Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 691: 3 people, 1 body, shadow warfare

"The Milky Way Starburst!"


I saw that Guan Liyuan chose to confront Saga's upright ...

That's right, what Guan Liyuan used was actually the Trinity "Athena's Marvel"!

Any three gold saints can be used together, also known as "shadow warfare".

It is said that because of its power, it was banned by Athena, and users will be permanently deprived of their glory as saints.

Guan Liyuan was originally puzzled about this. In the Underworld chapter, either the living golden saint or the resurrected warrior, many people have used "Athina's Marvel".

Since it is a "not allowed once" thing, why do all the golden saints seem to be born?

No need to practice at all, as long as there are enough people to use it?

And "disabled because of too much power" also seems very nonsense. Although the holy Athena wins consecutive victories in various jihad, it is not easy to win in many times, such as the worst jihad ...

It doesn't make sense to beat yourself, right?

Unless ... the side effect of using "Athena's Marvel" is more severe than the painful price paid by the Holy Land in the last jihad!

When wearing three golden holy garments at the same time, Guan Liyuan actually had some suspicions. When he mastered the three spatial mysteries at the same time, Guan Liyuan often had a "combinable" feeling, and ... no matter which three holy garments he wore, All have this feeling.

When Li Xing was just blown up by the "Starburst of the Galaxy", Guan Liyuan actually wanted to use this "Trinity" to resist for a moment, but he failed to launch!

But after that, Guan Liyuan also understood that there was still a lack of necessary agreement between the three spatial mysteries and "Athina's Marvel"!

Because the acquaintance of the three is extremely demanding, this trick must be "connected" to be used, and it will have a certain impact on the "server" ...

When the Golden Saints used it, as a "server", it was naturally their common belief-"Athena Universe".

Even if nothing can be seen on the spot, the potential damage may cause hidden dangers such as delaying the reincarnation of the Athena universe.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the act of "fishing in the waters of the zedong ze" is considered taboo ...

The guys in the underworld should not know the mystery, otherwise from the resurrection Saints using "Athina's Marvel", we can see that they are playing "Infernal Affairs".

Guan Liyuan did not get the "server" certification from the beginning, so the first launch failed.

But with the experience of the last failure, and seeing Saga detonating the deep different dimensions, Guan Liyuan faintly explored the key!

If it is used by three saints, they naturally need to be "online", but they have three kinds of spatial mysteries. In theory, as long as they maintain coordination, they can be used directly.

Just like the Leo of the previous generation, you can launch "Athena's Amazing" alone, or even the "Zodiac Twelve of Zodiacs", which combines twelve kinds of spatial mysteries.

It ’s just that Guan Liyuan still does n’t have a good grasp of the scale, and the “galactic starburst” gave Guan Liyuan a hint—the reason why “Athena ’s Marvel” can be combined with any three spatial mysteries is because its essence is “chaos "In space," three "points can fix a" face ", and" stability "is needed in" chaos "...

The "Galaxy Starburst" is formed after disturbing the different dimensions!

Because Guan Liyuan and Athena had no disputes, and there was no “internet” at this time, it had nothing to do with Athena, so Guan Liyuan gave himself a simple and easy-to-understand name for this trick-and also related to the world's "first cause "Oh the same name!

I saw Guan Liyuan posing in the same pose as Saga, and two explosive little universes collided together ...

Destructive power erupted from between the Temple of the Goddess and the Pope, and the golden saints in the following palaces couldn't help but be shocked.

The previous "Galactic Starburst" has already made the gold saints nervous,

"This power is ... who is Athena's wonder? Who is it?" Tong Hu, who was far away from Lushan, opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sanctuary.

"not good!"

"If this power is fully released ..."

"No ... the space is disordered, and teleportation is no longer possible!"

"How to do?"

The other gold saints also paniced.

If at this time all the twelve palaces have the corresponding golden saints ... No, even if more than half of the saints are in their palaces, the self-disciplined universe of the sanctuary will start by itself, restraining this power!

But not ...

The chaos in the sanctuary was nearing the end, and there were only four or five golden saints still in their palace.

The strength of the Golden Zodiac can only inspire the sanctuary's self-protection mechanism. This is why in the original work, even the underdog can "not take the ordinary road" ...

The golden saint is the core of the Holy Land's combat power. Before Mu, Shajia, and others wanted to avoid internal friction, they were worried that such a situation would occur!

Fortunately, at this moment, it was seen that the destructive force would bloom in the collision, a soft little universe that wrapped the colliding Boom and Galaxy Starburst.

The two forces that collided together temporarily stood still, and slowly rose to the sky under the soft little universe ...

"This, this is ... Goddess! It is Her Highness!"

"Is this the little universe of the goddess Athena?"

"Miss Saori is awake?"

That's right ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just before Guan Liyuan was blown out, Hoshiya and the Purple Dragon had shone the Aegis in the direction of Aries.

Saka did not lie at the beginning. With the power of the Holy Shield, Saori's Athena Universe awakened, erasing the "golden arrow" that was not good for herself, and after waking up completely, she brought this destructive power to Out of the sanctuary!

Even though Saori belongs to the wild Athena, at least the instinct is still there.

In front of the Temple of Goddess, with the disappearance of the destructive power, the space stabilized again ...

I saw that Saori took Mu, Arudiba, Shaka, and a faint, instant, before the coma, and instantly moved over.

Immediately following the battle at Capricorn Palace, Ioria and Shura both wore up here. Both of them had broken marks on their golden garments, and the small universe was very bleak. It seemed that the previous battle was fierce!

Also appearing are Abroudi and Miro, who should be in Pisces Palace. They are also a bit embarrassed, and the Aquarius ... Only the glacier with a sentimental look is teleported. Miro sees this scene, as if guessing Whatever it was, I could not care about Abrodi, and immediately sensed the Aquarius Palace-there was no reaction in the universe.

Including Saga, eight gold saints were present, Libra Child Tiger hung up in Lushan, Cancer Disus Musk was killed, Sagittarius Iorius had sacrificed 13 years ago and there has been no substitute. Aquarius card is wonderful ... Sick!

Sagar saw Saori appearing in front of her with a scepter of victory, and most of the golden saints stood on her side, and could not help but angrily said, "Abominable ... have been recovered by you? Are you assholes? Want to give the earth to a little girl? Can he protect the earth in front of Neptune and Hades? ") Download a free reader !!

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