Chapter 344: Death of Superman! Mother Box Awakens, Darkseid and Apokolips!

【Before Doomsday could stand firm, Clark dropped from the sky, turned at a right angle close to the ground, and punched Doomsday away!】

【Clark, Diana, and Wayne gathered together. Diana looked at Wayne and asked,”Why did you lead him here?”】

【”The port is abandoned, and there are weapons here to kill him,” Wayne said.】

【Clark also helped explain:”It comes from another world, my home planet, Krypton.”】

【Diana drew out the long sword from her back, held up the shield with her right hand, and looked into the sea of ​​fire vigilantly:”I have killed things from other worlds before.”】

Ding Yi:”Such a fast right-angle turn is too outrageous, it’s worthy of being a biological force field, it’s really unscientific.”

Uzumaki Naruto:”Oh! The three-person team is gathered! This should be the highest combat power on Earth!”

Homura Akemi:”There is also a time traveler, but he should be just a young boy now?”

Goldfish Princess:”It’s stable! Let this big sister take the kryptonite spear to kill Doomsday and the battle will end smoothly!”

Roman:”Diana’s style is full of Greek style. Combined with the fact that she has killed creatures from other worlds before… Is there a real God in this world?! Greek pantheon!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”I just don’t know if the Greek God in this world is Mecha, but Mecha is only in our world, right?……”

Steve Rogers:”It is certain that this world has been invaded in the past, but was repelled by the ancient Greek gods.”

Shi Qiang:”The aliens were all defeated by gods. No wonder so many people believe in gods and religions. There is indeed a reason.”

【Doomsday crashed into a gas station and caused a violent explosion, which once again caused Doomsday to evolve.】

【The powerful energy wave forced Clark and Wayne to seek cover, and only Diana 23 held up the shield hardtop.】

【On the other side, Louise, who was looking for the Kryptonite Spear under the harbor pool, was also buried underwater by the shattered wall and could not escape.】

【At the port, the battle was about to break out. In the eyes of the audience, Diana’s physical fitness was no weaker than that of the Kryptonians. She easily parried Doomsday’s attack with her sword and shield, and the long sword in her hand could easily cut Doomsday’s body.】

【Wayne was unable to intervene in a war of this magnitude, so he could only load the last kryptonite bullet and look for an opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

Gilgamesh:”Wow~ That shield is a divine weapon, a genuine divine weapon blessed by the gods, and it’s the blessing of the great gods.” Mash

Kyrielight:”The Golden List is so magical, I can feel the divine weapon through the picture, but this blessing is a bit familiar… Hey! The blessing of the great god Zeus!”

Gokawa Shidao:”Hey! Is it the great god Zeus? The great god Zeus in the Interstellar City Mountains is so powerful, the great god Zeus here must not be bad!”

Pluto:”Wristbands that absorb energy, swords that cut Kryptonians, physical fitness comparable to Kryptonians, and combat techniques that have been honed for who knows how many years. Now Diana is more powerful than Clark and Wayne alone.”

Deadpool:”Poor Master Wayne, he can only watch from the sidelines. If he enters the field and touches the edge, he will die.”

Senju Tobirama:”What do you know? Wayne is a think tank, an external brain, and a counselor! This kryptonite bullet may be the key to reversing the situation.”

【Clark suddenly heard Lois’s cry for help during the battle, so he left the battlefield to rescue Lois and also fished out the kryptonite spear.】

【Clark holds this pure kryptonite product in his hand, which will turn his physical strength into that of a mortal, and even powerless and painful.】

【On the battlefield, Diana and Doomsday fought back and forth, until Diana cut off Doomsday’s wrist with her sword.】

【Doomsday took a step back and howled to the sky, then a sharp bone spur gradually grew out of the broken part of his wrist!】

【He shot Diana away with his hot eyes, and then his body began to emit energy light again. 】

Lu Mingfei:”《”My teammates in team battles》”

Gabriel:”Diana is fighting, Wayne is looking for opportunities, where is Clark? Check Clark’s status.”

Duanmu Yan:”Clark is saving his girlfriend and getting the winning weapon by the way, but the kryptonite is really outrageous. Clark feels like he is going to die when he holds it.”

Kaz:”No, Clark is still adapting! Adapting very quickly! The kryptonite bullet made Clark weak and powerless at the beginning, but now he can still wake up and maintain his biological force field in front of high-purity kryptonite, which is a great improvement.”

Hikaru:”Is Doomsday so sensitive?! Cutting off a hand will cause the self-healing evolution of the whole body!” Max

:”Not good! If the evolution is successful this time, there is a high probability that kryptonite will not be able to kill Doomsday! We must kill him now!”

【Clark watched all this from a distance and whispered softly:”I love you……”】

【Hearing this, Louise held Clark’s face in panic,”You can’t! You can’t go! You’ll die!”】

【Clark just looked at Lois tenderly,”This is my world, you are my world”】

【Clark flew out close to the ground, picked up the Kryptonian spear and gradually accelerated.】

【On the battlefield, Diana saw Doomsday about to explode with energy and evolve again, and tied him up with a golden rope, barely limiting the evolution brought by his internal abilities.】

【Just when Diana was about to give up, a green smoke exploded on Doomsday’s body, and Doomsday was instantly extinguished! His struggling body began to wither, and his energy also weakened. Uchiha

Obito:”Louise is Clark! It’s a pity that Clark doesn’t have the last name Uchiha. No wonder Louise’s death will make the future so desperate.”

Senju Tobirama:”To measure a woman against a world, he just did something righteous. I can’t even tell whether he is born evil or righteous.” Jingtian:

“Why should we measure it with justice? Clark’s love for Louise is a little love, and his love for the world is a big love. He is born kind!”

Ishtar:”Diana is so rich! This rope is also a magic weapon!”

Seiya:”But Diana seems unable to hold on. The power of Doomsday’s evolution is too strong.”

Spider-Girl:”Woc! Krypton! Stone! Bullet!”

Theresa Apokalis:”Wayne, so handsome! This shot is so crucial! It directly strangled Doomsday’s evolution in the cradle!”

Nasus:”Even powerful Kryptonian creatures will wither in the face of kryptonite~”

【Clark had already accelerated to a certain extent, watching the bound Doomsday thrust the Kryptonian spear directly into his body!】


【Doomsday roared and energy burst out of his body. He stretched out the bone spur on his wrist and pierced Clark’s heart directly!】

【Clark’s face was filled with pain, and he held the bone spur with his weak body, then he thrust the Kryptonian spear further into Doomsday’s body!】

【The power from Krypton that erupted in Doomsday’s body reacted violently with the pure kryptonite, completely releasing the energy of kryptonite!】

【There was no room for evolution. With the roars of Doomsday and Clark, Doomsday was killed by kryptonite, and Clark also died under Doomsday’s bone spurs. 】

Cu Chulainn:”If this shot is sublimated into a myth, it will definitely be no less than the spear that pierces the death thorn!”

Tushan Honghong:”He…his chest was pierced?!”

Jagger:”After such a close contact with kryptonite, his body is no different from that of an ordinary person.……”

Spitwagen:”Mr. Clark!!! Why… why does every good guy who fights for the world have a bad ending!”

Holy Keisha:”Live up to love and justice, Clark truly protected everyone! Except himself… I salute him.”

Ruan Mei:”Kryptonite and Doomsday are both powerful stimulating energies. If both are stimulated at the same time… the power of Kryptonite can be several times more powerful than usual!”

Joseph Joestar:”K… K-K-K——!!!”

【The screen changed very slowly at this time, and Clark’s silent wail when he died spread across the world and the universe at a rapid speed.】

【Sound waves arrive at the Greek Paradise Island, a sealed box cracks】

【The sound waves reached the Atlantis Sea Kingdom, and a box that was guarded also cracked.】

【The sound waves reached the metropolis. A man with a semi-mechanized body turned his head to look at the corner. A box was emitting white light and vibrating continuously.】

【Once Clark died, all the demons in the real darkness took action.】

【A signal that cannot be seen by the naked eye spreads from the earth until it reaches other universes. 】

Xiachuan Yaohui:”Mr. Clark’s screams when he died spread all over the world… What does this symbolize?”

Holy Kesha:”Before the beginning of the Golden List, it was mentioned that Clark was the sword of Damocles that maintained peace in the multiverse. Now he has fallen.……”

Bad Leader:”The world is going to be in chaos.”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”The Amazons and Atlanteans are both guarding a strange box. It seems that these boxes have gone berserk because of Clark’s death!”

Rebecca:”Damn! This man has only half a head left after the prosthetic transformation?! Is it so outrageous?!”

Alicia:”Then he should be human. Humans, Amazons, and Atlanteans are each guarding a box. What exactly is this box?”

【On the other side, Luther was already blinded】

【In just a few minutes, he experienced things he could not imagine, which made him regret, despair, and numb. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The Kryptonian spacecraft captured the malice from the technological product called”Mother Box” at the moment of Clark’s death, and the AI ​​opened up information about Apokolips and Darkseid to Luthor.】

【Apokolips is a civilization second only to Krypton, but even though Krypton was destroyed, Apokolips still exists and is even more powerful.】

【AI told Luthor that because of Clark’s existence, the Mother Box dared not act rashly until Clark died, and the origin of the Mother Box. 】

Thanos:”Darkseid… He also carries 930 destiny.……”

Misaka Mikoto:”The malice of the Mother Box, a product of technology?! If technology has no feelings, then the Mother Box is born evil! How huge is the malice that even the Kryptonian AI can feel!”

Luo Ji:”Luthor is really in big trouble… How powerful is the civilization of Apokolips, which is second only to the peak Krypton!”

Ge Xiaolun:”The most important thing is that the Kryptonian civilization is destroyed, but Apokolips is still thriving!”

Luo Feng:”How can the Earth in this world face a civilization that is very likely to be at the multiverse level? This guy Luthor… has good intentions but ends up doing something bad!” Nick Fury

:”It’s not even good intentions but ends up doing something bad! He dragged the entire Earth into the water because of an imaginary enemy!”

The first generation:”Clark’s existence suppresses the Mother Box to maintain the bond of peace, but everything was ruined by Luthor! Babar!”

【At the same time, a creature named Steppenwolf, who claimed to be Darkseid’s subordinate, appeared in front of Luther.】

【Steppenwolf tried to invite Luthor, a rare person in the universe with the ninth-level god-killing wisdom, to serve the great Darkseid.】

【Because of the arrival of Steppenwolf, Luther saw a darker and colder truth, that is, the real invaders and war are coming!】

【The only one who can protect the earth is Clark, and just as he kills Clark, the invaders appear before him.】

【Luther ignored Steppenwolf, his lips trembled, his eyes were dull, he had realized that he had committed a heinous crime! 】

Funina:”What a dramatic scene, just after the only guardian was killed, the invader appeared in front of him.”

Joker:”I admit that he is more Joker than me, you are the ugliest in Arkham.”

Black Tower:”Ninth-level God-killing wisdom in the universe?! So outrageous? It’s a waste of his talent to be born on Earth!” Roman

:”Genius on the left and madman on the right, Luther is stuck here, his heart is still on the side of humans, but it’s a pity……”

Tony Stark:”I can imagine a battle no less fierce than the Infinity War, but can the Earth really withstand it?”

Duanmu Yan:”There is no regret medicine in the world… If Luthor really wants to atone for his sins, he can use his wisdom to help mankind!”

Shiki Yingji:”There is no room for him to atone for his sins. The storm is approaching, the laws of the Earth have shackled him, and the knowledge of 100,000 worlds cannot play a role.……”


My Baidu and Tieba are so poor that it seems that Peak Krypton is indeed a little stronger than Apocalypse.

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