looked outside, and it seemed that many people had discovered that Cheng Gong was the master of the seventy, and that a large part of it looked dissatisfied ...

Of course, one of the top names of Tianyi is here, and they can only endure their dissatisfaction. Otherwise, even if the headquarters bans professionals from fighting internally, but Mo Tianfan really hits them, at most, it is criticized without pain. Deduct some benefits she doesn't care about.

"Well, I'm leaving now ... otherwise some frights don't dare come around." Mo Tianfan said with a slight smile.

"I didn't want them to come around ... would you also record a fingerprint on the Rune, how about living here in the future?" Guan Liyuan narrowed his eyes.

"Forget it, I still like my top spot in Tenchu ​​... Well, if you are crying, you can come to me." Mo Tianfan said without sincerity.

In other words, don't bother you without being beaten? Guan Liyuan could not help but roll his eyes.

Not long after Mo Tianfan left, it really started to be visited ...

Although Guan Liyuan saw the provocation from their eyes, at this time people came to visit the new list by name, and they couldn't ask others to come in and sit down.

The first group of three people came in. They were all members of the Disha list. The three men who looked very young ... After all, they were known as the "best mid-level professional" in the league, and they would not be very old.

The other person is headed by a big yellow-backed little yellow hair. Fang sat down and asked me in a super-diao tone: "Cheng Gong, right? I heard that a lot of credit has been made at the border? Joining the list of evil spirits ... is a reward ?"

"There are rewards, but I think more because ..."

"Because of strength?" Xiao Huangma interrupted dismissively.

Most of the members of the shaker list do not believe that only "good luck", or any other reason, have signed a contract with a strong existence, can summon the emperor-level avatar to give a hit, is considered "powerful"!

After all, this has nothing to do with Cheng Gong's own strength, and summoning the emperor has only one blow. In the eyes of most "geniuses" on the list, this level is not worthy of being compared with them.

As for the other small part ... it is the true elite of Dishabang. They do not pay attention to the places behind them. Their goal is only to make themselves stronger and to surpass those who are stronger than themselves!

"No, it's because of Miss Mo's courtship!" Guan Liyuan imitated Mo Tianfan's bright smile.

Looking at Cheng Gong's "I just want to hug my thigh", Xiao Huangmao couldn't help but get angry.

"Haha, don't you know? Each member of the Shasha list must accept three bets every month ... Although you are a passively accepting party, the bet can be determined by you, but you must have a minimum of 1 ground No. 70 is the sixth gear of the quota of benefits of the earth-shaking list. There are only 3 earth-shaking points per month. Has it been reached now? "

"Go! Now the three of us will challenge you. Let's go to the ring!"

"Yes, let you know that quota benefits are not so confusing!"

The other two were the red hairs of the airplane's head and the green hairs of the onion, and they all spoke at this time.

But Guan Liyuan didn't mean to move ...

"Why? Is it scared? If you are scared, go ahead and resign yourself from the position of" Earth Shall "! Otherwise, you must accept at least three bets every month!" Lu Mao urged.

Guan Liyuan said indifferently: "But now it is only at the beginning of the month. According to regulations, I only need to choose three of those who challenge me before October 1."

It's not so easy to flicker!

"Oh, still want to delay for a while? Wouldn't you want to use up the ground to take advantage of this month? You can't even pass the first floor of the three towers now, you can't get extra ground to stop, in the end There is no bet, but it will be fired! "Hong Mao mocked.

The value of ground evil points is still very high. One point of ground evil points can be directly exchanged for 1000 contribution points in the league, and in actual value, it is at least equivalent to about 1200 contribution points.

Although Guan Liyuan has a big contribution of 6 million dogs, he has no choice yet ...

"It's okay, to show you some good things ... Well, these 'low-level secrets' and 'intermediate-level secrets' are all used by Miss Mo for full repair, and this one ... do you know the secret treasures? Oh! Miss Mo said when she had no pocket money, she sold this. If it wasn't enough, she would go find a few super-level perverts and kill them. "

Of course it wasn't what Miss Mo gave! Guan Liyuan brought out his own loot, as well as the rewards of the Eagle Academy!

"It doesn't matter what you contribute to or what you want!"

However, in the staring dog of the signal light combination, Guan Liyuan said casually: "Sure enough, as long as a person is handsome enough, someone will take the initiative to send them ... It seems that the top ten awards are not useful to her. Months began to get me to take care of her as a foster care ... Keke, it costs errands! After all, getting welfare is also very laborious, right? "

"Yes, you know how old Miss Mo is ... keke, I have no other meaning, just ask whatever ..."

The three views of the semaphore combination continued to collapse.

"Huh? What's wrong with you? By the way ... what do you want to gamble on? I don't know if your ground is enough? Forget it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Anyway, if you want to gamble with me, please rank first! Wait for the end of the month I'm looking for you again. I really don't have what you want. I can go to Miss Mo for it! I guess it's enough to sell it. "

Guan Liyuan, while sending out the "faulty" signal lights, sighed in silence: "Humans still have to hurt each other to be happy! 】

After more than a dozen people came one after another, Guan Liyuan had to emphasize each time that it was Mo Tianfan who asked him to join the list, and also showed various brand-name bags ... No, it was all kinds of expensive professional props.

That's right, Guan Liyuan apparently retaliated on purpose. He had to add himself to the list, describing it as the result of Mo Tianfan's "Golden House Treasure" ...

As for the impact on Guan Liyuan's reputation?

Of course not! Now being "Cheng Gong"!

Because he was not using his own identity, Guan Liyuan's unbridled "trauma for injury" understood quite a bit the essence of the dirty soil self-explosion tactics among the thousand hands ...

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