Dimension Forum

Chapter 525: melody


() & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Study on the origin of Miss Nion's ability? Should it only be accidental? Some people are born with awakening ability, although small, but it is normal for 6 billion people in the world to appear." Kurapika said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Because he found that Guan Liyuan has been studying the branches, Kurapika asked curiously ... but Kurapika obviously did not think that there was anything worth studying.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp simply attribute this to the extremely low probability event that occurs under the maximum cardinality ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Although I do n’t agree with Kurapika ’s “six billion people in the world”, because Guan Liyuan knows that there are hundreds of billions of people in the “human world” in the same world, but Guan Liyuan has to admit that there is a Kurapika That possibility.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After all, as long as the cardinality is large enough, things with a low probability of occurrence can all appear in reality.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This also reflects the benefits of the popularization of the system!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Yungu ’s evaluation of Xiaojie and Qihua is “only” a genius out of ten million people, and the luck of the two of them is not only that they have a talent probability of one ten million, but also I came across a probability of about one in six billion, being exposed to "mind".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As a result, their speed of progress seems incredible to many people.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If everyone has access to Nian, there are at least a few hundred people in the world like Xiaojie and Qihua ....

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As for the branches, fruits, etc. of Nion, Kulapika obviously thinks that it was a childhood Nion's mess!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Although this is said, there is no basis for entanglement, perfection, and practice, and it is really possible to awaken 'fa' directly ..." Guan Liyuan still cares.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If it wasn't for confirming that the Pirate World and the Hunter World weren't in the same universe at all, Guan Liyuan even suspected that it was the fruit of the devil ... But even the devil's fruit had to be eaten by himself, and Nion was not afraid of the weakness of water.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Wait ... if you care about awakening‘ fa ’directly, there may be a person ’s condition with some reference value,” Kurapika suddenly said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Well? You mean ..."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "The melody is my partner in the guards," Kurapika said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "She ... did not have the foundation of entanglement, perfection, and practice before possessing the characteristics of" hair "? Wouldn't it be that she didn't find it?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "No, she now has a very simple grasp of entanglement, perfection, and practice, not like a person who learns to read on her own."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Can you help me find her?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It should be possible, she wants to figure out her own situation, and hopes to find a way to hack ... I will go to her in the afternoon. You protect Miss Nion." Coolapica said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The melody, that is, the person who followed the cool pickup, looked like a gopher's ability ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If she didn't explain, no one could guess that a few years ago, the melody was still a beautiful musical girl!

The reason why & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp has become what it is now is that once the melody and a few music-loving friends got drunk again at the party, and a flute player at that time took out his collection by drunkness- Dark Sonata · Flute!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the legend, "Dark Sonata" is a movement made by the devil, and anyone who hears it will encounter an unimaginable disaster ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At that time, because everyone was drunk, the flute player also decided to play it once with the boldness of wine. Others have not touched things like "mind" before, so there is not much to stop, just complaining "good Terrible legend. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspResult ... terrible things have just begun!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The melody also can't remember the tone of "Dark Sonata", but many people including the performers died on the spot, and some people went crazy and disappeared ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The melody is the loss of a healthy body and a beautiful face, and it has become a strange appearance that the "ugly girl" cannot describe.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But at the same time, she also has a strong "hearing", even beyond the category of "hearing", has a special sense of "sixth sense" and "hearing" combined, can "hear" "Others thought.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp These, the melody, after being found by Kurapika, also told Guan Liyuan again ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Although she was unwilling to bring up this past incident, she heard Kurapika say that Guan Liyuan is studying similar things, and the melody thinks that she needs to cooperate with Guan Liyuan ... Maybe there is a chance for recovery? After all, Guan Liyuan's strength, she has seen!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The melody now has only two dreams, one is to be able to recover itself, and the other is to destroy the "Dark Sonata" to prevent more people from being harmed.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The "Dark Sonata · Flute" that appeared before her that year also disappeared after the incident ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "You only remembered that friend was going to play" Dark Sonata ", and after returning to God, did everything happen right? And ... how did you accomplish at the time?" Guan Liyuan confirmed to the melody.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The melody is very rare. It is estimated that if another woman encounters such a thing, the temperament will also change greatly, but the character of the melody is still very gentle.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp I saw the melody shook his head at this moment, and then said to Guan Liyuan: "I understand the meaning of Guan Xingzhu ... I really can't remember too much about the events at that time, but I definitely listened to" Dark Sonata "! Although there is no memory But, I instinctively believed in this ... As for the performance, I was only a student of the Conservatory at that time, and I did not have the level of those world-class performers. "

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The melody is now a "thinking ability", naturally knowing that some masters who have reached the top in a certain field will naturally inspire "mind" when they play their skills ... but the melody was not among them before.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "How about? Is there a solution?" Kurapika asked.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp He called the melody, so instead of helping Guan Liyuan to study the special awakening of "reading ability", it is better to see if Guan Liyuan has a way to help the melody!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "It's a bit similar to Nyon's situation, but ... how did you find your" reading ability "?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I discovered it naturally and gradually learned to control it."

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Is it just starting to sound better?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Guan Liyuan has understood that the situation of the melody is not the same as that of Nyon, but it is similar.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp are all without the basis of entanglement, perfection, and practice, and have the special ability to pronounce directly, but the "hearing" of the melody is easier to find ... unlike the ability to predict, if there is no special situation, Nion should always You ca n’t find it by yourself!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In contrast, the "fat" of the melody is actually incomplete even now, when it was just awakened, it should be just a "prototype". It is because the melody has learned to be entangled, extinct, and practiced, and gradually perfected itself. Results.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Nion's "Angel's Mechanical Pencil" was perfect from the beginning, and Fans learned how to use it ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbspThe most important thing is that the cause of the special awakening of the melody is very clear to her. It is caused by the "Dark Sonata". Although other aptitudes have only heard of the movements of the "Dark Sonata", they do not know it. The way of existence, and exactly how its author "Devil" exists, but at least it is more logical than Nyon's "Broken Branch" and "Strange Fruit".

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Have you looked for a teacher?" Guan Liyuan asked after shaking his head slightly.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Obviously, Guan Liyuan ’s focus has shifted from “how can the idea of ​​melody wake up” to “Can I help her recover?”

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp But I do n’t know why, Guan Liyuan always felt as if he had overlooked something important ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp [Although the principle of awakening is unknown, the inducement is already known ... and she is not like Nion, she knew her abilities inexplicably from the beginning, but her life experience is also checkable ... shouldn't there be any problem? Guan Liyuan secretly said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp After all, "Dark Sonata" ... Guan Liyuan even suspected that it was something from the "dark continent", that is, the "mysterious world" outside the hunter world, and by looking at the melody, it was not that it could be used as Used as props to assist in spiritual practice.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "There are too few minders ... but I asked a one-star music hunter in the Hunters Association to see that there was no underlying thought in me ... like ... I should have been like this." The melody was a bit low.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Some of the mind-reading abilities have the ability to "think" of special nature and stay in the enemy's body, such as the curse-type, seal-type, and control-type chanting ability, and many of them take effect in this way.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Of course, there are also some people who can clear these "mindfulness" abilities, they are called "reminders"!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Because these types of thoughts are very troublesome once they have been recruited, the status of “remembering teachers” is very high among those who have the ability to meditate.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp In the plot, after Coolapica sealed Kulolo ’s ability to read, other members of the Phantom Brigade searched for a teacher except for him, but it was still fruitless. In the end, Cullo followed the guidelines of “Prophecy” and found greed. Desire of the Island ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As for "one star hunter", it means that in some fields, hunters who have outstanding abilities and sufficient merit will be awarded stars. The highest Samsung hunter has fewer than ten people in the world and usually gets a license. Hunters, just professional hunters, do not have stars.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The melody can find a one-star music hunter to help explore, which is already pretty good.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "I also have a certain ability to shed thoughts ... Let me try it, it may not be successful." Guan Liyuan said.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp When the melody was heard, the look of expectation was revealed, Kurapika also said with some surprise: "Your ability is also effective for parasitic thoughts?"

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp It is precisely because of this speculation that the melody comes over ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "In theory." Guan Liyuan said that he had a red passport in his hand, and a black horned demon head pictured on it ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The moment the passport appeared, the melody suddenly shrinked, and then, covering its head, fell to the ground in pain, it seemed to endure some great pain!

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan found that the demon head on his "Devil Passport" was flickering in the dark ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "What's wrong?" Coolapica said in surprise.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp "Well? Is this ... and the power to fight against the" Devil's Passport "?" Guan Liyuan also looked uncertain.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Looking at the painful melody, Guan Liyuan felt more and more that he seemed to ignore something important ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp ▲ Under mobile phone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Artifact, Baidu search Keywords: book palm? pp or visit the official website directly

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