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Chapter 510: Guan Liyuan

嘭 ——

I saw Kulolo raising his hand and hit Guan Liyuan's eyebrow at close range ...

If it is usual, such a small caliber pistol is not even a toy for those who are capable ... Even those who are not able to get started soon will be able to block the bullets when they are entangled, and it will hurt at most!

Only those who have the ability to intensify and release can apply damage to the bullets and maintain a long distance to be able to cause harm to other persons with intellect.

But now ... many people have also guessed that Guan Liyuan should have used some means to make "mind" invalid in a certain range, so ...

"No!" Men Qi exclaimed.

At first, because she saw Guan Liyuan's "no-read zone" ability, she gradually believed that Guan Liyuan could defeat Culolo, so she was not as angry with him at the beginning, and was even more anxious.

I saw Guan Liyuan's head shot back, his neck leaned back, it seemed to be hit by a bullet ...

In the absence of "mind", perhaps some "enhancement" talents are excellent, and the body's warming effect is also very good, and those who have accumulated more than ten years of talents to strengthen the ability to read, or indoctrination to strengthen the read The old monster who has been around for a long time can use his brain to block the pistol ... but Guan Liyuan is not in these two!

"It's over." At this time, Sissor looked more and more "seductively" at Kulolo, who was still standing on the field.

Just then!

Guan Liyuan, who had already tilted backwards to half, suddenly raised his hand and pinched Kurolo's left arm that he had broken with his knee before ...

Kololo's complexion changed slightly again, but the broken left arm had no room for resistance. He was pulled by Guan Liyuan and dumped in the direction of Guan Liyuan. At the same time, Guan Liyuan also used his strength to stand back from his posture. Back, and with a murderous smile, like Kurolo's head hit it!

At this time, Coololo could see that the bullet did hit, and Guan Liyuan had already shed blood from his heart.

However, the bullet did not shoot into Guan Liyuan's head, but more than half of it was still stuck outside. Now the tail of the bullet is being treated by Guan Liyuan as his "unicorn", and he slammed into Culolo fiercely. The bullet head was still embedded in his own head ...

嘭 ——

There was another "bang"-it didn't sound too loud in the audience, but it was deafening in Kurolo's "ears"!

Suddenly, Coololo also felt "hot in his head", not impulsively, but knew that he had been "opened."

Because there was no "mind" to defend, Guan Liyuan's head was fully struck, and Culolo could not avoid being caught in the short-term "dizziness".

However, instinct still made Culolo raise his right hand and prepare to fire again, but at this time his movement was very slow, and Guan Liyuan directly held the right hand's wrist ...

嘭, 嘭, 嘭!

While Kurolo's head was still dizzy and his actions were slow, Guan Liyuan immediately bumped into his belly for three consecutive knees!

If you change to another person, even if you have the same physical quality as Culolo, then you have passed out, but Culolo is gradually sober.

Just when Guan Liyuan hesitated, should he take the opportunity to "make him", the referee's whistle sounded, and at the same time several other Sky Arena chanters rushed into the field ... and then stepped on the electric gate again. Bounced back.

"The player Guan Liyuan effectively attacked, scored 1 point, the total score was 10 points! 10: 2! The winner Guan Liyuan selected ... Guan Liyuan player, you have won." The referee hurriedly said.

The referee also has the ability to read and understand Guan Liyuan's ability-if he is not high enough as a referee, at the beginning of the game, I am afraid that he has already escaped!

Guan Liyuan saw that the Sky Arena had already decided that he would win.

In fact, Guan Liyuan had already scored 7 points before the continuous off-court. Afterwards, when he confronted Culolo, although he had the upper hand, he had not effectively attacked, so neither side scored.

After that, Kololo fired Guan Liyuan's head and scored 2 points for "excellent blow", and Guan Liyuan's mallet also scored 2 points for "excellent blow ..."

The last three knee bumps were already “effective blows” at the first blow, which was enough for 10 points, but Guan Liyuan did not hear it and did not explain the time to the referee.

At this time, Coololo was released, and his appearance was really miserable. His left arm was twisted into a strange shape, and a bullet was embedded upside down-because most of it hit his head, it is now embedded. On his head, the blood bleeds all over his face naturally.

But at this time Culolo was awake, his two big eyes were no longer confused, but he looked up at the sun quietly ...

If it wasn't for his slump on the ground now, and it was Guan Liyuan who accepted the applause of the audience, I really thought he was the protagonist who just killed the last boss and was relaxing!

As for Sisso who has been following him very much, he is even more excited now, not only covetously looking at Kololo lying on the ground, looking like a dead body, but also Guan Liyuan, who is cheering for victory, also No longer looks like the previous dead fish.

Men Qi also forgot at this time. Before he was cheering for Culolo, he raised his arms and hooked it ... almost pinching Guan Liyuan's head, and then he said to everyone everywhere: See? This is my half apprentice!

Of course, Guan Liyuan had already recovered the "Devil's Passport" at this time, and he was repairing his wound with the idea of ​​strengthening the department ... mainly the one on the forehead.

After the bullet was embedded in Kurolo's head, everyone also saw Guan Liyuan's injury-the bullet was stuck in his skull!

Can bones jam a pistol bullet fired at close range without using mind?

That's right, Guan Liyuan is only slightly stronger than Culolo, and it is impossible to use his body to defend the pistol bullet ...

In the case that everyone can use "mind", Kurolo is just in the "middle" of the brigade, the seventh of the 13 members, and six members each.

And Kurolo's mind is stronger than the average level of strengthening of the body, that is to say ... in the "no mind" state, Kurolo's body should be in the second half of the brigade.

Of course, with various stolen abilities that have been stolen, as well as fighting skills of the same level as Sisso and with their own abilities, as well as almost instinctual proficiency in the use of "mind", in actual combat, Kololo The ability to play is definitely the first of the brigade!

If Guan Liyuan was in the brigade in the "No Thought" state, there should be around the fourth and fifth.

In the brigade, there should be only reinforcements, and Wo Jin and Finks who tend to strengthen the body, have the ability to carry bullets without thoughts, Guan Liyuan's physical quality is not as good as these two ...


If it ’s more than the strength of the “skeleton”, Guan Liyuan is probably close to the first gold of the brigade's strength!

In other words, regardless of the strength of the bones, only the strength of the muscles and viscera, I am afraid that Guan Liyuan will also be in the second half of the brigade, but the "bone" is stronger than other parts of the body ...

That's right, Guan Liyuan's professional rune of "kill gray bones" can't bring the hunter world, but like "rebirth eye" and "army color domineering", it can be shown as "believe" power.

Guan Liyuan believes from the bottom of his heart that when using "Ning", his eyes are transformed into "regenerating eyes" to gain stronger perception. He believes that when using "Zhou", his body seems to use "armed color domineering" The same darkening can have a stronger body strengthening effect ... This instinctual "belief" will become a reality under the effect of "mind".

As Guan Liyuan's first career, of course, he also believed from the bottom of his heart that his bones are different from those of other people and other parts of himself!

Therefore, the warming effect obtained by "bones" is better than other muscles and internal organs!

If it was Wojin here, he didn't use the "mind" at all, and was hit by a pistol close to his head. I'm afraid that at most one red dot or red mark was hit. Although Guan Liyuan could not do it without injury, the skull could catch bullets ...

Guan Liyuan was also taken aback when he pulled out his gun at Kulolo. If he hit him, the bullet would hit the abdomen or pass through the gap between the ribs. By then, Guan Liyuan's flesh and offal would never be able to carry it.

Once the internal organs are damaged, physical fitness will drop sharply, and Guan Liyuan will probably resurrect ...

But Kulolo was fierce and greedy enough, and actually wanted to kill Guan Liyuan directly-when he thought of going with Guan Liyuan, he raised his hand and hit the eyebrow, but instead gave Guan Liyuan a chance to block the bullet!

After Guan Liyuan didn't expect that he was dead, and in order to create a chance of "killing a blow", Culolo completely broke one hand, and his posture was not easy to defend. With a series of counterattacks, he directly Wound Kulolo seriously and defeat!

From the heavy fire suppression at the beginning to the later hard-to-win ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for the challenger, it is undoubtedly a hearty victory.

In cheering the winners, the audience gradually came to think of "taking on the identity of Kololo"-is this the head of the brigade?

It was a pity that the referee judged so quickly ... why didn't he kill him!

There are also some who are hostile to the brigade, and want to find a chance to see if he can take advantage of his illness and kill him.

The brigade massacres villages and destroys caravans. Enemies are everywhere. There are tens of thousands of spectators here. It is normal for those who are hostile to the brigade.

Among them, he went directly to Culolo with confidence in his own strength, and each of them called each other to inform him of Cololo's identity and his injuries.

However, when these people came out of the crowd congratulating Guan Liyuan, they found that Kololo, who was still watching the sky, was gone ...

Guan Liyuan is not optimistic about these people.

Culolo's injury looks very heavy when he has n’t “thought”. In fact, it ’s not too difficult after the “rethought” is restored. He will be healed, and Sky Arena already knows the identity of Kurolo, but it will not break his rules. He wants to kill Kurolo in the Sky Arena outside the ring ... they are afraid they have no chance!

The thirteen gang alliances that contributed to this challenge obviously did not expect that there would be such an operation ...

Originally I just wanted to test out Coololo, but I didn't expect Guan Liyuan to win it directly?

However, when the representatives of the gangsters greeted Guan Liyuan with a smile, Guan Liyuan did not give them a good look—if it was not their job that was not easy, and Culolo knew that they would send themselves "Gatling", how could they Followed with a pistol?

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