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Vol 2 Chapter 844: 1 trigger

"Hey, hey, I'm the only one to help you? Is your teacher too stingy?" He looked at Zhongwu in front of him without a word.

At this time, Chongwu was more burly than when his body was at its peak. In addition to his normal skin color, he had a little bit of intention to move towards the Hulk.

"The teacher said that the power of the Federation in the northwest must remain in place to restrain the leaves, and that the northern and southeastern federations must pass through more than half of the land of mines and land must cross the leaves. Doomed not to be too big. "Chongwu said silently.

If you do n’t cut it again, you wo n’t be able to read the map. Of course, you know that the reinforcements can only be “small and fine.” The reason for mentioning this is because I did not expect that there would be only one reinforcement ...

However, after knowing that Guan Liyuan brought people into the territory of the Thunder Country, he can understand it without cutting. Guan Liyuan's intention is very clear. He is forcing the land of Thunder to cease the war. It is enough to stand under the attack of the water country.

"Are you sure you will make Koba feel the threat from the northwest?" No one cut and confirmed again. After all, after the Federation and the new army defeated the country of grass, they did not actively attack Koba, and the deterrent might not be enough.

"Within three days, the Federation will disclose that the commander-in-chief of the three major forces in the Nishimoto battlefield is Mr. Osumaru." Chongwu said.

Well, very reassuring answer!

Let the people of Koba know that Dashemaru is the commander in chief, and even if the three major troops are honest, they dare not take it as a threat.

Otherwise, it will always be under the command of Tsunade, who may have some fear and fear.

"What about white? Can't her ice palace move over?" Asked again.

"After defeating the Ghost Lantern City, the Ice Palace will approach the mainland from the north of the Kingdom of Thunder, attracting the attention of the Kingdom of Thunder." Chongwu said honestly, there is nothing to conceal if he never cuts again.

"Then ... what about you? As a reinforcement, what can you do alone? I remember you were not born of a ninja?" No more chopping in the correspondence only, listening to Guan Liyuan talking about valuing me.

"Indeed, outside of combat, I can only perceive ... yeah, I can talk to small animals." Zhong Wu's tone was very modest.

Chongwu and Fengxin are in a similar situation. They have not experienced normal ninja training. They are pure combat power ... As for the perception, it comes with natural energy.

As for talking to small animals ... I do n’t want to cut it anymore, I want to say: Your physique is not suitable for this mascot's ability!

"What about fighting?" No more cutting needs to know the strength of the "reinforcement".

Although there is only one person, it is not too motivated to not cut again, but if the only reinforcement is less than the elite's tolerance, as the speaker of the Southeast Division, he may complain about Guan Liyuan Iron Rooster!

"Before cooperating with Mr. Beliuhu's experiment, I can be regarded as an elite on the battlefield."

"Beliyuhu? The guy in the Golden Wheel? Remember that he was studying the blood relay limit? You cooperate with him to experiment ... what happened after the experiment?" Asked again.

Among those who were originally arrested by Beiluhuhu, another one was Wuyin's elite Shangren "Zhongji", who had been released by Guan Liyuan. Therefore, he did not know that he would still be Beiluhu.

"After the experiment, I haven't fought the enemy with all my strength, but Teacher Guan Liyuan told me ... if I give my best, no one in the current Ninja is my opponent." Chongwu's tone was always modest.

But he couldn't help but glared at him for a long time-if not without eyebrows, it would look more imposing.

Faced with the expression of "Are you kidding me" again, Chongwu said silently: "Of course, I don't know how strong I am, but my teacher told me that, the speaker of Taodi feels bad. Assessing me will count me as a normal five shadow level. "

Never cut again: "..."

Don't cut it anymore, now I want to know, why is the tone of this product so strong?

Still "ordinary five shadow level"? Do not cut myself as the "original" water shadow, in the five shadows are hindered!

But when I thought the other person said "Teacher Guan Liyuan told me", I never thought of the mysterious God who was picked up by Bai, and I had some expectations in my heart. Could it be that his big apprentice is really so strong?

At the same time, Beiluhu, mentioned by Chongwu, was not idle.

"It's a nasty environment ... I feel like this person is going to evaporate in the air ..." The ghost lantern Shuiyue was walking in the desert, wearing a cape, and the whole person felt bad.

"That's not bad, in a sense it's another ubiquitous." Beruhu calmly said aside.

"No, no, no matter how you think, it's all gone! And ... who do you think I'm here for? It isn't that the Speaker of the Great Assembly is worried, you may go to see the Fifth Generation Fengying Yecang yourself. Will he be killed by the other party? "Said Ghost Lantern Shuiyue's teeth.

As a result, Beruyu looked indifferently ...

"I'm so sorry! I'm too arrogant!" It seems that Ghost Lantern Shuiyue has already remembered it, and the one in front of him is as strong as Dashe Wan.

At present, the bodies of Dashe Wan and Beiluhu are split from the body of Guan Liyuan as the mother (?). Without the old ills of Shen Ke, they have perfectly constructed the ideal body after the two have perfected their theory. Therefore, whether it is strength, Or the means, it is more terrifying than the two in the original work, "over skin change" or "serious rejection."

In terms of "undead" Dashe Wan, it will surpass Beiluhu, but when it comes to frontal battles, I'm afraid Beiluhu is stronger ...

"However, it is necessary for you to act as a messenger. After all, it was not before I appeared in my original identity ... It is just some alliance agreements between Ye Cang and the Great Speaker of the Assembly, and I am relatively clear." Bei Liuhu said.

That's right, in theory Beiluhu and Shuiyue represent the renewal of the federal visit to "Sandy Village", with Ghost Lantern Shuiyue as the official messenger, and Beiluhu is just a follower!

"But why is it me?" Ghost Lantern Shuiyue said in doubt.

"Maybe Your Excellency Speaker ... feels more sincere to send you here," Beiluhu said silently.

Ghost lanterns only took a long time to respond!

Not sincere?

What could be more sincere than sending a ball of water to visit the desert?

Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In addition to "sincerity", the main thing is to look at the humble ...

Although Bei Liuhu had imprisoned Ye Cang for more than ten years, they should be considered revenge, but Bei Liu Hu confessed that he "saved" Ye Cang, otherwise Ye Cang had died in the fourth generation of Fengying Luosha and Wuyin Collusion.

And now Beiluhu has been conquered by Guan Liyuan who released Ye Cang. Even Ye Cang can compete to the position of the fifth generation Fengying, and it is also inseparable from the renewal of the Federation!

Originally when Yecang returned to Shayin Village, the advisory group was about to push me Ai Luo to be the fifth generation of Fengying. The result was the sudden appearance of Yecang, which revealed the fact that Luo Sha "persecuted the hero of Sandy" and Yecang The statement has been confirmed again and again ...

Anyway, the water shadow that co-conspired with Luo Sha was the fourth-generation Yakura, and Wu Yin Village cooperated with Luo Sha to calculate Ye Cang without too much criticism. On the contrary, Luo Sha calculated the hero of his village because of his fear, which was unacceptable. It almost made me Ailuo cut off all support at the grass-roots level in Shayin Village.

After all, if he is not Luo Sha's son, with his age, there is still a long way to go from the "Shadow", and then the identity of Luo Sha's son at the time gave me Ai Luo points.

At the same time, Dashe Wan secretly released news and some evidence of Yunshan fog surrounding, claiming that Luo Sha had previously contacted him to kill the three generations of Naruto, which made Sandy's elder brother Muye unable to trust Luo Sha's first line ... ...

It can be said that the position of the fifth generation of Fengying in Yecang is not close to the alliance, so even if it is known that after the death of the third generation of Naruto, the relationship between Shayin Village and Muye is the closest of the five hidden villages, and it is only reduced to an affiliation However, Guan Liyuan still did not give up hope to win over Sandy who has not yet entered the game.

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