Chapter 227: The Great Crusade! Warmaster Horus

【At the end of the Unification War, the troops gathered】

【The most elite space warriors of the Empire have begun to appear in large numbers】

【In order to have more elite commanders and warriors, the Emperor used his own DNA, dark science, and the power of the warp to create the Primarchs.】

【A total of 20 Primarchs were created by the Emperor, and the Emperor was looking forward to the day when they would grow up, fight for the Empire, and expand the territory!】

【Each Primarch has been set up with his own seat, and each Primarch will have a legion paired with them after growing up! 】

Mebius:”The Emperor’s DNA! This thing must be top-level DNA!”

Warfarin:”One bite! Let me have one bite!” Belia

:”A child created with the DNA of the Emperor of Mankind must be very powerful, right? Hehehe……”

Kaname Madoka:”Isn’t it too cruel to be born for war? The Primarch was also a child.……”

Horus:”It is such an honor to be able to serve my father loyally and to expand the empire!!!”

【When the Primarchs were still young, the calculations of the evil god of the warp caused a warp vortex to appear in the Primarch’s laboratory.】

【All the Primarchs were sucked into the Warp Vortex”707″ and scattered throughout the galaxy.】

【After the Emperor learned about this, he used his powerful psychic powers to scan the galaxy and learned that the Primarchs were still alive, so he could pay no more attention to them.】

【When the Great Crusade arrives, all the Primarchs will be completely recovered. 】

Aha:”It must have been Tzeentch!”

Aizen:”If it was a trick, then among the Four Evil Gods, only Tzeentch would do such a thing, right?”

Paimon:”Would the Four Evil Gods of the Emperor, a declining race, take it so seriously? He shouldn’t be a threat.……”

Hades:”You don’t understand. The Emperor was proven by the Golden List to be the strongest psychic, which means that his psychic power surpasses that of the Warp God.”

Swart:”The Emperor is awesome! I don’t think the Emperor’s expedition will lose at all.”

【In order to allow the Great Crusade to proceed smoothly, the Emperor restarted the warp engine and mobilized most of Terra’s population to build a lighthouse.】

【Psychic beacon – Star Torch!】

【In the Emperor’s vision, as long as he sits on the throne of the Astronomican, his psychic energy will light up the beacon.】

【This will serve as a beacon, so that navigators will no longer get lost and trapped in the subspace due to subspace navigation. 】

Ultrafather:”Is the Astronomican a building similar to the Plasma Spark Tower?”

Ultraman Zero:”It seems so. As a beacon across the sea of ​​stars, it will guide me home.”

Wodam Kirshtalia:”The Emperor’s Astronomican will guide all lost humans drifting in the sea of ​​stars.”

Gellert Grindelwald:”I have a feeling that the Emperor’s next fate will be to be trapped in the tower.”

Horus:”Who can trap my father? The Empire is inviolable and we are all loyal people! Loyalty! Honesty!”

【The Emperor also took into account the boundaries of the Golden Age Empire, and the range of their Great Crusade was measured in light years.】

【So the Emperor summoned psychics and formed a group of psychic talents who could communicate across the stars, the Astropaths.】

Sengoku:”Too big a territory is also a pain.”

Star Forger Dragon King:”I find it ridiculous to think that those humble giant gods used my power to open up less territory than even half of humans.”

Shokuhou Misaki:”The ability to cross galaxies is incomparable even if I upgrade to 1v.6!”

Charles:”The most terrifying thing is that the Astropaths are mass-produced. The Empire is full of talents.……”

【Everything is ready, only the east wind is missing!】

【At the end of the 30th millennium of mankind, the Great Crusade officially began!】

【The Emperor led the army, and the first target was Terra’s satellite, the Moon!】

【There was a cult entrenched on the moon, but the Emperor’s army defeated the cult’s defenses in less than six hours and reclaimed the moon! 】

Swain:”Some emotion and excitement, the Empire is about to rise!”

Rick:”Sigh… Let’s start the war on the road to human rise!”

Zhu Yue:”Don’t do things like attacking the earth!… It’s not the golden age, then it’s okay.”

Ge Xiaolun:”They took the moon in less than six hours?! You can be so powerful even if you pick up scraps on Earth? The Emperor is awesome!” Amakusa Shiro

:”The Emperor can pick up scraps better than me.”

【The Emperor then went to Mars to negotiate with the Mechanicus】

【He asked the Mechanical God of Mars to teach him to build a fleet and provide him with backup and support!】

【The Empire will respect the beliefs of the Mechanicus and maintain their sovereignty.】

【Faced with this man with great ambitions to unify Terra, the Mechanicus agreed and signed the Treaty of Olympus with the Emperor.】

【The Mechanicus unilaterally believes that the Emperor is a person who respects technology and science. Some people in the Mechanicus even believe that the Emperor is the God of All Machines! 】

Shi Qiang:”Isn’t the Emperor against religion? Why can he have sovereignty here?”

Hikigaya Hachiman:”It’s hard to fight and there is a need. On the other hand, the beliefs of the Mechanicus have nothing to do with the Four Evil Gods.”

Bai Cinan:”He is worthy of being the Emperor! He conquered the Mechanicus with his charisma alone! I have already felt his hegemony!”

Liang Bing:”He even made the people of the Mechanicus turn against him! Is his charisma so strong?”

Shi Huaiya:”People who oppose religion are considered to be the gods of religion. It’s too much of a show!”

【After the recovery of Mars, the pace of the Great Expedition became more intense, and soon it broke out of the solar system!】

【Every time the Empire suppresses a planet by force, it will quickly establish a regime and spread the truth of the Empire.】

【The Primarchs scattered across the galaxy were recovered one by one, and the Emperor personally spoke to them.】

【After the Emperor explained their origins and fate, most of the Primarchs chose to return to the Empire and loyally follow the Emperor! 】

Qin Liu:”Wail! Grin! Fall apart! I seem to have seen the successful conspirators grinning at the Emperor!”

Lufa:”The four evil gods of the warp can’t sit still, the Emperor is pressing forward step by step!”

Liangmen Sukuna:”If I were an evil god

, I would have come out to kill the Emperor!” Strange:”It’s a pity that the evil gods are trapped in the warp. If the Emperor does this, it won’t be long before the evil gods can’t interfere with the real universe.”

Cyril Linguang:”These Primarchs are also very determined and face their fate calmly. They are all good kids!”

【As the 20 Primarchs returned, the 20 legions prepared for them were also incorporated into their ranks and reorganized by them…….】

【Under the command of the Emperor, tens of thousands of absolutely elite troops entered the battlefield to expand the territory for the Great Crusade!】

【The Great Crusade lasted for 200 years. At its peak, there were 4,300 fleets fighting in various parts of the galaxy! 】

Liu Chuang:”Is this the correct way to develop technology? I dare not imagine how powerful 4,300 fleets are!”

Rui Mengmeng:”Is the technology tree of our universe wrong?”

Toppa:”Now the human fleet is already a considerable force in the universe! The envoy will die if he is besieged!”

Allen:”If there is such power… all the giants can be driven away!”

Reiner:”You overestimate the power of the giants. Any spaceship in the fleet can destroy the giants!”

Akainu:”How magnificent! If everyone in the navy had the will of the imperial soldiers, the pirates would have been eradicated long ago!”

Sanguinius:”That’s because you don’t have someone like your father to guide the way! That’s because you are not loyal enough!”

【Worlds are liberated and return to the glory of the Emperor.】

【Those opposite sexes who had once taken advantage of the situation, the green-skinned orcs, the Eldar and other races were also defeated by the Primarch’s legion!】

【At the same time, some planets were completely corrupted by the erosion of the evil god Khorne in the warp.】

【The Empire then activated the killer weapon to carry out a devastating blow to the planet! 】 (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Azir:”Those opposite sexes are really sent packing, this is the fate of offending the Empire!”

Xu Sheng:”Those who violate the Empire’s territory! The Primarch will strike and destroy them!”

Roman:”The Eldar have also fallen… but this is the sin they deserve.”

Hakurei Reimu:”It’s unheard of to open a silver p and get an evil god, leading to the extinction of the race.……”

Otto Apocalis:”Are there already star destroyers? However, compared to the golden age of mankind, the Empire’s archaeological research is still not thorough enough.”

【At this point in the Great Crusade, the Emperor felt it was time to move on to the next step, and the expedition was handed over to the 0.8 Primarch.】

【So he appointed his favorite child, Horus, one of the Primarchs, as Warmaster】

【Horus will take over the Emperor’s power in the Legion and continue to conquer the galaxy!】

【The Emperor returned to Terra to conduct research on experiments to free humanity from the influence of the Warp.】

【At the same time, the Empire’s territory has expanded to most of the Milky Way, and it is about to take back all the territory of mankind in the Golden Age! 】

Swain:”A part of the plan has been completed. The Empire is on the right track and does not need the Emperor to be in charge. The Empire has risen!”

Nick Fury:”To be appointed as the Warmaster by the Emperor, Horus must be the most loyal Primarch!”

Horus:”I am loyal to my father! Incomparable!”

Miyamoto Musashi:”In a sense, severing the connection between humans and the Warp means severing the interference of the evil gods in humans. The merit will last forever! The Emperor has a long-term vision, but he may need some supernatural power.”

Lelouch:”Has most of the territory been recovered… It seems that humans have really been pulled from the brink of destruction to their peak by the Emperor.……”

【In this era, the emperor is only one step away from his ideals and dreams.】

【In a few thousand years, mankind will return to the Golden Age again! 】.

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