【The scene shifts to the New York Sanctuary】

【Strange looked at the Eye of Agamotto in his hand and thought of the responsibility of the Supreme Mage. He chose to let go of the past and fight to protect the real world. 】

Dad:"Dad guessed it right, but it's not completely right. That Strange is the one who is obsessed with the past, and this one is the one who has let go of his past."

Raiden Meiyi:"The will is still not strong enough. After all, compared to In this world, love is more important."

Angry Child:"That's right! A world without true love is false!"

Uchiha Obito:"No, with greater power comes greater responsibility. If the world is destroyed, there is no way to save her. What is it for?"

【However, when Strange walked out of the door, he found that the world was collapsing! Everyone and everything collapses into black matter!】

【At this time, Gu Yi appeared from the light ball again.】

【Strange quickly asked Ancient One who brought the disaster of destruction to the world?】

【But the Ancient One definitely told Strange that he himself brought about the destruction of the world.】

【When he used the Eye of Agamotto to travel to other timelines, Ancient One's attack hit the running Eye of Agamotto, splitting the timeline and splitting Strange into two.!】

【And Strange in two timelines appeared in this world! 】

Rick:"The world is collapsing. The structure of the universe has been shattered. When it is truly broken, it will be when they completely disintegrate."

Black Tower:"I have to record the scene of the universe's collapse! No matter how many times A great horror that cannot be observed even in the Amber Period!"

Zero Returner:"I can't even restart, and I am directly on the brink of destruction?! The value of the planet Earth needs to be discussed."

Zofi:"The people on Earth are really outrageous , I still have some favorable impressions of the people on Earth, but for the sake of the safety of the universe, let's destroy the Earth."

Karl:"I never thought that we would be lucky enough to see the destruction of the universe in this life... It's terrifying."

Shirou Emiya:"Mysterious I think I'm going to stage it myself, so I have to taste it."

Rimuru:"It can actually break the timeline in half! The Supreme Mage is so terrifying!" 523

Aozaki Aoko:"Some people in the Magic Association are still talking back. He said that Ancient One used magic, but with a different name. Was he being slapped in the face?"

【At this time, the universe is already on the verge of collapse. If another Strange resurrects Christine, then the universe will perish due to absolute point-in-time destruction!】

【The Ancient One can no longer interfere with reality. The only one who can stop Strange is Strange!】

【Strange returned to the Sanctuary and worked with the king to cast a patronus spell on himself.】

【As soon as the Patronus Charm was integrated into the body, a black and red portal pulled Strange away!】

【Blackened Strange found Strange first! and took Strange to the place where Christine died.】

【He said that his power was dispersed, and as long as the two Stranges merged into one, they could break the absolute point in time and resurrect Christine!】

【However, Strange let go of the past and chose to save the present and the real world, while the darkened Strange was obsessed with Christine and would do anything for her! 】

Kyubey:"Responsible for the cause and effect of the destruction and survival of the universe, Christine's qualifications can be said to be the strongest behind Madoka and Homura Akatsuki!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka:"Poor Christine, just like Ku Qiulin-san alone can't survive in any world line!"

Abe Seimei:"Sure enough, when it is divided into two, its power is also dispersed. No matter how strong Black Strange is, he will still be affected by this connection. A drag."

Foego:"Everyone who loses a loved one will do anything for her! White Strange, why are you so cowardly?"

Severus Snape:"Letting go of the past is letting her down. He used His giant splendens-covered head could even think that this was wrong!"

Boiling Sheep:"Black Strange! Love is invincible!"

【Not to speculate, the blackened Strange chose to use force to defeat Strange and completely absorb him!】

【The Blackened Strange absorbed centuries of magical creatures and powerful beings, and his power completely crushed Strange!】

【Even with the protection of the Patronus Charm, Strange could barely compete with the blackened Strange.】

【However, the blackened Strange captured Strange's deep love for Christine, used a little trick to create an illusion, and successfully broke the Patronus Charm!】

【The blackened Strange opened his mouth, and Strange was sucked up from the ground! With the intense red light, the two Stranges merged into one, and their power returned to its full form! ]

Qianjie:"Oh——! This shield is so powerful!"

Dad:"Only magic can defeat magic~ What a pity~ White Strange's magic is far less powerful than Black Strange."

Young Man:"This Is it the so-called black transformation that is ten times stronger and whiteness is three points weaker?"

Lucius Malfoy:"It is simply an overwhelming terrifying power! This Strange is ten times more terrifying than the Dark Lord!"

Uchiha Itachi:"Illusion... sometimes it is indeed a magic trick to win."

Walter:"He still wants to save Christine in his heart, but he doesn't know it. The weight of the world overwhelms him, making him unable to see himself clearly."

Mermaid Warrior and Penguin Boy:"Now the Strangers are finally going to be one! x2"

Nanook:"They are becoming one... Then let me see the so-called real destruction of the universe!"

【Strange took a deep breath, then held the seal with both hands and opened the Eye of Agamotto.】

【The green light gradually turned to red, and the Eye of Agamotto began to burn until the pupils turned red!】


【A shocking explosion swept all around, and terrifying magical energy poured out!】

【The entire universe collapsed! The world turned into a dim yellow-green color, and the buildings and people gradually disintegrated into nothingness.】

【Strange was temporarily unable to control the riots in his body due to his powerful power, and turned into a monster with various monster characteristics. ]

Lucy:"The absolute point in time was destroyed by a powerful force! The Eye of Agamotto began to burn time under Strange's amplification!"

Liang Bing:"Holy shit! Time can still burn?!"

Odin :"This is definitely not our universe! It's not even any world line! The power of this Strange even surpasses the gods!"

Miki Sayaka:"This scene is like the unfolding of Akatsuki Homura's witch barrier......Pitch-black hunting, only wireless terror."

Universe Ishtar:"This universe is mourning, it has begun to destroy, not even restart, but collapse into nothingness."

02:"Strange, the beast form Although he is powerful, he still feels not as handsome as Kevin!"

Lord Annihilation Huanhu:"Destroy the universe in one thought! This is simply destroying the Star God even more than destroying the Star God!"

【With a wave of his hand, Christine's body was repaired, Christine's soul was recalled, and Christine was successfully resurrected! Slowly flew into Strange's arms】

【Kristen woke up slowly, and the monster in front of her scared her so much that she fell to the ground and moved back. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Strange was anxious to calm down the power in his body and wanted to restore his original shape to explain, but he saw that Christine's arm had collapsed.】

【"No! It shouldn't be like this! Kristen...no!"】

【Strange collapsed!】

【The entire world collapsed until only gradually collapsing cities remained. The universe was completely destroyed and collapsed, and began to shrink with the earth as a point. 】

Cheng Xin:"It's unbelievable... The big universe has become even smaller than the artificial micro-universe!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka:"There is no way to heaven and no way to enter the earth... This is the real ten deaths and no life! The universe's Destruction represents nothingness, there really is nothing!"

Su Huanzhen:"This is retribution... He played with time, and time also gave it a counterattack."

Su:"Causation rotates, and every cause must have its effect. , his retribution has come."

Gilgamesh:"Although it is a clown show, I don't want to laugh. The fault is not him, but the world.……"


【Strange couldn't accept it! His hands burst out with powerful force and rushed towards the collapsing universe. However, the magic did not fly far before it touched the barrier of the universe.】

【At this time, the figure of the observer emerged from the cosmic barrier like a million-flower mirror.】

【Seeing Observer Strange start to plead hard as if grasping a life-saving straw:】

【"You can stop this! Please! Fix everything!"】

【"Is it the same as when you corrected Christine's death?" observers mocked】

【"I was wrong...I……"】

【The observer interrupted Strange coldly:"It's too late, I've already warned you."】

Zhongli:"If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer the consequences. If there is an afterlife, I hope Strange can remember it."

Kesha:"If you do something wrong, you do something wrong. There is no regret medicine in the world."

Nobi Nobita:"Si Strange is so pathetic...if only the phone booth could be lent to him.……"

【Strange looked extremely painful:"I know! But...but this world should not pay the price for my stupidity and arrogance!"】

【"I've read your story! I have also sensed your presence! I know you are God! It’s possible to withdraw all this!"】

【The observer said calmly:"I am not God, and neither are you."】

【Strange already regretted it:"If you want to punish, punish me! Let the world and Christine go!"】

【"Honestly, if I could undo this by punishing you, I'd be happy to do so, but... I can't interfere."】

【After saying this, the observer's figure gradually faded away, and he no longer observed Strange and the universe that was about to be destroyed. 】

Keisha:"Although justice is ruthless, Strange's life is smaller than that of all living beings in the universe. If he sticks to the rules and does not interfere with the survival of the universe, observers will regret it sooner or later."

Sarutobi Hiruzen:"But after all, he is the one Observer."

Shimura Danzo:"Believe me, he will definitely regret it!"

Beria:"It's too late to wake up in the end. Destruction is your only ending!"

Nayako:"Angry. Damn me, the old observer! Sooner or later, he will regret it!"

Jiguo Yuanyi:"Is life just a bug that cannot be interfered with in his eyes? What kind of guardian is he?"

【"No! No!"】

【Strange struggled to support the destruction of the universe, and his heart was filled with confusion and regret.】

【"I don't want it to be like this at all!"】

【Strange tried his best to prevent the collapse of the universe, but after only delaying it for a while, the universe was forcibly destroyed! 】

Black Tower:"There are still masters? They can actually resist the power of universe collapse! Is this really a power that humans can possess?!"

Di Leina:"The main gods of all the great god-level civilizations in the known universe are not as good as Stellan What a strange thing! It's outrageous to be able to delay the destruction of the universe!!!"

Zero:"There is no single individual in the known universe who has the power to resist the collapse of the universe! The people on earth are so terrifying!"

Smoke Mirror:"Desolation! He alone can defeat the UO of all the stars in the universe!"

Simon:"His power can definitely protect the universe when used for protection! I believe that he is a human being, but it's a pity that it's too late.……"

【With the collapse of the universe, everything is lost! Turn into true nothingness!】

【But because of Strange's powerful power, he withstood the destruction of the universe!】

【The universe was not destroyed into nothingness, but instead became a room-sized singularity, expelled into nothingness by the multiverse】

【In the Singularity, Strange watched Christine die, leaving him alone to repent silently.……】

Taotie:"My god Karl...my body Karl is nothing in front of him!"

Khaos:"The analysis is wrong...primates shouldn't be able to grow to this point."

Hubi:"This is what the heart brings The power?"

Merlin:"This is his self-imprisonment, his self-atonement. He has completely lost everything."

Tokisaki Kurumi:"It's sad...he has nothing but time."


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