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Chapter 385: Great advantage

"Li Yuan! Are you up too late? Didn't you say you are going to start your trip today?" Xiao Xia said to Guan Li Yuan, who was just upset, dissatisfied.

"Departure? Who said to leave today?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

Sure enough, Xiaoxia glared at him immediately. If there was no more reasonable explanation, it was estimated that he would pull out the elf ball and pour him down ...

"I mean, starting today, I will start to challenge the pavilion again, collect badges, and conquer Pokémon in the wild along the way!" Guan Liyuan said.

"Well? Why don't you set off today? Don't you go to the wild Pokémon and the official Taoist Pavilion, they will come to find ... Ah! You want to challenge ..." Xiaoxia suddenly understood Guan Liyuan's meaning, and could not help but exclaim Speak out.

"That's right, doesn't Hualan City have a Dao Pavilion? Why should I stay close and get away ... Isn't it better to get this Hualan badge first?" Guan Liyuan said.

Guan Liyuan is aiming at the Cao Department Store of the Three Sisters of Hualan!

Previously, because the main fire department of the Blaze Museum was on the verge of being disqualified, it would fail even if it was challenged. Therefore, most of the trainers in Hualan City ignored the Blaze Museum ...

Now that the three sisters of Hualan have just obtained the qualifications of the official Taoist Pavilion, they are in the limelight and can naturally challenge normally without worrying about the invalidation of qualifications.

"You told them yesterday to challenge today?" Xiaoxia wondered.

"No ... this is the second badge, don't you need to alarm the owner?" Guan Liyuan said for granted.

The difficulty is equivalent to the first challenge of "queuing for a physical examination". Guan Liyuan still remembers that the difficulty of the second badge will be higher than the first one, but it is not much higher!

In the Kanto region, the difficulty of obtaining the first eight badges of the trainers is not directly related to the strength of the museum ...

Even the weakest official Taoist museum owner has one or two Pokémon in his hand. They really did their best one by one. It is estimated that when the quartz conference is held, few people will be shortlisted, and maybe not even one.

However, the official Daoistuan's role in issuing badges is to check the Alliance, to preliminary select the new generation of trainers, eligible to be part of the "Quartz Competition", and to provide some training for the new generation of trainers!

For official roads, it is not that the fewer badges issued in a year, the more successful ...

It is a comprehensive consideration of the performance of the trainer who received the badge.

For example, the champion of the quartz competition, the top few outstanding trainers, the eight badges they get will give the official Taoist evaluation points. On the contrary ... some trainers who are obviously not capable, when querying the badge records, the alliance It is necessary to see if the official Taoist temple has performed its due diligence, especially the Taoist temple that provides the seventh badge and the eighth badge!

In addition, some old-fashioned official Taoist schools will provide special training for the trainers who have not beaten the Daoists. If the training is successful and the trainer's ability is significantly improved, it will also become a "plus point".

Therefore, the difficulty set by the pavilion for each gear should not be too high, and should not be too low ...

Usually, the first eight badges are all set by the museum to set the difficulty, which is a regular challenge. Eight badges are also the minimum standard for participating in the "Quartz Contest." If it exceeds eight, it may surprise the trainer that there are other permissions required. Such as entering some specific areas ... so the difficulty will increase dramatically!

"It shouldn't be, although they are not yet ready to be an official Taoist ..." Xiaoxia still looked very concerned.

That's right, the early "give-off" of the explosive inflammation also caught the three sisters a little bit caught off guard. The Taoist trainers of the "Hua Lan Road Museum" are obviously insufficient, even not enough to cope with too many trainers who challenge the badge.

Fortunately, Hualan City was in a special situation before, and there were not many trainers to challenge ...

The number of trainers waiting for the arrival has gradually increased, and the three sisters who have wanted to come have already recruited enough gym trainers.

The only thing that made the three sisters uncomfortable was that they would continue to stay at the original site of "Garden Road Museum" for the time being. I don't know when Guan Liyuan will "retreat when they are difficult."

"Let's go! Let's kill their majesty ... they have been arrogant recently!" Xiao Xia hurriedly patted Guan Liyuan's back.

Guan Liyuan saw that she couldn't set out to "travel" before she changed, but she was eager to try, and could not help laughing.

In fact, the three sisters have not shown any prestige. In the past half month, they have not been able to see people. How can there be "arrogant" leisure?

Alas, at most it is Acorus, but it does have a swaying meaning, but it can only be happy until her two sisters "grasp" her back.

As for "killing power", it is even more impossible!

The official Daoist halls are assessed and screened, and "giving" qualified trainer badges. No matter what wins or loses?

Unless you have already got more than ten badges, put on a posture to kick the hall, force the owner of the opponent, and then fight to win, then that is "killing power"!

But Guan Liyuan only went to get his second badge, how could he meet the owner of the other party?

Although the "Hua Landao Pavilion" is not yet ready, even the former predecessor "Garden Road Pavilion" is also Hualan City's Second Avenue Hall and the largest unofficial folk hall. It will even cope with a " No second trainer?

However, Guan Liyuan also knew that he was angry and would not say the rebuttal. Instead, he said, "Rest assured, the first owner of my first house in the world will come forward, and they will definitely come out to fight in person."

"Well, it's the first house in the world that hasn't opened yet ... Moreover, it might be the first money-losing house in the world, and the owner of the house will come to face it ..."

Refuting, but suddenly saw Guan Liyuan blinked at her, and then he reacted. Guan Liyuan intentionally teased her and couldn't help but annoyed: "You, you ... hate!"

"Hahaha ..."

The two went to "Xinhua Land Road Museum" while arguing, Xiaoxia tried to resist the urge to splash paint at her door, and Guan Liyuan advanced to register.

Of course, after discovering some chaos in the new official Taoist temple due to lack of manpower, Xiaoxia naturally relentlessly vomited.

An hour later, Guan Liyuan was finally taken to a Pokémon duel, and he appeared opposite him, as if ...

"Yipu?" Guan Liyuan "beep" looked at the opposite with a pain, a purple long dress, and looked at his "three hall owner" with a smile.

Xiaoxia and Guan Liyuan were also in a daze for a while ... How could they really face each other?

Even if there is not enough manpower, isn't it so miserable?

"Li Yuan, even if you know me, I won't be waterproof!" Chang Pu said solemnly.

"Ahem ... it's not necessary to put water in, but the owner of Abu Po, I just want to get the second badge, and you come out yourself, is there some ..." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

Of course, Xiaoxia would not let go of this poisonous tongue, and said disdainfully, "Well, the second badge is shot by the owner of the third museum, the third is the peony of the second museum, the fourth is the cherry blossom of the museum ... the fifth It is estimated that three people went together, and they took the sixth or more. "

"You're bullshit! Just take your badge!" Aura angrily said.

"While my old man was here, he didn't shoot hips for the challengers and challenges for the first eight badges." Xiao Xia sulked.

"Who said that I'm going to take a shot? Of course, if it is a showdown, of course he is not my opponent! I just want to ... test and test him! So, I only use one Pokémon, you can exchange the playing treasure at will Ke Meng, you can do it as many times as you like ... If you lose all six Pokémon, then go back and practice again. "Ai Pu said.

"Well, then I will release Pokémon first." Guan Liyuan said.

In fact, according to Acer's "assessment" method, if she really comes up with her ace, the difficulty is definitely much higher than the "second badge".

But now that she is the museum owner, how to evaluate and give Guan Liyuan the badge is her decision.

And ... Amaranth looks ten years old. Although it is nominally the "three pavilion owner", the current grass-roots Hualandao Pavilion is officially identified by her elder sister Sakura, who can compete with the explosion fair "6vs6". And in the case that the "grass system" was restrained by the "fire system", they still defeated the four Pokémon in the flames and forced all six of them to be defeated. It is also the cherry blossom!

Guan Liyuan thought about it. There are many cherry blossoms, and there is a king of grass-like Pokémon, but the calamus ... the ace is estimated to be 40,000 or 50,000 fighting forces. Otherwise, if the three sisters can gather more than three kings, they can already explode the previous explosion. The curator replaces it. How can it wait till now?

Forty thousand ... Guan Liyuan's fossil pterodactyl has also exceeded 40,000, and Picoxi and Geng Gui also have thirty-five. If you use bond evolution, the individual correction rate will increase by about one-third. By then, the fossil pterosaur's combat power will be directly broken. 50,000, reaching the level of Zhun Tian Wang, Picoxi and Geng Gui are also close to 50,000.

And the "flying system" of fossil pterosaurs also restrain the "grass system"!

If it is "1vs1", Guan Liyuan estimates that he has a 60% to 70% chance of winning. If it is ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan feels that he has "great advantages" ...

"Hey, just this little clever ... Come out! Wonderful frog flower!" I saw Aya smirked and released her trump card, which is also her initial Pokémon-evolved from the seeds of Kanto Yusan's Wonderful Frog "Fantastic Frog Flower"!

Just now Ai Pu was really worried, Guan Liyuan said that she would not play against her ...

Before she was lazy, she happened to find that Guan Liyuan and Xiaoxia were signing up, and she heard Xiaoxia despise "this museum is not formal". In addition, she thought of Guan Liyuan's attitude yesterday, which made her unhappy for a while!

With his eyes turned, he decided to hide his sister and teach them a little lesson!

That's right, of course, she is hiding her sister. Otherwise, if Sakura and Peony know that they will challenge the second badge, Sanmei will play in person ... It will definitely stop her, and she must be stabbed by two sisters later.

Therefore, Chang Pu was also worried that Guan Liyuan really "stuck" and was recruited by two sisters!

As for the lessons learned after Guan Liyuan?

[Give him the second badge then! Anyway, I just vented my anger and only "second badge". This second-year boy won't be so good at having two badges, right? And when the badge is in hand, he won't claim to be defeated if he wants to come ...] Ai Pu thought in his heart.

As for one-on-six, will you lose?

Iris also feels that she has a great advantage ...

"Li Yuan, how do I feel the momentum of this wonderful frog flower is a little unusual?" Said.

In addition to the super fast dragon Kaoparis, Guan Liyuan's other Pokémon, Xiaoxia knows that even she is black-faced, obviously this wonderful frog flower ...

Guan Liyuan suddenly felt a sense of being targeted by the world ...

Say good advantage is great?

The second badge is going to challenge the "suspected" Heavenly King Pokémon. 8)

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