Chapter 229: The Destruction of the Perfect City, Lorgar’s Meeting with the Four Gods, and the Conspiracy Surrounding Horus

【The scene changes, and the cause of the Horus Heresy officially unfolds!】

【After Horus became Warmaster, the Emperor returned to Terra and formed the Terran Council】

【This important high-level institution manages all matters of the empire, big and small, and represents the emperor’s important power in the operation of the empire.】

【However, the Emperor deliberately excluded the Astartes and Primarchs from such an important organization as the Council. 】

Swain:”Is it similar to the structure of the Council of Trilifar? But excluding the Legion will shake the military training.”

Merlin:”The birth of the Primarch was tainted with the factors of the Warp. Did the Emperor never trust the Primarch from beginning to end?”

Chu Xuan:”The Emperor would not do such a stupid thing, but his perspective and the scope of his vision made him do what he thought was right.”

Esdeath:”Hehehe… The Emperor would be disheartened by such a thing, right?”

【They are composed of the leader of the Astropaths, Chancellor Malcador, the commander of the Imperial Guards, and representatives of the Adeptus Mechanicus.】

【The elders are headed by the most trusted chancellor of the Emperor, Malcador.】

【After handing over everything, the Emperor entered the huge project laboratory under the palace to conduct research.】

【He wants to study ancient technology and develop technology that can travel faster than light without relying on the subspace.】

【This is a huge secret that only the top leaders of the Terran Council know. 】

Patriot:”Is it similar to the Emperor’s inner guards and civil officials… There are too many civil officials.”

Sakata Gintoki:”Can the representatives of foreign teachers enter the parliament to manage the empire? Instead, the legions are abandoned. Some Terrans are……”

March 7:”The Emperor has lived longer than the Star Gods and is so wise. He must have a reason for doing this, right?”

Luo Ji:”Faster than light travel… It’s hard to develop top technology that surpasses the curvature engine, right?”

Otto Apocalis:”Humans in the Golden Age had this technology, but it was buried too much. The Emperor can find it through more archaeological excavations.”

【Just as the dust settled on what happened on Terra, news of the Terran Council reached the frontline battlefield.】

【All Primarchs and Astara know that the Emperor has excluded them from the Emperor’s core power.】

【This caused the army’s morale to waver, and the Primarchs began to become confused.】

【Warmaster Horus was even more puzzled. He, all the Astara and most of the Primarchs felt that they had been betrayed by the Emperor.】

【Horus was furious, but he knew that the most urgent task was to complete the Great Crusade and unify the galaxy.】

【When the Great Crusade is over, he will talk to his father, the Emperor, and express his confusion and indignation. 】

Otakemaru:”It is true that the Emperor betrayed the Legion and the Primarch. If I were the Primarch, I would rebel!”

Zheng Zha:”So why would the Emperor do such a thing? What if even one Primarch entered the Parliament? Anyone with a discerning eye knows that such a thing cannot be done.”

Gagra:”Perhaps something happened before that made the Emperor somewhat…disagree with the Primarchs gaining more power? There is only this one result.”

Ainz Ooal Gown:”Maybe the Emperor is afraid that the loyal Primarchs will be corrupted? Do they act on their own when they have power?”

Robert:”This possibility… Lorca…what on earth happened to you?”

【The scene changes to before Horus became the Warmaster, and changes to another Primarch】

【Lorgar Aurelion】

【The environment he grew up in made him a fanatical religious person, and he is also the most loyal believer in the Emperor.】

【He fanatically believed in the Emperor, believing him to be the savior and the true God.】

【Even though the Emperor has repeatedly stated that he has no divinity and explained the truth of the Empire, this still cannot shake Lorgar. 】

Jeanne:”His faith in the Emperor is deeper than my faith in the Lord.”

Master Tang:”Loyalty! Damn loyal!”

Atuo:”I still need to learn from Lorgar in terms of loyalty to the Queen.”

Lorgar (Aha):”Follow the Emperor meow! Follow the Emperor, thank you meow!”

Kong:”What kind of Emperor is this, the ultimate single pusher!”

Barbatos:”However, Lorgar made a fatal taboo, that is, the Emperor does not like religion”

【Lorgar spread his beliefs to his legions, and the worlds he conquered were also preached by him, making people extremely fanatical about the Emperor!】

【At that time, Lorgar’s Word Bearers was the most loyal legion to the Emperor, because the Emperor was their God!】

【Lorgar was so fanatical that he built a perfect city on a planet dedicated to spreading the Emperor’s faith!】

【The residents there have absolute faith in the Emperor, worship him as the God-Emperor, and write scriptures and pray every day. 】

Aozaki Touko:”I have a bold idea… Could it be that the faith spread by Lorca and others can make the Emperor condense into a physical entity in the subspace?”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Faith transmission in the subspace can achieve the effect of heroic spirits. Is the Emperor going to become a god?”

Rick:”From the perspective of humans, if the Emperor becomes the God-Emperor, he can be absolutely trusted, and humans will not be coveted by evil gods.”

Ishigami Yu:”So the path of faith in the God-Emperor is still correct? Lorca is really something!”

Shen Gongbao:”This large amount of faith and incense can make any righteous god full!”

【Because of the missionary reasons, the Great Crusade of the Word Bearers Legion is the slowest】

【After many warnings failed, the Emperor decided to directly break Lorgar’s superstitious beliefs!】

【He ordered the Thirteenth Legion to strike in orbit and directly destroyed the Perfect City! 】


Asuna:”The faith of the Perfect City is of no benefit to the evil god! Why destroy the Perfect City?”

Gagula:”Lorga’s life, worldview, and meaning are completely denied. The only faith in his heart denies everything about him!”

Tamamonomae:���Perhaps it was this incident that caused the Emperor to exclude the Primarch and the Legion from the Council. Lorgar and the Emperor are going to be alienated, hehe……”

Iwato Suzuya:”Roga is so pitiful! It must be like the sky is falling for him.……”

【Lorga, who arrived late, angrily questioned Malcador and his brother Robert who came to execute the order.】

【However, the Emperor appeared and suppressed Lorgar with his psychic power.】

【He forced Lorgar and the Word Bearers to kneel in the ruins of the Perfect City and reflect on their sins, while denying his own divinity and everything about Lorgar.】

【After saying that, the emperor left. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【However, Lorgar and the Word Bearers knelt in the ruins without saying a word. The meaning of their existence was denied, and their hearts were cold.

Huang Silang:”Killing people and destroying their hearts? How terrible~!”

Bai Yuxiu:”I think Lorgar has already developed a demon in his heart? Being treated like this……”

Old Master:”Inner demon… Primarch… Evil God… Could it be?”

Ryze:”The evil god of the warp may have set his sights on Lorgar. There is already a crack in Lorgar’s will!”

Levi:”What the Emperor did is inhuman.”

Patriot:”How sad… A powerful regiment was destroyed in this way.”

【The scene changes, and Lorgar begins a great expedition, and his efficiency is amazing, and he seems to have repented.】

【But the Warp Evil God found the cracks in Lorgar’s heart, and the whispers of chaos began to slowly corrupt Lorgar’s heart.】

【Lorga regained his faith once again, and was guided to the true pilgrimage, the Eye of Terror!】

【That is the place where Slaanesh was born after the fall of the Eldar, and it is connected to the cosmic black hole of the Warp. 】

Kassa:”The Warp has been invaded, and Lorgar may be the key to the Horus Heresy.”

Hosho Eimu:”~The Emperor destroyed a Primarch himself and welcomed the arrival of the Warp Evil God.”

Seshomaru:”Going to worship the Evil God is just a wrong path from the right path that was denied, how pitiful……”

Tokisaki Kurumi:”It was the Emperor himself who forced Lorca to turn to the Warp Evil God.……”

Uchiha Obito:”It is said that the Emperor has great love for the human race, but without small love, the implementation of great love will be extremely difficult.”

Aguiwen:”The Emperor is the same as the King, he does not understand the human heart.……”

【In the subspace, the four evil gods began to corrupt and bewitch Lorga, and Lorga saw the real God!】

【He already believed that the Imperial Truth was all nonsense and that there were real Gods in the universe!】

【The faith denied by the Emperor was rekindled, and Lorgar left the Eye of Terror with Chaos.】

【So the will of the entire Word Bearers Legion began to twist, and the Chaos Warriors were born! 】

Su Huanzhen:”I’m afraid no warrior’s will can be strong enough to resist the four evil gods, right?”

Qiao Shefei:”Brainwashed by the four evil gods in turn, it seems that Lorca is the opportunity for the evil gods to invade the real universe.”

The Joker:”When a person is completely denied and frustrated, someone helps him and affirms him, then everything will be smooth sailing.”

The Emperor:”Just like the invasion of the evil demons, the powerful Word Bearers Legion disappeared.……”

Yagami Light:”The fuse has been lit, but I don’t know if the emperor can react in time.”

【However, the corruption of the Huai Yan (Zhao Dehao) Corps has not been exposed. He is waiting for an opportunity to overthrow the empire and spread the glory of the Four Gods.】

【It was not until Horus became the Warmaster and the Terran Council was established that Lorgar knew that the opportunity had come.】

【The four gods of the warp supported Lorgar’s actions and gave him a sword with the power of Nurgle’s corruption.】

【And Lorgar’s target is Horus!】

【As long as Warmaster Horus is corrupted, the Four Gods of the Warp will be able to have physical entities in the real universe and fight the Emperor!】

【As the conspiracy was brewing, Horus gradually became involved.

Viego:”Corruption? Ruined! I seem to understand why Horus rebelled.”

Tifa:”With cracks in his heart and corroded by the power of the evil god, Horus, the most important point of the empire, became the opportunity for the fall of the empire.”

Qin Liu:”I heard the cries of countless children on the planets! I saw the empire falling apart! I heard the evil god’s grin of success… Friends are no longer friends… Home is no longer home!”

Deadpool:”Poor Horus, he was calculated to death!”


Damn, everyone, give me some advice, I don’t want to write too long, but Warhammer is so long! I see all those wars and so on, where do you think it’s best to write about?

Give me some advice on a good ending, that is, it’s enough to just stop there.

The Horus Heresy ends and the Emperor is trapped at the Golden Docks?.

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