Chapter 211: The Age of City Building! The Battle of Beloberg: The First Great Guardian

【The beliefs and actions of the city builders deeply influenced the hearts and history of the people of Yalilo.】

【The belief in the Amber King is also engraved in the hearts of the people of Yalilo】

【The city builders imitated the supreme power of the guardian star god and built a machine that can transform the surface of the planet – the creation engine.】

【Hundreds of creation engines roared, walking on the earth and spewing flames, transforming the gullies and hills of Yalilo into plateaus and forests.】

【The city builders have great expectations for this planet. They modify the bad parts of this planet into perfection and want to settle here. 】

Dainsleb:”Even Kanrea at its peak couldn’t create such a huge machine comparable to the devil!”

Tesla:”This, this, this! A super-giant Titan that changes the environment! God is really unfamiliar! The creation engine is romantic!” Einstein

:”You and Walter are really… you are not from the same family.……”

Victor:”Change gullies and hills into plains, is this something that can be achieved with pure technology?”

Cheng Xin:”This planet will definitely become a rare and habitable planet!”

The Lion King:”The Creation Engine, which covers the surface of the world, can be called a work of nature.”

【The scene changes, and just when Yalilo is thriving, destruction comes.】

【Matter called stellar cores fall from the sky onto the surface of planets】

【There is a rumor in the universe that star cores are a sign of destruction, a cancer of all worlds, and a sign of destruction.】

【All the people who lived in Yalilo fled Yalilo before the star core exploded. 】

Lufa:”Star core? It sounds like the energy crystal or core of a planet.”

Merlin:”Things that fall from outer space into a planet are not good things.……”

Singer:”A sign of destruction? Could it be that the star core is used by the Star Bomb to mark the planet?”

Cap:”This is more like the product of the Star God of Destruction, after all, it marks so many destructions.”

Ryze:”The cancer of the universe, poisoning all living things, will it be a new disaster?”

Arthas:”It can make many forces flee from Yalilo, the star core is not a good thing.”

【Alyssa Rand, the city builder who led the people of Yalilo, realized the seriousness of the situation and led the people to build a shelter and hide in the forged city wall Beloberg.】

【From this moment on, the time becomes the first year of the city building era.】

【The Star Core Inhibitor manufactured by Interstellar Peace Corporation and City Builders to contain the star core also ended in failure.

Liu Peiqiang:”I suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of epic and empathy. Is it because we have all suffered the same disaster?……”

Kal’tsit:”Alissa is a capable person. She is not helpless in the face of natural disasters.”

Jeppard:”The era of building a city… is the beginning of Beloberg’s perseverance. It’s a pity that I didn’t see the moment when Beloberg prospered.”

SCP Foundation external operator:”The star core needs to be contained. It seems that the Interstellar Peace Company is not an organization that focuses on containment. It needs to deepen its research.”

【The scene changes, twenty years later】

【The arrival of the star core is a signpost. The antimatter army that is driving the will of the star god Nanook to destroy the will of the star god Nanook has descended on Yalilo.】

【The planetary shelters were almost completely destroyed by the virtual soldiers of destruction, and the battle line was compressed to below Beloberg.】

【At this point, the entire Yalilo was in a state of war.】

【Alisa formed the Silver Mane Guard and started a thirty-year-long war in Beloberg! 】

Deadpool:”Bring the villain Nanook here!” Kojiro

:”To prevent the world from being destroyed, to protect world peace! Just put all the blame on Nanook!”

The head of the Netherlands branch of Xianzhou Luofu:”No, brother! There is still half of abundance!”

Gokawa Kotori:”The shelters scattered across the planet are sitting ducks! Without Alisa’s protection, those shelters are useless!” Xianwang

Shan:”Absolute destruction line… Will the virtual soldiers of destruction devour Yalilo, or can you open up a new future for Yalilo? The king will wait and see.”

【However, the invasion of the antimatter army continues, and if it continues for a long time, Yalilo will inevitably fall.】

【In order to end the war, Alisa thought of using unstable matter such as star cores to counter the antimatter army!】

【The core of a star can respond to human will and fulfill people’s wishes in the form of disasters.】

【Under the auspices of Alisa, the original wish interfered with the unstable substance of the star core, causing the star core to become active!】

【The wish to stop the antimatter army was fulfilled by the star core in the form of disaster.】

【Under the influence of the star core, the endless cold wave that swept across Yalilo swept across the surface of the planet, and the entire Yalilo fell into an ice age! 】

Irisviel:”Black Holy Grail?!”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”Could it be that the essence of the star core is also that kind of twisted and evil thing?!”

Artoria:”Isn’t it that realizing wishes in the form of disasters distorts all wishes! It turns out that the Holy Grail was like this… Damn it!”

Taro:”When necessary, necessary means must be used. Using the star core as a bomb to injure the enemy by a thousand and lose eight hundred of your own is also a good choice.”

Volibear:”Roar——! Yalilo will be transformed into a barren land! Eternal winter, let you sleep forever!”

Esdeath:”Eternal ice can indeed stop the enemy, and the magic hand”

【Under the influence of the cold wave, the antimatter army was restrained and the pace of attack began to slow down.】

【The completed Beloberg responded to the city builder’s power of preservation and was protected by the power of preservation. It was not affected by the cold wave at all!】

【Alisa Rand, who protected Beloberg and resisted the Antimatter Army, was respected and supported by all the people of Yalilo.】

【People called Alisa the one who caused miracles, and supported her to become the first great guardian of Beloberg! 】

Mashu Kyrielight:”Great! The antimatter army was stopped without any loss! This is the ideal city in the hearts of the people of Yalilo!” Thanos

:”It’s not that there is no loss. The people here have lost their land and natural ecology. The population is increasing and the resources are decreasing. Beloberg will perish one day.”

Shen:”The spirit of nature is dead, and the balance of this land has been destroyed.”

Amiya:”She is good for the people, and the people will support her. This is the eternal truth.……”

Senju Tobirama:”The Great Guardian is such a great responsibility! Behind her is not only the will to protect, but also the vitality of the next generation!”

【As the war intensified, the strongest person under the Star God, the Messenger of Destruction, the Lord of Extinction came to Yalilo.】

【He is keen to slow down when civilization is on the verge of extinction and savor this chaos and despair. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The Interstellar Peace Company also evacuated Yalilo due to the pollution of the star core and the extinction lord.】

【At this point, Yalilo was truly isolated and helpless.

Jing Yuan:”Lord of Extinction? Why did she come to such a remote place like Yalilo?”

Ting Yun:”Lord of Extinction… I’m going to attack you!”

Kotomine Kirei:”Hehehe… Savoring despair when on the verge of extinction… Pleasure… Pleasure!”

Spiral King:”The Immortal Boat is fighting against Abundance and has no time to take care of Yalilo. The Interstellar Peace Company is powerless and has no need to fight. Other forces are also neutral. Yalilo really has no choice.……”

Holy Kesha:”If we were here, the Antimatter Army would not be able to act so recklessly!”

【Alisa led the Silver Mane Iron Guards to fight bravely with flaming spears, and blocked all the antimatter troops outside Beloberg.】

【There are many brave warriors who shine on the battlefield.】

【Holsgod, Laszlo Landau, Del Landau, etc.……】

【And Alisa’s flaming spear can tear the sky apart and penetrate the clouds. Those around her can take on the blades of the Antimatter Legion with their bare hands. 】

Spartacus:”Oh oh oh oh! Alisa is so brave and fearless! Guardian of the Ice Gate!”

The Conqueror King:”Heroes emerge in troubled times. If I put these heroes in my team, I will definitely be able to expand more territory!”

Pera:”They are the ancestors of the owner of the Goethe Hotel!”

Jeppard:”Laszlo… Dale… are my ancestors! The ambition to build a city of ice and snow will never end!”

Kiritani Kazuto:”Alisa’s flaming spear actually has a range team buff! And the amplification is so strong!”

The Lion King:”The flaming spear… is so similar to the flaming spear of Yao Yu Zhiyuan… Holy spear, pull up the anchor……”

【The scene changes. In the midst of war, the strategic resources such as the earth’s marrow reserves that maintain the operation and heating of Beloberg are rapidly depleted.】

【In order to keep Beloberg running, Alisa formed a group of people to start digging underground, collecting earth marrow from deep underground and transporting it to Beloberg.】

【At the same time, in order to accommodate more people, an underground ecosystem was established to open up the underground world.】

【The underground is dangerous and the environment is difficult. All those who go deep into the underground world to dig the earth’s marrow and open up the world are called heroes, which is a great honor.】

【And those people are proud to go deep underground for Beloberg, which means they are fighting for the survival of civilization. 】

Liu Peiqiang:”Underground city! I know this! But… can Yalilo’s existing technology build an underground city?”

Lianfeng:”The technology left by the Interstellar Peace Company should be enough to build an underground city……”

Xier:”It’s hard to imagine that in the era of the first Great Guardian, the people who opened up the lower city would be heroes? Incredible. Think about the current Great Guardian, haha.……”

Bronya Rand:”I won’t let you scold her! She’s my mother! And… my mother must have her own reasons for doing this.”

Natasha:”Little guy, come to the downtown area and you’ll know everything.……”

Silko:”Oh? It sounds like your situation is very similar to ours. You, too, were divided?”

【The scene changes again. The Antimatter Army is repelled, and the Lord of Extinction leaves for unknown reasons.】

【The exhausted Alisa chose to enter the rift created by the star core pollution and commit suicide at the end of her life.】

【She said to everyone:”Beloberg will never be strangled by personal will!” Zhuge Liang

:”God bless Yalilo for being able to reverse the situation despite such difficulties! If I had such luck, I would be able to support the Han Dynasty!”

Clark Kent:”In order to prevent Beloberg from becoming corrupt… Alisa, you are a true hero!”

Jonathan Joestar:”Ms. Alisa’s spirit shines like gold! I will remember this spirit and pass it on to the Joestars for generations!”


What the hell! I didn’t get up this morning! I was addicted to the game Three Kingdoms and stayed up all night, and ended up sleeping until 4pm. I will speed up my typing!

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