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Chapter 564: Who is stronger?

"Have you heard? Something happened over Changling City!"

"How could I haven't heard that ... there are such fierce newcomers in the Eastern Land."

"It is said that he has not graduated from the college, and he should join the Disha list afterwards?"

"It will only take him through this level ... If he loses in the trial realm, I am afraid the Warcraft clan will not let him go."

"Damn Warcraft! Before the beast appeared, we dared to threaten our human beings, and forgot about our care for the northern ice fields when the second and third ancestors were there?"

"Yes, World of Warcraft is barbaric. It actually kills the same kind to help promote yourself ... If there is such a human, it will definitely be wanted."

"But it's no wonder that Warcraft is so crazy, after all, it's about the birth of the beast ..."

"Yes, did that guy never think about the stability of the north?"

"Beep! Are you humans or Warcraft? Warcraft that follow the professional is naturally a member of the alliance, but also dare to sneak into the land of joy and misbehavior. When our four human ancestors appear, we should completely enslave Warcraft! Enclosed in the land of joy! "


Since Guan Liyuan appeared in Yunji City, he naturally changed to Cheng Gong.

A lot of people were talking about themselves along the way, so Guan Liyuan didn't know what kind of expression should be displayed.

However, Guan Liyuan is more gratified that the professionals in the gathering city, especially the members of the talent list, the terrible leaderboard, and the candidate members, are all relatively young, and they are all talented and have high eyes. Different from Yin Zheng of Changling City, so most of them support Guan Liyuan ... or to be on the human side without a brain.

In particular, the Speakers of the five major parliaments at this time have announced the achievements of Guan Liyuan in the "Mengsong Beast".

This incident caused a huge shock in the land at the time. In the state of the conspiracy being found out, it still lost hundreds of new professionals after the "outbreak". Not only was it heartbreaking, even localities have also developed zombies, Regular medical examination system for even other auxiliary mammals.

Although more than half a year has passed, everyone still remembers ...

Because compared to "having a superb summoning beast", "killing Simarang" and "stopping the formation of the fourth largest Jedi", the impact of seeing the "monster beast" is smaller, so in order to block some people Mouth, the five major speakers decided to announce this thing!

Anyway, the Dread Lord has already targeted the newly-promoted professionals in Tulane City, and Guan Liyuan, who has become more and more dazzling, has always been the target of doubt ...

The credit for exposing the "Monster Incident" is actually no less than the suppression of the fourth largest Jedi. If the plan of the Dreadlord is completely successful, the first-time professionals in the entire land will break the file!

In a few years, the strength of the professional league may not be affected too much, but after more than ten years or decades, the land will face years of indifference ...

The credit for stopping the "Mengsong Beast Incident" cannot be fully attributed to Guan Liyuan. The first credit is naturally the mysterious professor "Oki Yukisei". In addition, the urgent actions of members of the eastern cities such as Dulan City have also played a significant role. effect.

But there is no doubt that, without Guan Liyuan's discovery, there is a good chance that the fear of the devil will be completely successful!

Moreover, the mysterious professor "Omu Xuecheng" has some connection with Guan Liyuan, and has only been connected with Guan Liyuan. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to put the credit of "Omu Xuecheng" on Guan Liyuan for the time being.

Therefore, most professionals are more inclined to Guan Liyuan ...

After all, human beings can survive for thousands of years under the invasion of abyssal creatures, not relying on instability and struggle, but on the struggle and sacrifice of generations of professionals.

In addition, as the indigenous creatures of the Warcraft family, a **** beast only appeared in the first generation of human ancestors, that is, the first supernatural birth, and then in the era of the second and third ancestors, they survived and survived in the northern ice plains.

Even in the other seven border cities, many people secretly yelled at Yin Zhenghuo of Changling City ... Of the eight border cities, Changling City is relatively speaking, the most peaceful situation. Now the attitude of Yin Zheng is easy to make people Suspected that he was reluctant to settle down, so he persuaded!

Of course, there will definitely be some people. It is reasonable to think that Guan Li is not enough to focus on the overall situation, but at least in the talent gathering place of young talents such as Tianyibang and Dishabang, the mainstream voice will not be so sophisticated.

"Yes, I heard that ... what's the name of it? Yes, Guan Liyuan! Guan Liyuan is also good at the profession of summoner in the other world, and he is also a natural dual profession. He has four occupations at the intermediate level ... I don't know how it works Get up, whose summoning beast is stronger? "

"Yes, they are all able to summon lord-level summoning beasts ... but Guan Liyuan should be stronger. It is said that he can summon many kinds of lord summoning beasts! Cheng Gong only has two kinds of looks.

"Cheng Gong can also summon emperor-level creatures! Although I am afraid there is only one blow ... but the credit he put on the front line is not just to kill the bellyworm mother unexpectedly ..."

"But Guan Liyuan is even more powerful? It is said that he has three other professions that comprehensively improve the ability of this system, element system and spiritual system ..."

"No, no, no, it must be Cheng Gong, his turret can fly directly to Guan Liyuan!"

"That's right! It's not unusual to be able to fight directly. No matter how strong they are, they can surpass those top ten monsters?"

"I'm afraid even the lower rankings may not match ..."

"I haven't heard that Guan Liyuan has halo skills."

"Well? Cheng Gong, have you come back to practice? Have you heard about Guan Liyuan? Who do you think is better than Guan Liyuan?"

Just a few good guys, while discussing the matter of Cheng Gong and Guan Liyuan, it happened that King Lin Zhong discovered "Cheng Gong".

Without this incident ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The geniuses in Yunji City are very strange to the name "Guan Liyuan".

However, due to the publicity of the changes in Warcraft and the "Mengsong Incident", everyone went to know about Guan Liyuan ... some of the public information has also been known by everyone!

Therefore, they were shocked to discover that, besides the terrible list, there are such intermediate geniuses ... and they are still new this year!

The most enviable envy and hate is that the mid-level has four professions!

It's just that they don't know about Guan Liyuan's "native oath oath" profession, and the matter of Kaopari ... not even know that Guan Liyuan is Cheng Gong!

In the eyes of most members of the Earth Shakespeare, if the emperor-level summoning beasts that cannot summon the battles stably are not counted, then Guan Liyuan and Cheng Gong's accomplishments in "Outworld Summoners" should be similar.

However, Guan Liyuan's frontal combat ability was better than Cheng Gong, and Cheng Gong's skills were even more unreasonable.

Of course, the geniuses at this time are very confident in their combat effectiveness. Although they believe that Guan Liyuan's frontal fighting ability is definitely better than Cheng Gong's battle salted fish, he does not think that Guan Liyuan can be selected into Disha with his personal combat power. The list, but like Cheng Gong, depends on the summoning beast ...

"Who is stronger with Guan Liyuan? This question ... a good question!" Cheng Gong said with a strange expression.

King Lin Zhong lost to Cheng Gong a lot before. At this moment, his eyes turned and he asked slyly: "After Guan Liyuan's arrival, he is a professional who is a summoner, and he is also a stranger. Summoner ... Cheng Gong, you have an opponent! "

Looking at Lin Zhongwang's look that he was not afraid of things, Cheng Gong said deeply: "But as the summoner of the other world, I know that the most ... Guan Liyuan must have a pure heart like me!" ...

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