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Vol 2 Chapter 735: Archer Armor

"Did you feel it?"

"Of course, very strongly ..."

"It's so full of life! It seems that the things that promote it are just ahead!"

"It seems more exciting than expected ..."

"Flying up, flying up, can this breath recover his injury?"

"No, we have been following it for three days, and its injuries have gradually recovered!"

That's right, it has been three days since Guan Liyuan's five people and five beasts were "tracked" from the green-haired honest bat.

The green-haired honest bat is indeed the lord. Although he has not recovered after madness, and cannot use the healing ability, but with his physical fitness, he has been "pulled" all the way, and his body is still gradually recovering. Now I am about to go somewhere. Already can fly!

"Go ahead! The thing is clearly in front of it, and it doesn't need it to lead the way anymore ... If it is approached by that thing, there may be variables!" He Xigui said.

Indeed, there is no need to lead the way now. This turbulent breath of life is impossible for people who are blind to admit it. From the sense of breath ... even if the green-haired honest bat approaches, it can "resurrect" them with blood. Not surprising.

However, when Guan Liyuan waited for someone to do something, someone did it for him ...

I saw the green-haired honest bats are flying hard, and a dark Changhong runs through the "bats"!


The mutant Thunderbat Lord was killed without any counterattack, and a long black arrow not only shot through his skull, but also shot into the rock wall with an unbroken trend afterwards-half an arrow!



Guan Liyuan and others were also startled. Although the green-haired honest bat was not injured, the lord's body stood still and the hardness was not low, let alone this one was shot into the "special rock wall" half arrow length!

Before, Jiang Ruonan scraped on the rock wall with his overlord gun, but he did a little bite. Although Jiang Ruonan didn't do his best at that time, he thought that even if Jiang Ruonan made a full shot, that would be the effect.

What's more, this is an arrow that penetrates the mutant lord's skull first ...

The most alarming thing about Guan Liyuan and others is that until the opponent shoots an arrow, the five people and five beasts don't find each other's location, and they haven't seen the other person's figure clearly!

I can only see that the person seems to be hiding in the shadows ...

Although Guan Liyuan and others are hidden under the clever illusions, Guan Liyuan himself does not believe that such illusions can conceal each other.


The sound of the long black arrow falling to the ground sounded-because of the self-repairing ability of the special rock wall, the long arrow that only penetrated a few centimeters was still "topped out".

Seeing that it is a "long arrow", Guan Liyuan and others are eight times convinced that the other party should be a professional, but the situation is secretive now. Even if it is known that the other party is a professional, Guan Liyuan and others are still a little nervous.

"It turned out that this friend had already discovered this ... Hahaha, we thought we had picked up the treasure. I don't know if the friend on the other side just found it, is preparing to hand it over to the alliance, or the alliance kept the secret here? If the latter ... We accidentally broke it, and apologize first. "Gu Yuan said in a relaxed suit.

Obviously the honest bat is here to advance!

If it was discovered by professionals long ago, how could the honest bats come in?

Gu Yuanxi was just tentative, but he didn't believe the other party.

"Well, Brother Gu ... haven't we just met some time ago? But the lord that Brother Gu wants to kill is this one? It seems I want to apologize to Brother Gu ..."

I saw the other person appeared at this time, and this person knew both Gu Yuanxi and Hexi, and Guan Liyuan also knew him!

"Is it you? It turns out ... it was Brother Gong who stepped forward." Gu Yuanxi exclaimed.

And Guan Liyuan also remembered at this time, this is exactly one of Gong Wen's two teammates.

Guan Liyuan had seen him before at the Eagle Academy. He was a bow and arrow professional at the time, but ... it was definitely not that strong!

Such a strength, going to the top ten will almost never fail, but will actually be a good teammate of Gongwen?

"Are you going" one step "first? Well, there is more than one step. At least this mother tree bat, my master has seen it once before ..." Gongbingjia said with a smirk.

Temperament is totally wrong! Not only the strength of the bows and arrows, but also the current temperament of this goods, which is completely different from the bow soldier armor that Guan Liyuan has seen and beside Gongwen!

Otherwise, where is it now? Directly at the Eagle Academy, he was arrested as a fallen man ...

"This man ... is there a problem? Gong Wen is not a good person!" Zhong Liqiu looked thoughtfully.

Guan Liyuan was behind Zhong Liqiu, and couldn't help but knock a hand knife on her head: "No need to say it at this time ... people don't even want to pretend to be good people!"-Don't say it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com It's pretty easy. When did I start to knock her?

I saw Zhong Liqiu slowly turned his head, it seems that his eyes really "deep" ... apparently remembered something!

"Wait, wait! You can't bite anymore! In fact, you have already bitten!" Guan Liyuan explained immediately.

Guan Liyuan had regretted it a few days ago—when Zhong Liqiu drank the film, she should remind her of it.

Otherwise, she really forgot to stun her ... But she also forgot her revenge!

In fact, this "revenge" is at most a bit of "one", but the results forget that it is good, Guan Liyuan has to be careful not to be found, and Guan Liyuan has an advantage, that is, the instinct of the warrior-that is, the action is more important than the brain fast……

Fortunately, "Bow Soldier" now says "Not a good person" on the left side and "This is a conspiracy" on the right side, so after Zhong Liqiu stared at Guan Liyuan, he decided not to "revenge" here.

After seeing the situation, Guan Liyuan quickly turned away from the topic and shouted to "Bow Soldier Jia": "I have long seen that Gongwen is not a good person! He even made the bad guy call him" Master ", and it was a moral loss, a human face, and a strong taste. Fuck! You, take us to see him right away, I'll pump him myself! "

"Bow soldier armor" was said by Guan Liyuan, but immediately after that, he showed a kind of dislike that Guan Liyuan hated, and said with a smirk: "Oh, I came to see you, naturally I want to take you to see my master. ……please."

When you obviously should be angry, but smile to meet each other, this feeling ... It is similar to the previous Gong Wen feels to Guan Liyuan!

The other party has put "unwillingness" on the bright side, and Guan Liyuan can't help but they retreat now, but secretly ... Guan Liyuan took something from the storage space and put it in his sleeve ...

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