Chapter 225 The Emperor Appears! The Three Evil Gods of the Warp!

【The scene changes to the solar system, the home galaxy of human civilization.】

【The backlash from the decline of a peak civilization regime is also overwhelming.】

【With the end of the golden age】

【Leave behind those lost worlds that have regressed to the Stone Age and feudal societies】

【Even the regimes of the major planets in the solar system, including the mother planet Terra, have fallen into complete chaos!】

【The scene turns to Terra】

【The once glorious home planet has turned into a wasteland, splitting into a wasteland doomsday world where technological barbarians, warlords, mutants, and psychics are fighting each other.】

【The lofty morality that people once had because of their strength collapsed at this moment and turned into the most evil desire. 】

Captain Marvel:”The home planet of a once glorious civilization has fallen to this… Alas……”

W:”This is really… Terra is even worse than Terra!”

Stryker:”Haha! This is the ugliness of mutants! These uncontrolled, inherently evil races are rebelling!”

Senju Tobirama:”The powerful force of uncontrolled, inherently evil… mutants are really not a good thing.”

Gilgamesh:”The higher the morality, the deeper the evil of human nature will be when it backfires.” Aizen

:”The throne of Terra is already vacant, which is why there is such a mess. I guess the Emperor is the one who will be king.”

【The scene changes to Mars】

【As the largest industrial base of mankind in the Golden Age, Mars is a completely industrialized planet.】

【Centuries of isolation brought on by the warp storms led the newly desperate and confused Martian inhabitants and technicians to develop a faith.】


【The excessive deification of technology has made them extremely fanatical in their belief in the God of All Machines. 】

02:”Complete industrialization will lead to a shortage of food and other resources. Eating artificial food all the time will make you crazy, right?”

Oguruma:”That’s really a hell!” Victor

:”Mechanicus… a sect that advocates mechanical ascension?”

Stroheim:”Hahahaha 640! I like this sect! The Greater German Empire welcomes the Mechanicus very much!”

Zeus:”It’s not a good thing to deify machines… Both will only increase sadness, and the God of All Machines does not exist.”

Otto Apocalis:”It may not exist. The subspace is extremely magical. Maybe there are similar laws of faith to the Moon World?”

【The scene changes again to a corner of the universe】

【The starry sky turned scarlet and bloody, and mouths appeared in the void!】

【Countless tentacles and demons from the cosmic cracks poured out into the subspace!】

【The demon harvests life on the sacrificial planet, wrapping its tentacles around the planet to absorb its energy】

【The planet turned blood red, and dense black spots appeared.】

【And such things are happening in every corner of the universe! 】

March 7:”How terrifying! They say that star cores are the cancer of the universe, but this situation is more like cancer!”

Zhang Chulan:”My san value has dropped completely! Could this be some Cthulhu evil god or something?”

Constantine:”This thing looks more evil than the devil, weird and evil.”

Liang Bing:”I, the demon king, have never seen such a scene!”

Lufa:”My Ares Legion has traveled across the galaxy and has never seen such horror! It devours stars and kills, leaving nothing behind!”

Doctor Strange:”Dormammu? It’s somewhat similar to Dormammu’s dark dimension.”

【This era is extremely dark. The once powerful technology has been forgotten, humans are killing each other, and noble morals and virtues are no longer】

【If nothing unexpected happens, humans may never be able to return to that glorious golden age.】

【The scene changed and a man appeared.】

【This man is the emperor!】

【As early as when humans built the first city, the Emperor already existed in this world and watched the development of mankind.】

【His immortal possesses the strongest psychic power in the universe, and can also be said to be the strongest human being.

Cao Cao:”How sad it is to fight against one’s own family?”

Jibril:”The ugly side of human beings is exposed. Monkeys are monkeys. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot hide their nature.”

Woz:”He’s coming! He’s coming! A hot man is coming! He’s coming with the hope of saving the world!”

Zhuge Kongming:”Supporting the human race, success depends on him!”

Gagra:”Have you been watching the human race since the beginning of human beings? Great sage!……”

Merlin:”I have similar experiences to him but I have done nothing. This is his duty as an emperor.……”

Illusion:”A natural immortal?! And a psychic power that is unrivaled in the universe! And a perfect body!”

Andros Bray:”Illusion, open the door, the Inquisition!”

【However, despite his great power and long life, he did not fight for power, but quietly absorbed the knowledge of the development of human civilization.】

【He travels through different eras and incarnates into different people to help mankind move forward.】

【He has appeared at the pinnacle of science, politics, scholars, religious leaders, and so on.】

【He deeply loves the human race. 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen:”Take a look at Danzo! What is a wise man? This is a wise man!”

Zhong Hui:”Avoid his sharp edge, and be tolerant!”

Old Heavenly Master:”He is like a mortal immortal walking in the world.”

Luo Ji:”A passer-by of a hundred generations is just like this, but after countless eras, he will still become the savior of mankind!”

Gilgamesh:”Wow~ Love humans? Love for the human group means that he is destined to abandon his personal feelings.”

Red A Suppression Force Alaya said that He likes this man as much as Emiya Shirou.” (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Over the long years, the emperor also learned some unknown secrets.】

【That is the true horror within the subspace!】

【The subspace is a mirror of the real universe. The emotions of intelligent life will flow into it and disappear along with the movement of energy.】

【But with the rise of more and more intelligent life, the population exploded, and countless emotional information poured into the subspace, the three most powerful ones began to condense!】

【Finally, three Chaos Evil Gods of the Subspace, condensed from the extreme emotions of life, were born! 】

Star Forging Dragon King:”The True God of the Void was born? This kind of thing is very complicated.……”

Kyubey:”Oh my god! Can human emotions create such a thing? It’s ridiculous!”

Simon:”Emotions are related to will, which is the strongest power! It’s a pity that this power is not used in the right way.……”

Renault:”Evil God? Isn’t God a bit too much? It shouldn’t be a god or something like that?”

Gabriel:”This evil god shouldn’t be the evil god in Cthulhu on earth, right? After all, this is a technological universe!”

【All things decay, but all living things are immortal】

【The desire for life, tolerance and inclusiveness to everyone like a kind father – the evil god of chaos, Nurgle!】

【In the picture, a fat man with gray-green skin has broken deer horns and rhino horns on his head.】

【The whole body exudes a foul-smelling yellow gas, the accumulated fat on the body is mixed with excrement, and the cracks in the belly are filled with pus-filled intestines and surging excrement. 】

Deadpool:”Thank you for the generous gift! I prefer the beautiful pharmacist sister to this disgusting big fat pig!”

Young man:”Neither will refuse, both are kind, both are life, both treat everyone equally…even the color tone is similar! This TM!”

Blue Bird:”Could it be that the masculine Longevity Plague Ancestor looks like this? (malice)”

Envoy of the Order of Abundance:”Don’t do this kind of thing!” Koji

Tadokoro:”What are you resisting? I like the Snow God very much! (meaningful)”

Kanna:”Kanna is going to vomit……”

Carmilla:”Is there any need for such a disgusting thing to exist?”

【Thinking long will lead to knowing. Knowing is thirsty for thinking. Only the wise and the cunning are not trapped.】

【He is obsessed with knowledge, cunning and changeable, he absorbs the hope that sprouts from despair, and uses endless calculations and conspiracies to obtain supreme wisdom – Tzeentch!】

【In the picture, a huge blue beast with a humanoid shape that resembles a dragon or an eagle, with feathers on its wings like peacocks, and its eyes reveal calculations and conspiracies. 】

Heita:”The Knowledge Master from another world? But he looks a bit sinister and unscrupulous.……”

Sambo:”A combination of Aha and Bokushi-son! (Correct answer)”

Aizen:”He looks like an old bastard who will do anything for knowledge.” Jotaro

Kujo:”The evil god who is evil and intelligent, powerful and can play tricks is probably the strongest evil god, right?”

【Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne】

【Obsession with killing, unstoppable fighting, irrational madness and an endless sea of ​​blood!】

【Keen on war and killing, he incites his followers to launch wars against the world again and again, and watches every killing with joy – Khorne!】

【In the picture, a humanoid god with blood-red skin sits on a throne made of brass, with a winged and horned helmet covering his inhuman and terrifying face.】

【And under his feet is a sea of ​​skulls that gather like sand into a tide! 】

Holy Kesha:”He is an evil god! The real evil god! I saw an endless sea of ​​blood……”

Black A is evil…evil…greater evil than all the beasts combined! It…is my mortal enemy.��”

Arthas:”An evil god as evil as the Burning Legion… He is the embodiment of disaster.”

Tini:”The Pale Knight, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, represents death that is not as great as this evil god!”

Viego:”Have you ever seen this raging sea of ​​blood?!”

【Normally, evil gods are confined to the subspace and cannot descend or interfere with the real universe.】

【Unless it is a large-scale war or the emotions brought about by religious activities, they can take the opportunity to interfere and descend into the real universe.】

【And psychics are also the vessels for their descent】

【The Emperor must lead humanity in this critical moment and stop the evil gods from exterminating humanity! 】

Ancient One:”They are very similar to the dimensional demon gods, but the despair is that they don’t need any magic. Their essence represents the universe and life, and they can interfere here.”

Asuna:”Faith represents power… Doesn’t that mean we have to cut off religion to weaken their power?”

Jeanne:”How is that possible! Religion cannot be cut off! This is disrespectful!”

Senju Tobirama:”Psychics must also be strictly controlled, and even raised if necessary.”

Kevin:”Is the Emperor going to start his journey to save the world… Another great road to chasing fire!……”


There are two more chapters before eleven o’clock. I’m very busy recently, with exams and thesis.……

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