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Chapter 576: Greed the last wave

"Flying cats and unicorns! Are you okay?"

After Wu Tushou temporarily cleared the misunderstanding with Guan Liyuan and Ojia Beast, he rushed back to Gummy Beast Village with Guan Liyuan.

Unlike the village of Bigamon, the soft candy animal lives in a cave. Usually during the day, it will come out to play and water the "sugar field" with data to ensure that delicious sweets can be grown in the "sugar field". The evolution of gummy beasts has a promoting effect.

At night or when they are attacked, they will rest in the cave or hide in the cave, so the Oga beasts "patronize" for several times, but did not really come in.

And the caves are not as bad as the "wild caves". Not only are there some play facilities, separate storage rooms, but also illuminated spar ...

However, this time when Guan Liyuan and Wu Tushou returned, they found a run-down scene in the cave. Gummy beasts and a few chocolate beasts were all very panicked and disturbed. Flying cats and unicorns--also Even the two mature digital beasts who had previously guarded the village were wounded and surrounded by a group of gummy beasts.

Seeing Wu Tushou returned, the gummy beasts and chocolate beasts seemed to find the backbone of the main body, and immediately cried and cried ...

Just over half a month ago, flying cats and unicorns forbade digimons from leaving the caves during the juvenile period. During this period, some digimons that have evolved to adulthood have not been allowed to leave to travel around the island.

At that time, everyone didn't know why, but now I want to come, I am afraid that the flying cats and unicorns have already discovered the dark gears at that time, so let everyone hide in the caves ...

"Wutu beast ... are you back? Is the sea train no longer available?" The unicorn asked immediately.

"Yes, they are all ghosts of evil Warcraft! Did you avoid being controlled?" Wu Tushou asked.

"No, the flying cat beast was in the cave at the time, so it was not controlled. As for me ... huh? It's you? Yes, it was the Bardola beast that accompanied them to help me drive out the dark gear! Jia beast should not be ... "said the unicorn looking at Guan Liyuan and Meimei.

Guan Liyuan was still not sure, but now it seems that this guy is the unicorn that he encountered before!

However, the unicorn is obviously more impressed with the Oga, and it is certain that in the kind of good deeds, the Oga is definitely not ...

It is also because the unicorns were prepared after being rescued, and when they returned to the village, they temporarily blocked the village with the flying cat and beast to prevent everyone from leaving the cave, while also guarding against the "dark gear".

However, the "Galugo Beast" did not return that day. After the unicorns and flying cats were worried for a few days, and even went out to look for two days after changing shifts, the "Galugo Beast" returned ... but it was already dark gear control!

Unicorns and flying cats are weaker than martial arts and Gallogo. The latter two have the strength of the "leader evolution line".

Coupled with not knowing the position of the dark gear, in the end, the unicorn and the flying cat beast just repelled the unreasonable Garruco, and failed to destroy the dark gear that controlled him.

And not long ago, the Garruco beast appeared again ... but this time the Garruco beast was bigger and his skin was dark gray ...

Although the flying cat beast and the unicorn, combined with many warfare jelly beasts and chocolate beasts, temporarily repelled the Garruco beast, the flying cat beast and the unicorn were also injured.

"... Fortunately, you are back! You have also brought in a soldier. Otherwise ... Gargo is very wrong, I'm afraid it will come again," said the unicorn.

"No! Wu Rabbit Beast is definitely not the current opponent of the Gallogo Beast ..." Fei Mao Beast reminded.

"Where's the Badora? If it's willing to help, there might be a chance to join forces with Wutu," said the unicorn.

"Badola Beast is not here, but we can do it! Helping others is always my motto in life." Guan Liyuan said as he nodded.

Of course, while helping others, Guan Liyuan estimates that the Garuch beast should also incorporate a lot of "dark gears". If you are lucky, you may be able to make up a "savory cat stone" after this time.

The unicorns still don't know about Guan Liyuan's strength. After all, when the Bardola beast shot, Guan Liyuan did not intentionally do anything, "persecute" the biqiu evolution, but the strange bird and the beast finally came out and made up for it!

However, Wu Tushou knows Agurah, and if Oga is not upset, the combat effectiveness is considerable.

"That's great! With the Agoura beast, you can find the Garruco beast in advance, and with everyone's help, maybe you can 'rescue' the Garruco beast ... Sorry, I just misunderstood you, I hope you don't care."

"It's nothing, in fact, it's all Oga, this guy is not good." Guan Liyuan did not hesitate to throw the pot.

Oga murmured in a low voice: "It was you who said‘ Hurry up, do n’t let them escape! ”

However, Ogamon is still looking forward to Guan Liyuan's enhanced special effects, so on the surface it looks like "you are the boss, you have the final say" ...

In fact, Guan Liyuan has only helped it strengthen the "data value" once, that is, when it has not yet signed a contract and is conducting experiments.

Because it is only three months away from the "trial realm" of the main world, Guan Liyuan is still mainly training Xiao Hei for the time being.

Guan Liyuan's plan is to cultivate Xiao Hei to the extent of evolution to the edge of the "complete body", which can be temporarily evolved to the "complete body", and then cultivate the Lily, Lilac and Oga.

Just then, a familiar "DaDaDa" sound rang from outside the cave.

The cave was shattered with a lot of debris ...

"Master Warcraft's order ... kill ... the rebel ..." Garrug murmured in his mouth.

At this time, the Garrugian beast could not see the original white body, green ears and arms, and the whole body became dark gray, and the whites of both eyes completely disappeared.

The normal Garuch animal is also close to human body, but in terms of human body, it is fat, with two arms from the forearm to the palm, each with a Gatling machine gun, the head is about the same as the Wutu animal, two long Ears that look more like rabbits!

Although he still murmured something in his mouth, he apparently lost his self-awareness ...

"Sure enough, I have lost consciousness ... Say that you are all right? Is it because you are bad enough?" Guan Liyuan asked Oga.

"No, I think it's because of my willpower!" Oga Beast vowed. However, Guan Liyuan still doubts this!

"What the **** does Warcraft want to do? Why did you suddenly bring the 'Dark Gears' together?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"I don't know ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It didn't say ... just let us each collect dark gears as much as possible," Ogamon said.

At first Guan Liyuan thought that the appearance of the Oga beast was because he "brushed a mushroom" was discovered by the evil Warcraft, so he sent the Oga beast over.

But then I realized that this was not the case. It was just that the time when the Oga beast came was coincident ...

"Strange birds and beasts evolved! Oga and black, you guys also help!"

Guan Liyuan found that the Wutu beast was in front of the enhanced version of the "Galugor Beast", apparently could not persist for too long, and immediately instructed everyone to "group fight" ...

At the same time looking at the completely blackened and swollen "Garugo Beast", Guan Liyuan was a little disturbed!

Because the evil Warcraft's way of action has exceeded the plot he understands, so he can no longer hold on to the previous "the sky is broken and bear children bear" mood to act.

Fortunately, the time from convergence is getting closer and closer. Guan Liyuan secretly decided to go to the "Infinite Mountain" to push the tower after he finally greedy this wave ... Ah no, it is evil evil Warcraft!

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