Chapter 232: The Last Luna Wolf, Blood Sacrifice to the Blood God, Skull Sacrifice to the Skull Seat, Angron’s Fall

【The scene changes, and a remote planet, Isstvan III, starts a rebellion under the conspiracy of the evil god.】

【The Emperor sent Horus and three other legions and the Primarch, a total of four legions, here to quell the rebellion】

【This is exactly what Horus wants. He wants to eliminate dissidents in this war and kill all the veterans who are firm in their faith.】

【These veterans followed the Emperor before the Primarch returned, and naturally would not go along with Horus.】

【Thus, a conspiracy completely started the Horus Heresy! 】

Calista:”This is a betrayal! All the betrayers must die!”

Gin:”It’s acceptable that only four of the 19 Primarchs rebelled. It’s not too outrageous.”

Huang Zhong:”Old soldiers never die, they just gradually wither away.……”

Sparta:”The fate of warriors should be to die on the battlefield, not to die because of conspiracy!”

Old Loki:”Such sacrifice is not glorious at all! Horus deserves death!……”

【Four legions of 100,000 loyal veterans were assembled and sent to the surface to quell the rebellion.】

【Just when this group of loyal soldiers had wiped out millions of rebel forces on the ground, they suddenly discovered that all their communications had been cut off!】

【Then Horus dropped a virus bomb on the ground!】

【The poison gas of this bomb can spread all over the world in a few minutes and can decompose any biological cells it touches into pulp.】

【Once the poison gas is ignited, it can burn the planet until only”213″ rocks are left! 】

Huandu Qingtian:”Is this the poison that humans will develop through technology in the future?! It’s even more ferocious and vicious than the poison cultivated by this old man’s poisonous body!” Ge Xiaolun

:”What a vicious weapon! It can completely destroy the life of a planet!” He

Xi:”In my universe, the one who developed this kind of poison gas is already the public enemy of the universe! It’s normal to destroy a planet in a war, but you can’t be so shameless.”

Patriot:”The most disgusting thing is that this cruel and vicious weapon is actually used on one’s own brothers and comrades!”

Colorless Huihuo:”Even the virus that corrodes the Herrscher is not so fierce. A virus bomb can completely destroy a civilization.”

【In this betrayal, 40,000 of the 100,000 loyal veterans were killed!】

【Horus wanted to take advantage of the victory and launch another orbital strike but his plan was disrupted by another Primarch, Angron!】

【Angron killed all the loyalists on the planet’s surface, and Horus had no choice but to give up and start a tug-of-war with the loyalists.】

【The loyalists tried their best to escape on a ship to Terra, and they held Horus back for three months with anger!】

【In the end, except for the last Luna Wolf, all the loyal veterans were wiped out. 】

Sith Lord:”The dark side of human hearts far exceeds the dark side of the Force.”

Akainu:”Horus, that beast! If I had these 40,000 people, I could have wiped out the sea, but he just wiped them out for his own selfish desires!”

Wu Ziming:”A roundabout way to save the country, Angron? You are so gentle……”

E:”Hahahahaha! Humans are so interesting, with Wu Ziming in front and Angron in the back, hahaha!”

Tristan:”Such a loyal and elite warrior died in a conspiracy… How sad it is!”……”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”We try our best to deliver the hope of the Vigil perfectly… None of these warriors have the will of the people in the sea of ​​​​death!”

Levi:”The Luna Wolves have completely fallen and no longer exist. The only warrior still fighting is the last Luna Wolf!”

The audience of the world was shocked by this betrayal and the determination of the warriors. What kind of loyalty is this?

In the Warhammer world, the later Weepers Legion is even more sad because of these loyal warriors.

Why do they all have to suffer such a fate?


【The news of Horus’ betrayal also reached the mother planet Terra】

【However, with the help of the evil god, the entire galaxy was once again in the midst of a subspace storm, and the various primarch legions began to lose contact.】

【Astropathic communications became difficult, and subspace navigation began to become dangerous again.】

【The Emperor is trapped on the Golden Throne again and cannot escape】

【At this juncture, Macron summoned the only seven legions that could be contacted to clean up the rebellious Horus.】

【Seven legions against four legions is a complete advantage. 】

Altria:”The warp storm… the evil god’s control of the universe… the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, the situation of the empire is not optimistic.……”

Tanya:”When the communication is crushed, all advantages will disappear!” Yan Qing:

“Fortunately, the Emperor can still contact seven legions. The strength of the Primarch Legions is not too different. Seven against four is my advantage!”

Wang Mang:”Don’t talk nonsense. This universe is full of changes and miracles. Maybe seven against four will lose for other reasons?”

【However, in the war against Horus, Horus’ full strength was exposed!】

【Four of the seven legions that came to fight Horus have already rebelled!】

【The expected seven against three turned into three against eight!】

【The famous landing site massacre began, and the three legions were slaughtered!】

【Horus won a great victory, which dealt a heavy blow to the power of the Empire! 】

March Seven:”Ah? Four legions rebelled?”

Shining:”Betrayal always comes unexpectedly, but this is… too desperate.”

Kakyoin Noriaki:”Three legions that can roam the galaxy were slaughtered like this… I… feel it’s not worth it for them!” Zero:

“No matter what the reason is, such betrayal cannot be tolerated!” Sanguinius

:”That’s right! Betrayal… cannot be tolerated!”

Guilliman:”How could it be………”

Warhammer World

Great Crusade Early Timeline

All the Primarchs looked at the scene of nearly half of the Primarchs betraying in disbelief!

Especially the Primarchs who knew they would betray were filled with regret, self-blame, and pain!

They would never have thought that they would betray their father!

And this suspicion has already formed among the Primarchs, and all the Primarchs who were not informed of the betrayal looked at the other Primarchs with suspicion.

Although Horus, the source of the rebellion, had his reasons, he was in great pain watching all this.

“It shouldn’t be like this. It shouldn’t be like this.……”


【The three Primarchs who posed the greatest threat to him were dispersed to the outer reaches of the galaxy before he was exposed.】

【And some members of the Mechanicus also joined the rebellion because of their dissatisfaction with the Emperor!】

【At this point, nearly half of the nine Primarchs and most of the Mechanicus have rebelled!】

【The Empire is guarded by only two legions and the remaining Imperial Fists!】

【Horus has officially begun to march into the solar system! 】

Wolverine:”Oh, turning against one’s side at the last minute is a sign of disloyalty! The Emperor should not have been merciful from the beginning, he should have just destroyed the Mechanicus and taken over the technology!”

Reinhammer:”The Empire is divided in two! What a pity, it shouldn’t be like this.”

Luo Hao:”So those gods should die and be slaughtered by the God Killer!”

Alex Mercer:”The Empire is now extremely defenseless, and the Emperor may really be overthrown by Horus.”

Himeya Jun:”Believe in the Emperor, he can lead mankind out of the darkness, and he will definitely not fall here.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【The scene changes to the eastern part of the galaxy】

【Due to the influence of the Warp Storm, the Ultramarines Legion was still unaware of Horus’s rebellion.】

【Horus planned to destroy the three legions one by one, so he sent Angron and Lorgar to join Guilliman.】

【The Word Bearers and Ultramarines Legion joined forces on Calth】

【The Ultramarines Legion was still unaware of the Word Bearers rebellion and was caught off guard by a betrayal!】

【The Word Bearers attacked the Ultramarines, the war fleet was destroyed, and a large number of Ultramarines were backstabbed to death! 】

Calista:”Another tragic and hateful betrayal! Lorgar has fallen from a loyal believer to a villain!”

Zhang Beihai:”Mutual suspicion and killing, betrayal and lies are everywhere……….Humanity has returned to the dark age.”

Tallulah:”Born in the night but failed to survive the painful age… When will the golden age in the heart of the emperor come again?” Kamiyama Touma

:”I’m afraid the ending is not good. Do you remember the sentence at the beginning of the gold list?”

Alicia:”Give me a dream called the empire… But… dreams are the opposite.……”

【With the Word Bearers’ shocking attack, 100,000 Ultramarines were strangled to death!】

【The severely damaged Ultramarines Legion hid itself, and facing a situation of two to a half, Lorgar did not take the remaining Ultramarines seriously.】

【However, before Lorgar could relax for long, the Ultramarines’ counterattack came.���!】

【The Ultramarines’ strong discipline and control of battlefield information allow them to be invincible!】

【Rage and hatred made the Ultramarines quickly defeat the Word Bearers and officially collide with the Primarch Angron! 】

Esdeath:”Another 100,000 elite warriors were murdered by trickery, Lorgar you did a good job!”

Barry Allen:”I still believe in Guilliman and the Ultramarines! After all, the advantage is on Lorgar’s side.”

Vader:”Arrogance is Lorgar’s biggest enemy. Whether it was the establishment of the perfect city or the self-righteous idea, it was all caused by Lorgar’s arrogance.”

Killabi:”Oh! Yeah! The Ultramarines! Awesome!”

Shen Gan Ning:”Wrapped in armor and holding the bullets, it’s like entering an empty land!”

Long Sanyuan:”What kind of immortal army is this? Even a half-crippled one can beat two and almost win, and even beat the situation back!”

Jack Ultraman:”Everyone in the Ultramarines is great! They are real heroes and warriors!”

【At this moment, Lorga launched a despicable warp spell!】

【Sacrifice skull to skull throne, sacrifice blood to blood god!】

【The power from the evil god Khorne of the Warp swept over Angron, the target of the ritual!】

【Along with the roar, Angron’s body shattered and then recovered, constantly beginning to reorganize!】

【Finally, the Primarch Angron has disappeared, leaving only a bloodthirsty monster as red as a demon! 】

Voliber:”Blood sacrifice… What an evil ancient method… I have never encountered such a more evil spell during my peak 4.5.”

Sanguinius:”After contacting the evil god, my brother has completely degenerated into a heretic!”

Ryze:”Evil sacrifice! That one is the real evil god!”

Ancient One:”You must know that the evil gods are cunning. If you make a deal with them, you will be played until you have nothing left.”

Constantine:”I have a deep understanding of this point”

【As a deal, Lorgar’s sacrificial spell isolated the entire Eastern Galaxy!】

【Only through warp travel can they leave the Eastern Galaxy, but the warp storm once again swept the galaxy, and they could no longer leave the Eastern Galaxy to support the Empire.】

【Faced with this situation, the retreating Guilliman chose to preserve the fire with his two other brothers and establish the Second Empire.】

【Under Horus’s plan, the Empire’s two hundred years of hard work in the Great Crusade were destroyed in an instant! 】

Aatrox:”Despicable betrayer! Blasphemer! Horus, you deserve to die!”

Agni:”The Empire is truly isolated and helpless.……”

Magnus:”The galaxy can only use one empire and one emperor! Guilliman, are you going to be a heretic? This is blasphemy!”

Kevin:”He did nothing wrong. The empire is indeed powerless at the moment. Preserving the flame of civilization is the right choice.”

Zhang Beihai:”Humanity cannot perish. We must leave a way out.”

Reinhard:”The Emperor may not be able to fulfill his golden dream in his entire life.……”

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