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Chapter 519: Mind and Body Limit

The "mind" that comes from one's own spiritual power has devoured his own soul and become stronger ...

This made Guan Liyuan think of the energy system of the human world in the same world as the hunter world-gourmet energy.

After the fusion of gourmet cells, gourmet humans can rely on "eat and eat" to obtain gourmet energy and promote the growth of gourmet cells.

But at the same time, once you have not eaten for a long time or the energy you eat is insufficient, it will trigger the "self-eating" effect, that is, the gourmet cells begin to engulf the "host" cells!

After self-eating occurs, you cannot eat in time and will "eat yourself". If you eat in time, because the absorption effect is better, there is a greater probability of triggering the evolution of gourmet cells.

Compared with the conversion of "mind" into "mindfulness", one is "self-eating" for the body, and the other is "self-eating" for the soul.

"It is truly a power of the world, one that focuses on the mind and one that focuses on the body, but the nature has a lot in common ... Didn't you eat! Give me some effort, or you will be killed immediately!"

Guan Liyuan muttered, while "urging" six members of the Phantom Brigade to continue attacking his body ...

Whether it is a direct impact of force, or chopping, or bombardment, after hitting Guan Liyuan, it seems to be "kneading the face". There is no other effect except to promote Guan Liyuan's muscle "rolling".

Just like Guan Liyuan in the Naruto world at first, like the "super active body" that he saw in the beginning, in the constant death and regeneration, the body has gradually gained strength!

But the process is indeed not beautiful ...

Why are six members of the brigade?

The third group of people seemed to have received the signal and did not approach this side. Of the seven people in the first two groups, Feitan now twisted her limbs at a strange angle and lay aside. If you look carefully, there is also a ground around Kind of burnt marks!

That's right, just now Guan Liyuan shot and abolished the guy who just guarded his body ... Although Feitan used the combination of "Growing Sun" + "Unpardonable" to fight back, but after using it, Guan Liyuan Although it turned into a ball of coke, the carbon shell gradually disappeared, and a body was born from it!

Unlike the particle reconstruction during the "resurrection" ... Guan Liyuan didn't die at all this time, and his body was regenerated with the promotion of excess thoughts. After that ... Feitan became what it is now.

Before that, Guan Liyuan repeatedly generated "mindfulness". Although I felt that the thoughts were getting stronger, but because of the suppression of the "devil passport", the effect of strengthening was not reflected.

It was not until Guan Liyuan withdrew the "Devil Passport" that it was discovered that after the "Dedication" was born, the ability to recite—that is, the "Invincible Battery" and the "Devil Passport" —was only secondarily. The most important change was the "Contemplation" Significant enhancements!

The transformation of eight "stubborn thoughts" made Guan Liyuan's thoughts almost violent. He only warmed up his body for less than three months and could not bear the oversized thoughts. The excess thoughts began to dissipate ...

After all, it is the "mind" fed by the dead soul eight times. Guan Liyuan feels like this is gone, but it is a waste. I thought of using "super active body" to consume the mind, which can increase the strength of the body ... even if it fails, you can Speed ​​up the flow of "minds" so as not to keep your body muscles rolling!

The biggest feature of Shennong's "super active body" is not strong, but simple and rude ...

As long as the original "super active body" has enough chakras, it can continuously promote the body to obtain powerful physical strength in the cycle of breaking words and regeneration.

Now, Guan Liyuan ’s "mind" itself has the characteristics of "reinforcement", and the "reinforcement" is not only effective for the recovery of the body, but also has the characteristics of "change", which can change the "mind" To meet the needs of "adaptation" by Guan Liyuan.

Therefore, the adaptation is not too difficult. Although it is far from optimal, and even consumes 70% to 80% of the "mind", it is barely usable!

After Guan Liyuan was barely available, he also began to use the power of the brigade to help him promote the formation of the "super active body".

"You still have the last ten minutes. If you can't kill me, just die!" Guan Liyuan said in a deep voice.

The brigade people did not think about escaping, but their current speed is far worse than Guan Liyuan ...

[Probably approaching the limit of "super active" strengthening ... Without fusion of gourmet cells, after all, the body cannot be unlimitedly enhanced. 】 Guan Liyuan secretly said.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan was also slightly confused. According to the limit he felt, it should only be slightly stronger than Finks' body ... Although Finks was the strongest body owner of the tour group after Wojin's death, his physical strength was in the strengthening department. It is also top-notch, but ... it should be a lot worse than a strongman like President Nitro.

[It doesn't make sense that my incarnation will be lower than people in the world. Although Nitro has been to the "Dark Continent", it is impossible to go as far as the "human world" ...] Guan Liyuan murmured secretly in his heart, and even began to speculate that the president would fuse the gourmet cells.

However, Penguin said at this time: [Impossible, if the two systems have been blended, even if there is only one person, it can be regarded as "human" has been optimized ... As for the strengthening limit, it should be related to the intensity of your "mind". Seeing the limit you are about to reach is the limit of body temperature that can be reached by the "mind" before the conversion of "mindset". 】

"That's it ... It turns out that the transformation of the consciousness that emanates from the stubbornness is different from the meditation that you meditate." Guan Liyuan muttered secretly.

The transformed "intention" can only strengthen the body to the limit that the original idea can reach, and the thought that the body can withstand the limit beyond the limit will gradually dissipate ...

In other words, Guan Liyuan wants to reach the level of first-class hunters like Nitro, but still needs to meditate and strengthen his original ideas.

However, even if it is only the limit of the original idea, it is already a big profit. You must know that this "limit" is just a "theoretical limit" for others.

Like Fink's "mind", it is much stronger than Guan Liyuan's original thought before transforming "dedication", but after Guan Liyuan reaches the limit, it is almost the same as his physical quality ...

It is precisely because the normal "thinking person" cannot reach his limit, such as Finks, if he lives for another 100 years, and the "thinking" no longer strengthens, he may reach the limit!

However, Guan Liyuan reached the limit directly with the help of "dedication" after eight exponential increases, and his body was comparable to Finks ...

After that, there are far more "persistences" than Finks with similar physical qualities-ordinary abilities can't raise the energy to the limit of the body.

"Mind" and "body" are mutually restricted, but even if someone is like Guan Liyuan, after transforming "mindfulness" once, there is still a complete soul and still alive, it is impossible to touch these two limits ... Guan Liyuan is also After eight consecutive times of chanting, the super-active body can be used again to reach or even exceed the double limit.

Of course, Guan Liyuan still has some regrets. If there are "cuisine cells", he can easily break through the limits of the human body. After that, the "mind system" can go further, promote each other, and have unlimited possibilities.

Unfortunately ... the world is too far away, and the mysterious world is too dangerous. Now Guan Liyuan is not able to go alone!

Otherwise, even if it is infinitely resurrected, some of mysterious creatures may keep him infinitely corpse, or even sleepy without killing. At that time, although Guan Liyuan will not really die and can return to the main world, it is equivalent to losing the "Hunter World" .

After ten minutes ...

"The half-hour period is up. It seems that it still can't be killed." Guan Liyuan said.

At this point, his mind was completely violent, and he didn't even need to use "kick" to defend it. Only by the natural overflow, he could resist 99% of the mind attack!

"After that, it depends on your luck ..."

I saw Guan Liyuan stretched out his hands to both sides at this time, and the excess "thoughts" continued to emerge, gradually forming a "monster".

Mind beasts, collectively all the ability to form individuals in vitro through "mind".

It can be regarded as a big category in the use of "mind". Many people who have the ability to read, release, manipulate, and visualize, will improve the combat power by shaping the "mind beast", or provide some auxiliary functions.

The release system can be separated from the body, so it can form a beast with relatively strong direct combat ability. The figurative system can embody a "living" object. It can also be regarded as a "mind beast". The control system usually Manipulating as a beast with the help of real objects ...

Guan Liyuan ’s thoughts have the particularity of all the thoughts. At this time, the characteristics of the “change system” are used to shape the body for the “mind beast” and the characteristics of the “representational system” are used to materialize the body of the “mind beast” , "Releasing system" feature allows the "mind beast" to stay away from itself, and the "enhancement system" makes the materialized "mind beast" more powerful!

With the aid of the nature of the "representational system", the materialized "mind beast" can be "summoned" again at any time, just like "invincible battery" and "devil passport" ...

Now Guan Liyuan's body has reached its limit, but the "mind" is still overflowing. It is estimated that it is necessary to dissipate 60% ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the rest can match the body limit.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan decided to consume the remaining "minds" to build a mixed system of "mind beasts", which is also regarded as waste utilization.

However, the idea of ​​"manipulation system" is not used. Obviously, it is preparing to shape a beast with "self-awareness"!

[Although in the hunter world, I ca n’t use the skills of the “Summoner of the Other World”, but they have the contractual connection with the nine lamas. As long as the “mindfulness” is sufficient, it should be possible to shape the body of the beast, and through the contractual relationship, Their consciousness leads to the "mind beast" ...]

That's right, although Guan Liyuan can't use the summoning skills of "Summoner of the Other Worlds" now, he can forcibly simulate the tail beast with his mental power!

I saw Guan Liyuan's right hand's "mind" gradually turned into dark red, changed into a corrosive, but infinitely powerful force, and gradually formed the "nine-tailed demon fox" posture; the left hand's mind was changed to The mixed nature of "water", "wind", and "fantasy" formed a six-winged long-tailed unicorn monster's posture ...

"My current thought should be able to keep the beast about a hundred kilometers away from me ... It depends on your own luck if you can escape."

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