Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Crossing?

When Guan Liyuan woke up, he found that his body had recovered consciousness. It was neither a blood crystal image nor a snake body. He was lying beside a boulder, and looked up to see the sun ...

"Well? Why am I here? Did ... the entire snake snake cave was blown up? Or was the key moment a successful traversal?" Guan Liyuan remembered his last memory. It was the Queen snake snake queen who launched some sort of backhand and the demon king. Slam it.

If you were rescued after being comatose, you should not be thrown out in the wild, but if the entire Wanshe Cave has been blown up ... Guan Liyuan does not feel that he is harder than Wanshe Cave!

And at this time Guan Liyuan was indeed not badly injured, a simple judgment should be caused by physical impact.

Is it really through again?

However, Guan Liyuan paid a little attention in his consciousness and found that all his professional runes were still there, including that inexplicable new profession.

Immediately using the ability of "space master", he flicked a few punches along the space fluctuations ...

"The rules of space haven't changed, or is it right in the main world ... Hey! Penguin, do you pretend to be dead?" Guan Liyuan sat up a little harder and said to himself.

【I'm coming! Just now to fix a logically determined "hole". The penguin's voice sounded in Guan Liyuan's mind.

[What loophole is so urgent? ] Guan Liyuan also switched to conscious communication.

[Because your race has been tampered with, didn't your admin account almost been cancelled? I revised it a bit, and now the judgment order is that only the "human" of the creator world can become the administrator, but after becoming the administrator, the identity of the administrator is not affected when the race is tampered with. Said Penguin.

Indeed, even if Penguin does not take the initiative to change, Guan Liyuan wants to modify it afterwards ...

In fact, it is not logical to deprive the administrator of the rights after the change of race, but because the creator world does not exist, so after discovering that the administrator is suddenly not a "human", he falls into logical confusion-so Penguin said that this is "Vulnerability."

This also reminded Guan Liyuan that the forum is not omnipotent. If he encounters a decision in the main world that will confuse the logic of the forum, he will not be able to escape to other worlds in the first place!

[What happened to the two guys before? Those two guys won't end up together, right? Who threw me here? ] Guan Liyuan asked what was happening.

[I made a video from your perspective, you can watch it for yourself ...] Penguin said to play a video.

In the video, the dreaded demon who had been completely crystallized actually kept the crystallized state and moved the power of the world with the blood crystal body, almost killing the Queen of the Snake Cave!

I believe that the Queen of the Snake Caves should have reacted now, just as she has a very strong resistance to the "snake pupil", and the dreaded demon who was freed from the "fossil pupil" has also crystallized There is also resistance, or resilience-in the case of crystallization, it can still act.

Fortunately, the Queen of the Snake Caves also had a final hole card. The Queen of the Snake Caves didn't know that she would meet Guan Liyuan before. If she fought head-on, in fact, her chance of winning was not high ...

When the Dreadlord broke out, I saw snakes of various types and sizes flashing on the floor, on the wall, and on the ceiling in the hall. After the snakes were combined, they formed a strange rune. .

Then there was an instant vision that crossed countless different dimensions, and then ... it was the image of falling from high altitude!

It seems that most of his injuries are falling.

"The last is ... a teleportation array? A very strong teleportation array, in the presence of the strong interference source of the Dread Lord, will everything including the Dread Lord himself be transmitted in the hall?" Guan Liyuan could not help but Exclaimed.

At the same time, think about the various snake images on the floor, on the wall, and on the ceiling. Guan Liyuan suspected that the final teleportation array was arranged by the Queen of the Snake Caves with hundreds of bodies she had shed.

At this time, Guan Liyuan also remembered the legend that Little Fox King said before-the thousand-year snake!

It seems that the patrilineal blood of the Queen of the Snake Caves is probably from the thousand years of snakes, so after being serpentized, there is also some ability to "molt and regenerate", and by gradually accumulating power a little bit by time, the Meidu eventually recovered Sha body.

Since it was "transmitted" before, Guan Liyuan is not worried about himself now-this is definitely still the main world.

And in the words of penguins, I have been unconscious for two or three days. If it is outside the land of joy, I should have fed the abyss creatures now!

In all likelihood ... here should be the suburban area in the land, relatively safe place, as long as you see people you can confirm the specific location.

However, Guan Liyuan was worried that the Queen of the Snake Caves and the Dread Demon King might "run away"!

It's just a pity that the latter "escaped". The Speakers can stop her in the land, maybe they can get the devil to kill, and the former ... still masters the crystallizing method, which Guan Liyuan cares most!

Guan Liyuan looked at the video repeatedly. The video of the forum is absolutely high-definition without frame drop. After slow and slow playback, Guan Liyuan finally saw the time when the Queen of the Snake Caves and the Demon King left to travel ...

However, although it looks almost the same as himself, who said the proportion of different dimensions is good? It may be this small gap, but it can be far away.

Guan Liyuan also contacted Dingchun at this time and asked him to find Miss Mo ...

When contacting Liyuan Guan again, Dingchun was also very excited-in his words, as Guan Liyuan's summoning beast, he knew Guan Liyuan must be alive, but everyone else was anxious!

If it were not for Dingchun as the incarnation of the other world, they still existed, and Xiaohei was not swallowed up by the soul and soul contract. Others were afraid that Guan Liyuan had already heroically justified ...

Because at the last moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Queen of the Snake Caves left, obviously the Jedi transformation has reached the final stabilization period, which can no longer be stopped, but it is interrupted by itself-although the area has expanded a lot and will not shrink, But the rules of the Great Jedi quickly degenerate back to ordinary Jedi.

[Li Yuan! is it you? where are you? ] Miss Mo's hurried voice came.

[I am me ... The Dreadlord still has the power to fight back. He almost counterattacked. The Queen of the Snake Caves had already laid out the space shuttle escape method. I was transported to it by the way ... but this The place is safe and there is no abyss. It must be still in the land. I will meet you when I confirm it.

Do you ... find them both? ] Guan Liyuan asked with some expectation.

[No, they're all alive, right? Then they should not be in the land ... Are you sure you are in the land? ] Miss Mo said.

【probably? I flew up to see ... Well, fifty meters have been lifted up, and no abyss creature has been seen, etc ... This is grassland terrain, and there is a small triangular jungle on the east side, alas ... and Warcraft? Did I get to the northern icefield shelter ... why don't you speak? Guan Liyuan wondered.

[Don't fly! You fall first, you may ... not be in the land. ] Miss Mo said after a while.

【what? what happened? Guan Liyuan wondered.

[Little Black tried to summon you before, but failed! You should not be in the land ... not even on the same plane. 】 Miss Mo said her judgment.

Guan Liyuan: [……]

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