Chapter 175: The Language of Narcissus Flowers: Always Your Eyes Are Like Your Mother’s

【The scene changes and it is 11 years later.】

【Snape, sitting in the professor’s chair at Hogwarts Hall, looked very gloomy and old because of exhaustion.】

【When Harry Potter entered the Great Hall, Snape’s attention was focused on him.】

【He didn’t notice Harry’s disgusting resemblance to James, but instead focused on Harry’s eyes.】

【Those green eyes like spring breeze are exactly the same as Lily’s. Snape was lost in thought as he looked at her and began to recall Lily. 】

Gates:”Time is like a knife… that handsome boy has become an old guy like this.”

Bruce Wayne:”He feels like an old bat… he is too gloomy.”

Smurf:”Oh! If it weren’t for this, I would have thought it was Gargamel’s reincarnation!”

Haruki Natsukawa:”Big Snape’s gaze is really oppressive! Even more oppressive than the captain’s!”

Yukiteru Amano:”Eleven years is enough to change everything for ordinary people, but hasn’t Snape’s love for Lily changed?”

Shisui Uchiha:”Harry’s eyes are exactly the same as Lily’s.”

【The scene changed, and Snape sat in the classroom and started his first potions class.】

【He said to all the students sarcastically:”I don’t expect any of you to understand the essence of potions.”】

【”In my classes I will teach you how to increase your fame, brew glory, and even prevent death.”】

Bayi Eirin:”Oh? Stop death? Could it be that Snape has been able to make the elixir of immortality?”

Newt Scamander:”Uh, only Nicolas Flamel has made the elixir of immortality, Snape shouldn’t be able to do it.”

Ying Zheng:”Immortality?! (Alert) Can magic potions also make people immortal!”

Zhang Chulan:”To be honest, Snape is really mean! He’s like a Chinese class teacher!”

Artoria Caster:”Why do you emphasize stopping death? Are you having trouble getting over Lily’s death?……”

【As he spoke, Snape’s eyes caught sight of Harry Potter, and he immediately shouted,”Potter!”]

210 [“Yes, Professor.” Harry Potter stood up timidly.】

【”Answer me, what do you get if you add powdered narcissus root to an infusion of wormwood?”】

【Harry lowered his head with a confused look on his face,”I don’t know, Professor”】

【However, Snape no longer cared about Harry’s ignorance. He had said enough.】

【He scolded everyone hastily and finished the class quickly. 】

James Potter:”You don’t even want to call Harry’s name! What do first-year students know! Is the snotty guy targeting Harry?”

Shizuka Marita:”Little Harry seems so well-behaved… and why is he so skinny at the age of eleven? Has he been abused?”

McGonagall:”I know that Harry’s aunt must not treat Harry well!”

Wendy:”What does Snape’s question mean? I don’t think he just wants to make things difficult for Harry, right? It’s a pity that I don’t understand the language of daffodils.”

Shibuya Rin:”The language of daffodils is my regret to accompany you to sleep forever, but that’s all I know.”

Hanase Kaoru:”The Victorian daffodil is a kind of lily, that is, Lily.”

Yukinoshita Yukino:”In literature, wormwood has the meaning of missing, symbolizing sadness.”

Wendy:”So what Snape wants to express is… I am heartbroken about Lily’s death?”

Tushan Rongrong:”Alas… infatuated child……”

【The screen starts playing at an accelerated speed】

【Snape has spared no effort to protect Harry over the past few years, but Harry’s trouble-making personality, like James, also disgusts him.】

【Until Voldemort’s real return, Snape, as a double agent, was once again suspected by everyone.】

【At the same time, Dumbledore also confessed the truth he had hidden to Snape.】

【The reason why Voldemort didn’t die is because he split his soul to create Horcruxes, and Harry’s soul also has a part of Voldemort’s soul】

【Harry Potter must die. 】

Deadpool:”Gryffindor? Gryffindor has few points!”

Bai Yuechu:”Anyone would want to target a child who looks like their mortal enemy!”

HP World Pro Generation.

James slapped the table excitedly,”As expected of my son, he is cut from the same mold as me!”

Lupin closed his eyes, feeling sorry for Gryffindor’s points. Snape was really merciless in deducting points!


Aizen:”Hehe… Horcruxes? Interesting.”

Orochimaru:”The birth of Horcruxes is so unreasonable! The loss of soul means that people cannot control themselves. How can he divide so many souls?”

Mobius:”What a lunatic who is even crazier than me.”

Danzo Shimura:”Harry Potter is going to die too? Hehe… Dumbledore is darker than I thought.”

【Snape looked at Dumbledore in disbelief. He asked:”You let him live, just so he can die at the right time? You keep him like a pig to be slaughtered.”】

【”Don’t tell me you’re starting to care about that boy?” Dumbledore asked with a sneer.】

【Snape did not answer, but simply waved his wand.】

【”Expecto Patronus”】

【A pure white deer leaped in the air and then disappeared】

【”Dumbledore looked at the deer in shock, then looked at Snape and said uncertainly:”Lily?!”】

【”Do you still love her after all these years?”】

【Snape did not hesitate or waver.”Always”】

Harry Potter:”There must be other reasons… Headmaster Dumbledore is not such a person. I can trust Headmaster Dumbledore unconditionally!”

Tony Stark:”Who can tell me what this means? What happened to this little deer?”

Salazar Slytherin:”Expecto Patronus is also known as the Patronus Charm. Everyone’s Patronus is different, unless a person loves another person wholeheartedly.”

Medea:”Does such loyal love really exist?” Menreiki

:”Incredible… People have seven sides, good and evil are difficult to distinguish, and the human heart is the most fickle. His love is so firm and passionate!” Akemi

Homura:”The feelings that are more fiery than hope and deeper than despair are perfectly embodied in Snape. That is love!”

Hp World Pro Generation.

In the entire Hogwarts Hall, all the students and professors focused their shocked eyes on Snape.

They thought they could not support this endless and long-lasting love, but they did not expect Snape to stick to it for more than ten years without any wavering!


【The screen changes again】

【Voldemort (cgea) wanted to get the most powerful Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand, so he asked Snape to design it and asked Lucius’ son, Draco Malfoy, to kill Dumbledore.】

【Dumbledore had already made up his mind after talking to Snape. After getting the news from Snape, he planned to use his own death to set up Harry.】

【This time, Dumbledore begged Snape,”Severus, you must kill me so that the Dark Lord can trust you completely.”】

【”And Draco is not a bad boy, don’t let killing taint his soul”】

【Snape’s expression was somewhat disgusted and sad,”What about my soul, Dumbledore, what about mine?”】

【”Only you know that helping an old man from pain and shame will not hurt your soul,” said Dumbledore.】

HP World Generation (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The Malfoy couple who were watching the movie turned pale!

Although they knew that the Dark Lord would definitely come back, they never thought that the victim would be their son!

After watching Grindelwald’s team count, they knew what the Elder Wand meant.

Draco would die if he couldn’t kill Dumbledore, and he would also die if he killed Dumbledore. This was a dead end!


Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Even I can’t stand it anymore. Snape is forced by everyone to continue his messy life.”

March Seven:”Snape is too miserable! Draco’s soul cannot be tainted, so how can Snape be tainted?”

Misaka Mikoto:”It’s too cruel… Harry is protected by everyone, Draco is protected by his parents…but no one protects Snape.……”

Kaneki Ken:”Who can understand the pain in Snape’s heart? No one! Perhaps death is the only relief, but the cruelest thing is that in order to protect those eyes, he cannot die.……”

【The scene changes to show Snape killing Dumbledore himself under the watchful eyes of the Death Eaters and Harry who is hiding.】

【Harry Potter didn’t understand all this, hated Snape, and called him a coward.】

【The professors of Hogwarts drove him out together and fought him to the death. 】

Tokiwa Sougo:”You are the only one, Harry Potter, who has no right to call Snape a coward! He is a brave man!”

Shimura Danzo:”Carrying everything in the darkness… Snape and I are really alike.……”

Uchiha Sasuke:”Don’t flatter yourself, old man! A mere grain of sand is not half as good as Snape!”

Peter Parker:”Being deserted by everyone, being an enemy of the whole world… Is this Snape’s life… Is that love worth waiting for?……”

【At this time, Voldemort found Snape and wanted to get the Elder Wand.】

【Voldemort firmly believed that the Elder Wand would yield to the strong. Snape killed Dumbledore. As long as he killed Snape, he could get the Elder Wand.】

【Although Voldemort admired Snape, his loyal subordinate, no one was worth mentioning in front of his interests.】

【Voldemort let the python kill Snape, and then left with the Elder Wand. 】

Muzan Kibutsuji:”This bastard is even more despicable than me! He just abandoned his employees so easily?” Jiguo Yansheng

:”Muzan, don’t scream, you are the same as him.”

Lan Meng:”Hehe… Dreams are not achieved by stepping on the corpses of loyal subordinates. Although Snape is not loyal, Voldemort is not worthy of loyalty.”

Dio:”Only by using charm can you truly conquer. The subordinates who come under terror and oppression will sooner or later bring back.”

【Harry, who was hiding behind the door, approached Snape, who was about to die, after Voldemort left.】

【After going through so many things, Harry always felt suspicious and wanted to get the truth from Snape.】

【Looking into Harry’s eyes, Snape no longer had hatred and gloom in his eyes, but instead shed tears, and excitedly let Harry take away his tears.】

【Harry put Snape’s eyes into a small bottle, and Snape’s eyes were always looking into Harry’s eyes.】

【”Look at me……”Snape murmured faintly.】

【”Your eyes are like your mother’s.”】

【After saying that, Snape closed his eyes as if relieved. 】

Fujiwara Chika:”Wow! I can’t stand it… Snape was still looking at those eyes before he died!”

Wendy:”Perhaps death made him let go of everything. He can finally look at those eyes without any burden.……”

Uchiha Obito:”The darkness he has carried throughout his life cannot hide his tears at this moment, and all he sees are the people he loves.……”

Shiki Eiji:”It is a little comfort to be able to die looking into the eyes of the one I love.……”

Otto Apocalis:”Sleep well, Severus Snape”

【The screen of the gold list has gone dark, and the top is over.】

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