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Vol 2 Chapter 794: Goose 1 foot high, elephant 1 foot high

In the inheritance of Shenshan, when Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan were desperately fighting, the Warcrafts outside were also “frying pan” -like!

Outside of the inheritance of Shenshan, although the situation inside is not visible, there is a "trial list" where you can see the breakthrough situation of all the participants inside ...

The "Trial List" is three-dimensional, and it looks like a miniature Trial God Model, which is also dozens of meters high ...

The next circle around the "foot of the mountain" is marked with avatars representing the identities of each tester. Corresponding to the avatars is a beam of light symbolizing the climbing order.

The higher you climb, the higher the beam of light will be, and the closer it will be to the "top of the mountain" of the model.

The first one or two hundred levels are actually nothing to see. Whoever is faster or slower cannot explain the problem.

Intermediate inheritance trials are started once in several years, and each time one thousand Warcraft can participate-it can be seen that those who can get the quota are among the elite.

Those who have failed to break through the first 100 steps in previous sessions are very rare, and they have not appeared once in several sessions.

However, shortly after the trial began, the beasts saw a scene that was enough to surprise them, and saw a beam of light ... or a "light sheet" (now the first layer, just a "sheet", not a columnar shape) ) At this time, seven colors of light flickered, and at the same time, Mini God Mountain also played a congratulatory sound, as if it had drawn an SSR.

"Is this ... a hidden reward?"

"Just started, have the trialers triggered hidden rewards?"

"Don't you say there will be no hidden rewards at the bottom ..."

"Look who it is ... huh? What are the two heads? Oh, it's Lishun Beast and that human."

"Is this the first level that triggered the hidden reward?"

Warcraft could not help but talk about it-this operation is indeed very rare.

Although there are more hidden rewards than anyone else, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei's "opening door" has made the **** side of Warcraft a little hazy.

"It doesn't matter. According to the previous rules, hidden rewards are also related to the level. The hidden rewards that appear on the first step are not too precious, but they are just lucky." The elder Silver Fox spoke and stabilized his emotions. .

However, like the Sirius around the baby, he said indifferently: "Ha, have you ever seen hidden rewards triggered by the first steps? And where is hidden rewards useless ..."

At this time, the content of "hidden rewards" was also announced on the trial list-yes, the content of hidden rewards will be announced, which is also to encourage other Warcraft to participate, otherwise there will not be so many Warcraft Know, the hidden reward content.

As for killing the treasure and killing the beast ... it is not the main theme of the paradise and iceland, and every time a race has a participating place, it must be sworn with blood, forcibly capturing the "Idol Enze" Warcraft, will be chased by all ethnic groups kill.

Even if they later killed Xiao Hei, they could only return her income from Trial Mountain to the Baoxiang clan, otherwise no matter who took it, they would be hunted down by other ethnic groups, even if it was an alliance. Useless.

Refusal to fulfill the promise of hunting down will be affected by the oath. The offspring in the ethnic group will have a lower chance of appearing with high blood purity ... This is also a "vote rule" in a broad sense.

No ethnic group will easily swear on the blood, even the idols cannot persecute them, but the idols have established the rule that they must swear to participate in the trial, so these groups voluntarily swear.

Just after Sirius completed his mockery of the elder Silver Fox, a ghost of "Longlong Grass" condensed on the mountain.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Did I read that right? Linglong grass?"

"It is said to be delicious, rarely seen after the abyss invasion ..."

"But the effect ... Well, for Warcraft below level 6, it can make the soul fluctuations more stable and not bad."

"Oh, Sirius, this is the good thing you said? And yes, you have so many low bloodlines, they are really 'useful' things."

After the result was revealed, King Ape successfully completed his face to Sirius, and other Warcrafts also looked at him with a strange smile ...

At this moment Sirius had 10,000 alpacas in his heart. Although he knew that this was a pot of idols, not Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei could control it, he was still roaring in his heart—these two pit goods were doing furry? The geniuses of "other people's homes" are all opportunities for their own faces. Can you two justify yourself?

At this time, he inherited Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei from the middle of the mountain, and did not know that he had accidentally pitted Sirius, but Xiaohei knew that Guan Liyuan must have pitted himself!

"Guan, Li, Yuan! You pit, do you want to try it yourself? Do you know how painful the soul flogging ... Do you have enlightenment?" Xiao Hei looks like he will fight with Guan Liyuan.

"Wait! There are gains, you have not been drawn in vain ..."

"Harvest your sister! Even if you ask me and the God of Raiders for an hour, I won't forgive you!"

"The experiment just fits Penguin's analysis, after which he can analyze other ways to trigger hidden rewards ..."

"Penguin is useless ... what? Analysis of other hidden reward triggers?" Xiao Hei's eyes lit up instantly, too late to "civil war" with Guan Liyuan.

"Yes, as long as there are 'levels' with hidden rewards, we all hope to get them!" Guan Liyuan said.

Because the Walker's device is a "slayer", and Penguin can theoretically be a weapon of the sword, interfering with the outside world to a certain extent, and finally gave it a boost with its analytical ability!

[But do n’t hope too much. I can only parse out the “trigger method”, such as hidden rewards in this level ... I can decipher “There is a hidden reward hidden in other grasses”, but I ca n’t specifically sense it. Which one is it? 】 Penguin transmitted to Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei at the same time.

Indeed, a "trigger condition" like this is useless even if it is known. If Guan Liyuan does not have a "whisperer mask", it is impossible to know the condition.

After all, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei cannot try each one or one. "It hurts". Besides, time is too late. Although one month is not too urgent, it is impossible to delay for several days at the first level. www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just for a "Linglong grass" is worth more!

"That opportunity is also much larger than other testers! Quickly, quickly, try to test the ability of space!" Xiao Hei quickly said.

After two Ling grass and one Ling grass were collected, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei entered the portal that appeared before.

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei once again flew into the sky.

However, there is no feeling of lack of oxygen and so on. It should be just a "simulated" starry sky, and the content of the test is similar to the test that Miss Mo taught Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei space ability.

In the "Starry Sky", the spatial coordinates will appear randomly. You need to Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei. Use space fluctuations to instantly point out these coordinates. The coordinates will disappear a little slower, and 200 consecutive points will pass.

However, the speed of this assessment is not fast for Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei. It is much slower than Miss Mo's original request. It is not as difficult as the assessment of soul ability-it is only the first stage after all.

But Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan were both interested ...

[Penguin, how about it? Found a trigger for a hidden reward? 】

[Still analyzing ... Okay, the analysis is complete, um ... The triggering condition of this level is to use space fluctuations to "point" such "patterns" in the starry sky-well, use the World of Warcraft to translate It is "beautiful, handsome, eternal, elegant, and meritorious. I can't help but turn the tide into perfection. The immortal idols are perfect." 】

Guan Liyuan: [... there are really testers, "hand slip" to this extent? Isn't this a "mistake" that could explain it? Can you point out this mess? Is the idol teasing "beep"? 】

Now Guan Liyuan finally believes that even if the penguin's analytical power is given once, the "hidden reward" is not what you want ... Many trigger conditions are set by idols!

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