Chapter 122 Ryze – Summoning of Power Ryze kills the Void Watcher alone!

【The scene changed, and Ryze was walking in a forest of giant trees that towered into the sky and were as white as quartz. The bluish-white fallen leaves were thickly spread on the ground.】

【In the past, the golden list would permeate the picture with a trace of aura to facilitate the audience from all over the world to feel the shock of power. However, here, it was like a calm sea, and all power was calmed down.】

【The gold list gave the information about this place – the miracle of Runeland, the magical Jedi, the forbidden magic stone forest. 】

Narcida:”What a big tree! There is no tree this big in the whole Xumi, let alone a forest like this!”

Steve:”This giant tree reminds me of the giant tree in the Dusk Forest, but this wood should be a kind of enchanting material.”

Black Panther:”There is no energy fluctuation at all… Is there a vein similar to vibranium underground here?”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”Magic Jedi… Does this place isolate all magic?!”

Harry Potter:”Doesn’t that mean that no magic can be cast here!”

【Walking deep into the forbidden magic stone forest, Ryze squatted down and pushed aside the fallen leaves, revealing a stone tablet engraved with the secret palace.】

【According to the records on the stone tablet, this place is called Demacia, an empire in Runeland.】

【The Rune Wars made a group of people fear the power of magic and flee here】

【Jarvan I, the founding emperor of Demacia, discovered that the magic-forbidden stones here were a natural barrier against magic, so he built his capital here and founded Demacia to resist and oppose all magic!】

【In the deepest part of the forbidden magic stone forest, in order to seal some powerful and dangerous magic objects, Jarvan I built a”377″ underground palace with the essence of forbidden magic stone. 】

Gellert Grindelwald:”It’s bad, the Muggles really found a way to fight magic.”

Albus Dumbledore:”It’s not their fault. The Rune War made me extremely frightened. The victims of the war were not wrong.”

The First Emperor:”Just use the power for yourself. It’s a bit of a waste to completely oppose magic.”

Ignis:”Oh~ Will the treasure house made of the purest forbidden magic stone have many top-quality treasures? I’m looking forward to it!”

Cheng Yaowen:”Jarvan I… Jarvan… It’s a very similar place, very similar to the culture of the Denor galaxy.”

Dukao:”What is the connection here? Is the known universe really a parallel universe with the Rune Land!”

【Seeing this, Ryze took out the World Rune he was carrying: Domination, and murmured:】

【”It makes the barren land full of vitality and magic……”】

【”It drains the oceans, splits the mountains, burns the sky, and this power will never dissipate”】

【Carrying the World Rune for many years has engraved extremely powerful rune magic on Ryze, and he himself is also a master of arcane magic.】

【A blue world rune fragment distorted his time, giving him endless life, but he still didn’t dare to slack off.】

【The runes on Ryze’s body lit up, and the powerful force broke through the blockade of the magic Jedi Forbidden Magic Stone Forest, and directly started the arcane warp and teleported into the secret place!

Doctor Strange:”That blue rune is very similar to the Time Stone, a tool that distorts time and is creative.”

Steve:”This description is more like a part of the command block.”

Fujiwara Mohong:”Endless lives are trapped in the mission of saving the world, isn’t it too painful?”

Fu Hua:”Guardian is his only destiny. I believe he also firmly believes in this.”

Rimuru:”The isolating power of the Forbidden Magic Stone Forest terrifies me, but Ryze can break through the Forbidden Magic Stone Forest and start magical teleportation! How strong is his power!” Jayce

:”Could it be… that it was Ryze the Mage who saved me and my mother when I was a child!”

League of Legends World, Twin Cities.

Jayce looked at Ryze with excitement and admiration.

His childhood memories are no longer clear. When he saw Ryze’s warp warp, Jayce felt that Ryze was the mage who saved him and his mother.

Jayce, who had just taken office as a senator, put down his airs and bowed deeply to Ryze.


【Under the dark forbidden magic stone forest, a pure white palace with a spiral like a tree root was seen emitting a soft white light.】

【Ryze walked in and found that the pillars were hollow, without any magical items stored inside.】

【Ryze took out the World Rune and was about to put it into the stone pillar when he looked at the dazzling luster of the World Rune and became a little obsessed.

Dr. Roman:”What a sacred place! Such a building can only exist in Avalon, right?”

Enkidu:”It seems that this is the largest treasure house made of the roots of the forbidden magic tree.”

Ignis:”There is nothing in it… It seems that Jarvan I had no time to inform others before an accident happened in this underground palace.”

Sion:”Jarvan I? Sounds familiar, it seems to be my chin……”

Ancient One:”The World Rune is tempting him! I feel that this power is hard to resist even through the Golden List.”

Bronya:”Oh no! He won’t lose control, will he?”

Aphelios:”He won’t lose control. I believe in him. Among all the weapons, his faith is the best.”

【Ryze’s pupils showed the red color of the World Rune and the color of power. Suddenly, the scene changed!】

【Ryze once again returned to the scene when the World Rune destroyed his hometown】

【He looked at the annihilated earth, and his consciousness, which had been almost tempted, suddenly woke up.】

【The pain and sorrow of the destruction of his hometown and the shock of the world rune made Ryze’s eyes clear.】

【”People want to control this power, for force, for balance, for… control”】

【”I was weak, naive, and ignorant then… and I swear, it will never happen again!”

Thor:”I knew it! The pain of the destruction of his hometown and the death of his friends will make his mind clear!” Pluto

:”The reason why he can become a strong man is because he knows how to be reverent and humble.”

Fire Ruler:”War is the main theme engraved in the human body. The loser disappears and the winner rekindles! Everything can be used for war.”

E:”Hahahahaha! Self-destruction is the characteristic of human beings! How interesting!”

Machirzolgen:”It is true that Ryze was naive at the time. If persuasion can end human malice, then why should we seek miracles?”

【The scene changes, and Ryze’s years of adventure in searching for the World Rune are presented to audiences from all over the world!】

【Grab the rune fragments on the Bilgewater pirate ship and fight alongside Captain Sarah】

【While searching for the World Rune in the Shurima ruins, he was chased by the ruins agency and was rescued by Grand Maester Nasus halfway.】

【Join forces with Sona to fight against the enemy in the palace of Presidium in Ionia and clear the obstacles】

【In Freljord, I negotiated an unpleasant deal with the King of Trolls. 】

Luffy:”Wow! Big Sister Sarah is so pretty!”

Momonosuke:”Big Sister Sarah is so big and pretty! I like her so much!” Gangplank

:”Damn, Sarah has this kind of relationship?”

Exia:”Uncle Doghead is so handsome! He is worthy of being the Grand Scholar of Shurima!”

Nasus:”You have to call me the Desert Death God outside.”

Swain:”Ionia also has World Runes? That makes it even more necessary to conquer it.”

League of Legends World.

Illaoi looked at the sea with some worry.

Although I don’t know if Ryze will come here to help Sarah fight against Gangplank because of a favor.

But as a rune mage who protects Runeland, Illaoi subconsciously doesn’t want to face him.

On the other hand, she has no confidence in defeating Ryze. In Runeland, World Runes are the strongest power!


Irelia was thinking about something, and she had a bold idea.

Grandma said that we should kill them all. If there is really no way, then it is necessary to use World Runes to drive away the invaders from Noxus.

Thinking of this, Irelia breathed a sigh of relief. At least they had a killer weapon.


【”Few can resist the call of power…”】

【As Ryze murmured his last words, the scene changed to the ice cave under the Howling Abyss.】

【Ryze walked deep into the cave and saw a world rune floating on a crescent-shaped piece of true ice!】

【World Rune——Domination!】

【Just as Ryze was about to get closer, a giant blue eye lit up in the darkness behind the World Rune!】

【The Void Watcher has corrupted some of the True Ice, infiltrated the Rune Land, and started using the World Runes to create Void Creatures! 】

Virgil:”The waving is so tempting! How can anyone refuse it?”

Elquet:”It’s so beautiful to see the World Rune so close!”

Cheng Xin:”It’s like a crispy horn of the Virgin Mary…..”

Lissandra:”Frost Watchers?! They broke the seal?! Could it be that True Ice can also be corrupted!”

Cocolia:”Lissandra upstairs seems to be out of control of the situation.���”

Twilight Star Spirit Zoe:”He is different. The Void War is just an invasion of Runeland by void creatures, but the Void Watcher is a true void invader!”

【Ryze’s face was solemn. He had heard about the Void War in Shurima. The Void Watcher in front of him was different from the Void Creations used as weapons during the Void War.】

【He is the true Will of the Void!】

【An arcane light glowed darkly in Ryze’s hand, but the Void Watcher got there first, and its tentacles pierced through Ryze in an instant!】

【Then several tentacles entangled Ryze and pierced him, trying to corrode and corrupt Ryze into the void! 】

Otto Apocalis:”It seems familiar to me, can your will defeat death?”

Aatrox:”Although my conscience has been taken away, I still admire him, he alone fights against the void! His will transcends death!”

Steve:”World Rune is the root of all things, and a mere Void wants to corrupt Ryze by bypassing the authority of World Rune? How can an outsider control the administrator?” Kal’tsit:

“I hope the transformation of World Rune can make him fight against corruption… otherwise it will be another catastrophe for this land.”

【At this moment, some fragments flashed through Ryze’s mind, and the runes on his body began to flicker. Ryze stood up and grabbed the tentacles that were wrapped around him with his backhand! The rune magic energy spread along the tentacles in the opposite direction to the Void Watcher!】

【The Void Watcher looked at the rune energy in bewilderment. He could not understand how a mortal who looked even inferior to the Ascended One could resist Him.】

【He gathered the power of the void, and the dark mist began to wear away Ryze’s power, and he slowly pushed back.】

【Ryze closed his eyes, then suddenly opened them!】

【The runes all over his body radiated an unprecedented light! The power of the world runes buried in his body burst out!】

【Instantly! The Void Watcher was completely destroyed by Ryze’s power of despair before he could even react! 】

Yakumo Yukari:”Ah, the situation has been reversed in an instant~ The Void really doesn’t understand Runeterra~”

Gandalf:”This is the end of angering the old mage!” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Dyna:”Since ancient times, the left side has lost in the wave, but unfortunately the Void is a pig.”

Lissandra:”Even if the entire Freljord’s ice is gathered, it can’t beat Ryze’s power… I recognize his title as the Guardian of 3.2.”

Lu Mingfei:”Seconds… seconds?! The Void who made Freljord fearful, Shurima helpless, and the Titans terrified was killed by Ryze in seconds?”

Quesanti:”This is Ryze.jpg”

Odin Odinson:”With him, Runeterra is safe. Just like the Supreme Mage guarding Midgard for a hundred years”

【The scene returns to the Forbidden Stone Forest. Ryze suddenly wakes up and quickly puts the world rune he got from Freljord into the stone pillar.】

【A burst of red light spread and was absorbed by the stone pillar, and the world rune fell silent.】

【Ryze didn’t linger and turned to walk outside.】

【His gaze is unwavering, and his inner voice is exposed to the eyes of the audience.】

【”Many people say I have too much power, and some say I can’t be trusted, and maybe they are right.”】

【”But the only power I truly control is the ability to let go.”】

Misaka Mikoto:”To be honest, Jarvan I is also a talented person. The underground palace he built can really make the world runes silent!”

Bronya Rand:”His will is firm and mature, and his determination to preserve and protect is shining! There is no doubt that he is now the true guardian of Runeterra!”

Duanmu Yan:”What is humility? It’s probably Ryze! Thank you Ryze! You made me understand what humility is.”

Kikyo:”Yes, the strongest power that can be fully controlled is to know how to let go.”

【As Ryze started to warp, the screen fell silent, and Top7 was over.】

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