Chapter 350 Flashpoint Reversing the future! The world is reshaped at my feet! Darkseid’s wrath!

【Above, without any interference, Victor connected to the unified power in the Mother Box. All he needed was Alan’s energy input to allow him to enter the Mother Box.】

【Outside, due to excessive running, the exhausted Alan did not change his route and was seized by a fear demon, which shot him in the waist and knocked him down!】

【Wayne rushed over and shot the demon dead, but it was too late. Looking at Allen who had stopped, Wayne asked anxiously:”Alan, are you okay?”】

【Alan’s hands kept fanning the wound, and his words seemed a little anxious because he was out of breath:”It’s okay! It’s okay! I got a stitch in the side! Let me catch my breath!”】

【Alan put his hand around the wound and activated his speed force, praying:”Please! Please! Heal quickly!”]

Catherine:”What a fast sniper!”

UMP45:”Is this guy the sniper god of Apokolips!”

Sakata Gintoki:”Steppenwolf’s effect is not as big as a minion. It’s hard to hold on.” Quicksilver

:”The reason is that Barry is too tired. I have to rest even if I run at full speed. Barry has tried his best.……”

Wang Ye:”It’s fate… This soldier should have been the last one Wayne eliminated, but he was the last one to snuff out the hope of victory.”

Wolverine:”How can this kid heal his wounds without super-speed healing? Poor guy.……”

March 7:”This breathless tone is really heartbreaking… Barry must be blaming himself for why he had to go wrong?”

Kaname Madoka:”It should be fine, right? Doesn’t the speed force speed up metabolism? And the mother boxes haven’t merged yet.”

Hikari:”No, the unified force has already begun to merge, it’s just a matter of speed. No interference doesn’t mean no fusion, and Victor’s delay in progress is just a delay.”

【Inside the nuclear power plant, Clark was still beating Steppenwolf with one punch and one sonic boom.】

【If Steppenwolf moves a little, Clark will punch him and make him almost faint.】

【Victor above can no longer hold on. The integration of the unified power has only been delayed by him, which does not mean there is no progress. Now the unified power is about to merge.】

【”Alan! Come on! Where are you? I can’t hold on any longer!”】

【At this moment, a portal to Apokolips opened! Darkseid looked at the earth with cruelty and mockery in his eyes.】

【At this moment, the Mother Box stopped beating, and the unified force merged into one, and the Mother Box turned into a white glowing cube, emitting light!】


【The power of unity is activated, and everything will be purified and destroyed! 】

Yuji Itadori:”I feel a little phantom pain when I see Steppenwolf’s look, let’s give him a quick death.”

Lan Meng:”Quite a quick death? The outsiders who want to destroy the world also want to die a quick death? I want to play with the teeth of the steppe!”

Captain Olga:”Damn it! All the efforts of the Justice League so far can’t be wasted like this!”

Doctor Strange:”The portal to Apokolips… No! There is no turning point! The Mother Box is unified!”

Tushan Rongrong:”Is that Apokolips? Just like the earth that has turned into a wasteland, has Apokolips been transformed by the Mother Box to become like this!”

Absolut Tartarus:”It’s too late, the power of unity has been unified, the earth will be purified, and falling at the last step is really a murder.……”

【Outside the picture, Alan stretched out his hand and entered the realm of speed force!】

【Everything around him turned into particles and ashes and spread backwards! Everything was destroyed!】

【The world lost its light and turned into a pitch-black scorched earth. Alan suddenly turned around and looked towards the explosion point, his tearful eyes gradually becoming resolute!】

【”You have to run faster than the speed of light, much faster than the speed of light! You have to break the rules once, Barry!” Allen encouraged himself.】

【”The time is now!”】

【At this moment! Lightning appeared on Allen’s body, and his wounds healed quickly. Flashpoint reload began!】

【Alan’s figure disappeared in an instant and ran towards the explosion point of the spreading azure unified force! 】

Quicksilver:”Wait! Barry was not destroyed by the unified force?!”

He Xi:”I saw the effect of the speed force more intuitively. It seemed to be above the mother box and brought Barry into a speed force dimension independent of the timeline and the world.”

Elini:”Everything disappeared silently, even the sky and the earth were gone… What a terrifying silence!”

Frisk:”Barry looked at the nothingness around him and felt despair and self-blame. You want to save everything, you think you can do it, which makes you full of determination!”

Cheng Xin:”I admit that Barry runs very fast, and the speed force also has magical power, but the speed of light can already create a black domain, how can it be possible to reach superluminal speed? Not to mention whether it can be achieved, his body can’t withstand the tearing of superluminal speed!”

Dad:”The upstairs uses science to explain the speed force? That kid just runs, and the speed force will find the way!”

Homura Akemi:”I saw the flash point of reincarnation. At this moment, Barry really began to touch the realm of time.”

Father Pucci:”Now, time is going to flow backwards!”

【Allen didn’t know if he would die, nor did he know what the price of breaking the rules would be. He kept running with the determination to die.】

【”Dad… no matter what happens, I want you to know that your son is also a hero, Dad. Your son is the best of the best.”】

【Although Alan had begun to choke up, his determination became even stronger!】

【He broke through the void and ran above nothingness, stretching his arms towards the only light, while the destroyed world slowly flowed behind him!】

【With every step Allen took, countless particles began to flow backwards, and the world was reshaped beneath his feet!】

【He kept running with lightning, and the world was reshaped inch by inch with his footsteps. Allen surpassed time and made time flow backwards with his steps! 】

Himeko:”He doesn’t know if he will die. This is common sense that breaks the routine. This is the wish to save it. To open up the future, his Akivali has been born in his heart.”

Himeya Jun:”If Barry, you are not a hero, then who else can be called a hero? Those who stand up for the world are heroes!” Namikaze Minato

:”You are the pride of your father! You are also the pride of everyone, the pride of this world!”

Whitebeard:”Your father is the greatest luck in his life to have a son like you!”

Woz:”Celebrate! Barry Allen, the speedster who transcends time, saves the building from collapse, and turns the tide. Begin his legend!”

Bronya Zajcek:”Carry the past, save the present, and run towards the future! Truth is born under his feet, and the world is reconstructed under his feet!”

Okabe Rintaro:”It’s so shocking! The whole world is following him! The world is reconstructed wherever he steps!”

East Sea Emperor:”This run, ran out of the whole world!”

Albus Dumbledore:”Clark’s father’s words are also very appropriate for Allen… and he ran, Allen, it’s time.”

Uzumaki Boruto:”It’s on fire! It’s really on fire! I cried!” At this moment, all the audiences in the world were shocked to see this scene!

This is the style of the speedster from the DC universe! (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone put down their affairs, and many emotional people looked at Allen with red eyes. They saw an immature child growing up to save the world!

Whether it was those cosmic-level strongmen or some transcendents, they all looked at Allen intently. The scene of the world following a person’s rebirth under their feet was very shocking no matter where it was placed!


【Allen is getting better and better, and there is light in his eyes when he sees the world reshaped by the speed force】

【”Create your own future, shape your own past…all now!”】

【The power of unity also began to flow backwards, Clark’s bones and flesh were flowing back and reshaped inch by inch, and Victor was also flowing back!】

【Alan leaped up and touched Victor with both hands. The energy brought by the speed of reversing time poured into Victor’s body and instantly made him enter the Mother Box! 】

Wolverine:”This kid really reversed the future! Good job, Barry!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”A single thought can compose the survival of the world. Whether it is traveling through time and space to remind Wayne or saving the present, Alan deserves the title of savior!” Akemi Homura

:”I have said it before, he has never been a character suitable for direct confrontation, and his battlefield is not here.”

Hosho Eimen:”As long as Alan is there, he will not lose! This is… the charm of infinite reload!”

Orochimaru:”This unified power is really powerful. Even Clark Kent was destroyed into flesh and blood.”

Black Tower:”It’s not destruction, it’s decomposition! If it’s just an explosion, I think Clark can withstand it, but simple decomposition ignores defense and biological force fields.”

Kakyoin Noriaki:”Okay! Everything is done now! Now it depends on Victor!”

【Victor’s consciousness passed through many levels and arrived in the Mother Box.】[]

【At this moment, he was standing on the wasteland and looking around. Suddenly, his mother’s voice came.】

【”My broken son, you don’t have to be alone anymore, we can be together”】

【Victor turned around suddenly and found his father, mother, and himself as a complete human being. The three of them were standing not far away and looking at him.】

【”We can go back to the past again, Xiaowei.”The father said kindly】

【Victor looked at his parents and said with a smile:”Let me make you complete again.”】

Old Taoist:”It’s the inner demon tribulation. As I said before, the Mother Box will find out Victor’s fear and make him fall.”

Harry Potter:”It’s hard for a person with a broken family to resist a complete home and love. I don’t know if Victor can resist the temptation.”

Whitebeard:”Victor’s performance has always made me forget that he is just a teenager… It’s hard for a child to resist the beauty of home.……”

Uchiha Sasuke:”It’s very difficult, especially for Victor. He was not born without it, but he had it and lost it.”

Gagula:”The Mother Box is really good at finding loopholes in the heart… Whether it’s a kind father, a complete family, or a complete him, they are all what Victor desires.”

【Victor approached the family of three and recalled his father, a hero and a pioneer who pursued the truth without being content with mediocrity.】

【And he himself has already accepted this fate and his current attitude.】

【Victor looked at himself smiling and shook his head,”I am not broken, nor am I alone.”】


【Victor stabbed his hand in, and instantly the family of three turned into three ghosts connected by a thread.】


【Clark heard Victor’s cry and saw the Mother Box about to separate. He immediately dodged and split the Mother Box into three with his hands!

Kiana Kaslana:”We all underestimated Victor’s awareness! He has already opened it and can accept his fate calmly.”

Fire Fist Ace:”Victor’s father used his life to transform Victor and make his heart flawless! This great father… is a hero!”

Edward:”The truth is rooted in Victor’s heart. It was planted by his father. He is very clear-headed because his father’s death reminds him that he has always been loved and has never been broken.”

Fu Hua:”Through the three Mother Boxes (Wang Zhaohao), he saw everyone in the Justice League. He is not alone. He has his companions ahead of him!”

Qian Shulian:”Victor’s personality was sublimated at this moment, and he also transformed into a hero.” Might Guy

:”The Mother Box was broken open, and everyone grew up! This is a sad youth, a growing youth, an awakened youth, a complete youth, and… a youth running towards the future!!!”

【Steppenwolf got up and tried to attack, but was stabbed in the chest by Arthur’s halberd! He was then beheaded by Diana and flew back to Apocalypse.】

【Darkseid crushed Steppenwolf’s head, and his chest heaved as he watched the portal close.】

【He was angry! This lost world humiliated him once again】

【He ordered the high priest Desaad to mobilize the fleet. He was determined to get the anti-life equation, no matter what method he used! 】

Director Jin:”Let Steppenwolf get up, he can still give a head!”

Black Emperor:”Handsome Sea King! I want to give this move a name! Let’s call it Blue Silver Overlord Spear!”

Sea King Arthur:”Why do I feel malicious? You upstairs have a limit to disgusting people, right?” Tomoe Mami

:”Where will the head fall~?”

Deadpool:”This time it’s really like Dusk Wolf returning home.”

Wanzhang Longwo:”I can see that Darkseid has high blood pressure! How can someone be defeated twice in the same place?”

Aha:”This time he was ridiculed in the face, hahaha! Darkseid is really embarrassed!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”Although it’s funny, but… Darkseid has confirmed the anti-life equation. He is likely to attack the earth with all his troops. Can the Justice League really protect the earth?”

King of Ultra:”Everything is unknown, but I think facing evil forces, other civilizations will definitely help!”


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