Chapter 223: Shocking the World! The Golden Age of Humanity! The Dark Age of Technology!

【Screen starts】

【A familiar planet appears in the eyes of audiences from all over the world】

【Earth, also known here as Terra】

【As has been the case throughout history, humans were born on this planet and developed civilization.】

【Killing and death also caused the disappearance of ancient civilizations and the emergence of new ones. 】

Amiya:”Terra?! Is this our world? This land is also called Terra.……”

Texas:”I have heard of a man called the Emperor, but there is no Emperor in this land.”

PLAYER:”Maybe it’s Terraria?”

Taotie:”Hehehe…death is prevalent on the planet Earth. It turns out that Earth is the most suitable planet for my God Carl!”

Kal’tsit:”The sunset of civilization rises again. How many civilizations are buried in this land? Who knows?”

【It was not until the second millennium that humans finally began to truly desire the starry sky.】

【Due to population expansion and uneven distribution of resources, humans turned their attention to other planets besides Terra.】

【The nearest habitable planet is Mars.】

【Humans have spent huge resources to colonize Mars and transform Mars into a new city that is more condensed than Terra’s technology. 】

Mei:”Humans’ desire for the starry sky began when they first looked up at the starry sky. Humans are the children of the stars.”

Thanos:”Resource expansion… Endless plunder is just a temporary solution, and it will end sooner or later.”

Ye Wenjie:”Immigrate to Mars in 2000 AD… Can the future development of human beings in a few decades be so good!”

Zhen Zhong Ken Wu:”Immigrate to Mars, but the environment is not very good. I hope that humans can develop technology to change the environment in the future.……”

Pan Zhen:”Our Lieyang God-level civilization hasn’t developed the technology to change the planetary environment, how can Earth, a newly formed planet, possibly do that?”

Miao Tiaojun:”Then what kind of rubbish God-level civilization is this upstairs?”

【With the development of science and technology, humans have developed sub-light speed aircraft.】

【Relying on sub-light-speed aircraft and the rapid development of human technology, humans began to colonize the planets in the solar system and even traveled to deep space outside the solar system.】

【During this journey, humans did not encounter the so-called alien enemies, and the pace of civilization colonization and expansion gradually expanded! 】

Zhang Beihai:”Fish on the shore are no longer fish. Humans are still young and should not make such a choice.”

Cheng Xin:”Sub-light speed travel is not as advanced as the curvature engine, but humans in this era are also very powerful.”

Luo Ji:”But don’t they worry that such colonization will attract the attention of other civilizations?”

Rocket:”What kind of remote star field is this Earth? It is estimated that they can’t find a convenience store within hundreds of light years around them.”

【However, the disadvantages of colonization and interstellar travel also appeared at this moment.】

【Sub-light-speed aircraft are not true light-speed, and light-speed flight cannot be developed yet.】

【As the star regions colonized by humans expand to a certain extent, many spacecraft equipped with sub-light-speed aircraft will take several or even more than ten generations to reach their destination.】

【And these colonies have evolved into independent regimes independent of the solar system’s mother planet because they can be self-sufficient and the mother planet cannot reach them for help. 】

Ying Zheng:”Is this the so-called interstellar vassal state?”

Heita:”The technology development is too biased. They colonize without even developing information. I hope they can change this problem.”

Ge Xiaolun:”The Earth here is too tough. Is it because their Earth is not the battlefield of the gods?”

Tzeentch:”Terra will be a veritable battlefield of the gods in the future, hehe……”

Ding Yi:”After more than a dozen generations, are the people here so sure that nothing will happen to them?”

Simon:”One day, humans will unite again. I firmly believe that day will come!”

【The human federation on Terra’s home planet is also anxious about this situation.】

【Humanity cannot be divided, and cannot be divided in the universe because of progress】

【Those lost worlds need to be reunited】

【So in the 18th millennium, the great invention that transcends time and the magic box that plunges the entire universe into despair, the subspace engine, was developed! 】

Esther:”It feels a bit epic, how can humans regroup?”

Artanis:”He needs to regroup his colonies.”

Angel Yan:”Eighteen thousand years…Humanity’s development is almost on par with angels.……”

Pluto:”Warp? Magic box?”

Captain Marvel:”The magic box that plunged the universe into despair… Why do you say that? What is the warp engine?”

Doctor Strange:”Emmm, or is the warp something like the dark dimension where Dormammu is?”

【The scene changes to a strange and magical space, and the introduction and origin of the subspace are revealed by Jinbang.】

【The so-called subspace is a lifeless universe composed purely of energy. It is a mirror universe of the physical universe.】

【It will be affected by the real universe, but it will not cause any waves, because except for the connection of the mirror, it has nothing to do with the real universe.】

【The basic laws of the universe such as time, space, and physical laws in the real universe cannot explain the existence and principles of subspace. 】

Aurelian Sol:”Hmm… the void? I wonder if it will change due to contact with reality.”

Conqueror Kang:”Will a pure energy universe give birth to infinite stones? This is a bit like the primordial chaos before the universe.”

Kenneth:”Is this the legendary vortex of origin? The misty land where everything flows out!”

Scott:”It’s very similar to the quantum realm. The space world doesn’t conform to common sense.”

Black Tower:”This secret place is still a side of the universe. I really want to test it and add it to the simulated universe!”

Aha:”Something incredible may appear in the simulated universe upstairs!”

Yang Dong:”In this universe, perhaps physics is really dead.”

【The subspace engine is the stone that breaks the calm water.】

【It can tear a crack in the real universe and force open the door to the subspace.】

【By utilizing the unstable and variable nature of time and space in the subspace, humans have achieved superluminal jumps. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Even if there are occasional energy storms or other problems, relying on the subspace engine, the journey that usually takes thousands of years can now be completed in just a few months.】

【This greatly increased the speed of human expansion among the stars, and those worlds that were lost because they were too far away were also found, and close communication was rebuilt.

Rocket Raccoon:”Fuck! What a crooked way?”

Himeko:”It stands to reason that the technology of the Big Bug Bridge jump should not be difficult, but they never thought that they would tear the universe into the subspace jump.” Zeus:

“Tearing the universe, this sword is comparable to the power of Chaos the Father!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”I have a bold idea. Will the future humans of this world be able to mass-produce spaceships like Chaos?!”

NieR-2 Type B:”A thousand years compressed into a few months, is this the glory of mankind! The glory of mankind will last forever!”

【And at this moment, mankind is plunged into real prosperity and technological explosion!】

【Humans developed standard building templates to mass-produce cities on colonized planets and calculate and save all technological technologies.】

【The AI ​​is as powerful as humans and can even automatically carry out interstellar colonization and assembly line production without control.】

【Advanced civilian infrastructure technology and Titans for large-scale farming】

【A panacea that can cure all diseases, a technology that can mechanically transform the dead and revive them so that they have their memories before they died.

Dr. Nobita Nobi:”The technology of mass sharing and preservation has printed cities… The prospects for human beings in this universe are broad!”

Jing Yuan:”AI is easy to use, and Iron Man is loyal, but sometimes Iron Man is not very loyal. If there are no restrictions, Iron Man will cause disasters one day.”

Tesla:”Titan?! Isn’t it a bit of a waste to use Titan to cultivate land?!”

Walter:”This Titan is so romantic! This is the Titan sentiment of the old generation of anti-entropy leaders!” Dainsleb

:”The tiller is really used to cultivate land. How beautiful and powerful it is. There is no need to fear the civilization of God. This is the power of mankind itself.……”

Bai Lu:”A panacea?! Can Konjac also be used to cure it? This medicine is too good to be true! It’s irrational!”

Victor:”Death can be resurrected, it turns out that mechanical ascension is the true meaning of evolution!”

【In terms of military, humans have AI-controlled Iron Warriors, as well as nanomachines that are small enough to enter blood vessels and can replicate themselves infinitely to cover the planet.】

【In order to conquer and fight against alien races, that is, alien civilizations, humans have developed entropy engines that can instantly ignite planets, mechanical devourers that can devour city data, and all-consuming gluttons that can instantly strip a billion people of their flesh and blood, leaving only skeletons.】

【Computer viruses and memetic viruses can control the consciousness and machinery of life simply by spreading information, and replicate themselves infinitely. 】

Heita:”Don’t they have a bottom line? Just talking about these nanomachines can set off a big cosmic disaster!” Shion

:”It’s comparable to the research spirit of Astra Academy! Just research without caring about the harm.”

Reina:”Fuck! Using planets to burn glass balls, swallowing data, and such a curious killing machine……”

Carl:”With this data-devouring hand alone, humans of this period can conquer our universe.”

Liang Bing:”Is this what you call human?”

Hubie:”If Hubie can replicate these technologies, the probability of Hubie defeating all the Gods is 1,000 percent.”

Ying:”The Herrscher of Corrosion who replicates infinitely is even more heavyweight.”

Alpha:”The same, but far more terrifying than the Pamish virus.……”

【To accommodate the expanding population, humans created a planetary environment transformation engine that can transform a dead planet into a thriving garden planet, as well as a climate control engine and the technology to build civilizations on gaseous planets.】

【Humans have also created Dyson spheres and artificial galaxies, and built a celestial operation network.】

【Humans have even invented mature time technology that can erase history and make time jumps of up to a million years on the timeline! 】

Zhao Xin:”Pan Zhen – the old man is talking!”

Bronya Rand:”A creation that is more magnificent and magical than the creation of the City Builder!”

Dr. Roman:”Now humans can build the Chaos Fleet! This… the future of mankind is so brilliant!”

Gaia:”It’s the humans of that world. Humans can’t be so prosperous at the end of the Steel Land.”

Woz:”How… how is it possible! The great power that only His Majesty the Demon King can exert has been created by technology!”

Ancient One:”A million years of time jump, how many years have I lived and what have I not seen? I really haven’t seen this.”

Kanzaki Kaori:”I can’t accept it! How can technology… surpass magic?” Tokisaki Kurumi

:”I feel like a clown”

【As human civilization continues to rise, antimatter bombs, instruments that turn stars into supernovas, devices that destroy the sun, black hole weapons, and even weapons that swallow black holes are all being developed and contained.】

【The influence of the macro universe and the dimensional inhibitor, the technology of interfering with the multiverse, etc. are developed one after another.】

【Humanity is almost on the verge of a great cause of universal ascension】

【This is the dark technological age of mankind, this is the golden age of mankind! 】

Steve:”Humans in this period can really be called endlessly greedy!”

Meizhen:”The sun has been destroyed, it has no sense of existence like a ball… Maybe when technology develops to a certain level, humans can wholesale Armor Warriors?”

Huaye:”It’s okay to have a black hole engine, but it can also swallow black holes? What about nesting dolls? Is it really that outrageous?”

Odin:”Dimensional technology and interference with the multiverse… I’m afraid humans���Has it reached its peak?”

Zeroer:”If they go one step further, I’m afraid they can restart the universe. Humans are insignificant, but Warhammer humans are qualified.”

Ye Hei:”This… is truly a golden age!”


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