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Vol 2 Chapter 705: Pure people do n’t have bad luck

"Okay! It's worthy of being the leader of my humanity's power. I promised to do it ... this time, I confessed!" Yan said vigorously.

Guan Liyuan stared at this scene with a stun ...

Is this ... resurrection in situ full of blood? Guan Liyuan finally knew why he was called an undead bird!

This seemingly "flame" mutation of the power of the profession is indeed peculiar. It is obviously an element system ... that is an energy, but it can bring about some recovery effects only in high-quality professional systems!

No, can it be said to be "recovery", it should be said to be "rebirth"!

And Guan Liyuan finally understood what Yan Zhong said before, not intentionally provoking the tens of thousands of sheep in his heart, but the young man of Tieqi City, who really had a sincere heart ...

If he really relies on Guan Liyuan's ability to "regenerate", if Guan Liyuan can't summon Kaoparis or use invincible turrets, even if he can finally win, I am afraid it will take time.

But the most important thing is ... Guan Liyuan's stun is not his regenerative ability, nor is he enough to have the righteousness, but-then you can't expose "Beep"!

"Ahem, Brother Yan ... that, that ..." Guan Liyuan winked at him.

Yan Zhong was inexplicable at first, and then suddenly came over—how so cool?


"Oh! Hooligan!"

"Hahaha, is it such an undead 'bird'?"

"Hmm ..."

The onlookers also laughed at them at this time. Of course, this laughter was probably not malicious.

Not to mention that Yan Zhong's words and deeds had been ridiculous before, which made people feel good, and-wasn't it just naked?

Now, the professional people in Letu are not as comfortable as in the ancient times ... There are many abyss creatures across from it. Who can't run into several **** battles a year? It's good to be able to keep your life, what can't keep your clothes!

At most, the intimate clothing in the "critical" place is special, and Yan Zhong is a big man, and the boxers are obviously not "special". In normal times, he can resist the flame on his body, but when the "rebirth", the flame temperature exceeded him. Expected.

Although all the new professionals were present, they also had experience. At most, some female students exclaimed, took a few sips, and turned their heads.

Fortunately, everyone is a mid-level professional. Yan Zhong immediately took out a piece of clothing from the storage space, surrounded it, and smiled at Guan Liyuan in an embarrassing and polite manner, and then got into the crowd ...



I don't see how Yan Zhong moves, and I can't see anyone else, but a few stinking boys who just "hush" just bounced off one by one, it seems that what kind of force is hitting the buttocks-who makes you laugh? Who is short to dislike?

"Iron mentor, you Tieqi Academy do this ... isn't it?" Zhang Chunming was below, and Shen Sheng said to a middle-aged man in a black suit with a Chinese character.

"It's not good ... hey, I also told the child Yan Zhong that not only his flames cannot be controlled freely, but the temperature is sometimes not under control. He told him long ago that he should overestimate and buy the best resistance. Warm clothes ... At least if the last boxers are the best. This is really not good! "Middle-aged man with iron surname pouted.

Zhang Chunming had a black face, and he was not a member of the discipline discipline of the Eagle Academy. Don't say it was just a moment of inattention. Even if Yan Zhong streaking around the Eagle Academy had nothing to do with him?

This iron is clearly stupid ...

"Who is with you! I asked him why he gave up!"

Tie Rulong heard the words, and his dark eyes glanced at him, which made Zhang Chunming nervous for a while-even a high-level professional, there is a distinction, especially Zhang Chunming is a milk.

"Oh, off your fart." Tie Rulong said lightly.

"You ..." Zhang Chunming was still a little bit persuaded, but he didn't hear such "rude" words for a long time.

This is that the mentors in the academy have left the "battlefield" for too long, and the professionals who normally team up to kill monsters in the wild are always very nervous every day, and their closest companions are around them. Do they still expect them to speak in a craze?

It happens that the mentors of Tieqi College are basically a rotation system. Each year, a group of professionals replaces them as mentors and the next year, so not only is the teaching style very wild, but they have nothing to do with mainstream professionals. the difference.

"Why are you? Yan Zhong isn't Guan Liyuan's opponent. Isn't it normal to strategically avoid it? Is it necessary to fight for vitality?" Tie Rulong said dismissively.

"Don't think I don't know! With Yan Zhong's ability, even if it doesn't hurt his vitality, he can at least delay a few times more time. By then ... his score can be even higher!" Zhang Chunming said.

"Do you want to say that you can make Guan Liyuan's score lower? You really haven't made much progress ... Guan Liyuan has made great contributions to our eastern land ... No, I have done so much for the entire land and will soon be 'inheritance trials' 'Did he deserve this place?

Every day I think about how to walk away from the evil gate ... I think Yan Zhong has done a good job. It is indeed a person valued by the old dean, and he is not the same as a guy who has no ‘l beep’! "Tie Rulong taunted.

Zhang Chunsheng was flushed with a pale face, saying that he couldn't say anything, that he couldn't beat, that he simply left with a humorous hug ... Then he went around again. He also had to see Guan Liyuan's second match.

Obviously Guan Liyuan's luck was not good. Hu Ling of Dalingcheng ended the battle before him and won ...

In other words, Guan Liyuan started the second game immediately after taking a ten-minute break.

Hu Ling is not famous, and her performance yesterday is not outstanding. The reason why she won so fast is mainly due to the lottery. Jiang Ruonan and Zhong Liqiu have not heard of her, but she should be a woman by name.

"You just Guan Liyuan who exposed the Moon Beast incident?" I saw a young woman with a normal appearance, and asked after entering the game.

"Yes ..." Guan Liyuan nodded after hearing the words.

He already felt that Hu Ling was just a junior professional, and even if she was desperate, it was just a small trouble.

"My brother is also a professional, but he is very stupid ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is just the beginning of two years."

"It's not stupid for two years or the first stage ..." Guan Liyuan said a fair word for her brother, but at the same time he couldn't restrain the alpaca in his heart-what does your brother have to do with me? Show you have an older brother?

"I surrender."

"Then ... huh? Give up?" Guan Liyuan watched in surprise as Hu Ling turned around and jumped off the ring.

It took a long time to respond-her brother is still a junior professional. If the event of the beast finally erupts, the whole east, even the northwest and south, few of the junior professional can survive!

"Director Zhang, are they too nervous? Everyone is very friendly ..." Guan Liyuan muttered secretly in his heart.

Later, I saw the gluttonous Yantai, his opponent didn't know what was plugged into his mouth, and then he fell down on the yantai with blood all over him and was declared a draw by the referee. At the same time, the gluttonous opponent had passed out and was disqualified .

It seems that Director Zhang was not worried at first, but Zhongli Qiu and Jiang Ruonan!

Unless there are those who have old grievances, tomorrow's nine games, which should also represent Zhong Liqiu and Jiang Ruonan, will be targeted ...

For a while Guan Liyuan didn't know if he should be comforted or sad. It is gratifying that his hard work was not in vain. Even if Sima kept the incident secret, the mere beast incident made many people appreciate and admire it. There is also something about Xiaohei Many people understand ...

The sad thing is ... this doesn't seem to be the protagonist's treatment? Isn't it usually the protagonist is targeted and the protagonist's younger brother is involved? Right?

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