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Chapter 561: I'm here

Guan Liyuan saw the sudden appearance of the speaker of the temple, and seemed to have some tacit understanding with the king of the elephant, and he was relieved ...

Before being forced into blood by the blood crickets, he could only enter the "Hunter's World". Guan Liyuan was forced to such a degree last time. It was a long time ago, shortly after becoming a professional, he was chased out by three robbers ... now three people Has been humanely destroyed by Guan Liyuan.

Although Guan Liyuan is not a vengeful person, maybe one day when Guan Liyuan achieves extraordinaryness or even above it, he will even forget the blood sacrifice, but now Guan Liyuan has a sense of crisis because of blood sacrifice all the time. It's getting deeper.

But from the beginning, Guan Liyuan did not want to affect humans because of his own affairs ...

Xiao Hei is a companion of Guan Liyuan, and was found to save Zhongli Qiu. Guan Liyuan will not give up Xiao Hei, but he does not want to use his own power to kidnap humans.

However, in Guan Liyuan, he found that the Professional League did not directly enter the World of Warcraft, but within a few days in secret, they reached a consensus with the strongest group in the northern ice field. When I can't help but feel refreshed ...

After the Great Speaker of the Templar appeared, the blood pupa and the three kings of fox, bear, and ape also clearly realized something.

If it was a few days ago, the Speaker of the Human Professionals League chased the three kings into the northern ice field, regardless of the reason, it can be regarded as a signal that humans are fully engaged in war with the Warcraft family.

But now there are secret aids from the King of Elephants and Sirius, and the Speaker of the Templar theoretically came to discuss the secret trials. The three kings and the blood princes can only stare at them ...

However, without being hesitant, King Ape directly said: "This is not the resentment of the" king "itself, but also the fate of the Warcraft family! Other Warcraft can be ignored, but I can't ignore it ... if you really want to pass the" intermediate heritage " Trial 'Betting on the future of the Warcraft family, I have to join the ape family! "

After all, King Ape has not completely lost his mind, and understands the emergence of the King of Elephants, Sirius, and human beings. It is destined that the general direction set before this matter cannot be changed.

At the very least, you can only add your own ape race to the gamble, which means that after the opponents of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, in addition to the representatives sent by the blood clan, they also include the Warcraft of the ape race.

However, King Ape didn't notice, because of his own words, some other ape-like holy beasts present showed a little dissatisfaction on their faces.

They are also kings of the ape family, they just feel that the level of gold ape king's support for the blood pupa has harmed the interests of the ape family ... while the silver elder elder fox of the fox family and the reckless bear king of the bear family are already in Heart scolded King Ape ...

But since the Golden Ape King has already spoken, even if they are a little shaken in their hearts now, they cannot pretend not to hear without completely giving up the blood.

I had to follow suit, and the fox and bear clan also participated in the gambling contract ...

The three tribes are not as united as the wolf tribes, and they are also composed of dozens or even hundreds of small groups. Each group has its own "king", although they are now because of their powerful strength and their prestige in the tribe. , As the king of the ethnic group, or "patriarch", but if the race goes down under their leadership, the kings of other clans will not remain indifferent, especially those who also have the power of the Holy Beast!

And King Ape ... while the IQ is increasingly exposed, its strength has declined due to injuries.

Previously, King Ape led his confidants "unauthorizedly" and wiped out a tribe of the wolf tribe, causing the overall confrontation between the wolf and the ape. The king of the apes is also the "brain residual powder" of the blood pupa, which also makes many ape races more stubborn ...

If the King Ape continues to pit himself, or the blood pupa is more vulnerable, I am afraid that the seat of the King of the Ape Clan will be shaken!

For the fox, bear, and ape, the temple and the king of the elephants were not surprised.

The temple, representing humanity, accepted the proposal of King Baoxiang, but nodded slightly, and smiled kindly ...

"That being the case, then I will take Liyuan back to the music land first, and then come to ask for advice after three months. Thank you a few days ago for your care, and then‘ there must be a good report ’!” Said the temple intentionally.

At first glance, the beasts such as the Golden Monkey and the beast were still in a daze, and secretly said: Is this a shame to slap people? Wasn't that man rescued long ago?

Immediately, the temple was smiling and flying with the "City of the Sky" in the direction of Guan Liyuan's hiding place.

Guan Liyuan knows that the same method may not lie to the other party for the second time, and continue to lurk back on his own, but it may cause extra branches, so it is better to hit the other party ...

The blood elder and the silver elder elder seemed to think of something, and flew past the temple all the way.

Far away, everyone found that at the edge of the perception range, a human figure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ shouted into the sky, and the word "help" was written on the ground, as if Survivors after the shipwreck before the abyss invasion ...

Of course, this is the effect that Guan Liyuan deliberately made in order to cooperate with the temple. The words have just been written.

Although the blood crickets and the three kings could also guess, it was found that Guan Liyuan appeared not far away from the place where he was "saved" a few days ago. Where did he not know he had been tricked?

I remembered Guan Liyuan's hoarseness shouting, "The temple saves me", and then there was no space fluctuation, but it disappeared in situ, and the search was fruitless. Therefore, it was really considered to be a temple to save people ... Blood Wren and the Three Kings seemed like Hit an invisible note!

Especially when they thought that in order to "threate humanity to surrender the soul beast", they actually evacuated the area where the soul beast hides, and a feeling of dullness made their chests blocked!

But now the great speaker of human beings is also there, and just now, under the witness of the King of Elephants, an agreement has been concluded ...

The Blood Golem secretly measured that if the King of the Elephants didn't take the shot, the Holy Temple and the Holy Beasts of the Wolves would not be its opponents, but the King of the Elephants might have the means for the idols to stay in the northern ice field, and could not be regarded as an ordinary Holy Beast .

Moreover, the Elder Silver Fox and the Mang Bear King didn't seem to be willing to break the agreement at this time, so the blood cricket had to hum a cry and disappeared in place ... The sky and clouds of blood gradually drifted away.

The sanctuary is with Guan Liyuan, returning to the land of human goodness all the way ...

Guan Liyuan was on the road and also expressed his thanks and anger to the Speaker of the Church.

Guan Liyuan has heard it from the nine Lama's voices. There should be different opinions on this matter among the senior members of the professional alliance, that Guan Liyuan destroys the relationship between human beings and Warcraft for his own self ...

However, after all, the Speaker of the Church and other people still chose to protect Guan Liyuan, so this is the scene today.

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