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Vol 2 Chapter 966: Observer

"Unicorn Mercenary Regiment? Is it famous? Unicorn ... is obviously a bad old man. I didn't know that it would be the mercenary regiment of those sharp-eared poor girls! Hahaha ..."

The people of the Black Wolf Tribe apparently were uncomfortable at the beginning, but ridiculed Garcia's self-reported family.

"Headhunter Yi Luo, our leader is indeed Carter of the Elven tribe!" Garcia said angrily.

Guan Liyuan heard Walker mention that this guard is only a unit of the unicorn squad. He and Shelley's teacher Garcia are the captains of the mercenary regiment, and the real commander is Carter from the elves. Eighth-level elven archers, the backstage of the entire Unicorn Mercenary Regiment is also the southwestern elves ...

"Carter? Well, it turned out to be the pseudo-mother, not even the poor one." Lowy said a spit of sputum to Garcia's feet.

Among this team of 100 wolf riders, the lead is this Roy. After all, he is one lap larger than other werewolves. Even his mount looks more fierce. His eyes often carry a scar, said to be from The imprint of the escape of a master, but because the so-called master is only nine, Guan Liyuan did not remember his name.

This one-faced orc tribe exists in the form of a tribe, while the larger one establishes a clan. The structure of the tribe is very simple. The leader is usually one or more "chiefs". "At the same level, there is also the" big shaman "who guides the orcs and claims to be able to communicate with the beast gods, and below it is the" hunting head ", that is, the little leader who leads other orcs to fight.

Roy is not weak but not strong among the headhunters of the Black Wolf tribe, just the level of the seventh peak ...

However, Garcia's performance is still very weak!

Although he pretended that if Loy dared to get off the back of the black wolf and challenge him alone, he would win most, but ... plus a black wolf would be a little snoring, not to mention that there were hundreds of wolves on the other side--that is, One hundred werewolf warriors, plus one hundred black wolves.

These three dozen people on their own side are really afraid of being fierce.

"Shouldn't the hunting area of ​​Ilo headhunter be close to Storm City?" Garcia could not help reminding.

"Well, let ’s talk about the storm city less. This time, your human storm **** came to find Lao Tzu. After Lao Tzu came, he said that we have nothing to do ... Ha ha, if the money has already been paid, see Lao Tzu Do n’t win this Stormwind City, see how much you humans will spend to redeem! ”Said Yi Luo arrogantly.

Even if Guan Liyuan had not come to this plane just now, he knew he was bragging ...

"Well, old man, don't stop talking nonsense! Today I gave Carter the pseudo-mother a face and left everything, you can get away ... If you don't take anything, others thought that I was afraid of the poor mothers and pseudo-mothers! Said Ilo Headhunter.

"Does Headhunter want to rob in Stormwind?" Garcia angered.

Garcia had previously escorted a group of people to Flame City. At this time, they were on their way back to the Storm City branch. If they hadn't picked up the corpse of the holy serpent in the middle, they hadn't brought anything good and left some luggage. It's not bad-after all, it really fights, and the loss is definitely greater.

But ... thinking of the corpse of the holy serpent, although it was picked up, Garcia was really reluctant to hand it over.

That ’s right, although as the queen of the Snake Cave Queen, she had taken away 90% of her strength while she was moulting, and the remaining 10% of the essence was also used to fill Guan Liyuan to the full, but even It's the rest, it looks like ... there's still a sacred breath.

It is not surprising that Garcia mistakenly thought it was a dead sacred animal.

When Guan Liyuan saw this scene, he felt a little bit more arrogant again. These indigenous people who cultivated their own planes did not have the benefits such as professional space, and the space props they carried, such as the most common storage Because of the rules of space, the material ring has only developed to the level of "one cubic meter is even oversized and super precious".

Change to a professional who is a good place. After the three-level or higher class is at a high level, the storage space attached to the professional runes is enough to fit this snake.

"Ilo Headhunter, since you are hired by the Storm Gods, then if you hit us at this time, I am afraid that the face of the Storm Gods is not good-looking, do you not worry about the revenge of the Storm Gods?" Luke the tauren said .

"Teach me with your‘ domestic animal ’?” Roy said, slamming his hand, waving two palms wide in his hand, and one long wolf blade, and chopped it at Luke.

In the alert, Luke raised the axe in time, blocking Yi Luo's stab, but he was shocked enough. When the two sides were already in tension, Guan Liyuan silently observed the fighting between the two sides.

Garcia used a special soil-based magic to build a fragmented black wall to create favorable conditions for his side to resist the wolf cavalry. In this way, the wolf knight could not brazenly shuttle the battlefield.

The twenty or more melees on the unicorn side can also use these obstacles to protect the output of eight magicians.

In addition, Garcia, who is already a senior magician, does not need other people's protection. The surrounding mud has gathered to form three black stone giants. After a mess with Ilo, he can still rub behind the stone giant from time to time. Stone cones and the like ...

Guan Liyuan idlely observed the battlefield.

When Shelley was fighting a werewolf knight, he was accidentally bitten by the wolf into the calf. A member of the unicorn mercenary group was almost killed with one sword ... Guan Liyuan shot in the dark, so he was only slightly injured. Only a small wound was left after being chopped, which is also inexplicable.

In short, the two sides were playing lively, and Guan Liyuan only secretly shot when someone was in danger of life on the side of the unicorn mercenary group ~ www.wuxiaspot.com. He was silently observing the way of fighting on this plane ...

For Guan Liyuan, who uses white-eyes unscrupulously, standing still, he can view the whole audience, and even the circulation of power in each person can be seen!

The strongest is only the seventh-level human magician and werewolf warrior. There is no secret at all in front of Guan Liyuan.

[When the old Garcia man used soil magic, the color of the earth was strange ... Well, was there more tungsten? Therefore, the color is black, and the hardness is very high. It obviously causes stronger effects under the same strength. Another passerby, a soil-based magician, looks much more ordinary, and Shelley and Walker have also developed in the direction of Garcia meaning……

correct! Is it the way to cultivate? Different from the professional "awakening" of the paradise professional, it seems that the cultivators in this world may gradually change their abilities through different cultivation methods? ] While Guan Liyuan was conducting academic research and speculation, a werewolf who almost jumped to the fort to choke Walker's head flashed.

"There is still a small white face, it may be the important person they protect!" At this time, a werewolf finally found Guan Liyuan, who was "playing soy sauce" in the corner.

"Stupid! What did the silly standing on the battlefield do?" Shelley shouted impatiently, and raised the staff with the earth-like magic crystal in it. The opponent interrupted.

"Not good ..." Walker also wanted to rescue, but at this time he was almost feeding the wolf, and was using his staff to resist the wolf kiss that came over him.

Guan Liyuan sighed: "It seems that there will not be much gain if you continue to observe, you ... can you rest?" Watching rushing towards his wolf knight, his eyes were sharp.

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