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Vol 2 Chapter 770: Addicted to output, careless treatment

"Ahem, this friend, do we know each other?" Guan Liyuan only passed by as much as possible.

Although you can't die in the "Death World", there is no need to die unnecessarily, isn't it?

If you encounter other slashing swords, even if you encounter two or three slashing swords at the same time, Guan Liyuan can try to fight a fight. The only thing that is unsure is that it is not yet materialized. "Rapid Edge", and this "meat puppet"!

The flesh meat is full of alien-shaped passerby-style names, meaning "the sound of fish and birds eating meat juices" ...

But Guan Liyuan didn't dare to underestimate this beheaded sword!

Although the original "meat soup" is pure milk, once the explanation is "all done", Guan Liyuan has no confidence to subdue it, and the death world cannot be "strengthened after resurrection" like the hunter world. Waste of points.

After all ... "meat meat" is the killer of the quadrupled captain.

Don't look at the current captain of the Sifan team, and what a Yamato Fuzi looks like is actually all appearances!

This former Jianba eight, like the current Gengmu Jianba, regards "cutting each other" as the most fun and claims to master all the kendo genres.

The "return" used for healing was just the result of seeking help from Qilin Temple of the Zero Fans Team in order to be more fun when cutting people.

Even now, as "the self-cultivation and self-cultivation", as the first nurse of the 13th team of the court, there is still the ability of the captain who knows the inside to laugh with a smile ...

The most important thing is that the meatball's ability to decompose is pure milk, but the ability to decompose ... It only knows that it is used in battle. Even if Guan Liyuan has seen the original work, he does not know the effect of "all exhaustion".

All I know is that after launching the "All Exhaustion", I started to cut each other happily with Gengmu Jianba until I was killed by Gengmu Jianba!

That's right, in the original work, after Jingle took over as the captain, facing the threat of Yu Habach, in order to release Gengmu Jianba from self-restraint, Xun Zhihua sacrificed herself.

It was because Gengmu Jianba was stabbed by Heihuahua after the war with Heihuahua, and felt that Heihuahua was the only person who could make him feel "very cool", everyone else was too weak, so he started Self-seal, with the passage of time, the pressure and fighting consciousness does not increase but decreases ...

As for the actualization of the flesh ... In the original animation with little reference value, there is no real shot at all, but it shows that the ability of instant steps is not weak, and Ichigo is led to the village.

"Are you strong?" The flesh's voice was husky, slightly feminine, and made Guan Liyuan uncomfortable.

"No, no, I'm not strong at all! By contrast ... Among the death-goers who are about to go to the team house, there is a bell with a hair tied to his head and a blindfold, he is very strong!" Guan Liyuan Sell ​​sword eight for a while.

"He is strong, of course I know." Roe said.

Guan Liyuan only reacted to this. For Yu Zhihua, Gengmu is also a "special person." Her cutting sword is naturally very impressed by Gengmu.

"Yeah, yeah! That guy is going to find the captain, it must be bad for you!" Guan Liyuan said in a vow.

"I 'men'? No, I am me, there is no 'men'." The flesh's voice made Guan Liyuan feel shudder!


Sure enough, the "animated original" plot is not reliable!

Originally, the meat dumplings were at the mercy of the village chief, which was not very scientific, and afterwards, the village chief did not use the meat barriers to solve the "all-out" combat power ...

It now appears that in the real "Death World", the flesh does not merge with other killer swords at all?

"Then ... what are you doing here?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help but wonder, secretly hoping: Since it is now called "meat meat", it is best that her character "cures" as well as the ability to solve.

"So boring, I want to cut something."

"..." Guan Liyuan's expectations were shattered.

"Ahem, I guess Gengmu Jianba has reached that direction now ..." Guan Liyuan said very thoughtfully.

what? You said Guan Liyuan sold his teammates?

how is this possible!

Guan Liyuan was just worried that in order to relieve Jianba's self-restraint in the future, he also needed the flower of self-sacrifice, might as well let the flesh go try it now, maybe he could inspire "True Gengjian Jianba" without injury?

It's not because it's troublesome, that's why it's misleading.

Guan Liyuan's face was full of positive energy.

"He? I'll find him sooner or later ..." Roe said.

When Guan Liyuan just showed his joy, secretly lamenting that he had done another good deed, the words of the flesh turned: "But before that, let me try to see how weak you are!"

Guan Liyuan heard a word and said: "Ha? Have something to say ... wait! Let's talk, why did you betray the Captain of the Flower of Xun?"

When the meat cricket heard the action, just when Guan Liyuan thought that she was poked in the pain, she saw a sudden sudden burst of pressure ...

"Milk your sister's milk! My mother wants to export!"


I saw that Flesh suddenly removed her cloak, and with her cloak rising, Guan Liyuan suddenly felt that everything around him had become a black and white background canvas, only himself and Flesh ... It is only the style of painting that is different from that of "all-out".

At this time standing in front of Guan Liyuan, a long-haired woman in white, although it is a classic ghost image, but there is no gloomy temperament ... more terrible than that! Guan Liyuan was on her body, feeling the violent warfare!

Apparently at this time, the "meat puppet" had used the power of disintegration.

卯 之 花 烈 ... or 卯 之 花 八千 流 's beheading sword, is a rare type of initiation and **** in completely different directions. The meat eel belongs to "pure milk ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and both Exactly ... Although I don't know the specific effect, we can know that this is definitely the ability to be born to "cut people", and also the ability of Xizhihua as the first generation sword eight!

At the same time, in the team house of the Sifan team, a man in front of the aircraft did not know when he infiltrated, and stood in front of the flower of the cricket that was performing "return" to the unconscious wounded.

"It's already this time, are you still being treated?"

"I'm the captain of the fourth team. Is it strange that I'm treating the wounded? And ... Mr. Kirin Temple, shouldn't you have any prejudice against 'treatment'?" The heart warmed twice.

That ’s right, the man in the airplane head is the skill of “Zhang Fan” who is good at “walking”, and the “return” is magical, and it is the Kirin Temple Tenshiro who is the teacher of Heihua's treatment!

"Just heard the intelligence said that your besom sword has also betrayed? It is hard to imagine that your besom sword will be deceived ... what exactly are you doing? Our holy team ’s holy ... the new captain is also being rolled Come in, isn't there danger? "Kirin Temple asked.

The original five captains of the Zero Fan team did not think that "Cheng Gong" would be in great danger, but when the Kirin Temple knew that the sword of Sword of the Sword of the Flower was also in the ranks of the mutiny, they couldn't sit still!

"Nothing, she's been suppressed for too long, she just wants to vent."

"It's something you need to vent ... won't it be you?" Kirin Temple asked.

"What do you say?" Wu Zhihua asked with a smile.

However, this smile that seemed to make the flowers bloom, but it chilled the back of Kirin Temple, shook his shoulders and left ...

And at a distance that Kirin Temple can't hear, 卯 之 花 murmured: "The new captain of" Holy "? Oh, let me see, what's the difference between you ... it's decided! If you can't please me, just cut it Good luck! "...

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