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Chapter 375: Full strength

I saw a turret on the edge of the 200th floor of the Sky Arena.

What's even more offensive is that this fortress seems to be just an ornament. Two figures, one yellow and one black, cover the entire ring, and you come and go!

As ordinary viewers, they finally saw the battle they wanted to see at this time ... Although they couldn't see the speed of the two men's fight at all, they didn't delay them cheering loudly.

However, a small number of people who read the ability are mostly weird ...

What did they see?

After Shi Tang approached, Guan Liyuan's whole body turned into a black metal texture, comparable to Shi Tang's fight?

That's right, Guan Liyuan's appearance similar to "armed color domineering" is exactly the same as when Guan Liyuan used "Zhou"!

Similar to the "rebirth eye", Guan Liyuan firmly believes that when his thoughts are blessed on the body, this appearance will make the effect more obvious, and he also believes that his thoughts can be achieved ...

That ’s why we have the current scene. Shi Tang looks earthy yellow because his body under the care of his “mind” has gradually approached the color and texture of rock and soil, while the black on Guan Liyuan ’s body, It's because Guan Liyuannian has the attribute of “representation”, and believes that it is stronger. All ordinary people can also see that his “mind” forms a layer of black on the body surface.

But the difference is that St. Pete is just a muscle discoloration, while Guan Liyuan's body is turned black from head to toe, and even his clothes are black. After that, his eyes are exceptional ... emitting blue light different from the past!

It is precisely because of this strengthening that Guan Liyuan's incarnation in the "Hunter's World", although the practice day is short, is not as good as Shi Tang in physical strength, but in the effect of "strengthening the mind", because Guan Liyuan's The practice is still short, and also slightly inferior.

Although this month ’s “addiction” effect is almost half a year of normal practice, and Guan Liyuan ’s incarnation of this limit of talent, half-year practice is even comparable to those with ordinary ability for several years or ten years. It may not be achieved, so the gap is also small!

Moreover, Shi Tang is now injured all over, even though the injuries are not serious everywhere, but they have a slight impact, so the two offense and defense at this time do not fall into the wind.

This is exactly what other people who are capable are astonished!

Guan Liyuan's "invincible turret" must be a "representational system," and because of reasonable "restrictions," he showed a very high accomplishment of "representational system."

But at this time ...

Why is his "strengthening department" so strong? Even because of having "instinctive reactions", through some visions, his thoughts have exerted a stronger effect, even comparable to Shi Tang?

Except for the few people who knew Guan Liyuan's attributes of reading, I was afraid that no one could figure out the mystery!

After all, there is a "change system" between "representational system" and "enhancement system". Those who are capable of "representational system" and practice the "reinforcement system" have only 20% efficiency and 20% Effect and vice versa ...

Just like the master bite boxer Hua Shidoulang went to practice the concepts of “representational system” and “operational system” and ended up practicing himself, in the perception of most landlords, like Guan Liyuan, he will also Waste yourself!

However, now that Guan Liyuan is a newcomer who has only been practicing for more than one month, he has actually achieved the highest attainment in the aspects of the embodiment of visualization and reinforcement.

"Is his attribute of reading a 'change system'?" Some landlords came to this conclusion with their brains wide open.

If it belongs to the "change system", then the practice of "representation system" and "enhancement system" can be 60% efficient and effective ...

But even this guess is still amazing, and if it is true, it means that Guan Liyuan has a stronger idea of ​​"change" that has not been used!

A landlord who has reached the 211th floor, looking at the two you come and go on the field, said solemnly: "And this fighting skill ... is not like a newcomer!"

Guan Liyuan's combat skills, tempered by the main world, the naruto world, and the basic six-style practice in the pirate world, are naturally not comparable to "newcomers."

Although the fighting methods and world rules of each world are different, there are great similarities in fighting and fighting ...

Shi Tang, who is currently fighting Guan Liyuan, is most impressed by this.

Guan Liyuan's boxing ... No, there is no boxing. Guan Liyuan's fighting technique is not a fixed move, it is more like a routine or even an instinct found in pure fighting!

However, this routine is imposing, but it gives Shi Tang a feeling of facing the "Tiger".

Even a master of bite boxing like Hua Shi Dou Lang did not give him this feeling ...

In just three minutes, the two broke apart hundreds of tricks, and no one can help them!

After all, in terms of offense and defense, Shi Tang has a slight advantage, but the gap is not large. In terms of moves, Shi Tang has a more disciplined approach, but Guan Liyuan is closer to instinctual fighting skills ... or the fighting skills are not weak.

What is most astounding to Shi Tang is that Guan Liyuan's mastery of "kindness" and "flow" has also become adept.

The so-called "toughness" is to use "training" to make a burst of qi, use "tangle" to bundle a large amount of qi with itself, and enhance offense and defense. The effect is much better than the ordinary "tangle", and "flow" refers to On the basis of "strength", the technique of freely operating and distributing qi on the body.

The common "toughness" is to evenly distribute Qi on the body, and equally distribute "attack" and "defense" to each part, while the trick of flow is to make Qi no longer uniform, and it is prone to "attack" ", One of" defense "!

That is to say, in the "strong" state, a person with a mental ability has an attack power of 10, so using "flow" can reach 15, or even 20, but at the same time the defense of other parts will decrease.

In addition, there is a more extreme "hard", which refers to concentrating all thoughts on the same part, usually offensive parts such as hands or feet, and using "absolute" to hide other scattered thoughts, reaching 100% Degree of concentration!

The 100% concentration of mind will be a lot stronger than the 99% concentration. In the "strong" state, the attack power is 10, so under the "hard" effect, it can even reach 100, and you can even kill yourself with a second Similar opponents ... But at the same time, the other parts have no protection at all, and may also be killed by the opponent's 10 attack spike.

Therefore, "hard" is rarely used in combat. In addition to fighting skills, the most important is the use of "hard" and "flow" in the close combat. If the opponent is a change or release system, The "condensation" or "roundness" of perception is also important.

At this time, Shi Tang judged from the feeling of being hit by Guan Liyuan between the offense and defense of the two, and also about the feeling of Li Yuan when being hit by himself. Guan Liyuan's grasp of "flow" was also flawless!

[Is the information wrong ... He wasn't just learning ability for a month? But he was taught by the Hunters Association. It should not be wrong ...] Shi Tang secretly said.

He naturally would not know that the so-called "flow" is actually similar to the local application when Guan Liyuan usually cannot cover the "armed color" in other worlds.

More importantly, when Guan Liyuan used the "Tiangu battle suit" to assist his own fight, when, where and when should he use an offensive stance, and when and where he should use a defensive stance, he must judge instantly. Originally, Guan Liyuan In the main world, I am good at adjusting the proportion of offensive and defensive capabilities of each part!

Therefore, it is not difficult to transform this experience into the mastery of "flow".

"Shi Tang players effectively scored 1 point ..."

"Guan Liyuan players effectively attacked and scored 1 point ..."

"Shi Tang players effectively scored 1 point ..."

"Shi Tang players effectively scored 1 point ..."

The two of you come and go, in fact, no one can do nothing, if it is really hard outside the ring, the victory should be half an hour after the fight!

After all, Guan Liyuan's thoughts were not accumulated enough. Even after the whole body turned black because of "instinctive reaction", the thoughts were recovered by force, but after all, they lasted longer than Shi Tang.

Of course ... Shi Tang is always old, whether Guan Liyuan ’s thoughts could n’t hold it first, or Shi Tang ’s body could n’t hold it first, and no one dared to pack tickets.

But on the ring, it won't take so long!

Although the two were fighting each other, you and I refused to give in to each other. No one gave the other side a two-point "excellent blow" chance, and neither was knocked down or knocked out of the field by the opponent, but the "effective blow" Scores appear from time to time.

The level of the referee equipped by the Sky Arena for this game is obviously much higher. It has been using "Ning" in the course of staring at Guan Liyuan, and from time to time judged to score ...

Ten minutes after the two played against each other, the score had reached "8: 5" ... Shi Tang took the lead. As long as he scored two more points, he could declare victory!

However, the landlords off the court did not feel so relieved.

Because to this extent, the outcome is no longer important ...

Guan Liyuan has proved that he is not a bully person under the rules of Taiwan, just because of his ability to read, so even if he loses this time, when Guan Liyuan signs up for battle again, the Sky Arena will no longer "block the road".

A person who can only use the "tricks" to win is not terrible, because as long as they are fully understood, there is no weird means that cannot be broken; a person who only fights powerfully in front of a person is able to reach a level of ten The level was not terrible before, because some weird means can make its culvert overturn.

The most frightening thing is that the ability to read is strong in the overall level and mental skills!

Like Sissau, his mental strength tends to "change", and the "retractable love" and "thin and light illusions" he developed belong to no positive combative force and favor deceitful means, but cooperate with his strong overall strength , But can play the main combat power.

Guan Liyuan is still lacking from this top master, probably because his "strange means" and "overall strength" are not combined. Unlike Sisuo, he can combine fighting skills with "resilient love", and The "mind" and body are still weak, and there is still much room for improvement.

"Shi Tang players effectively scored 1 point ..."

Shi Tang has reached 9 points, it seems Guan Liyuan this time ... wait! At the same time Shi Tang scored 9 points, Guan Liyuan suddenly became short and leaned down.

I saw Guan Liyuan holding a hand on the ground of the platform. The whole person crossed over, and his legs were pulled together, sweeping towards Shi Tang's lower plate knee!

This posture is extremely bad!

It is easy to be counterattacked by Shi Tang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and after the counterattack, at least Guan Liyuan can be "excellently hit", and then "fall to the ground" ...

Although Shi Tang could win by only one more point at this time, Guan Liyuan should not make such a mistake?

Suddenly, Shi Tang seemed to see that after a white tiger rushed to himself, he avoided his own counterattack, then turned his head and bowed, and struck the white tiger with his tail, and twitched towards his knee!

【not good! 】 Stang suddenly understood that Guan Liyuan saw the truth of his rocky flow.


I saw that under the slam of Guan Liyuan, Shi Tang could not help but soften his knees, slightly bent, almost out of balance.

However, many landlords believe that the battle is over, and Shi Tang can immediately and when Guan Liyuan is knocked down, just listen to ...


The explosion sounded again, and Shi Tang flew out ...

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