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Vol 2 Chapter 971: Cooperation

"What? He said that he would destroy Storm City backhand and rename it Black Wolf City?" Haywood rubbed the armrest of the chair straight.

"Just talking about it, I don't believe that the storm gods really don't give them full remuneration, and they dare to slap backhand." Guan Liyuan resolutely comforted.

Haywood grinds his teeth, but after a short while, he calms down again ...

"Are you still willing to pay the ransom? The God of Storms is really a high-flying festival." Guan Liyuan couldn't help but look at Haywood weirdly.

Haywood thought Guan Liyuan looked down on him, and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed—but he didn't know that Guan Liyuan not only looked down on him, but also wondered whether the storm gods were so boneless, and whether they should come directly to the door and rob them.

Of course, as Bingqing Yujie Guan Liyuan, he gave up this "good way".

The relationship between the black wolf tribe and the forces in the storm city is generally not good. Before the storm gods were hired, the hunting group of the black wolf tribe was used to perform the responsibility of the bandits that should be responsible for the storm gods, and even guard the mines. As a result, the black wolf tribe's As soon as he arrived at the city, he was stopped by several other forces and resolutely opposed the practice of the Storm God.

Guan Liyuan could probably guess what trouble the Storm Deity had encountered ...

Two, one religion, and one door are the real masters of Storm City. The owners of the city are usually the product of coordinated checks and balances among the four parties and their spokespersons.

At the same time, although this side also has mercenary regiments, it is not exactly the order based on the mercy of the Ninja world in the Naruto world.

As the owners of Storm City, they must at least maintain the "substantially" calm in the surrounding area of ​​Storm City. These storm gods also have their own areas of responsibility, but now they have to ask the Black Wolf tribe to assist them?

"Which hunting herd is important to the Storm God?" Guan Liyuan could not help asking.

"Zhu Zun is a hunting herd, at most it is equivalent to the eight-level combat power. Of course, we do n’t care about the storm gods, but ... Aha, after all, it involves the black wolf tribe. We do n’t want to expand the conflict. Obviously did not tell the truth.

The seventh-level Iluo and a hundred wolf riders are actually about the same as the strongest of the eighth-level peak.

However, this is only the first step of cooperation. However, in the first step, most of them failed. It was just that the storm **** did not give up completely, and Ilo was told to convey the "goodwill" to the two chiefs and the shaman.

"The entire black wolf tribe is not much, and it is notorious. If the storm gods need any partners, they should consider as much stronger and more reliable objects as possible." Guan Liyuan said with a hint. .

"Although the Black Wolf Tribe's reputation is not very good, it still has some strength, although it is not as good as the Holy Land, but ..." Heywood heard Guan Liyuan's meaning, but felt that Guan Liyuan was too loud.

"Since it is not as good as the Holy Land, there is nothing to care about!" Guan Liyuan interrupted directly.

Heywood heard, staring at Guan Liyuan for a while and seemed to want to know where the young man was.

The strength of the Black Wolf tribe is better than any of the four forces in the Storm City, except for the Iron Clothes Gate. Otherwise, it is impossible for the Storm City to sit by and watch them divide the hunting area in the western part of Barbara.

Can you care less than the Holy Land? Couldn't the Storm Deity be ignored?

"It's not all about strength ..." Haywood said, staring at Guan Liyuan.

"Why not wait for the opportunity to see it with your own eyes?" Guan Liyuan asked in return.

"If ... I am if we need your help, what do you need?" Haywood asked directly.

He naturally has heard Guan Liyuan's intentions, and understands that Guan Liyuan is asking for something ... even if Guan Liyuan, or the forces behind Guan Liyuan, really have such a strong strength, I am afraid the plan is not small.

Considering the recent dilemma of the Storm God, Haywood also has some toothache ...

"Actually, I've always been interested in the capabilities of the" priesthood priests. "Guan Liyuan said.

"You want to call the contract and cultivation method of the wind element? This ... unless you join the Stormwind religion ..." Haywood couldn't help hesitating.

Guan Liyuan's picture is indeed beyond Heywood's expectations, but from a practical perspective, it is not an unbearable price, but ... it is related to the principles of theology!

Not to mention the surrender of the core contract and cultivation methods is a shake to the status of the storm gods, and in case Guan Liyuan uses the wind element contract, what has been done to annoy the wind element plane, when the wind element The elves collectively lost their tempers, and the entire storm gods had to follow suit.

"No, I'm not interested in the Elemental Plane of Wind, I'm interested in 'Theocratic Priest'! Actually ... I accidentally entered into a contract with an undocumented Plane, but I lacked the 'Theologian Priest' system Cultivation method. "Guan Liyuan said half-truth.

"Well? Doesn't it involve the elemental plane of wind? That's not to discuss ..." Haywood shook.

Although it does not involve the elemental plane of wind, it is just a general skill of the priests and not something that can be imparted casually, but it is relatively easier to accept than before.

"So what is the need for help for Storm Deities?" Guan Liyuan asked.

Garcia also sent someone to ask about it before-but the mercenary regiment is not an intelligence department. Their sources mainly come from hearsay and other mercenaries who drink and brag in the tavern, so it is basically impossible to inquire about too confidential things.

I only know that Storm God has recently sent manpower to other places, and even wants to hire the Black Wolf tribe to maintain the peace around the Storm City. As a result, other parties have fiercely opposed and have to give up. As for why Storm God does this There are many sayings, but few are credible.

"This ... wait for Mr. Guan to talk after the matter of the Black Wolf tribe is resolved." Haywood said.

Obviously, the other party is not yet convinced of Guan Liyuan's strength. To gain the trust of the Storm God, Guan Liyuan needs to show a few more hands.

Like Carter, Heywood never said anything about Iluo. By default, he would use the conflict with the black wolf tribe to see if Guan Liyuan has the strength to cooperate!

As for the Black Wolf Tribe ... It is not very credible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Haywood has given up after weighing it.

In the next three days, Guan Liyuan also discussed with Garcia about magic cultivation-of course, Guan Liyuan never mentioned much about Garcia's "black gold" secrets, but only discussed these with Garcia on the basic principles. In addition, Guan Liyuan tried to inspire his "new career".

However, the latter has not made much progress. To date, this "new profession" has not brought any benefit to Guan Liyuan. The professional rune is not only in a sealed state, but in the existing illustrated books, there is no similarity at all. Both skills are also Can't excite ...

In the morning three days later, when Guan Liyuan was upset, Walker hurriedly notified him that the people of the Black Wolf tribe were coming!

"Oh? Only in the afternoon, now the whole city knows it? Is it here with great fanfare?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Yes, it is said that Chief Dulong himself led his hunting group of five hundred black wolf riders all the way to Storm City, and a dozen other headhunters also left the hunting area of ​​the black wolf tribe. Get up, but acted like he was acting for the chiefs. "Walker said.

Watching Walker's words stop and talk, Guan Liyuan smiled and asked, "What's the reaction of the other parties in the city? Is it a bit disgusting to me?"

"This ... Many people complain about Brother Guan, but there are also many people clamoring for a fight." Walker said honestly.

"Well, then please help me tell them, when the chief comes to Storm City, I will talk to him personally. This is a matter between me and the Black Wolf tribe. Others don't need to make peace."

Guan Liyuan thinks that a nine-level orc chief, plus five hundred elite black wolf knights, is not enough for his own show, it is better not to give it to others ...

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